
标题: Zahngxin 作文贴 [打印本页]

作者: zahngxin    时间: 2011-5-22 21:25:08     标题: Zahngxin 作文贴

3. Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

There is no gainsaying / it cannot be denied / that we have benefited a lot from the development of modern science and technology. Specially, no one can turn around his head without seeing any cooking equipment, which has made cooking food more easier . Consequently, some people argue that this change have been changing our live better and better. However, some people refute the former's perspective, with the reason that this change might give rise to lots of harmful profits in our daily live.

It is a fact that food has become easier to prepare. But not all convenient things can exert a positive effect on our live. Especially, when the things have a very close relationship with our health./ when the things play a crucial role in our health. As we all know that fast food, like instant noodle, instant coffee, instant-frozen Jiaozi, must be produced with some kinds of antiseptics// preservatives, avoiding going bad. Doing this can be good for a longer preserving but cause a potential of being poisoned by these preservatives. Also, we can notice that a larger number of American are fat, and have a higher possibility of physical decease caused by those preservatives, especially for children. Those negative aspects, directly, are responsible to those fast food.

Another reason to explain why easily prepared food led to unwise changes to our live is that this changing may weaken our relationship between our family members. Because when I cook dinner, we can talk with my mother, my father, exchanging our feelings and enable to establish and persist a kindly atmosphere in our family. In this swift developing society, parents are busy for working, while children are burdened with the onerous lessonschoolwork. Thus, the time being with our family members becomes what significant to us. If we just simply do something to cook food, we may lost a lot of opportunities of feeling our parents' loves.

Making cooking food more easier, on some extent, can bring some benefits to us, such saving time to do other things, rescuing housewives from onerous household chores. So housewife need no stay in all the day to prepare food, they can go to library, meet friends, and improve themselves. To the salariat, they have not enough time to cook, so this change of simplifying the procedure of cooking food indeed saving a lot of time.

No matter what the good aspects is obvious, the disadvantages advantages overweight the advantage. It means that this change to prepare food more easily can not improve the way our live.
作者: zahngxin    时间: 2011-5-25 21:06:31

3. Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.(426)

There is no gainsaying / it cannot be denied / that we have benefited a lot from the development of modern science and technology. Specially, no one can turn around his head without seeing any cooking equipment, which has made cooking food more easier . Consequently, some people argue that this change have been changing our live better and better. However, some people refute the former's perspective, with the reason that this change might give rise to lots of harmful profits in our daily live.

It is a fact that food has become easier to prepare. But not all convenient things can exert a positive effect on our live. Especially, when the things have a very close relationship with our health./ when the things play a crucial role in our health. As we all know that fast food, like instant noodle, instant coffee, instant-frozen Jiaozi, must be produced with some kinds of antiseptics// preservatives, avoiding going bad. Doing this can be good for a longer preserving but cause a potential of being poisoned by these preservatives. Also, we can notice that a larger number of American are fat, and have a higher possibility of physical decease caused by those preservatives, especially for children. Those negative aspects, directly, are responsible to those fast food.

Another reason to explain why easily prepared food led to unwise changes to our live is that this changing may weaken our relationship between our family members. Because when I cook dinner, we can talk with my mother, my father, exchanging our feelings and enable to establish and persist a kindly atmosphere in our family. In this swift developing society, parents are busy for working, while children are burdened with the onerous lessonschoolwork. Thus, the time being with our family members becomes what significant to us. If we just simply do something to cook food, we may lost a lot of opportunities of feeling our parents' loves.

Making cooking food more easier, on some extent, can bring some benefits to us, such saving time to do other things, rescuing housewives from onerous household chores. So housewife need no stay in all the day to prepare food, they can go to library, meet friends, and improve themselves. To the salariat, they have not enough time to cook, so this change of simplifying the procedure of cooking food indeed saving a lot of time.

No matter what the good aspects is obvious, the disadvantages advantages overweight the advantage. It means that this change to prepare food more easily can not improve the way our live.
1# zahngxin
作者: zahngxin    时间: 2011-5-31 23:30:44

(寄托5.31) Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities?
On no account can we say that the dangerous, on some extent, activities have a strong attraction to some people. The most common activities, like bungee, can bring them lots of special experiences. The reasons why some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities can be explained from following aspects.

