
标题: mrcxm的作文帖(倒计时3天) [打印本页]

作者: mrcxm    时间: 2010-10-12 12:49:18     标题: mrcxm的作文帖(倒计时3天)

本帖最后由 mrcxm 于 2010-10-14 02:06 编辑

The best way to improve the quality of the education in a country is to increase teachers' salaries

Nowadays, education is the most fundamental issue to all ages from the kids to the old. Just because of this particular status of education, great emphasis should be put upon it. And from my point of view, I believe that to increase teachers' salaries is the best approach to bring about enhancement in the quality of education.

Teachers devote theirselves in a highly spiritual occupation, but contrarily their salaries are not satisfactory. They deserve a better pay, as I think. In my homeland, China, for instance, teachers' pay standard is unexpectedly beneath the intermediate level of the whole industries. The dilemma, whether to fulfil his duty in his own position or to be engaged in part-time job in other areas, arises in all teachers' minds. As a consequence, low salaries directly bring in distraction to our teachers. Teachers can no longer concentrate themselves in educating his students for the reasons of livelihood. If teachers cannot be paid enough, they have to earn more money through other part-time jobs to raise their own child and to take care of the elder as well. So, fewer time and less preparation can teachers contribute and make to our students. Therefore, in my mind higher salaries result in higher quality of education.

Furthermore, low salaries indirectly drive away those who want to further their study in education and those who eager to devote their whole lives in education. In current multiple values society, Not merely people pursue what they really want to work on to realize self cognition spiritually, but run after the higher payment to gain the society cognition from the material aspect. I have a very good friend, Ayi, performed excellent work in preschool education during her university days. But When graduating and then entering the society to seek for a job, she turned to a totally irrelevant industry, the insurance company. Surprised by her absurd decision, I went to ask her why she gave away what she previous studied. Ayi told me that it was salary that repelled to change her former decision. So, if we continue not to enhance the salary standard of our teacher, a majority of education resources will be lost. A higher salary is not the only reason people want to take part in teaching, but indisputably it stimulates, to some certain extent, some students majoring in education to go on their job in education. In this way, we can keep our society educational resources and further improve our quality of education.

Additionally, except for increasing teachers' salaries, our government should put another emphasis on training our teachers in their respective fields at set intervals. Today's society is under a rapid pace of development of science and technology, our teachers should catch up with all these trends within their own fields. So training them sometimes seems of great significance and benefit, and in other words, it will improve our quality of education.

All in all, increasing teachers' salaries contributes a great deal in the quality improvement of our education.
作者: mrcxm    时间: 2010-10-12 15:39:46

本帖最后由 mrcxm 于 2010-10-12 15:46 编辑

作者: 米爆爆    时间: 2010-10-12 15:49:34

作者: mrcxm    时间: 2010-10-12 22:00:31

米爆爆 发表于 2010-10-12 15:49

貌似考完G以后,作文的字数想降都降不下来了- -#
作者: mrcxm    时间: 2010-10-12 23:19:14

本帖最后由 mrcxm 于 2010-10-12 23:20 编辑

Advertising is the main cause of unhealthy eating habits

Have you ever guzzled with your friends during a festive party? Have you ever cooked instant noodles to satisfying your hunger after finishing a whole day of work and study? Have you ever had a bad habit that you merely eat the particular food that you prefer? Or have you ever had the desire that you wish to eat the rarest and most expensive food? Besides advertisement, heavy pressure, lacking abstinence and the ignorance all cause unhealthy eating habits.

Today's society is performing a rapid pace of improvement in various aspects of our life. Correspondingly, continuous society improvements lead to higher working pressures among the masses. People have to step forward and forward to keep pace with other companions in order to save their jobs. Take myself for instance, a few months ago, I had being participated in a research project conducted by my boss. At the very start, he distributed a piece of work to me and reminded that the due time is in three days later. What a crazy task! As you could imagine, I suffered from this miserable assignment for totally three days, during which I never slept well without worries and never regularly ate. Noodles were my meals and my snacks. It was not that I do not wish to have a balanced diet, but there spared no time for me to cook that. So, from my personal experience, heavy pressure is one of the main causes of unhealthy eating habits.

