me: Hello
Vo: you are going to study for master degree of civil engineering at Univr*****, what aspect
me: with aspect of building science
Vo: what kind of buildings?
me: public buildings , family houses (估计签证官不想听到特殊功能的建筑)
Vo: OK, how long the master program will take?
me: about two years
Vo: who will pay for your cost
me: My future advisor, Dr.***
Vo: Do you have a resume (这个单词重音在后面re'sume,但我一直读成'resume,他读了几遍我都不懂,结果他用中文跟我讲,你有简历吗,接着就听到后面笑场了**,我把简历 给他,vo扫了一眼就还我了)
Vo: when you graduate what will you do
me: I'll contunue to study for a PhD degree (我之前还有点担心vo会问为什么不直接读PhD,还准备了一套辞的)
Vo: Well, after you get your PhD what will you do
me: I 'll come back to China and find a faculty position at some university (我还想解释一下为什么要回国呢,vo就撕黄纸片了,我很激动,问他pass了?他说是的)