First, I think it is curiosity that makes dangerous sports or activities attractive. As we can see that almost every people have s strong curious sense of doing things that they have not done before, especially dangerous activities, so dangerous activities magically excite them to find the mystical feelings or experiences in them. We can find hundreds and thousands examples to reflect this. When we go to fairground where always be with at least several dangerous projects, some of us could firstly be attracted by the dangerous ones. And also some of us will do them. Because, as their concerned that this dangerous projects can bring them the feelings of exciting and enjoyable. For example, however, if you parents forbid you from playing those dangerous projects, you will accumulate this will, consequently which will be a burning desire to do those, since you want to get that special feelings. This is curiosity what lead to a tendency to do dangerous activities.

Second, by doing dangerous activities we can gain a achievement of conquering ourself. Take athletes for example, the athletes, like mountaineers, always have a burning perseverance and determination to challenge themselves thus conquer themselves. From their perspectives, the dangerous activities do not mean dangers but the improvements of physical condition and psychological diathesis. suppose you are in depression for a long time and always lack of confidence when you encounter some frustrations, the most efficient and effective way to overcome/surmount this flaw and convert yourself into another characters, good at dealing with difficult conditions and moulding a powerful psychological diathesis. In this point, dangerous always attract some people to do dangerous activities.

Last but not least, another equally important consideration is that, from doing dangerous activities, we can discover our potentials which are ignored. Most of time, these potentials are so crucial that have a key, active impact in our improvement.

Shortly, from what I have discussed some people are attracted by dangerous activities or sports always.  Dangerous activities contains lots of mysterious feelings and experiences, which can give raise to challenging ourself and enable to cause a self-improvement. Those are what I think attract some people to do dangerous activities or dangerous sports.
作者: qianhuang    时间: 2011-6-1 15:26:52

6月1日 独立
作者: zahngxin    时间: 2011-6-1 19:51:04

本帖最后由 zahngxin 于 2011-6-1 19:53 编辑

06,01  2011
2009 11 07 日北美
For successful development of a country, should a government focus its budget more on very young children education rather than on universities?(534)

Among hundreds and thousands kinds of factors to inspire a country in a high speed development steps, education can never be exaggerated to be regarded as a fatal/vital/crucial factor for the successful, efficient, and effective development to a country.  In recent decades, almost all countries begin increasing their budget on education, especially in China and India. However, arbitrarily to say that that government should allocate more money on the primary education,like the very young children education, than that of higher education is not wise, with the following reasons.

It is no deny that primary education to the very young children pay an crucial role in the development in economy, military, national defence, social instruction etc. But it is higher education, like university, that directly cultivate those young people, and then give a push driver to country civilization and social improvement. For example, can you have a possibility to avoid hearing some news about high techniques without any participation of young people, who even just graduate from university several years ago, mostly involving in manufacturing hi-tech machines. In order to instruct the young people, we need to pay a considerable large number of money to buy instruction equipment, and establish laboratories for them doing experiences. While, in elementary education, we will no be in a essential situation to buy some special instruction equipment or build some buildings.

Also, the primary education, even formative education, is the basis of the development, as countless people have ever said that "Education is the basis of a project of vital and lasting importance " . Although most people conform to it, it does not means that we must put more money in the education budget than the money spent on the university education. And what is most important is that we need to spend money on organizing forums, proseminars, visitatorial activities for our young people, improving lots of opportunities for them to gain experiences which will be helpful for their maturation. As we all know that very young children have little experience to do decision, control themselves when they encounter some dilemmas. So the main measure we use to cultivate our children is to put more energy on them other than more money. For example, one of my classmates named xiao li, who has a wealthy family and always has a large number of money, can buy almost everything if he want to do. As his farther think that money is the most important,and good thing inspire his son to study hard, however, he ignore that it is the attentions he put on his son, but not money can bring him a excellent son. So, when we talk about "how a country can educate her children to be outstanding ones?" our answer are putting more energy on them and instructing them cannily.