Furthermore, except from the heavy pressure results in unhealthy eating habits, some bad customs, say lacking abstinence and eating particularly as well, lead to unhealthy eating habits either. When along with your best friends in a festive party, even though you are a vegetarian never to eat meat, even though you never touch a drop of wine, you would throw away all your previous abstinences and guzzle with your friends. Frankly speaking, it is in a special occasion where someone, like the vegetarian, has no choice to do but to obey. We can not say not a bit of abstinence do they stick to, but at some certain particular place and time, they fail to keep that principle. Under this circumstances, temporarily lacking abstinences is another reason that leads to bad eating habits.

Additionally, ignorance of common sense is another more main cause that may create the unhealthy eating habits. Since lots of the rich firmly believe that the rarest and the dearest are the best to eat, they ignore the appropriate quantity of these foods to eat, and usually they will end up with obesity and overnutrition. In my mind, they should realize that what they eat and how many they eat are optimal. However, unfortunately a lack of common sense creates unhealthy eating habits.

All in all, advertising plays a relatively less important role in creating unhealthy eating habits. Actually, it is some other main factors, such as heavy pressure, a lack of abstinences and ignorance of the common sense, can unhealthy eating habits be brought about.
作者: mrcxm    时间: 2010-10-12 23:21:22

本帖最后由 mrcxm 于 2010-10-12 23:23 编辑

Playing sports teaches people more lessons about the life

Everyone likes to play sports. Kids play for fun; Youngster plays for strengthening body; Olds play for health care. Lots of benefits sports bring to us. However, we may fail to forget the most significant merit which playing sports produce, and that is we can learn from these sports.

Escaping from the work and study filled with pressure and constraints, playing sports brings sunshine which warms us and lets us be optimistic. Take myself for instance, after a whole day's heavy work, I usually ride my bicycle to some rural or mountainous areas for a relaxation. Riding, not only physically builds my body, but also cheer me up mentally. Along the road to my destination, fresh air, singing birds, blooming flowers, magnificent mountains, all these beautiful scenery rush into my eyes and drive away my pessimistic thoughts got from work and study. As Albert Einstain says that, the true joy of life is to be optimistics about life. Due to the ignorance of unpleasant trifles under the help of my bicycle, I become delighted and optimistic, and get to konw that life is transient, but joy is longlasting.

Furthermore, except for letting you be delightful, playing sports lets you realize the importance of team corporation. Since every sport participant takes his own responsibility as different roles which may not be independent, every participant should know his own role clearly: Where is my position? What is my duty? What can I do? I may take the soccer team. We all know that a soccer team consists of goal keeper, backs, midfields and forwards. Indisputably, goal keeper is to keep the goal; backs guard the back yards; midfields control the middle yard and manage the attacks; and the forwards' mission is to score. If any role of the soccer team fails, a whole team would lose, and if performance of each role is all excellent, the championship is just around the corner. So, playing sports will let me understand team spirit thoroughly. Because you inevitably will make contact with other people in the society, and if you know your position and how to communicate with the man you are contacting with, this will contribute a great deal to your life.

Additionally, sense of competition is another more lesson playing sports teaches us. As is universally acknowledged that the final result of a game is either to win or to lose, and everyone is definitely unwilling to get failure. So they must learn to compete. Just like a football player, he must score as many as he can; like a runner, he must run as fast as he can; like a gun shooter, he must shoot as precise as he can. Sense of competition is an attitude towards life, for it can improve yourself and your life.

All in all, Life is like a game. Despite playing sports contributes your health a great deal, I believe it plays a more important role in teaching people lessons about life: How to keep optimistic? How to corporate with other members? And How to compete in your entire life?

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