“Is that you?” vo把护照贴在玻璃上,正是我的照片。
“Yes, AAA” 于是我递进去卡片.
"which school are you going?" 他马上问。
"Boston College" 这样我们就省了问候语。
“Why this school?”
"My working director suggested" 一边翻文件,想拿出照片给他看。没来得及,他又问:“How many schools did
you apply?” “5”
“How many gave you admission? ” "2"
"You graduated in 1999? What did you do after that?"
"Right after graduation I worked for an IT company. Then I work for Little Dragon English program for 3 years" 一边
“What kind of program is that?” 他还是接着问。
"We provide English class to kindergarten children. " 我把书翻到最后一页,接着说“We also include some very
simple moral education in the class” 。发现他埋头写东西压跟没看,我就停住了。
“How will you fund your education?”
"Boston College gave me tuition scholarship. I have some saving. And my parents will fund me"
"What do your parents do?"
"My father is a teacher. My mother has retired. We built a house 20 years ago" 一边举起透明文件夹,好让他看最上
“May I see your bank statement?”
"Sure" 递进去,他很快就还我了。
“How will your education help you in future?”
"I study educational administration. I'll enhance the character education of the only children in China" 正想说中国的独
“What kind of position will you get?”
"I will be an education specialist. Hopefully after 3 or 4 years I will get a billingual kindergarten principle's position"
"Have you talked with anyone?"
"I've talked with the HR ditector of a top education organization in China and..."
VO迅速问“Have you any supporting letter?”
我把新东方的SL递进去, 说“They plan to set up 5 bilingual schools in China. So far only the first one will open in
vo好像又在忙什么了。我不甘心的又补充“And the school principle came back from US”
vo 头也不抬地问"Which school?"
"If you pls, would you go to window 10 and get your visa?"
这就完了?我还有点没反应过来。收拾东西,匆匆忙忙道Thank you.
To be more confident.拿破仑曾经说过:积极的态度和消极的态度使人的成就有天壤之
签证的一个。记住“Confidence is the key to success.”(自信是成功的关键)
Clear原则总体上要求大家在申请签证时,用语规范,条理清晰。“To the point”是
not real”的头衔,你与美国的距离就会远上好大一截了。所以,记住,你留学美国目的单
不那么重要的,比如"what is the difficult class?",而且,25问对一个重要
问题有遗漏,那就是"how many universities did you apply, and how many
universities give you financial aid?",这个问题几乎每个vo必问,需要准备
下面是我的答案,看起来其实比较general, 但是是我反复锤炼过的,我觉得没有
19) Why do you want to study in USA?
Because USA is the leader in the engineering field, and, my intended
program in University of XXX ranks the XXX in all USA universities,
In this university, I can reach the most advanced technologies
in my field. the knowledge and technologies I learnt there will do
a great help for my career goal to be a distinguished professor.
a, 去美国的目的真的是学知识么?(我去是因为人家优秀,你看排名还不错)
14) What will you do after graduation?
I’ll come back to China and find a research position in Tsinghua
University. I have discussed this with my advisor. As the director
of our group, he welcomes me back to his group again. My career goal
is to be a distinguished professor, I'm confident that I can easily
realize it in China.
点评:答案很一般,但是最后一句才是亮点。a, 附带着简短的回答了为什么要
回来, 而且显得很自信。b, 给vo设下圈套,下一个问题很可能就是为什么不在
15) why will you come back to China?
This is determined by my career goal, a distinguished professor.
My research field in University of XXX is very strong, with the
phd degree from it, I can easily win the priority and become a leading
researcher in my field in China. this field is just at the start in
China, few people engage in it, but because it has many new applications
in both traditional and modern industries, it will boom soon. I can
get sufficient research funding and satisfactory individual income. I
will live a more comfortable and plasant life in China than in USA.
另外不要说虚话,这也是和specific紧密结合的。比如,i want to be a
leader,professor, i will have bright future here, i will make a lot of
money here, ........就是虚话.你说你能就能,别人相信?VO相信?你要说具体事实。比
如,i will be a senior executive in GE lighting technical center in
shanghai in charge of application of architectural lightig technology.
么,多少有前途,诱人!i will be a leader/senior executive in the GE or
Philips lighting company in China.i will be very hot,and with high social
1.because the doctoral program in architecture in umich is the top of 3
such programs in US.
2.Prof.Mojtaba Navvab,my future advisor,is the Chairman of Technical
Committee of International Commission on Illumination, absolutely one of
the authorities in my subarea in the whole world.
3.my subarea of architectural lighting there is the top in the US。
4.it offers me a full funding, and ann arbor is also a very nice place to
study,live,and make friends.
