
标题: Daily Writing - py5223的作文本 [打印本页]

作者: py5223    时间: 2011-2-6 22:40:18     标题: Daily Writing - py5223的作文本

本帖最后由 py5223 于 2011-2-6 22:55 编辑

作者: py5223    时间: 2011-2-6 22:46:24

本帖最后由 py5223 于 2011-2-6 22:48 编辑

Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Should people be allowed to use mobile phone in publictransportation(bus, plane, train)?

It not rare to see many people like to use mobile phone in bus or train. Obviously, this behavior will bring some problems. Thus, for its drawbacks and defects, I do strongly support the idea that people should not be allowed to use mobile phone in public transportation.There are numerous reasons why I hold confidence in this idea, and I would explore a few primacy ones there.

First of all, in some especial transportation like airplane ,use mobile phone is a dangerous behavior. Itprobably bring some disasters. For instance, if you use mobile phone in a plane, especially when it taking off or landing. The electric waves of your mobilephone would disturb the radar of the airplane, consequently, pilots of the airplanewill have some troubles to control the plane. Sometimes, it will mislead the pilots to the wrong way and cause some disasters.

Apart from the one I have mentioned above, anotherequally important aspect is that , use mobile phone in public transportation isnot friendly to other people In the public ,this behavior will disturb some people who in the same transportation. Forinstance, when I was 21 years-old, my first travel to Beijing by travel ,therewas a guy who sit together with me always talking to his girlfriend through hismobile phone, when I want to have a rest or sleep ,I always disturbed by hisloudly laugh. This behavior let me feel unfriendly. So, I do not think thisbehavior will be allowed.

Aside from the foregoing two provisions, however, lie a deeper fact that if there are some incidents in the public transportation. People need to call the police for help. For example, when a train broken in a mountain, it hazardous for the passengers, so they need touse mobile phone to call the police.

In conclusion, I do strongly disagree the idea that people should be allowed to use mobile phone in public transportation, especially for the reasons it is a threaten to some especial transportation and disturb other passengers in the transportation.
作者: py5223    时间: 2011-2-7 21:55:15

2.7 独立写作

Some people think one's working is moreimportant than being with one's family.

It not rare to see many people always toobusy to concern their families. Obviously, this behavior will cause some familyproblem. Thus, for its drawbacks and defects , I strongly disagree with theidea that one's working is more crucial than being with one's family. Therenumerous reasons why I hold confidence in this idea, and I will name some asfollows.

First of all, if you take too many time onyour work, you will have less time to take care of your family like your wifeor your children. Apparently, It is harmful for your family relationship. Forinstance, when I was 5 years-old, my father always went home too late becausehe was working hard. He
never stayedwith me for only 1 hours even when I was ill. So when I play with my friends, Ialways avoid to talk about my father, because those uncomfortable experiencesmade me feel unhappy. Then,
I had aintense belief that I would take more time on my family
if I had been married.

Apart from the one I have mentioned above,another equally crucial aspect is that ,take more time on your work is harmfulfor your health, as a result your family member will worry about you. Obviously,the purpose you work hard is to earn more money to enhance the quality of yourlivelihood, but, you even have no chance to get a new job when you are ill. Forexample, my
neighbour Lee, he was adiligent man, when he got his first job, he
worked in his office day and night, even in weekend. After three months,without enough sleep and sport he got some serious diseases. Consequently, hewas fired because his boss did not believe he health will allow him to workregularly.

Aside from the foregoing two provisions,however, lie a deeper face that work also as a task of your life, because youhave no money to enhance your or your family's quality of livelihood. But, donot take it the most crucial thing in your life.

In conclusion, I do disagree with the ideatha one' working is more crucial than being with one' family. Especially forthe reason it broken family relationship and harmful for one's health.
作者: darktalent    时间: 2011-2-7 22:15:12

s* z. |' x) s% i2 h" I
It’s not rare to see many people like to use mobile phone in bus or train. Obviously, this behavior will bring some problems. Thus, for its drawbacks and defects, I do strongly support the idea that people should not be allowed to use mobile phone in public transportation. There are numerous reasons why I hold confidence in this idea, and I would explore a few primary ones here.& o$ A+ a) D; }2 e* o6 r8 m

First of all, in some especial transportation like airplane ,using mobile phone is a dangerous behavior. It probably brings some disasters. For instance, if you use mobile phone in a plane, especially when it is taking off or landing. The electric waves of your mobile phone would disturb the radar of the airplane. Consequently, pilots of the airplane will have some troubles to control the plane. Sometimes, it will mislead the pilots to the wrong way and cause some disasters.

