
标题: Daily Writing- feifeionly [打印本页]

作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-2-15 15:52:17     标题: Daily Writing- feifeionly

作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-2-15 15:54:45

本帖最后由 feifeionly 于 2011-2-15 16:04 编辑

Daily writing-20110215

As to whether technology has made children less creative than they were in the past, my opinion and reasoning like this: technology is the outcome of development of human culture and wisdom, which gives us agood opportunity to teach children and inspires their creativity. Technology is one thing and another important factor is what kind of personalities thechildren have and what kind of methods their parents will use to teach them.

First and foremost, technology provides different kinds of method to make children more creative. Have you ever imagined there will be television program, computer software and online programs which make teaching methods more effective? I have seen one of my friends used the cartoon programs to teach her litter daughter to learnEnglish. If without the development of technology, the learning process will become more boring and unattractive.

In the second place, technology has actually changed our life mode and makes it more colorful. Comparing my childhood withthe situation nowadays, just let the facts speak to themselves. When I was achild, the television program showed on a black and white screen which only told me some stories and the educational aspects of the television has not been exposed. The information I received from the outside world was apparently limited. In this situation, it was not helpful for activating a child's creativity. On the contrary, I have seen one of the American popular childrens programs called "sesame Street" recently which used vivid pictures and animated cartoon to spread the knowledge to children in an active way.

Finally, every coin has two sides. Some people may think that technology will constrain childrensimagination to some extent, since they think if we depend on technology too much the potential of childrens creative ability will not be fully expressed. What is more important, technology is the outside factor to make children more creative. The basic element is children'spersonality. Some children have not interested in the novelty and unwilling tolearn more. What kind of methods their parents will apply to stimulate them, undoubtedly,technology seems to be an effective measure.

Hence, we are able to clearly say that technology plays more and more important part to make children creative than it did before. We all witness the development of the technology.And in the foreseeable future, technology will be propelled by new creative generations continuously.

作者: 林水监    时间: 2011-2-16 18:11:39

本帖最后由 林水监 于 2011-2-16 18:16 编辑

As to whether technology has made childrenless creative than they were in the past, my opinion and reasoning like this:technology is the outcome of development(要不要加冠词?)of human culture and wisdom, which gives us a good opportunity toteach children and inspires their creativitycreativities. Technology is(only) one thing and another (the other) important factor is what kind(kinds,如果这样改不对请告诉我) of personalities the children have and what kind(kinds) of methodstheir parents will use to teach them.

First and foremost, technology providesdifferent kinds of method to make children more creative. Have you everimagined there will be television programs, computer softwares and online programswhich make teaching methods more effective? I have seen one of my friends usedtook advantage of the cartoonprograms to teach her litter daughter to learn English.to teach her litter daughter English. If without the development of technologyif去掉,或者加个谓语), the learningprocess will become more boring and unattractive.

In the second place, technology hasactually changed our life mode and makes it more colorful. Comparing mychildhood with the situation nowadays, just let the facts speak to themselves.When I was a child, the television program(s) showed on a black and whitescreen which only told me some stories and the educational aspects of thetelevision has(have) not been exposed. The information I received from theoutside world was apparently limited. In this situation, it was not (very)helpful for activating(to activate) a child's creativity. On the contrary, Ihave seen one of the American popular children’s programs called "sesameStreet" recently which used vivid pictures and animated cartoon to spreadthe knowledge to children in an active way.

Finally, every coin has two sides. Somepeople may think that technology will constrain children’s imagination to someextent, since they think if we depend on technology too much the potential ofchildren’s creative ability will not be fully expressed(since they consider toomuch dependent on technology will affect the extension of their children’screation ). (However)What is more important, technology is the(only a ) outsidefactor to make children more creative. The basic element is children’spersonality. Some children have not interested(are indifferent) in the noveltyand unwilling to learn more. What kind of methods their parents will apply tostimulate them, undoubtedly, technology seems to be an effective measure.

Hence, we are able to clearly(delete) say (withcertainty)that technology plays (an) more and more important part to makechildren creative than it did before(children’s creation than ever before). Weall witness the development of the technology. And in the foreseeable future,technology will be propelled by new creative generations continuously.   

