
标题: Daily Writing (白猫猫) [打印本页]

作者: 白猫猫    时间: 2011-4-7 21:11:07     标题: Daily Writing (白猫猫)

Do you agree that: “it's easier to be a success in the past than it is today”? Why?

No matter whatever in the past or in the modern society, success is always what people are seeking, and that is where the controversy arises. Some people believe that it is easier to be a success in the past than it is today. However, from my perspective, more people can achieve the success than was ever possible in the past.

One of the biggest factors in the modern word for increasing opportunity for success is the widespread access to education. Though success can be achieved in various ways, but being able study in a good educating environment is a leading condition to reach the goal. In the past, it was hard for those who were poor or not in high social positions to join schools. Being a success at that time was nearly impossible to those people. In contrast, today there are many schools open for all people who want to study and afford the fee, hence the chance to get knowledge is much easier, so is the chance to be a success.

Besides the increased availability of education today compared to conditions in the past, the modern society could provide more opportunities. The international tendency is more and more apparent, more and more countries join in WTO or some other international organization .As the trade and community between countries develop, as increased number of jobs and industries follow. In addition, the development of the science and technology make the path to success easier to walk. For instance, with the development of the internet, a large number of online stores appear, which help lots of people became successful businessmen.

It is true that the people in the modern society face fierce competitions, so some people think that it is easier to be a success in the past than it is today. However, they fail to see that people today are more ambitious, striving, and competitive than in the past, so they are more motivated to succeed.

With all the reasons explained above, it is apparent to draw the conclusion that it is easier to succeed today. Indeed, there are more chances to be a successful man today, therefore we should take the opportunity and work hard, and success will meet us halfway.
作者: sun3may    时间: 2011-4-7 23:24:10

No matter whatever in the past or in the modern society, success is always what people are seeking, and that is where the controversy arises. Some people believe that it is easier to be a success in the past than it is today. However, from my perspective, more people can achieve the success than was ever possible in the past.
t1 C4 _# h( _3 I: W
One of the biggest factors in the modern word for increasing opportunity for success is the widespread access to education. Though success can be achieved in various ways, but being able study in a good educating environment is a leading condition to reach the goal. In the past, it was hard for those who were poor or not in high social positions to join schools. Being a success at that time was nearly impossible to those people. In contrast, today there are many schools open for all people who want to study and (can)afford the fee, hence the chance to get knowledge is much easier(和chance好像不大搭,建议换成more), so is the chance to be a success.
o% Y$ ]$ Y( P) `3 P# W& q% p
Besides the increased availability of education today compared to conditions in the past, the modern society could provide more opportunities. The international tendency(?是想说全球化吗--globalization or 国际化?--internationalization) is more and more apparent, more and more countries join in WTO or some other international organization .As the trade and community between countries develop, as increased number of jobs and industries follow. In addition, the development of the science and technology make the path to success easier to walk. For instance, with the development of the internet, a large number of online stores appear, which help lots of people became successful businessmen.(这一段包含了两个论点哦,鉴于他们的直接联系不大,最好分两段论述比较好)
It is true that the people in the modern society face fierce competitions, so some people think that it is easier to be a success in the past than it is today. However, they fail to see that people today are more ambitious, striving, and competitive than in the past, so they are more motivated to succeed(觉得这个对于反面观点的驳斥段不够充实,最好再用实例充实一下。) `  p/ T9 ^* y
: I- t# \- ]2 l: _) ?# a' P. ]: w
With all the reasons explained above, it is apparent to draw the conclusion that it is easier to succeed today. Indeed, there are more chances to be a successful man today, therefore we should take the opportunity and work hard, and success will meet us halfway

作者: 白猫猫    时间: 2011-4-8 21:55:43

本帖最后由 白猫猫 于 2011-4-9 08:41 编辑


It's more impotant for the goverment to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities (such as swimming pool, playground).

With the rapid developement of economics, the goverment plan to spend money to enhance the quality of citizens' lives. Some people hold the opinion that it's more importan for the goverment to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities, such as swimming pool and playground. However, with all aspecets carefully considered, I would prefer to build more recreational facilities,which are good places for taking exercises and communication.

In modern competive society, people have to strive hard to make both ends meet and provide a better living condition for their family, so they suffer from heavier work pressure than before.Oberverisly, exercises is the best way to relax after a day's work. However, in the city, there are not enough places for people to have exercise. For instance, if I plan to play badminton , I have to book the court three days before. So I strongly support the goverment to bulid more recreational facilities for exercises.