Apart from the one I have mentioned above, another equally important aspect is that , using mobile phone in public transportation is not friendly to other people. In public ,this behavior will disturb some people who are around you. For instance, when I was 21 years old, on my first trip to Beijing , a guy sitting beside me is always talking to his girlfriend through cell phone. At that time, I just felt sleepy and I’d like to take a nap. I was continuously scared for his loudly laugh which makes me upset. So, I do not agree with the behavior.

Aside from the foregoing two provisions, however, lie a deeper fact that if there are some incidents in the public transportation. People need to call the police for help. For example, when a train is broken in a mountain which is hazardous for the passengers, they need touse mobile phone to call the police.0 ~0 r  f1 ^$ J8 K! L" Z
+ g, Y5 k* U+ K- o; T, u8 s
In conclusion, I do strongly disagree the idea that people should be allowed to use mobile phone in public transportation, for the reasons that it is a threaten to some especial transportation and disturb other particularly.

LZ你好,本人也是第一次做这个写作作业。本着教学相长的原则,为这篇文章提上点意见。LZ的语法有些瑕疵,或许是不注意。 感觉用词比较局限,背单词的时侯可以试着套用,多加练习。有些语句在理解上有些困难。总体结构不错吧。一起加油~!
作者: darktalent    时间: 2011-2-7 22:17:02

作者: hdchangie    时间: 2011-2-8 09:47:16

作者: sun3may    时间: 2011-2-8 18:01:37

作者: py5223    时间: 2011-2-9 00:00:58

本帖最后由 py5223 于 2011-2-9 00:02 编辑

2.8 综合作文
In this set of materials , the readingpassage mainly introduces about Fuel-cell engines have many merits and willprobably supplant internal-combustionengines .However, in the following lecture, the professor closely reexamines the conclusion drawn in the readingpassage by employing different evidence.

To begin with , the professor claims thatthe hydrogen is not easy to get use,which fully rejects the contents that the fuel-cell engines easily available, mentionedin the reading material. According to the professor, it can not be direct use, becauseit need purification, and the program will cost too much money. Forpurification ,it require cool condition and laboratory equipment.

In addition, the professor identifies thereading's logical flaw in assuming that using hydrogen fuel will solve thepollution problems. She argues that in order to purify the hydrogen ,it need to burn coal fuel of oil ,it also causesome pollution problems.

Finally, the professor illustrates his theoryby presenting an alternative perspective. He contends that manufacture thehydrogen-engines is very expensive but not economically competitive as thearticle suggests. In other words, making hydrogen engines need a specialcomponent ,it is a kind of rare metal. So, making this engine will cost toomuch money.

In conclusion, the professor believes thatthe fuel-cell engines can not replace internal-combustion engines, which directly contradicts the centralstandpoint of the passage.
作者: py5223    时间: 2011-2-10 23:30:00

本帖最后由 py5223 于 2011-2-10 23:32 编辑

Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by theindividual

With the rapid growth of high technology ,thelife of people is better than before, but it cause some serious problem likeenvironment pollution. For its drawbacks and defects ,it desperate need allpeople to protect the environment which they live in. So I strongly support theidea that the environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual.There are numerous reasons why I hold confidence in this idea , and I will namesome as follow .

First of all, the reasons that causeenvironment pollution can not ascribe by individual. Consequently, it is noteasy to handle some environment problem caused by individual because the effectis too slight to handle all pollution. For instance, with the growth oftechnology, the demand of automobile is rapid increasing. The result of that is the waste gas emission by thoseautomobile is much more than before. In this case, individual stop usingautomobile cannot have any telling effect because the number of the automobileon the earth is too large. So, without government interference the problem ofwaste gas emission can not be effective solved.

Apart from the one I have mentioned above, anotherequally crucial aspect is that there many environment caused by industrialmanufactory. Individual activity have no sense in this condition. Obviously, italso need government interference to regulate the effluent of thosemanufactory. For example ,there is a industrial factory near a creek in my hometown. Since its manufacture, theeffluent inter to the creek and contaminate the creek. A old lady live near thecreek wants to solve this problem and she does something like talks to the executive of the factory and lodges a strong protest to the factory , but it hasinconsiderable influence. In the contrary, when government conscious thepollution caused by the manufactory, they start to regulate the effluentemission by the factory. Consequently, the environment was solved effective bygovernment.

