vo: myron
me: nice to meet you! sir. Here is my card.
vo: nice to meet you too.
me: You have a busy day,it seems.
vo: thanks.
vo: So, you are going to xxx university to pursue PhD degree in chemistry?
me: yeah. I like chemistry very much and the PhD program in xxx university
is very good.
vo: where is xxx university?
me:(faint.xxx university应该还是不错的阿,尤其政治外交很有名,作为一个vo,怎么
会不知道xxx univ在哪里呢? 是不是找茬?) It is in Washington,DC...
vo: Your GRE and TOEFL score.
me: Here you are.
vo: Why not apply Chinese universities?
me: I wish I could.But the research in my specific field has just been
initiated for a couple of years...
vo:(打断我):(冷笑)in Chemistry?
me: no. I mean, in my future specific field, xxxx. In China, the research
in xxxx field has just been initiated for a couple of years, but in xxx
university has the leading technology and rich experience in my future
specific field.That's what we need but what we lack in China.
vo: So what's your future plan?
me: come to find a position in China's top institues, especially my current
institute, to develop China's own xxxx. You see, xxxx can be used for both
A and B. And in China, Sanxia Project will...... that means a hug demand for
xxxx. And the West China, including Tibet, are much behind the other regions
in B, that means another huge demand for xxxx.
vo:(边敲电脑边笑着点头)Why not stay in the United States doing the research.
me: What I care is two important things...And in China, I can get both. Of
course in the United States, the research is leading, but there is not such a
huge demand. As long as the huge demand exists in China, there will continue
to be enough funds for my research...
vo: 突然开始例行公事背诵拒人套话。。。 没听太清,但是绝对听到了sorry这个词,
me: but China has the huge demand and China has a big plan for the research in
xxxx field.
vo: 继续背诵拒人套话。。。然后在那张纸上划圈214(b)
不过没有给我little chance的条。