Another reason why I advocate the attitude of building more recreational facilities is that  recreational facilities are good places for communication. As most of people like to taking excisese with their friend or family, so it is a best chance to communicate. As for me, I like to go swimming with my friends whom I do not see much, when feel a little tired, we will sit down and have a heart to heart talk, which makes us closer.  Having a walk on the playground after supper is also a good time for families to communicate with each others.

It is true that the art musemus and music perfomance can  provide us one opportunity to escape the daily pressure and provide the pleasuer of the soul .Howerer, not everyone can appreciate the art, and a large number of people prefer to watch movies and listen to the music on the commuter at home. If all these factors are complicate, the advantages of recreational facilities carry more weight tahan those of art museums and music penformance center. So I am , and problably will always be, one of those who support to build recreational facilities
作者: jiangruiqian    时间: 2011-4-9 11:31:48

It's more impotant for the goverment to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities (such as swimming pool, playground).% Y( _4 v7 D5 ?; S: E

With the rapid developement of economics, the goverment plan to spend money to enhance the quality of citizens' lives. Some people hold the opinion that it's more importan(t) for the goverment to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities, such as swimming pool and playground. However, with all aspecets carefully considered, I would prefer to build more recreational facilities,which are good places for taking exercises and communication.(开头段尽量不要抄题目,要适当改写,新东方老师如是说)
g2 w4 K, c
In modern competive society, people have to strive hard to make both ends meet(?ends meet 什么意思?后果吗and provide a better living condition for their family, so they suffer from heavier work pressure than before.Oberverisly, exercises is the best way to relax after a day's work. However, in the city, there are not enough places for people to have exercise. For instance, if I plan to play badminton , I have to book the court three days before. So I strongly support the goverment to bulid more recreational facilities for exercises.

Another reason why I advocate the attitude of building more recreational facilities is that  recreational facilities are good places for communication. As most of people like to taking excisese with their friend or family, so it is a best chance to communicate. As for me, I like to go swimming with my friends whom I do not see much, when feel a little tired, we will sit down and have a heart to heart talk, which makes us closer.  Having a walk on the playground after supper is also a good time for families to communicate with each others.5 |+ P4 X- o6 P. k0 U" K

It is true that the art musemus and music perfomance can  provide us one opportunity to escape the daily pressure and provide the pleasuer of the soul .Howerer, not everyone can appreciate the art, and a large number of people prefer to watch movies and listen to the music on the commuter (这单词是乘公交车上下班)at home(怎么又上班又在家的?). If all these factors are complicate, the advantages of recreational facilities carry more weight tahan ??those of art museums and music penformance center. So I am , and problably will always be, one of those who support to build recreational facilities。
作者: 郝郝同学    时间: 2011-4-9 15:18:58

It's more impotant (important 应该是打字漏掉了吧)for the goverment (government 漏掉了个n)to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities (such as swimming pool, playground).  n, w+ U8 Q" v4 A7 Q2 z! _
( N  s& g; T- G; J8 n* v
With the rapid developement (拼写p后多了个e)of economics, the goverment (government 漏掉了个n)plan to spend(more) money to enhance the quality of citizens' lives. Some people hold the opinion that it's more importan (important )for the goverment (government )to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities, such as swimming pool and playground. However, with all aspecets (aspects)carefully considered(是不是应该用名词形式consideration), I would prefer to build more recreational facilities,which are good places (places不合适吧)for taking exercises and communication(这里and并列的如果是exercises 后面不能用communication 因为不能与take连用,如果并列taking 就是communicating。。。).. ~' `1 H  i1 M" q9 F$ i* U
1 ]9 \. n9 U( A1 U6 L3 g5 ^0 W
In modern competive(competitive) society, people have to strive hard to make both ends meet (ends meet是什么意思?)and provide a better living condition for their family(家人吧应该是 families), so they suffer from heavier work pressure than before. Oberverisly(是obviously吗?), exercises is the best way to relax after a day's (改成daily如何)work. However, in the city, there are not enough places for people to have exercise. For instance, if I plan to play badminton, I have to book (order会不会好一点)the court three days before. So I strongly support the goverment (government )to bulid (build)more recreational facilities for exercises(exercises 还成更多的人会不会好点).* R0 p2 K, V& j, G5 i; A- H
# P* U+ R7 Z3 }* {! M1 i
Another reason why I advocate the attitude of building more recreational facilities is that  recreational facilities (facility是设施 不能用place代吧 )are good places for communication. As most of people like to taking excisese(exercise) with their friend(s) or family(复数), so it is a best chance to communicate. As for me, I like to go swimming with my friends whom I do not see much, (断句)when feel a little tired, we will sit down and have a heart to heart talk, which makes us closer.  Having a walk on the playground after supper is also a good time for families to communicate with each others.(后面可以再举一了例子)" f1 }$ y.d, u" X) h5 m8 q# V
0 U+ t0 ^: a7 R% n0 o, J
It is true that the art musemus (museums)and music perfomance (performance)can  provide us one opportunity to escape (from)the daily pressure and provide the pleasuer (pleasure)of the soul .Howerer(however), not everyone can (can可以去掉)appreciate the art, and a large number of people prefer to watch movies and listen to the music on the commuter(是说computer吗?) at home. If all these factors are complicate, the advantages of recreational facilities carry more weight tahan (than)those of art museums and music penformance (performance)center. So I am , and problably(probably)  will always be, one of those who support to build recreational facilities