In conclusion, For the scope of individualactivity I strongly agree the idea that the environment issue is too complex tobe handled by individual .

作者: hdchangie    时间: 2011-2-11 11:01:51

作者: py5223    时间: 2011-2-11 21:23:31

2.11 独立写作
Do you agree with the following statement?Some people think to watch a movie in a cinema is better, but others think athome is better.

Movies seem to become indispensable part ofhuman life since the invention of projector. With the growth of movie'stechnology, many people like watching
movie in a cinema rather than watching at home. In my opinion, I preferwatching in a cinema as well. I will explain its merits and advantages asfollow.

First of all, there is some huge screens ina cinema, and it beneficial to show a 3-D movie. Apparently, you cannot have anelectrifying performance when you watch it at home. For instance, when theAvatar was showing ,I wanted to watch it in the cinema, but my friend Lee didnot want to go with because he thought it too expensive to watching in acinema. So, I went to watch the Avatar in a cinema lonely .I still rememberedwhen the scenes came in to my eyes, it do really shocked me, and I thought it'sawesome. This experience is very impressive. After two weeks ,Lee asked me to accompany with him to watch the Avatar athome. But when I watched it at home, I cannot find the feeling that onceshocked me.

Apart from the one I have mentioned above, anotherequally crucial aspect is that the sound system in the cinema is betterthan
home theater. Sound effect is asignificant component in a film, consequently, I prefer watching a movie in theplace which have perfect sound system. For example, when I was watching TheLord Of The Rings ,the sound effect of the battle scenes is perfect and itshocked every spectator. A guy who sited next to me told me that it was thesecond time to watch the movie because its electrifying sound effect.

Last, but also important, watching moviesin a cinema it romantic if you have a girlfriend. Obviously, my girlfriend andI could enhance the relationship of us. For instance, two weeks earlier, mygirlfriend quarreled with me over something unimportant. For the amusement ofher. I took my girlfriend to watch movies in a cinema. After the movie, shetold me that she have a great time with because she can stay together with me. So,I do prefer watching movies with my girlfriend in a cinema.

In conclusion, I do like watching movies ina cinema, especially for the reason of huge screen, perfect sound system andit's romantic.
作者: fyxloveu    时间: 2011-2-11 22:11:45

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作者: py5223    时间: 2011-2-11 22:13:24

2.11 综合作文

In this set of materials, the readingpassage mainly introduces about the portrait of the famous novelist Jane Austenhas emerge for sale. The portrait is not named Jan Austen, but there are manyevidences to convince she is the subject. however, in the following lecture, theprofessor closely reexamines the conclusion drawn in the reading passage byemploying different evidence.

To begin with, the professor claims thatwhen the portrait was be finished, Jane Austen had already dead for 30 years, thepainter almost never see her, which fully rejects the content that her familypermit to depict her ,mentioned in the reading material.

In addition, the professor identifies thereading's logical flaw in assuming that the depiction is similar with the onein Jane's sister's draft. She argues that Jane's family is very large, there
many juveniles of her family in the sametime, moreover in this age they all look like the same person.

Finally, the professor illustrates hertheory by presenting an alternative perspective. She contents that the canvasof Jane' portrait was not be sold until Jan was 24 years-old, but in thereading, Jane was a juvenile in the portrait.

In conclusion, the professor believesthat
there is no evidence can prove thesubject in the depiction is Jane, which directly contradicts with the centralstandpoint of the passage.
作者: hdchangie    时间: 2011-2-12 12:08:01

作者: 静音    时间: 2011-2-12 14:45:56

In this set of materials, the reading passage mainly introduces about the portrait of the famous novelist Jane Austenhas emerge for sale.(语法) The portrait is not named Jan Austen, but there are many evidences to convince she is the subject. (she is the subject?怪怪的)however, in the following lecture, the professor closely reexamines the conclusion drawn in the reading passage by employing different evidence.7 K0 t, q5 R; h4 g

To begin with, the professor claims that when the portrait was be finished, (语法)Jane Austen had already dead for 30 years, thepainter almost never see her, which fully rejects the content that her familypermit to depict her ,mentioned in the reading material.(好像和听力不相符)