作者: sun3may    时间: 2011-2-16 20:08:18

2.15独立 改好了
不好意思 放上来晚了。
作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-2-17 13:46:31

作者: styc    时间: 2011-2-17 22:56:43


作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-2-18 04:13:48

6# styc

作者: shadowran    时间: 2011-2-18 07:53:23

2.17 改
作者: tin@milk    时间: 2011-2-18 10:50:33

本帖最后由 tin@milk 于 2011-2-18 10:52 编辑

第一个例子不是很恰当,那是给大人看的,跟south park一样,所以可能例子不是很恰当

作者: 静音    时间: 2011-2-18 17:25:41

作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-2-19 13:01:31

9# tin@milk

作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-2-23 05:59:25

作者: shadowran    时间: 2011-2-23 10:30:52

作者: sun3may    时间: 2011-2-23 16:28:20

作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-2-24 13:50:07

本帖最后由 feifeionly 于 2011-2-25 08:49 编辑

作者: 伶女    时间: 2011-2-25 23:43:34

本帖最后由 伶女 于 2011-2-25 23:57 编辑

2.24的改啦~~  不好意思 晚了点

关于 theory of ceremony还是ceremony theory
作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-2-26 14:07:24

作者: bibby00888    时间: 2011-2-27 11:33:45

26日 独立修改
作者: 伶女    时间: 2011-2-28 16:13:48

2.26 feeback
作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-3-1 14:18:31

本帖最后由 feifeionly 于 2011-3-1 14:20 编辑

作者: beangt    时间: 2011-3-1 23:23:12


As to government should spend more money on education of very young children than the education of universities, I am totally disagree with this statement. Based on the reality, government spends more money on universities than that of young children. And government cant not only pay attention to the interests and short-term development of whole nation.

First and foremost, government has already put more money on universities. Taking the aspects of university facilities for instance, government spent a lot of money on main buildings, new libraries, new books, and new canteens. Once when we walked around in the university campus, we will (be) astonished by these kinds of artistic architectures. And the floor area of the campus is several thousand acres surrendered by the beautiful mountains and rivers. On the contrary (In contrast比较好,这是两个事物,逻辑上没有相反), the money spent by the government on the education of very young children is less. Actually, from one of the kindergartens near my house, I only see a small class room with the undecorated playground, not to mention some other old toys and cartoon books inside the class room indicated what poor educational environment it has.

In the second place, there are other purposes of government spend money to universities which deviates its educational significance. (我觉得这个理由不够充分,应该说明教育比科研重要,所以不能投太多钱在科研上。) For example, the aim of pursuing economic interests could not be neglected. Nowadays, government spends more money on cooperating with universities to help them establish new training centers, labs and support them carry out different kinds of scientific experiments because the government believe the development of science is essential for the future of the nation. It is difficult to see government prefer spending money on the portion which generates indirect economic output- the young childrens education.

In addition, government should not ignore the importance of the money spent on the young children. We should remind the government that the money it spent will not be in vain because the education of young children stands for the prosperous development of the whole country. The money could be used to improve young children's educational environment and mental health. To illustrate these points detailed, educational environment is crucial for making young children acquire more knowledge which will attract their interest for learning and stimulate their creativity. And the money spend on mental health will cultivate them to have the good learning habits.

To conclude, government could not ignore the educational expense spending (spent) on children. Children are worth receiving benefits as many as government places on universities. And the found government spends on very young children will ensure their healthy growth.
作者: bibby00888    时间: 2011-3-2 12:41:09

不好意思早上有课 来晚了
作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-3-2 14:49:02

作者: ncnys    时间: 2011-3-3 06:52:01

本帖最后由 ncnys 于 2011-3-3 07:20 编辑

As to whether a job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time, I am(delete) totally disagree with this statement. Indeed, different people have their rights to choose their life styles. But(delete) considering my personality, life satisfaction and real living situation, I will not hesitate to choose the high salary job with less vacation time.

Initially(First?), analyzing my personality, I know I am this(the) kind of person who admires a high salary job(reasons could be indicated in the topic sentence). A high salary not only exposes the meaning of money, it(but) also could bring about your(you) working satisfaction, which proves to myself that I am the person with strong capability and can adjust to(stand) the heavy workload and achieve successfully in the fierce working competition. However, you may say that the sacrifice of a high salary is less vacation. But In my view, it is reasonable that young people engage more in their works which helps them have the sense of achievement. When they grow(get) old, they will not be(delete) so regret wasting a lot of time playing.

In the second place, from the reality I need more money to earn my living in this stressful world. I am not the small child who only relies on parents and ask(asks) for their financial assistance(suport), and it is time for me to find a job with a high salary to reward my parents. Not only does it guarantee my pleasure time, but also it ensures a better life for my parents. Also, I don't want to live a low quality of life, living in the rented house and catching up buses to go to work every day. I enjoy the life with more satisfactory, which I could use high salary to buy my house in the center of the city and drive my car after finishing the work.