In a nutshell, as I am concerned that the government should admeasure more money in education budget to higher education like university education. As what I have discussed that we young people need more money to get a better environment to study, and then give a better service to the country's development, while the very young children just need more social energy or attention to cultivate them.
作者: xiangtuo    时间: 2011-6-1 22:28:54

本帖最后由 xiangtuo 于 2011-6-1 22:30 编辑

On no account can we say that the dangerous, on some extent, activities have a strong attraction to some people. The most common activities(这里的运动应该是想说危险的运动吧?加个限定词会更好), like bungee, can bring them lots of special experiences. The reasons why some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities can be explained from following aspects." J" K* z, n& p( E7 `5 E% A

, ]: f* H* b/ t( T. Y. G, uFirst, I think it is curiosity that makes dangerous sports or activities attractive. As we can see that almost every people have a strong curious sense of doing things that they have not done before, especially dangerous activities, so dangerous activities magically excite them to find the mystical feelings or experiences in them(
这个指代的是极限运动吧?一句话里面两个them指代不同的含义). We can find hundreds and thousands examples to reflect this. When we go to a fairground where always be(直接去掉,with引导伴随状语)with at least several dangerous projects, some of us could firstly be attracted by the dangerous ones. And also some of us will do them. Because, as their concerned that this dangerous projects can bring them the feelings of exciting and enjoyable. For example, however, if you parents forbid you from playing those dangerous projects, you will accumulate this will, consequently which will be a burning desire to do those, since you want to get that special feelings(去掉). This is curiosity what leads to a tendency to do dangerous activities.
u# F# e& S
Second, by doing dangerous activities we can gain a achievement of conquering ourselves. Take athletes for example, the athletes, like mountaineers, always have a burning perseverance and determination to challenge themselves thus conquer themselves. From their perspectives, the dangerous activities do not mean dangers but the improvements of physical condition and psychological diathesis. Suppose you are in depression for a long time and always lack of
(去掉) confidence when you encounter some frustrations, the most efficient and effective way to overcome this flaw and convert yourself into another characters(么有明白什么意思), good at(这句话没有动词啊。。。去掉good at 加一个is dealing with difficult conditions and moulding a powerful psychological diathesis. In this point, dangerous always attract some people to do dangerous activities. - u4 r# C) s: M
) y; X* t& X3 }# b, Z
Last but not least, another equally important consideration is that, from doing dangerous activities, we can discover our potentials which are ignored. Most of time, these potentials are so crucial that having a key, active impact in our improvement.
; J, V2 T  @  ~7 F" G

Shortly, from what I have discussed some people are attracted by dangerous activities or sports always(
一般放在are之后吧).  Dangerous activities contains lots of mysterious feelings and experiences, which can give raise to challenging ourselves and enable to cause a self-improvement. Those are what I think attract some people to do dangerous activities or dangerous sports.

作者: zahngxin    时间: 2011-6-2 20:52:38

6# xiangtuo 多谢豆豆....
作者: zahngxin    时间: 2011-6-3 23:18:13

5. A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.(06.03--485)

In no circumstance can we say that some thing can only bring benefits to us or only be harmful to us. We must treat every thing differently under the different situations. As for this plan to establish a large factory in my community, there are several merits and demerits for the distinctive perspective.

First, establishing a large factory can brings a huge number of operation posts, which will absorb at least a large portion of the local young people. By doing this we also can resist the loss of local labour resource, simultaneously can attract other outstanding talents. From this point, building factory is building our community----developing our community. For example, had the large factory been established near community, whatever young people or laid-off workers almost could have a opportunity to work. Consequently, we can have a stable income, which can improve our live level. So the young people need not to find jobs in other developed cities. Then, for one hand, the factory can have a stable humans resources; for another hand, the main force young people may put their attentions on the local development, especially factory and community.

At second place, large factory can leads to a tendency of improvement in severe industry, education, infrastructure construction, communication and transportation. Since a large factory can produce a mass of products, this requires government to build the relevant accessorial/attaching infrastructures, such as road construction for products freightage, enabling improving local community's live condition. And meanwhile, owing the large factory can attract lots of trades, there will be a dramatical demands in serve, like instruction school for expertise training, and hotel for accomodation.  From this point view,our community can benefit a lot from the factory. To some extent, duilding a factory near our community is a win-win plan.