In addition, the professor identifies the reading's logical flaw in assuming that the depiction is similar with the one in Jane's sister's draft. She argues that Jane's family is very large, there
many juveniles of her family in the same time, moreover in this age they all look like the same person.(有提到他们长得很像一个人吗……)

Finally, the professor illustrates hertheory by presenting an alternative perspective. She contents (d)that the canvas of Jane' portrait was not be sold until Jan was 24 years-old, but in the reading, Jane was a juvenile in the portrait.# u* u) x$ ~: v9 u+ G
2 @+ p) K' E0 O6 {$ q' p1 A( X! p* X" h& Q
In conclusion, the professor believes that9 q2 o: E; D' [
there is no evidence can prove thebsubject in the depiction is Jane, which directly contradicts with the centralstandpoint of the passage.
作者: py5223    时间: 2011-2-12 21:30:01

本帖最后由 py5223 于 2011-2-12 22:49 编辑

2.12 独立作文
Do you agree with the following statement?Children should play sports only for fun, and should not attend competitionsand contests.

It is not rare to see many children likeplaying sports, most of them prefer attend tournament. Thus, for its merits andadvantages. I strongly disagree with the idea that children should play sportsonly for fun, and should not attend competitions and contests. There arenumerous reasons why I hold confidence in this idea, and I will name some asfollow.

First of all, attend competitions andcontests could give children a great sense of aggressiveness. Obviously, it ishelpful for the children's future. Take my brother Lee for instance, when hewas 9 years-old he liked playing video games day and night even do not go toschool. But, when join a football team of his school, he started training everydaybecause they often have some competition with other school and he wanted towin. Consequently, he never addict to video games after that, and keepexercising everyday
even after hedropped out of the football team It also gave him some aggressiveness in study,for the sense desire to win .It is good for his future life.

Apart from the one I mentioned above,another equally crucial aspect is that, when you competed against others withyour teammates, you can learn a faculty named teamwork. Apparently, it also hasa positive effect in your future life. For instance, I used to be a basketballplayer in university. When I just join the team, I nearly have no cooperationwith each other because I always did not care for them, obviously, it harmfulto my team when we competed with other middle school. After my coach talked tome about this, I conscious my drawback and attempt to cooperate with myteammates in tournament. After I graduated from school, I still remember theconversation between my coach and me, and I always attempt to cooperate witheach other in my work. And the effect is perfect.

Last, but also important, attendcompetition could enhance the mental quality of the children. So, they couldkeep rational if they suffer setbacks in the future. It is also crucial to facethe difficulty when these children grow up. So ,attend contests is imperativefor children.

In conclusion, I strongly disagree the ideathat children should play sport only for fun and should not attend competitionand contests, especially for the reasons of aggressiveness, teamwork and enhancethe mental quality.
作者: py5223    时间: 2011-2-12 22:48:21

2.12 综合

In this set of materials, the reading passage mainly introduces about private fossil business is a tragedy for public and scientists. However, in the following lecture, the professor closely reexamines the conclusion drawn in the reading passage by employing different evidence.

To begin with, the professor claims thet private fossil business is fortunate for public, which fully rejects the contents that it is a tragedy for public, mentioned in the reading material. According to the professor, there are many fossil exhibition result of the private fossil trade. Fossil hunting will have a lot of fossils available to purchase in the exhibition. So people who interesting in fossils will have more chances to attend the fossil exhibition.

In addition, the professor identifies the reading's logical flaw in assuming that scientist may have less chance to investigate fossils. She argues that private fossil business will give scientists more chance to approach fossils, since before a fossil comes to be traded it need scientists to identify whether it is authentic. Although fossils destine owned by some private collector, they have pass by scientists.

Finally, the professor illustrates her theory by presenting an alternative perspective for private fossil business advance more fossils to be discovered. But not damage the scientific evidence with the fossils as the article suggests.

In conclusion, the professor believes that private fossil business is not a tragedy for public and scientists, which directly contradicts with the central standpoint of the passage.
作者: shadowran    时间: 2011-2-12 23:49:31

2.12 改
作者: sun3may    时间: 2011-2-13 12:02:42

改好了 抱歉 改晚了。
作者: hdchangie    时间: 2011-2-13 17:10:14


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