Finally, the feeling of achievement can not be simply illustrated as high salary and high position. Psychologically, the high salary job embodies the enthusiasm towards work and life, especially, which through one’s industrious work and a lot of contributions. The job and money are far beyond its original meaning which makes we cherish what we have achieved.这段topic sentence主要讲满足感不能以工资衡量,后面讲的是可以衡量?

In conclude(conclusion), to choose a more(delete) higher salary job with less vocation time will more preferable selections(be a better selection). Living in this competitive world with more pressures with material life(delete), we need to be realistic and do not have the selfish mentality of indulging in comfortable life and unwilling to struggle for both our future and beloved families.如果能再点一下两种工作在最后,就能好了。
作者: xielijuan36    时间: 2011-3-3 10:20:11

As to whether a job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time, I am totally disagree with this statement. Indeed, different people have their rights to choose their life styles. But considering my personality, life satisfaction and real living situation, I will not hesitate to choose the high salary job with less vacation time.

Initially, analyzing my personality, I know I am
the kind of person who admires a high salary job. A high salary not only exposes the meaning of money, it also could bring about your working satisfaction, which proves to myself that I am the person with strong capability and can
adjust to
the heavy workload and achieve successfully in the fierce working competition. However, you may say that the sacrifice of a high salary is less vacation. But In my view,
it is reasonable that young people engage in their works which helps them have the sense of achievement. When they grow old, they will not be so regret wasting a lot of time playing.

In the second place, from the reality I need more money to earn my living in this stressful world. I am not the small child who only relies on parents and asks for their financial assistance, and it is time for me to find a job with a high salary to reward my parents. Not only does it guarantee my pleasure time, but also it ensures a better life for my parents. Also, I don't want to live a low quality of life, living in the rented house and catching up buses to go to work every day. I enjoy the life with more confortabale, which I could use high salary to buy my house in the center of the city and drive my car after finishing the work.

Finally, the feeling of achievement can not be simply illustrated as high salary and high position. Psychologically, the high salary job embodies the enthusiasm towards work and life, especially, which through ones industrious work and a lot of contributions. The job
and money are far beyond its original meaning which makes us cherish what we have achieved.

In conclude(conclusion),the feeling of achievement is very important to me and living in this competitive world with more pressures of material life, we need to be realistic and to struggle for both our future and beloved families. To choose a more high salary job with less vocation timewillbe more preferable selections.(这样改觉得更贴近主题更完整

写的挺好的,有文采(还是不太地道:lol ),好像第二段和第四段的意思差不多
作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-3-4 05:32:35

作者: 笑会计    时间: 2011-3-4 17:16:25

3.3 改好
作者: 伶女    时间: 2011-3-5 18:47:04

3.3改完了 不好意思哈
作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-3-8 14:55:04

作者: beangt    时间: 2011-3-9 12:54:09


It is the human nature that (people are) unwilling to accept the criticism from others. Most of us will be more preferable to compliment than criticism. As for me, especially in the teamwork, I agree the one who cant accept the criticism from others has difficult in success. All in all (After all,) we are not the perfect person has no weakness at any time. To admit the criticism from others will not only make us learn more but also create harmonious atmosphere inside the team.

Initially, criticism could tell the intrinsic aspects of the matter and make us move on to the success. Compared the ability with a team, the ability of the single person is utterly limited. Due to the fact that different people have different thoughts, the one who could make good use of the criticism and convert its positive side will be cleverer because his decision is comprehensive and objective. Also, the benefits of accepting criticism will make the person know his/her drawbacks to avoid making mistakes next time.

In addition, especially in the teamwork (去掉?因为后边都已经限定在team里了), accepting others criticism will lead to a harmonious team atmosphere. Psychologically, people are apt to get along with someone who willing to accept his/her opinions and will think him/her more accessible (). If the person reject others opinion, team members will think you are this kind of arbitrary people. When you face the problems next time, they will reluctant to tell the truth.

I used to participate in an English corner at university and six members worked as a group to practice pronunciation together. One of our classmates always has the problems of inaccurate pronunciation, facing the criticism he insisted on his own methods, no one would like to talk with him in the end.

Finally, some people may doubt sometime the criticism is also incorrect (the validity/efficiency of critricism). In this situation, we need to distinguish whether the criticism is advisable or not. If you think the criticism has its fault, you could accept it and then using the appropriate methods to express your ideas to others. Through the mutual communication, the distance among the people will be closer, this also makes others trust you and share more knowledge you wanted.

