
标题: 大家帮看看这个为啥选这个??TPO4 第一篇 [打印本页]

作者: nykistar    时间: 2010-11-20 11:43:46     标题: 大家帮看看这个为啥选这个??TPO4 第一篇

Paragraph 2: Nearly any kind of plant of the forest understory can be part of a deer's diet. Where the forest inhibits the growth of grass and other meadow plants, the black-tailed deer browses on huckleberry, salad, dogwood, and almost any other shrub or herb. But this is fair-weather feeding. What keeps the black-tailed deer alive in the harsher seasons of plant decay and dormancy? One compensation for not hibernating is the built-in urge to migrate. Deer may move from high-elevation browse areas in summer down to the lowland areas in late fall. Even with snow on the ground, the high bushy understory is exposed; also snow and wind bring down leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, and other arboreal fodder.

2.  It can be inferred from the discussion in paragraph 2 that winter conditions
○ Cause some deer to hibernate
○ Make food unavailable in the highlands for deer
○ Make it easier for deer to locate understory plants
○Prevent deer from migrating during the winter

答案选的是C 是没错 但是我觉得AB也没错

One compensation for not hibernating is the built-in urge to migrate. 推出A对
from high-elevation browse areas in summer down to the lowland areas 推出B对

作者: hycqy    时间: 2010-11-20 14:03:14

作者: wangdy006    时间: 2010-11-20 15:51:38

作者: xhackj    时间: 2010-11-20 16:08:11

A选项 这段没有说以为冬天的状况导致鹿冬眠
Even with snow on the ground, the high bushy understory is exposed; also snow and wind bring down leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, and other arboreal fodder.  说明食物是可以取得的,所以B错   C对
作者: kenan0418    时间: 2010-11-20 16:31:18

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作者: nykistar    时间: 2010-11-21 12:42:25

你列出来的那句话 确实说明了 C对 但是 并不排斥B呀  你看我上面 找的那句话 不也说明B是对的吗 4# xhackj

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