As what people have said that everything has its own special disadvantages, building a large factory also give rise to some demerits.with the development of the factory, in no situation can we avoid contaminating local clear water and fresh air, and even have a inconvenience on some aspects of daily live. For example, when the traffic condition has been improved, there may be more cars on the road and thus may make lots of noise in day time. What's more, the increasing number of trucks for transporting products again can also be a threat to our personal safety. In spite of what the merits the factory can bring to us, we should keep a eye on the demerits, especially the potential disadvantages as I discussed.

In conclusion, although building large factory near my community may have a lots of disadvantages to us, I still have a positive attitude on this issue to support this factory plan. Because we can solve all those negative problems by setting several rules, like limiting the speed of trucks in the certain time. When the disadvantages can be control, there are merits only.
作者: phoenix2011    时间: 2011-6-4 02:44:44

作者: qianhuang    时间: 2011-6-4 09:47:58

6月3日 独立 修改
作者: hcp4715    时间: 2011-6-4 11:35:06

5# zahngxin
作者: zahngxin    时间: 2011-6-5 23:08:35

hcp715多谢你的建议和意见。呵呵...你说的都对,我最近是尝试着用一些词语,还有就是用一些叫复杂的句式...可是效果不是很好。还有对于逻辑方面有时我是有点不明确,其中多多少少有点瘦中文的思维影响。我以后会更加注意的,文章我会在更爱的,希望你能在给我看看.辛苦你了。祝好运,好心情。 11# hcp4715
作者: zahngxin    时间: 2011-6-8 20:39:46

(寄托06.08) Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities?

On no account can we say that, on some extent, the dangerous activities have a strong attraction to some people. The most common activities, like bungee, can bring them lots of special experiences. The reasons why some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities can be explained from following aspects.

First, I think it is curiosity that makes dangerous sports or activities attractive. As we can see that almost every people have s strong curious sense of doing some that they have not done before, especially dangerous activities, so dangerous activities magically excite them to find the mystical feelings or experiences. We can find hundreds and thousands examples reflect this. When we go to fairground where always be with at least several dangerous projects, some of us could firstly be attracted by the dangerous ones. And also some of us will do them. Because, as their concerned that this dangerous projects can bring them the feelings of exciting and enjoyable. For example, however, if you parents forbid you from playing those dangerous projects, you will accumulate this will, consequently which will be a burning desire to do those, since you want to get that special feelings. This is curiosity what lead to a tendency to do dangerous activities.

Second, by doing dangerous activities we can gain a achievement of conquering ourself. Take athletes for example, the athletes, like mountaineers, always have a burning perseverance and determination to challenge themselves thus conquer themselves. From their perspectives, the dangerous activities do not mean dangers but the improvements of physical condition and psychological diathesis. suppose you are in depression for a long time and always lack of confidence when you encounter some frustrations, the most efficient and effective way to overcome/surmount this flaw and convert yourself into another characters being good at dealing with difficult conditions and moulding a powerful psychological diathesis. In this point, dangerous always attract some people to do dangerous activities.

Last but not the least, another equally important consideration is that, from doing dangerous activities, we can discover our potentials which are ignored. Most of time, these potentials are so crucial that it could give rise to a key, active impact in our improvement.

Shortly, from what I have discussed, tsome people are attracted by dangerous activities or sports largely for the mysterious feelings, challenging and potentials. Dangerous activities contains lots of mysterious feelings and experiences, which can lead to a challenging to ourself and enable to cause a self-improvement. Those are what I think attract some people to do dangerous activities or dangerous sports.
作者: zahngxin    时间: 2011-6-10 21:41:20

本帖最后由 zahngxin 于 2011-6-10 21:45 编辑

(6.9)2009 年11 月07 日北美
For successful development of a country, should a government focus its budget more on very young children education rather than on universities?(534)
Among hundreds and thousands kinds of factors to inspire a country in a high speed development steps, education can never be exaggerated to be regarded as a fatal/vital/crucial factor for the successful, efficient, and effective development to a country. In recent decades, almost all countries begin increasing their budget on education, especially in China and India. However, arbitrarily to say that that government should allocate more money on the primary education,like the very young children education, than that of higher education is not wise, with the following reasons.
It is no deny that primary education to the very young children pay an crucial role in the development in economy, military, national defence, social instruction etc. But it is higher education, like university, that directly cultivate those young people, and then give a push driver to country civilization and social improvement. For example, can you have a possibility to avoid hearing some news about high techniques without any participation of young people, who even just graduate from university several years ago, mostly involving in manufacturing hi-tech machines. In order to instruct the young people, we need to pay a considerable large number of money to buy instruction equipment, and establish laboratories for them doing experiences. While, in elementary education, we will no be in a essential situation to buy some special instruction equipment or build some buildings.