In a word, we can not ignore influence of criticism. If we treat criticism positively, we will overcome our weakness and make progress from it. Moreover, accepting criticism will be good to create friendly environment with team members, all of which will lead to a final success for both the single person and whole teams.

作者: 伶女    时间: 2011-3-9 16:16:38

3.8 改好
作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-3-10 14:18:26


作者: caochezhi    时间: 2011-3-11 12:31:45

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should try different job before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.

Nowadays choose what kind of job for study and career development becomes a confusing decision for most of the young people. Under the atmosphere of economical crisis and fierce competition, a good job stands for a promising future which decides the path of the young people for success. In my view, it's better for young people try different job before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term. The reason illustrated as below.

First and foremost, young people need to experience the real world (这个表达有点奇怪) to know more about their choice. Most young people become more independent than before(你想表达现在年轻人比以前更独立?这个比较是不是和主题联系不大,而且后面也没有相关说明) which also makes them have personal ideas and thoughts. At the mean time(at the mean time?) their consideration isn't mature enough and also they are unwilling to accept other’s rational ideas. Psychologically, when parents give their opinions about job or career development, the more the parents concerned the more rebellious the young people will be. Thus let them try different job gives the young people (chance to)explore their truth and reconsider their choice. When their parents' words proved by the reality, young people will cherish the advice provided by others and could change their attitude which will makes them benefit (首先makes不应该有s;其次,是不是直接说which will benefit them 会更好点?) in the long run.

In addition, our decision always full of variable and the plan we set also has its insufficient aspects. Making the best decision should be more depend on practice. Taking my experience as an example, I was majoring in Chinese at the university. After graduated I could not find my position (这个表达有点奇怪) in the society. Most people considered it will be better for me to become a teacher or secretary, but every day does the same thing without change(这个做主语,应该说taking the same job without change) will make me (feel) boring. Finally, I decided to work in different companies to find more advisable choice. I became a secretary and then transferred to marketing department as a product manager, which makes (用helps吧?) me find my confidence and enthusiasm to strive for my career.  (例子用的不是太合适,可以在斟酌斟酌,怎么和这段的主题联系)

Moreover, some people will doubt spending time in different job will waste time which is also very precious for career development. On the other hand, I think the time wasted is not in vain. Young people also could win something from it, such as acquiring career experience, building up good interpersonal relationship, changing mind in problem solving. These will ensure a more successful job or career.  

In a word, young people should try different job before making their final decision. They should be responsible for their job or career’s development in the long term, which will make them experience the reality, achieve more sound option.
作者: sun3may    时间: 2011-3-11 14:41:04

作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-3-12 15:05:43

本帖最后由 feifeionly 于 2011-3-12 15:06 编辑


作者: tulipzong    时间: 2011-3-13 09:41:02     标题: 改好了,层次不错,语法错误比较多,加油

Nowadays, under the pressure of fierce social competition, parents pay more attention on children's education. The most direct criterion to judge children's performance at school is the scores of examination
s. In order to motivate children's interests to get high scores, parents usually try different kinds of methods. Using money as a mean of encouraging children's aspiration for high scores has been widely discussed. In my view, I (am) totally disagree with this kind of method. Reasons are illustrated as below.

First, using money to push childrens interests for high scores will do harm to their mental development. Psychologically, children are too young to have awareness about the concept of money. When parents give them money, they will regard it as a gift which could help them buy anything they want. However, following more and more material reward, children will be prone to pursue money and measure everything surrounds them in money. Studying becomes a means for earning money rather than for their self-development. Once their parents stop rewarding them money, their impetus for attaining high score will be hurted seriously. What is worse, the experience in their childhood will affect their life in adult deeply. With their parents infusion(?) on money, they will become more realistic and even involved in criminal activities with the hope of acquiring more money.

In addition, some people will doubt that the money actually could be used as an efficient means to make children more positive and achieve higher score. Nonetheless, people with this (kind of) thought are impacted by social atmosphere, with the pressure of obtaining a better life and job positions.(逻辑不对,而且这个语法也有点问题) Although money plays an important role in satisfying people's material life, the awareness of deal with the relationship between money and aspirations, which should not be instill in children's mindis more important. If they misunderstand your original motivation, on the contrary, indulging in the preference for acquiring more money.(?) The results will go against (with) their parents initial intention.

Moreover, Parents should consider other positive methods to conduct childrens behavior. The most successful parents could influence their childrens thinking, for instance, parents could become a good (role) model and show their enthusiasm for life and achievement, telling their children about the stories of celebrities and showing their good personalities to change children's thought, and eventually award them with a positive and healthy quality.(?)

