
标题: [emulate]小组_issue43 [打印本页]

作者: 鲸鱼的小屋    时间: 2010-11-17 22:22:48     标题: [emulate]小组_issue43

本帖最后由 鲸鱼的小屋 于 2010-11-17 22:27 编辑

To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.


   (1) ethical and moral standards的界定不准确,不应该是highest。这里的伦理道德标准应该是以维护所代表阶级的利益和不违背人性为底线的,在此基础上可以放宽标准。
  (2) an effective leader需要的素质远不止于ethical and moral standards,还需要对事物冷静的判断力,很强的领导组织能力,勇气和魄力等。
3、 an effective leader应该有一定的ethical and moral standards,但还需要很多其他的能力,如:对事物冷静的判断力,很强的领导组织能力,勇气和魄力等。

When we talk about “What is the basic quality of a leader ?” People may answer : an ethical and moral standard. When it comes to: “What is the basic quality of an effective leader?” That may not be the answer most people will give.

There is no doubt that a public official without ethical and moral standards won’t be selected a leader. No one will trust a man like that, they won’t give him the chance to abuse the powder.
To say the least, if a leader’ moral has been decayed, he’ll gradually lose the people’ trust, and other competitor will Seize the opportunity to replace him. In one word, without the morals will lead to a leader’ withdrawal public arena.

But is that morals so important to an effective leader that we must limit the standards to be the highest? This may be a excessive demanding. For a leader ,especially a politician, morals meansmaintains the class interestand at the same time, not violates the human nature. President Truman dropped atomic bombs in Japan for the purpose to end the war fast, it indeed very effective, but then it turns to be a disaster to Japanese civilians. This event isn’t only the nightmare for Japanese, but also all mankind, since consequence is so deadly and frigid, it almost dehumanizing.

What’s more, to be an effective leader, an ethical bottom line is essential. However, effective didn’t have direct relation with ethical and moral standards. Efficiency always means the ability to improve the people’s living standard, defend the national security. This requires more than morals, the calm judgment to things, the sensitivity to current situation, the very strong leadership and Courage are the core elements. So, although Bill Clinton have an improper sexual relationship, he is still an effective leader.

In summary, having morals is the basic quality of a leader, but people shouldn’t demand their leader have the highest ethical and moral standards. Compared with that, the calm judgment to things, the sensitivity to current situation, the very strong leadership and Courage are more important to an effective leader.

作者: AK_小儿    时间: 2010-11-18 16:46:33

When we talk about “What is the basic quality of a leader ?” People may answer : an ethical and moral standard. When it comes to: “What is the basic quality of an effective leader?” That may not be the answer most people will give.(开头应表明观点,建议直截了当给出自己观点,本文开头虽然给出,但不够具体明确,最好有一句中心论点)

There is no doubt that a public official without ethical and moral standards won’t be selected (to be)a leader. No one will trust a man like that, they won’t give him the chance to abuse the powder(power?).
To say the least, if a leader’ moral has been decayed, he’ll gradually lose the people’ trust, and other competitor will Seize the opportunity to replace him. In one word, without the morals will lead to a leader’ withdrawal public arena. (这里阐述道德对一个成为一个成功领导者的重要性为后文转折做铺垫,应详细阐述,ethical and moral standards包括很多如诚实,公德心,社会责任感,国家荣誉感等等,可以分开来阐述没有这些standards所带来的后果,以此来阐述领导者所需具备的伦理道德标准)

But is that morals so important to an effective leader that we must limit the standards to be the highest? This may be an excessive demanding. For a leader ,especially a politician, morals means:maintains the class interest,and at the same time, not violates the human nature. President Truman dropped atomic bombs in Japan for the purpose to end the war fast, it indeed very effective, but then it turns to be a disaster to Japanese civilians. This event isn’t only the nightmare for Japanese, but also all mankind, since consequence is so deadly and frigid, it almost dehumanizing.(这里写highest的不必要,对前文的转折,但是例子是杜鲁门扔原子弹不人道,那么这里的例子是说明杜鲁门不是一个effective leader么?个人感觉这里例子和论点矛盾。作者应该强调,虽然扔原子弹是不人道的,但是他是为了尽快结束战斗,避免更多不人道的战争,所以他仍然是个好的leader。)
What’s more, to be an effective leader, an ethical bottom line is essential. However, effective didn’t have direct relation with ethical and moral standards. Efficiency always means the ability to improve the people’s living standard, defend the national security. This requires more than morals, the calm judgment to things, the sensitivity to current situation, the very strong leadership and Courage are the core elements. So, although Bill Clinton have(has) an improper sexual relationship, he is still an effective leader.(这里有一句话写effective和道德无直接关系,有点过于武断,应当分情况,很多情况下,例如商业一个有效地领导者表现在利益的产出上,而只要不违背基本的道德底线就行。克林顿的例子很贴切,但是最后还是要有总结的话,举完例子要回到论点去,其实也就是这一段开头的论点。)

In summary, having morals is the basic quality of a leader, but people shouldn’t demand their leader have the highest ethical and moral standards. Compared with that, the calm judgment to things, the sensitivity to current situation, the very strong leadership and Courage are more important to an effective leader.(结尾对上文总结,提到还有别的一些品质也很重要,甚至重要过伦理道德标准,这一点其实可以在文中独立一段出来阐述一遍)

1 effective leader是要做好其领导工作,带领人们获得成功而只要不违背基本道德,在很多情况下,并不需要highest…例子:杜鲁门。。。
2 人总有缺点,不可能在每个方面都达到最高标准,例子:克林顿在政绩上优秀,私生活淫乱..但总体来说他仍然是好总统
3 不同领域对于道德标准有不同的要求,对道德要求上政治领域显然高于商业领域。。。在这些领域别的品质就有可能比道德伦理的高标准更能造就一个好leader。

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