Also, the primary education, even formative education, is the basis of the development, as countless people have ever said that "Education is the basis of a project of vital and lasting importance " . Although most people conform to it, it does not means that we must put more money in the education budget than the money spent on the university education. And what is most important is that we need to spend money on organizing forums, proseminars, visitatorial activities for our young people, improving lots of opportunities for them to gain experiences which will be helpful for their maturation. As we all know that very young children have little experience to do decision, control themselves when they encounter some dilemmas. So the main measure we use to cultivate our children is to put more energy on them other than more money. For example, one of my classmates named xiao li, who has a wealthy family and always has a large number of money, can buy almost everything if he want to do. As his farther think that money is the most important,and good thing inspire his son to study hard, however, he ignore that it is the attentions he put on his son, but not money can bring him a excellent son. So, when we talk about "how a country can educate her children to be outstanding ones?" our answer are putting more energy on them and instructing them cannily.

In a nutshell, as I am concerned that the government should admeasure more money in education budget to higher education like university education. As what I have discussed that we young people need more money to get a better environment to study, and then give a better service to the country's development, while the very young children just need more social energy or attention to cultivate them.
作者: hyliu1-08    时间: 2011-6-11 22:17:45

作者: zahngxin    时间: 2011-6-11 23:03:47

(6.11)Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even there's no practical use

In no circumstance can we deny that we should promote the development of science. With the increasing capital and talents in investment of scientific research, we get a huge advance in almost all aspects in society. But not everyone agree with this point. They say only the practical useful ones should be supported by government. From my viewpoint, I definitely stand for that government should support all science research whether there is practical useful or not.

First of all, science and technology are the primary productive forces. If we want to create a new, thriving and advanced future, scientific research is the most reliable way to realize this. From this point, it can never be exaggerated for the government to exert every effort for scientific research. We can cite an example to illustrate this perspective. In the first decade of last century in my hometown, the main work for the government is to retain a peaceful condition and hold some religious rituals rather than developing local science research. But, now, in recent decade, our government put enormous attention and energy in science research, bringing a large amount of benefits to local society.

However, as not every research can bring us practical use, should our government only support the practical useful ones? The answer definitely is no. On one hand, most scientific researches have no practical use in the coming few years or decades. But, ultimately, these researches can bring uses to us. There is lots of examples can reflect this, such as genetic project. At the beginning of genetic research, we could not predict the uses it will produce. But our government still execute a important decision to support this scientific research. For several decade researching, we have got enormous achievements. Although we can acquire some practical uses from this, it is indeed useful to find the mysterious secrets in our body, like how can we be like this. When we gradually find the mechanism of body by the genetic research, we can ward off diseases by use the results of this research.

On the other hand, when it comes to scientific research, we could not simply use practical use as a criterion. If practical use is the only criterion for government to determinate which scientific research should be supported, we may miss lots of opportunities on the way of society development. Because the criterion should be established by the fact that if the research can lead to society advance but practical use. In most time, research may have no practical use in some time but can give rise to a spiritual improvement and acknowledge.

