
标题: PKU Bio+Eco->CMU Health Management BJ美男2k过 [打印本页]

作者: laoxiao    时间: 2003-6-20 17:53:42     标题: PKU Bio+Eco->CMU Health Management BJ美男2k过

发信人: begc (00), 信区: AdvancedEdu
标  题: PKU Bio+Eco->CMU Health Management BJ美男2k过
发信站: 北大未名站 (2003年06月19日20:37:23 星期四) , 站内信件

VO: Li Hua.
Me: How do you do, sir?(将三张纸和浅蓝色的牌递入;VO看得津津有味)
VO: What will you study?
Me: Health Care Policy and Management.
VO: So why do you choose Carnegie Mellon?
Me: Carnegie Mellon is a top university. Its program perfectly match my backgr
VO: What's your plan after graduation?
Me: Back to China to be a healthcare consultant in a leading consulting firm.

VO: What firm?
Me: Such as Boston Consulting Group, Merce Management Consulting....(interrupt
VO: Boston Consulting Group? Haven't heared it before.
Me: It's a top consulting firm in China. You should know Mckinsey. Mckisney is
a top strategy consulting firm. Boston Consulting Group is a top management c
onsulting firm in healthcare sector
VO: So you have worked?
Me: I am a student and also serving as a researsh assistant in China Academy o
f Health Policy. I have worked for one and a half years...(interrupted)
VO: Do you have recommendation letter?
Me: Here is the letter from my current supervisor. (viewing it as interested)

VO: Your transcript?
Me: (感觉会拿到签证啦,激动中,竟然将GT成绩单从袋中抽出来啦)Sorry!(再翻到成绩单
一格拿出成绩单)Here is transcript of Biology and this is transcript of Economi

Me: (等了一会儿不耐烦啦)You see, my current supervisor is very famous in China
's healthcare consulting industry. He will commend my....(VO示意我不要说话;他
VO: There is a error in our SERVIS. (指着DS标上的电话号码说)We will call you t
hrough this number.
Me: OK. Thank you. How long will I wait?
VO: About one week.
Me: Ok. Thank you.

附:三张纸自上往下为Career Development Pictures(color), Resume(Black-White), C

A.     Basic Materials:
   1.     Offer Letter from CMU
   2.     Resume
   3.     GRE Report of Scores
   4.     TOEFL Score Report
   5.     Transcript of Biology
   6.     Transcript of Economics
B.     Program Overview:
   1.     Introduction of Heinz School
   2.     School Ranking of Our Major
   3.     Introduction of My Program
   4.     My Program=MBA+MPH
   5.     Program Curriculum
   6.     Program Mission
   7.     Graduate Career Outlook
C.     My Career Outlook:
   1.     Changes in China’s Healthcare Sector
   2.     Incompetence of Hospital Managers
   3.     Demand of Professional Manager
   4.     Career Outlook of MBA in Chinese Hospitals
   5.     Health Care Consulting Firms
   6.     Consulting Salaries
   7.     Career Path:         China VS. USA
   8.     Career Choices:         China VS. USA
   9.     Long-term Return:    China VS. USA
D.     Financial Materials:
   1.     Professional Certificate of My Father
   2.     Work and Salary Proof of My Father
   3.     Professional Certificate of My Mother
   4.     Work and Salary Proof of My Mother
   5.     Family House Value Certification
   6.     Business Certification of My Family
   7.     My Father’s Certification of Deposit
   8.     Financial Support Affidavit from My Father
   9.     My Mother’s Certification of Deposit
   10.     Financial Support Affidavit from My Mother
   11.     My own Certification of Deposit
   12.     Scholarship Award Letter From CMU
E.     Other Materials:
   1.     Admission Letters from Columbia
   2.     Admission Letters from USC
   3.     Admission Letters from University of Washington
   4.     Support Letter From CMU Heinz
   5.     Support Letter From Current Supervisor
   6.     Reference Letter For My Experience
   7.     Certifications of Awards I Received
   8.     Program Handbook

May 31, 2003

To the Visa Officer at the United States’ Embassy, China:

This letter is to confirm that Hua Li has been working in China Academy of Hea
lth Policy as research assistant since Nov., 2001. The China Academy of Health
Policy at Peking University has three main functions: research education, and

China is in the transition from a planned economy to a market economy. The hea
lth-care system in China is also in the process of reforms. In order to establ
ish a fair and effiecient health-care system in China, the researches in the C
AHP are mainly policy oriented.

I support Mr. Li’s decision to study Master of Science in Health Care Policy
and Management in Carnegie Mellon University and welcome Mr. Li to come back a
fter he obtains his master degree in U.S.A., the one year later.

In his weekend and holidays, Mr. Li worked here as my research assistant helpi
ng with a project on the rural health care system. He has participated our sur
vey in Beijing, Heilongjiang, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Shangdong. According to his exc
ellent performance in our project, I am confident that with his outgoing perso
nality, he will have a promising career in China upon graduating from Carnegie
Mellon University.

I have talked about her future plan with him on several occasions. He has set
his mind in developing his career in China to help China’s health organizatio
ns manage business challenges. Upon his request, I will recommend him to manag
ement consulting firms whose clients include a variety of health care organiza

Please let me know if you need further clarification regarding Mr. Li as CAHP
research assistant or our CAHP.


Hongman Wang
Associate Professor
China Academy of Health Policy
Peking University
Beijing, 100083, P. R. China

Phone: ****
Email: *****

※ 修改:·begc 于 06月19日20:43:48  修改本文·[FROM:]           
※ 来源:·北大未名站 bbs.pku.edu.cn·[FROM:]                    
附件列表 (使用WWW方式可以查看附件):                                          
1: Career Opportuny.pdf (306.072千字节)                                       
http://bbs.pku.edu.cn/b/Advanced ... eer%20Opportuny.pdf
作者: dianaw    时间: 2003-6-20 22:28:09


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