
标题: daily writing -------------------------- kaolaliang [打印本页]

作者: kaolaliang    时间: 2011-2-11 21:14:51     标题: daily writing -------------------------- kaolaliang

本帖最后由 kaolaliang 于 2011-2-11 21:16 编辑

2.11 独立 综合

作者: kaolaliang    时间: 2011-2-12 10:36:03

2.11 综合
The aticle depcits the portiait is teenage of Austen, however the professor listed three topics aganist the article.
Firstly, the portrait was shown in 1882, Jane had dead for 70 years the family have never seen her themselves, so that the article mentioned the image cannot be truly Austen.
Secondly, many members in family were teenage like Austen in that time. And someone has recognized the girl in the picture was another people in Austen's family.
Thirdly, the canve has problmes. The seller didn't sell canva when Austen was young, the canva is popular when Austen was young.
作者: candis712    时间: 2011-2-12 11:04:30

Do you agree with the following statement? Some people think to watch a movie in a cinema is better, but others think at home is better.

Nowadays, most of movies are attractive, many people choose to go to cinema rather than staying at home, which is a trend. So some arguments have stood up, that is watching movies at home. (这句没明白,考虑修改Therefore, some people with different arguments stand up, they claim that watching movies at home provides more fun.)From my point of view, cinema is the perfect place to enjoy a movie.

With the development of technology, the sound and image in the cinema can be fantasticbecome far more fantastic than before. What I know is that, something like Dolby Sound, 3-D image, Imax and so forth,( enable the effect in cinema to be more realistic, )which make audiences feel live in the movie. because of the effect in cinema that is more realistic ever before(按语义顺序 这里提前比较好理解). When you peoplewatch movie at home, most of home cinema systems (most,前后都用复数)cannot compare with cinema. As the effect of movieConsidering the effect of movie, most of movies is(are) valuable seen in the cinema.

Furthermore, the atmosphere over(感觉over不合适) the cinema is better than at home. When you sit in the audience, youlaughed around the cinema when some jokes happened, screamed for something horrible suddenly appeared on the huge screen, signed for the hero failed to get true love, and standing(stood to give) ovation for some impressive images (with a number of other audiences) ,which are not met at home (建议时态用现在时) .
When (
Since)you have many companies to enjoy the movie, the cinema must be wonderful.

To sum up, watching movie should invite the friends to go to cinema, after all, movie is an entertainment activity. (Watching movie is an entertainment that is supposed to enjoy together with friends in the cinema.) Watching movie at home cannot taste the real (favor of) movie.

作者: fyxloveu    时间: 2011-2-12 21:16:49

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: sun3may    时间: 2011-2-13 11:28:15


The aticle depcits the portiait is teenage of Austen, however the professor listed three topics aganist the article.

Firstly, the portrait was shown in 1882, Jane had dead for 70 years the family have never seen her themselves, so that the article mentioned the image cannot be truly Austen.

Secondly, many members in family were teenage like Austen in that time. And someone has recognized the girl in the picture was another people in Austen's family.

Thirdly, the canve has problmes. The seller didn't sell canva when Austen was young, the canva is popular when Austen was young.

作者: kaolaliang    时间: 2011-2-14 23:06:50

2.14 综合
作者: kaolaliang    时间: 2011-2-15 10:31:08

2.14 独立
作者: 内牛满面    时间: 2011-2-15 15:17:20

作者: kaolaliang    时间: 2011-2-15 22:47:51

本帖最后由 kaolaliang 于 2011-2-16 11:03 编辑

作者: henryguowencong    时间: 2011-2-16 14:53:29

不好意思 改晚了
作者: 伶女    时间: 2011-2-16 15:21:37

2.15  feedback
作者: kaolaliang    时间: 2011-2-16 21:40:12

TPO15 修改
The passage talks about measures to prevent the spread of the cane toad in Australia. However, the lecture has a conclusion about the three proposed methods will be unsuccessful.

First, it's introduced in passage that block the scope of cane toads' activity by fence. Contrast, the speaker suggests it won't work that young toads and eggs can be transported to other sites by water flowing in rivers and streams. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.

Second, capturing activity takes no effect. The passage says that volunteers can capture the toads and destroy toad eggs easily. But these volunteers are not trained for this, who even cannot distinguish between native frog's eggs and toad's egg, which could damage to the frogs. This is another part where experience contradicted theory.

Third, the virus cannot be executed. Austria cannot release these virus that used harmful in the South of America. Even more, Austria and America have a frequent transportation about animal research and something else. If the Austria virus will be carried to US, which could cause a damage to Eco-system because of toad is part of species in South of America which has a numerous number. The final method cannot do it obviously.
作者: kaolaliang    时间: 2011-2-16 23:03:22

TPO 16
The passage talks about Britain’s archaeology that was faced crisis and limitations, and three problems were indicated in passage. However, the lecture introduces a new deadline of archaeology which is benefit for filed of archaeology.

First, artifacts can be protected before constructing. The lecture mentions that archaeologist have rights to examine any site when it is been projected to rebuild. When archaeologist have found the site is valuable , they should cooperate local government and construct company to design a plan to decide to build around or to relocate a site. It is eventually helpful for the artifacts remained.

Second, archaeologists can get fund assist from construction firm. The passage says that archaeologist used to born with the fund resources, which often stop their research. But the speaker has explained the new rule, the problem of research fund should be a history topic, archaeologist may have more achievement on their researches.

Third, there’re more jobs about archaeology in society.
作者: 内牛满面    时间: 2011-2-17 21:00:55

2.16 TPO16 已改好
作者: kaolaliang    时间: 2011-2-17 22:01:36

本帖最后由 kaolaliang 于 2011-2-18 17:19 编辑

2.17 综合、独立

作者: kunter    时间: 2011-2-17 23:56:42

15# kaolaliang
作者: 伶女    时间: 2011-2-18 21:39:47

2.17 改  昨天回家过节了  不好意思晚 了
作者: kaolaliang    时间: 2011-2-18 22:09:53

本帖最后由 kaolaliang 于 2011-2-18 23:35 编辑

2.18 综合
作者: 内牛满面    时间: 2011-2-19 11:25:28

2.17 不好意思 晚了
作者: 内牛满面    时间: 2011-2-19 11:41:50

[attach]161187[/attach]2.17 综合
作者: justin234    时间: 2011-2-20 11:15:50

2.18 改 综合, 不好意思晚了,昨天被同学拉起被活动了

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