In a ward, from what I have said, I agree that our government should support the scientific research even there is no practical use.
作者: zhengxiao0312    时间: 2011-6-14 10:00:43

by zhengxiao0312[attach]166915[/attach]
作者: hyliu1-08    时间: 2011-6-15 22:57:12

6月11日独立 修改 大哥 你还没给我改、、、、、、、、、
作者: hyliu1-08    时间: 2011-6-15 23:17:23

6独立 修改
作者: zahngxin    时间: 2011-6-19 13:47:19

20100312NA--(441)--20100619 独立写作:
Agree or disagree? If child want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies.
///Should school child be limited on the hours of watching TV program and movie?///

As one of the most useful and essential part in our daily lives, television and movie have brought enormous benefits to us, such as transmitting news, educating public, and offering a virtual stage for entertaining. However, among these benefits, some advantages about television and movie may be regarded as disadvantages for children when we talk about children's study. As I concerned that parents should limit the hours of watching television programs or movies. At first place, children are easily subjected to lots of temptations, thus their immature ability of controlling themselves could lead to a waste of time. Suppose when a child watch television programs or movies freely and with out limiting, he/she may have not enough time for sleeping at night , which directly cause him/her cannot concentrate his/her energy on study. Then, consequently, behave badly in school.

Second, since there are lots of unsuitable elements like violent and erotic elements in some programs and moives, we parents should give a guide to children and limit their watching time. As everyone all need a period of time for growing up and becoming mature, if there is no guide during these time, he may have a probability to do wrong things. When it comes to child, he may do bad in school, and even commit a crime. From this point, we must take child's disadvantage of distinguishing good things and bad things into account. We should reduce the probability to contact those negative influences. And by limiting the hours of watching television is a good way to protect child away from unsuitable things. When child is guided probably in watching television, the directly consequence will come out which child will preform well not only in class but also in his interesting field.

Among the reasons to limit child's hour of watching television, physical condition is another reason to support this agreement. Commonly, although a child, who ignore the importance to improve his body condition, do well in school, he will eventually lose his advantages in school. We can see numerous examples to illustrate this. For example, one of my friends named Jack, was once a excellent guy in school. But he obsessed himself in movies, he never went out for doing exercises. At last, unfortunately, he broke his body and had to give up the opportunity for further study.

In short, child is child. He is immature and lack of doing decision and lack of distinguishing good things and bad things. so from what I have discussed above, I definitely agree with the statement that If child wants do well in school, his parents must limit his hours of watching television.
作者: zahngxin    时间: 2011-6-21 19:31:09

第4 套最重点机经20100306NA

Whatever difficulty he/ she come across in his/her life, everyone will have and hold a dream all the time. However, not everyone enable to realize his/her dream in the real world. So some people insist that they should keep their dream, even though there are lots of challenges, while some people give their approvals to the point that we should take real situations into consideration. Especially/particularly, when it comes to me, I definitely agree with the former view.

Firstly, the dream with lots of challenges do not mean have no connection with realistic world, and still can be realized eventually. Because challenges can stimulate us to overcome difficulties. When I was a litter boy, I have ever dreamed to go abroad for my further study. However, for the lack of enough money and enough confidence, I nearly give up my dream because of those challenges. But, at last, with my full effort in my study, I come close to my dream. In this route to the dream, I surmount numerous difficulties by the inspiring of challenges, simultaneously, gain my confidence. And I also did several part job in my vacations to earn money. Now I'm preparing industrially for my dream. Had I give up my challenging dream, I will have a utterly different live which may be not what I want.

Second, in the dream with challenges, we may find or discovery some potential capacity which we would not notice it in the dream for realistic world. During the procedures of preserving our dream, particularly the one full of challenges, we may encounter a large number of frustrations and blocks. In order to surmount them, we must use every effort as we can. And we will find out where we are week, where are have more merits. This mostly give rise to a opportunity to recognize ourselves and improve ourselves in those points. For instance, before I prepare for the TOEFL test, I do not realize that I can speak very well in English. As I'm concerned that I was so week in speaking. But for the dream of going abroad for further study, I confirm this challenge bravely and eventually find out that I could speak better than that I have thought.

But does it all good when we keep a dream which is full of challenges? The answer should be not absolutely yes or not. It is up to conditions and every person. If some one still want to be a dancer after a serious accident, he may  never get success. Because, in this condition, he will face a challenge like a big mountain which he have any few probability to surmount it. So he should change his dream either to be a successful psychologist or any other possible one, then he will make his dream come true. It means he should pay more attention on the probability of realizing dream but the dream with lots of challenges.

