
标题: daily writing ningzhithm 练习贴 [打印本页]

作者: ningzhithm    时间: 2011-3-9 22:07:28     标题: daily writing ningzhithm 练习贴

本帖最后由 ningzhithm 于 2011-3-11 20:38 编辑

tpo16 综合

The lecture explains three main problems facing the science of archaeology in Britain: the destruction of many valuable artifacts due to construction projects, limited financial aid and job opportunities for archeologists. However the new guidelines adopted in the United Kingdom in the 1990s greatly relieve the three problems stated.
The guidelines make it a must to employ an archeologist to explore the place to be constructed in order to find out possible archaeologically valuable sites. When there is a valuable site, the archeologist is to make up plans to change the original plan of construction to preserve the artifacts. Adaptations will include building around the site. Thanks to the guidelines, artifacts are greatly protected from rigid pre-set plans.  
While the archeologists work to identify possible artifacts on constructing sites and make plans of preserving, they get paid by the construction company instead of receiving the limited government funds and grants.  
Finally, the guidelines provide a lot of jobs opportunities for archeologists. With the spurred new constructions in British cities, towns and villages, they are provided with bunches of sites to explore and research. The number of archeologists has reached new highs in recent years.
To conclude, by binding archeologists to construction sites, the guidelines greatly reduce the possibility of damaging artifacts while help archeologists solve money and career problems.
作者: beangt    时间: 2011-3-10 00:25:33

作者: beangt    时间: 2011-3-10 09:17:48


The lecture explains three main problems facing the science of archaeology in Britain: the destruction of many valuable artifacts due to construction projects, limited financial aid and job opportunities for archeologists. However the new guidelines adopted in the United Kingdom in the 1990s greatly relieve the three problems stated.
9 _8 y. B0 p  ~* s' T+ {& iThe guidelines make it a must to employ an archeologist to explore the place to be constructed in order to find out possible archaeologically valuable sites. When there is a valuable site, the archeologist is to make up plans to
change the original plan (
这点貌似没有提吧?) of construction to preserve the artifacts. Adaptations will include building around the site. Thanks to the guidelines, artifacts are greatly protected from rigid pre-set plans.  
3 `8 Z: }( V* s0 ?While the archeologists work to identify possible artifacts on constructing sites and make plans of preserving, they get paid by the construction company instead of receiving the limited government funds and grants.

  : Z. I) v+ F8 _/ h# H7 S1 W+ z
Finally, the guidelines provide a lot of jobs opportunities for archeologists. With the spurred new constructions in British cities, towns and villages, they are provided with bunches of sites to explore and research. The number of archeologists has reached new highs in recent years.
7 g+ g. X, b/ {5 a  @9 c/ \( g
To conclude, by binding archeologists to construction sites, the guidelines greatly reduce the possibility of damaging artifacts while help archeologists solve money and career problems.

作者: 乡亲们跟我上    时间: 2011-3-10 13:58:30

tpo16 综合
The lecture (这个不是lecture讲的,这个是reading passage讲的)explains three main problems facing (faced by ?)the science of archaeology in Britain: the destruction of many valuable artifacts due to construction projects, limited financial aid and job opportunities for archeologists. However the new guidelines adopted in the United Kingdom in the 1990s greatly relieve the three problems stated.
The guidelines make it a must to employ (有提到employ吗)an archeologist to explore the place to be constructed in order to find out possible archaeologically valuable sites. When there is a valuable site, the archeologist is to make up plans to change the original plan of construction to preserve the artifacts. Adaptations will include building around the site. Thanks to the guidelines, artifacts are greatly protected from rigid pre-set plans.  
While the archeologists work to identify possible artifacts on constructing sites and make plans of preserving, they get paid by the construction company instead of receiving the limited government funds and grants.  (这一点应该再展开一下)
Finally, the guidelines provide a lot of jobs opportunities for archeologists. With the spurred new constructions in British cities, towns and villages, they are provided with bunches of sites to explore and research. The number of archeologists has reached new highs in recent years.
To conclude, by binding archeologists to construction sites, the guidelines greatly reduce the possibility of damaging artifacts while help archeologists solve money and career problems. (结尾很赞)

作者: ningzhithm    时间: 2011-3-11 20:40:02

2011-03-11 独立[attach]162319[/attach]
作者: candis712    时间: 2011-3-12 13:20:39

本帖最后由 candis712 于 2011-3-12 18:27 编辑

3.11 独立修改
作者: 伶女    时间: 2011-3-13 17:54:50

3.11 修改

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