结构还可以 但举例处细节不够 论证不够充分
词汇用的都太普通了 good 使用次数过多,整体词汇应提高
单词拼写 以后打字时需要细心
句型有点单一 It is。。。
所改之处 供作者参考 能力有限 望见谅

作者: 郝郝同学    时间: 2011-4-9 15:21:51

我在word上都用颜色标了 怎么贴过来就米有了 呜呜~~
作者: 白猫猫    时间: 2011-4-9 22:51:38


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? it is more important for a government to spend money on young children's education than on university education.

It is obvious that education plays an important role in people's life and society, however, when asked about should government pay more money on the education of the young children than the education of the universities, people have a dilemma. With all aspects carefully considered, I believe that they both important and neither of them can be ignored. Among countless factors which contribute to my position are following conspicuous ones.

There is no doubt that the education of young children will influence their whole life. It helps children to seek for their real interests and choose their major in the future. What's more, serious influence may be raised without enough money for their education. Consider, for example, in some poor rural areas, there is no abundant money spent on school, then kids do no have opportunities to have various classes. The child with the talent of painting cannot become a painter if he never has a change to be guided by the art teacher. And the may be will lose a great programmer if he cannot take the computer class. What's more, the young education is the preparation for the college education. People will learn how to study by themselves in the young children education, which is a necessary quality for the college students.

University education which is another form of education also plays a significant role in our life and society. Only via university education can we have systematic knowledge concerning arts and science. Only via university education can we know the essence of symbiosis and collaboration. And Only via university education can we meet the demands of society and make our future success inevitable. However, universities also need a great deal of money for their facilities which is necessary for the college education. Such as the experimental equipments, without which the students might not be able to understand what they learn.

From what has been discussed above, I reinforce my stand point that the young children education and university education are equally significant, so the government should pay equal attention to and spent plenty of money on each of them.
作者: 白猫猫    时间: 2011-5-22 17:50:51

本帖最后由 白猫猫 于 2011-5-23 15:11 编辑


For successful development of a country, should a government focus its budget more on very young children education rather than on universities?


1、        几乎所有的人都要接受义务教育,并不是所有的人都可以接收到大学教育。

2、        幼年时的教育可以决定孩子的一生。

3、        孩子不太懂得自己去学习,大部分的教育都是在学校获得。大学生有了自学能力,可自己去获取资源,自己学习。

It is true that education plays a significant role in the development of the country and our lives. However, when it comes to whether the government should focus its budget more on very young children education rather than on universities, people have different opinions. From my consideration, the education of the young children should definitely get more budgets.

First, most of the countries have compulsory education for children, but only a small percentage of the students could go to universities. What’s more , the compulsory education for children Is free , so the government should pay the money to build schools and the salaries for the teachers which is a large amount of money. In contrast, the universities can get the money from the high tuition fees of the students.

Secondly , the young education plays an significant role in people’s life. The kids can find their interests in the young education study, so the school should provide various classes for them. If the school did not get enough, it will do bad effect on a lot of children. For instance, a child who has a talent of painting is hard to become a painter if he has never been tought by a professional teacher, so it is a waste of talent.

Thirdly, the student of the universities can learn by themselves, however, it is hard for the kids to learn if no one teaches them. In my opinion, the quality of education of the college students is much depend on the students themselves, if the student wants to learn something new , they can get it from many ways, especially from the network. But the kids can not learn by themselves, so the children need more teachers, and the school should provide them more opportunities to learn, and these all require money.