After all, it is rare to suffer some terrible accident. From what I have discussed, I agree that we should choice a dream with lots of challenges. By doing so we can not only find out what we essentially be good at but have not noticed, but also can realize our dreams eventually.
作者: 90后她爹    时间: 2011-6-23 16:37:10

4 套最重点机经20100306NA

Whateverdifficulty he/ she comes across in his/her life,everyone will have and hold a dream all the time. However, not everyone enables to realize his/her dream in the real world.So somepeople insist that they should keep their dream, even though there are lots ofchallenges, while some (用other会好点) people givetheir approvals to the point that we本分句和前分句比较,用people就更完善了。) should takereal situations into consideration(这个说得有点轻了,仅仅是考虑现实情况。换一下强调有的人更注重现实的梦想,能更突出些。). Especially/particularly, when it comesto me, I definitely agree with the former view.  

Firstly, the dream with lots of challenges do not mean have
having或者用从句) noconnection with realistic world, and still can be realized eventually. Becausechallenges can stimulate us to overcome difficulties. When I was a litter boy,I have ever dreamed to go abroad for my further study. However, for the lack ofenough money and enough confidence, I nearly give up my dream because of thosechallenges. But, at last, with my full effort in my study, I come close to mydream. In this route to the dream, I surmount numerous difficulties by theinspiring of challenges, simultaneously, gain my confidence. And I also didseveral part job in my vacations to earn money. Now I'm preparing industriallyfor my dream. Had I give up my challenging dream, I will have a utterlydifferent live which may be not what I want.在说梦想challenging的时候应该再具体一点,把challenging的地方体现出来,而不是仅仅概括地说说。
Second, in the dreamwith challenges, we may find or discovery some potential capacity which wewould not notice it in the dream for realistic world. During the procedures ofpreserving our dream, particularly the one full of challenges, we may encountera large number of frustrations and blocks. In order to surmount them, we mustuse every effort as we can. And we will find out where we are weekweak, where are havemore merits(where we have more advantages). This mostly give rise to aopportunity to recognize ourselves and improve ourselves in those points. Forinstance, before I prepare for the TOEFL test, I do not realize that I canspeak very well in English. As I'm concerned that I wasso week in speaking.(这句话是表示我没意识到我能说英语那么好是因为我太担心了吗??没懂。。。不过你应该摆这句话和上一句连起来,要不然这句话很突兀,而且使得意思不够流畅。) But for the dream of going abroad forfurther study, I confirm confirmthe challenge bravely??confirm不是证实吗?confirm bravely? facethe challenge bravely 会更好些~this challenge bravely and eventuallyfind out that I could speak better than thatwhat
I have thought.

But does it all good when we keep a dream which is full of challenges? Theanswer should be not absolutely yes or not. It is up to conditions and everyperson. If some one still want to be a dancer after a serious accident, hemay  never get success. Because, in this condition, he will face a challenge like a big mountain
(这样表述不恰当,大山一样的挑战,简单说就是挑战对应的大山,但是准确的说应该是登等大山一样的挑战,因为大山不是挑战,登大山才是。这样表述更准确。) which he have any few probability tosurmount it. So he should change his dream either to be a successfulpsychologist or any other possible one, then he will make his dream come true.It means he should pay more attention onto
the probability of realizing dream butthe dream with lots of impossible challenges.

After all, itis rare to suffer some terrible accident. From what I have discussed, I agreethat we should choice a dream with lots of challenges. By doing so we can notonly find out what we essentially be good at but have not noticed, but also canrealize our dreams eventually.
除了在每段中标记出来的红色部分,我觉得倒数第二段有些多余。你的文章结构:引出自己的观点=》第一点理由,挑战性的理想也可以成功=》第二点理由,挑战性的理想可以激发潜能认识自己=》问题不是绝对的,追求过于挑战性的理想不会成功,有时也要考虑一下现实=》大多数情况下仍要坚持有挑战性的。我觉得倒数第二段的内容和你要论述的内容没有太多的联系,题目也不是绝对的,你的选择也不是绝对的,那么再去说我们不应该绝对地选择挑战性的就没有必要了。抛开这点不说,托福作文似乎不是那么注重考试者的批判性思维,不像SAT,托福更注重考试者能不能把自己的观点说明白,所以倒数第二段搞不好还会削弱你论证的强度。个人意见哈~仅供参考~~JJJ  有想法互相交流啊!! 嘿嘿

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