YY:Good Morning!(笑)
VO:Hi! How are you?(笑)
YY: I am fine! Thank you! (很幸福的笑,得到她的关心受宠若惊)
VO: So you are going to US to study?
YY: Yes. (点头,笑)
VO: What will you study?
YY: Electrical Engineering.
VO: And what specific aspect will you study? (侧头,微笑,真有魅力!)
YY: VLSI Design. VLSI is the abbreviation of Very Large Scale Intergration.
VO: Can you explain it?
YY: for example, in your cell and computer, there are chips, and in these there are circuits intergrated in very small scale to make it funtion....My job is to design these circuits.(这个解释可能是一个败笔,好像从这个时候她已经决定CHECK我)
VO: How do you plan to support yourself?
YY: I got a teaching assistantship from the university. (很自豪状)
VO:Have you applied any other universities?
YY: Yes.
VO: What universities?
YY: (伸出一只手开始列举,忘了一共列了几个)…………,说到一半时,看她低头看我的表格,就停了下来,她抬头看我,我问:do you want to hear them all? 她很开心似的答: of course!于是我接着说校名,她接着低头看我的表格,说完了她正好抬头看我,相视而笑:)
VO: have you applied any Chinese school?
YY: No. (笑,等她问我why,可是她没问)
VO: How long do you plan to study in the US?
YY: About 5 years.
VO:Why do you choose this university?
YY: Because it's the best one to study VLSI design. I got other admissions, too, but this one is the best. (很肯定的语气说完,等她问教授、项目等等,可是她又没问。)
VO:(点头同意状)What's your job?
YY: I am a research engineer.
VO: So what will you do after graduation? (很可爱的用一种调皮的表情,还冲我眨了眨眼!仿佛说:快背你的答案吧:))
YY:(嘿嘿,不上你的当,我一句话答完问题)I'll continue my work in ***(等着她问得更详细,并期待她看我的工作证明等)
VO: Come back to ***? (微笑着反问我)
YY:Yes. (微笑,点头,凝视她的双眼,等她问得更详细,可是她还是没追问)
VO: OK, can your circuits be used on other things except Cells?
YY: Oh, yes, such as television, computers, (想了半天想不出来了!尴尬的笑笑,看着她)..so on and so forth...:P
VO: When will your class begin? (这可能是决定CHECK的标志!难道她要确定不会耽误我开学?早知道我说个早点的时间?)
YY: The classes begin at August 26th.
VO: OK, we need to process your application .... send to Washington.....wait for our call in a month....
YY: a month?
VO: Yes.
YY: OK! (微笑表示同意,(FT,不同意又能怎样?))
VO: wait a minute please! (同时关掉了麦克,不知道她在等什么,期间还和一号窗的GG说了什么。)
VO: 在我英文DS-156上右上角的部位画了两个圈,不知道她圈的是什么。然后拿出了一张白纸,在上面盖了个章,又填了我的名字,化了个钩。然后把三张中文表格和护照和那张纸还给我。We will call you after we hear from Washington!
YY: Thank you! Have a nice day! (很感激的笑)
VO:You too. (也很开心的样子)