In a word, it is unacceptable for parents to attract children with money to chase a high score. It (is) not only spoils their mental development, but also leads them to a criminal life. More healthy and active methods could be applied for children

作者: hcp4715    时间: 2011-3-13 11:10:12

作者: Chwy    时间: 2011-3-13 19:19:27

本帖最后由 Chwy 于 2011-3-13 19:20 编辑


作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-3-15 12:51:40

作者: Chwy    时间: 2011-3-16 13:37:54

本帖最后由 Chwy 于 2011-3-16 13:47 编辑


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People would be happier if they had fewer possessions.

Nowadays, following the development of material life and social civilization, more rich people existed这个词我个人感觉用地有点怪阿 in the society than beforeA rising number of rich individuals have come to the society你觉得这样可以吗. The relationship between people and their possessions has been widely disputed. In my view, people indeed would not be happier if they had fewer possessions. The reasons illustrated as follow.

刚才顺便有查到也可以说是wealthy people..//

First of all, possessions will make people happier and find a better way to share the happiness to others. Clearly, people usually judge whether the person is successful or not according to his/her考试建议写成his or her 别符号 possessions. The more possessions the people obtain, the more admires hehim/she will receive from others. Under the atmosphere of fierce competition and stressful living standard紧张的生活水平?, the possessions will make people believe themselves and make them attain the feeling of security and happy. In addition, possessing fortune also attributes to the poor people have the happiness这句谓语有两个,我也不知道怎么改对可能把后面改成the poor people which is help them gain more happiness,。。。. We have always seen some rich people who donate their money to the poor and engaged himself/herself in the charitable enterprise. Using the money he/she earned in an appropriate way to benefit more poor people should be praised by most of us.这个观点很好学习了

In the second place, if people have more possessions they will be confident and satisfied with themselves.这个在上面不是提过了吗?要么就把上段的will make people believe themselves去掉 Psychologically, abundant possessions reflected为什么用过去式 the person's efforts, which also stand for the successful career and higher social status in the society. In the process of striving for a better life and becoming rich, people will know more meanings about their life and success比如说是如何strive for然后知道了什么meaning?. ThisThe并没有特质某一个 precious experience could bring them about confidence and satisfactory, which is valuable than the possessions itself.

Finally, some people may doubt that people also need to sacrifice their time and energy to obtain the possessions, such as having the delicious supper with families, watching movies with lovers, and hanging out with friends. However, people use precious time to earn more money will ensure a happier life for their family members because he/she could afford to buy what they want, For instance, givingoffering good education for children, buyingpurchasing expensive gifts for lovers, and making sure his/her parents could go to the best hospital and get good treatment when they are taken ill总觉得这话有点怪,你看改成说when emergency comes to them, 会不会更合适?.

然后这里我可能跟LZ的观点有点不太一样 我理解的是题目说的是那些富人是已经拥有那些财产不需要再为钱奋斗了 拥有比较少财产的才更会在为钱奋斗阿<LZ方便的话,能告诉下吗,到底题目说的是?>

In a word, compared to liveliving in a poor life, people would be happier if they had more possessions. They could find their positions in the society, and make good use of the money to help the poor people个人觉得要么the poor要么poor people. Although they spend more time and energy, it guarantees an enjoyable life for their families and friends.

我个人觉得独立作文的段开头什么的不要用first, second这种明显的连接词
我前几天也写过这篇 是相反的立场 因为想不出正方的
看了LZ的有所启示了 观点很好 学习了

作者: Chwy    时间: 2011-3-16 13:45:32

:handshake 还有谢谢你哈 每次你都给我改地超级认真 我很受启发!
作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-3-17 10:14:41

41# Chwy

It's my pleasure
作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-3-17 10:15:18

作者: caochezhi    时间: 2011-3-18 10:43:58

作者: hcp4715    时间: 2011-3-18 15:57:31

43# feifeionly 3.17修改
作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-3-19 12:38:52

作者: sun3may    时间: 2011-3-20 10:10:51

作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-3-22 14:25:30

作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-3-23 10:10:42

作者: 伶女    时间: 2011-3-23 13:43:07

3.22 revised
作者: corrine97    时间: 2011-3-25 00:55:47

3.23 综合改
作者: feifeionly    时间: 2011-3-26 14:55:29

作者: tulipzong    时间: 2011-3-27 09:32:23

3.26 独立改过
作者: Go2011Go    时间: 2011-3-27 10:31:01


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