但是后来我的答案只有一个:Prof.Mojtaba Navvab,my future advisor,is the
Chairman of Technical Committee of International Commission on
Illumination, absolutely one of the authorities in my subarea in the whole
7. 准备好答案,但是千万不要背它。所以千万不要死去背,默想 + 熟练读出来,读对。
说how to say,(但是千万不要说口头禅u know,因为VO don't know, VO want to hear
from u).反正,太流利,效果不如结巴,不如语法错误。
发信人: windysigh (沙漠里的仙人掌), 信区: Visa 标 题: 6月19日2000的签经,有过程,无结果. 发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sat Jun 21 09:34:14 2003), 转信 6月9日1000,死在DTT手下.在回家的路上,车里用手机约了2000,19号102号. 上午大约8:10到,已经叫到130号,没犹豫,立刻进去. 签证处大概有二三十人的样子,排队,领到深灰色的牌子. 等候,去洗手间\喝水. 8点30左右,签证官就到了,美男确实很ss,hfmm没有我想像中的pp.(1000时没看见她).美 男,hfmm,dtt分别占据了7,8,9号窗口,从我等候的地方刚好看的到他们,几个人在说笑,感 觉他们心情还好. 这时,保安把我们深灰色牌子的一队人领到了4号窗口,我们是第一队站到VO面前的.4号V O,不知道是谁,穿西装,淡黄衬衣,比较年轻. 先上去的是一对老夫妇,探亲,过了.感觉VO对老年人态度还挺好的. 第二个上去的是一个GG,似乎学管理的.GG大声说:我要回来做教授!大约5分钟,VO把护照 推了出来.我的心也跟着沉了一下.GG还不走,在窗口继续说,这是我的论文,这是我项目的 照片....又僵持了将近一分钟,VO招手叫保安过来.早上保安态度也比较好,还拍拍这个G G的肩膀,以示安慰.但我心情还是很沉重. 接着VO叫到我的名字. me: morning, Sir. Nice to see you. vo: morning, card? vo: why you go to US? me: I am going to study political science at the ASU. vo: what will you with your degree? me: do you ask my plan after graduation? vo: 非常干脆,yeah, your plan after graduation. me: I want to come back......Sir, before I answer your question, could you g ive me half a minute to say sth else? vo: just answer the question. me: 不理睬VO,开始说 You know, this is my second time to apply for an F1 vis a and maybe it's last time..... vo: 打断我,但没听明白他的话...%^&*#@ me: Before I came here, a friend told me that I should not insist on my plan of being a professor. (VO不说话了,看着我的眼睛认真听,我也看着他的眼睛) He t old me that if I insist on the former plan, I would be refused again. Becaus e you diplomats won't believe such a plan any more. vo: 再次打算我,但我知道此时他在宣讲美国签证政策,大致意思是我们没有这样,我们只 是要申请人很具体详细的阐述他的计划.我们不会听见"教授"就做判断.我们要根据你的 详细计划来判断.... me: 打断VO. yes! you know, he almost conviced me! But last evening, I read s omething Mr.....sorry, a Sir(因为想不起来在SOHU访谈的VO的名字了,只好换说SIR, 不过后来听说,19日的4号VO就是去SOHU聊天的那个) said in SOHU.COM. Now I believ e you are just and won't have any bias to any plan. VO: yes! 我们只是要申请人讲真话.(原文不记得了,就是这意思). me: So this time I will insist on my plan of being a professor. I just hope you can give me a little more time to fully express myself. VO: OK.看我的眼睛. me: After graduation, I want to be a teacher of MPA students. You know MPA i s a new program in political science and just have two years' history in Chi na. Most MPA students are government officials. Do you know how many officia ls in China? (打算拿具体的资料来说明MPA培训市场很大). VO: I don't want that. Tell me if you can do the job. me: I can. I will focus my study on.... vo: Do you have any experience on the teaching of MPA? me: Sure, I do have. I was a teaching assistant of MPA course on my graduate time. and when in ASU, I will be a TA. vo: did you talked your plan to someone? me: yes. I talked to my supervisor and here is his support letter. vo: and your GT. me:于是将GT, SL一起递进去.VO仔细的看了看SL. me: you know, I will study the methodology in ASU. So when I come back, I ca n teach the course of quantitative analysis methods, which is a required cou rse to ALL MPA students. (递进去MPA的课程说明) VO: 看了两眼. how many universities in China have the program of MPA? me: 24.递进去教育部关于MPA的说明,我把24所大学highlight出来. VO:开始看计算机.how many persons enrolled in your program this year? me: the MPA program belongs to the school of government. This year we enroll ed three new faculty. You know, in the coming ten years, we will keep on exp and the School of Government and the faculty will reach to 70. VO:点头,敲电脑. me: 塞进我们学院教工的list. you know, last time I told the diplomat that the re are 40 teachers in my department. Actually, there are 40 teachers in my S chool. Only 15 teachers are in my department. Last time I was a little nervo us and made a mistake. VO:真的是认真的看了两眼我的LIST.然后微笑点头,继续敲机器.then why don't study in China university? me: I wish I could. But no China universities can provide me a program empha sis on the methodology of political science. You can see the faculty list of my school, only my supervisor's interest field is methodology. So I want to study in US. Then when I come back, maybe I am the second person focus on t he methodology. VO: 看我的DS表,忽然发现一个问题.It's nonsense. You said there is no professo r fosue on this field, then who teaches the course of methodology for MPA st udents? me: As far as I knew, this course are usually taken by teachers from the dep artment of economics. We invited them. You see, we really in need of teacher s focus on methodology of political science. 面试过程结束了,VO看DS表,我看到了上一次的DS表.....结果先不说了,我也觉得,签经先 不说结果为好.如果你是VO,我能过么?
What r u going to do in US?
Study Educational Administration and enhance character education of the only children in China. 如果不打断,接着说 The only child need to learn independence. This is a big problem now, the result of only-child policy and improved living standard.
Why not in China?
It's a new problem. 他当然独生子女是近20年的事情。This field remain undeveloped in China. Even in the best education school-BNU , childhood education department has only 20 years' history.
Why US?
My working director is American. (他,我,孩子们在一起的照片) And our program is developed by American specialists. It combines some basic character education into English teaching.(课本最后一页彩图,标注了道德教育)
Why come back?
I have no advantage in teaching American children English. But my working experience in teaching English, my expertise in character education and a US Master's degree will lift me above my competitors in China. 如果不打断,接着说kindergarten education is booming. But most teachers don't even hold a bachelor's degree. They can't develop curriculum or lead education reform. There's great demand for qualified educators like me .