标题: 大家帮帮忙 You're invited to Chat with IIT 应该怎么准备? [打印本页] 作者: lsr 时间: 2011-1-21 09:53:46 标题: 大家帮帮忙 You're invited to Chat with IIT 应该怎么准备?
刚才收到邮件,标题为You're invited to Chat with IIT!里面说:This chat is your opportunity to ask questions about admission requirements, application materials, application deadlines and other topics about the university.
这个邮件是grad study发来的,并不是我申请的那个学院发来的。
哪位有经验的朋友能给点建议,多谢啊!作者: mokpo 时间: 2011-1-21 09:56:33