It is true that the education of the university is very important , the government should pay large amount of money on them .However, from the above reasons, we can get the conclusion that the young education require more money, and the government should definitely focus its budget more on it.
作者: champ_gz    时间: 2011-5-24 17:46:01

it istrue that education plays a significant role in the development of the countryand our lives. However, when it comes to whether the government should focusits budget more on education forvery young children ratherthan on universities, people have different opinions. From my consideration,the education of the young children should definitely get more budgets.

6 }( f1 ^6 k* a- L4 ]& [
First, most of the countries have compulsoryeducation for children, but only a small percentage of the students could go touniversities. What’s more , the compulsory education for children Is free , sothe government should pay the money to build schools and the salaries for theteachers
,which is a large amount of money. Incontrast, the universities can get the money from the high tuition fees of thestudents.
7 Y, h! H4 P5 y* G' s" f1 g8 f

Secondly , the young education plays ansignificant role in people’s life. The kids can find their interests in theyoung education study, so the school should provide various classes for them.If the school did not get enough, it will do bad effect on a lot of children.For instance, a child who has a talent of painting is hard to become a painterif he has never been
tought by aprofessional teacher, so it is a waste of talent(没有说完整?).1 c+ `6 M3 z4 X9 v9 J7 H
4 R* l' _: D9 P% ~4 C) H6 }. w(g& ]
Thirdly, the student of the universities can learnby themselves, however, it is hard for the kids to learn if no one teachesthem. In my opinion, the quality of education of the college students is muchdepend on the students themselves, if the student wants to learn something new, they can get it from many ways, especially from the network. But the kids cannot learn by themselves, so the children need more teachers, and the schoolshould provide them more opportunities to learn, and these all require money.
" h$ g0 v& v6 u5 Y, G% i
. e- u# B: V/ `1 V2 T
It is true that the education of the university isvery important , the government should pay large amount of money on them.However, from the above reasons, we can get the conclusion that the youngeducation require more money, and the government should definitely focus itsbudget more on it.

作者: hcp4715    时间: 2011-5-25 09:27:22

8# 白猫猫
作者: 白猫猫    时间: 2011-5-27 11:25:14


Agree or disagree If child want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies。


Agree or disagree If child want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies。

All parents love their children, so they will try their best to help their children do well in school. One way is to limit the children's time of watching TV programs or movies. Though some people hold the opinion the TV programs and the movie will teach kids a lot and broaden their horizon, I still support that the children should not spend so much time on the TV programs or movies.

It is true that there are many TV programs from which the children can learn the knowledge of the science, therefore they will get more interested in study at school. There are also a lot of great movies, the child could get a lot of pleasure from them. Such as <Harry Potter>, almost all the kids like the movie, as all the children want to have the magical power and then movie provide a magical world for them. However, there are more TV programs and movies which are full of sex and violence are not suitable for the children, and the good ones are only a small percentage, so there is no need for the children to spend so much time on the TV programs and movies.

What's more, if the TV programs and movies take most of the time of students, then little time will left for study and other activities. In general, the more time the students spend on their courses, the better result they will get in the exams. We should not force the students to study all day long, but in order to ensure that they can do well in school , the student should spend enough time on it. Besides study,  Learn some things new such as painting, singing, dancing, will definitely do good to the future of the kids and is much better than waste all the time on the TV programs or movies.

Additionally, if the students spend much time on watching TV and movies, they will sitting on the sofa and staring at the screen all the time , which will do bad effect on their healthy ,especially the eyes. Just take myself for the example, when I was only a child , my parents’ work are very busy ,so they don't have much time to spend on me, and I watching the TV programs all the time, then I am shortsighted when I was only ten years old. It is so weird that such a small child wears spectacles, so if I have a child, I will definitely not let him spend so much time on the TV programs.

As the students are not be able to control themselves very well, it is necessary for the parents to guild them. And through the reasons above, I still hold the point that the parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies, which will help the kids to do well in school.
作者: hyliu1-08    时间: 2011-5-31 10:29:32

作文 I finished。、、、、、、
5 月27 日独立
作者: wf16423132    时间: 2012-2-26 13:27:40

琉璃般的前尘,依蝶牵梦,爱的誓言是否需等待千年?心系着这一片繁花似锦的梦幻,就像在时间的年轮里渡过了前世, 潍坊银屑病医院又来到今世。也许你离我已不再遥远,我转身走进了曾经的日月流年,翻开爱情,寻找连接着你我眼泪的琥珀,慢慢回忆,在爱的阡陌中渐渐沉轮,直到生命终结。

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