
标题: 今年申得不好的同学 don't lose hope [zz] [打印本页]

作者: Guessy    时间: 2011-6-9 00:23:38     标题: 今年申得不好的同学 don't lose hope [zz]

本帖最后由 Guessy 于 2011-6-9 01:40 编辑


在premed论坛上看到的 觉得有那么点感动吧
希望大家可以 坚持自己的梦想
梦想 不是随着人群做同样的事情
而是 自己想过很久的 即冲动又理智的一个愿望
一个 可以经过了很多年 依然无法放弃的梦想

I finally got the acceptance letter from one of the med school yesterday. For me, it has been a long and ardous journey, 10 yrs to be exact since the first time that I applied to a med school. Along the way, I am blessed with encouragements from friends, colleagues, people from this forum, for that, I can't thank them enough. I want to take this opportunity to share my story and to encourage those who has been trying for the past several years to not giving up your dream.

First time I applied to med school was back in 2000, when most of the"traditional" applicants were still in either elementary school /Juniour high. I didn't get any interview invites from any of theschools that I applied to; however, it wasn't much a surprise, given my marks weren't competitive enough. I applied once again in 2001 with similar result. Then I decided to do a MSc. degree, hoping that this would help to strenghten my application in the future. After 2 yrs hiatus from the application cycle, I applied to both med and dent in2003. I only got as far as receiving interviews from UWO and UT dentistry that year. I went back to Taiwan to work as a research assistant for a while. At that time, I started to really worry about my future.

I was lucky enough to be accepted into UBC Dent the next year. At that time, I was just happy to land a career with good income and a rather prestigeous title, irregardless whether it would be a career that I would truly enjoy in doing. Naive at that point, it took me 2 years to come to realization that something is not right. At 2007, I found that dentistry and I were just not compatible. The combined curriculum offered at UBC further strengthened my desire in wanting to pursue medicine.

Dropping out from dentistry wasn't an easy choice, especially when your asian parents considered to disown you and wanted to choke you to death for exchanging a great career with more uncertainty. Or when some of your friends started doubting you and think you are being unrealistic about the whole medical school thing. Strains on the relationship with the love one was also significant. At that point, life seems to spiralling downward out of control faster than I can handle. However,thanks for the support from my dentistry friends and other long-time friends, I was able to gather myself up and focus on what I have to do.

I applied to med again in 2007 while working as a research assistant,that year, I received my first ever medical school interview. Having high hope for myself that year, I was devastated when I was rejected post-interview. However, since I have always wanted to work in healthcare-related field, that same year, I also applied to pharmacy,and was fortunate enough to be accepted into the pharmacy program inToronto. I came to acceptance at that point, if I can never get accepted into medicine, at least, I would be happy to work as a pharmacist as a career. I continued to apply to med while studying in pharmacy; however, I kept receiving the same rejections letters year after year. It just seemed that I am not the right fit for any of the medical school that I interviewed with. This past year was supposedly my very last year in applying for medical school admission. It just comes to the point that I lost all the hope of ever getting into medicine, and getting tired from the whole application process. The whole motivation and desire are just not here anymore. But fortunately,I am finally able to accomplish what I set out to do 10 years ago.

I know it is never easy in getting rejection letters, I have all sorts from different medical schools across Canada. However, you just cant lose hope and lose sight on what you want to accomplish when you firststarted on this journey. If you think medicine is right for you and you will be a great physician, then you just have to work hard and make yourself a better candidate for people to see. Most importantly, youhave to believe in yourself. There will always be naysayers out there who try to sway your confidence; however, be grateful for the comments they make, and use those as the motivations to reach your goal. Best of luck to those who are in the same boat as I once was. Dont ever lose hope. Keep the faith.

作者: alicecarol    时间: 2011-6-9 00:35:04

作者: Julianlod    时间: 2011-6-9 00:35:16

作者: Guessy    时间: 2011-6-9 00:37:29

这哥们 我看了之后真的很震撼
要知道dentistry毕业就可以十几万的年薪 做好了根本不比医生钱少
在那个岁数 作为一个亚洲人 家里的压力 配偶的压力
作者: cmykelly0913    时间: 2011-6-9 00:53:14

作者: Behindyou    时间: 2011-6-9 00:56:53

作者: Guessy    时间: 2011-6-9 01:08:43

呵呵 大家励个志 顺便练个阅读 嘿嘿
作者: easonchanchh    时间: 2011-6-9 01:35:00

从来好敬佩有坚持 有毅力 有梦想 还有勇气的人,,,
作者: Guessy    时间: 2011-6-9 01:35:25

我只有梦想 没有另外几样
作者: 姚明仔    时间: 2011-6-9 07:46:27

作者: fantasia87    时间: 2011-6-9 07:51:27

作者: 305989424    时间: 2011-6-9 08:25:42

作者: easonchanchh    时间: 2011-6-9 08:32:42

305989424 发表于 2011-6-9 08:25

作者: 305989424    时间: 2011-6-9 08:46:19

easonchanchh 发表于 2011-6-9 08:32

国内的也高 北师的心理学高了我们一本线100多分
作者: lichxd    时间: 2011-6-9 09:02:01

作者: cjx7551    时间: 2011-6-9 09:21:56

猜猜 。。哥想你啦。。。我想吃浣熊~~~
作者: chyabc1234    时间: 2011-6-9 09:27:50

这哥们 我看了之后真的很震撼
要知道dentistry毕业就可以十几万的年薪 做好了根本不比医生钱少
在那个岁数 作为一个亚洲人 家里的压力 ...
Guessy 发表于 2011-6-9 00:37

你说的十几万是税前吧 税后大概不到10万 我特地问了下当地学生,他们说医生收入没有我们想象的高. 可能还不如好的lawyer多,赚的最多的还business. 所以与其浪费时间考dentistry还不如考个LSAT. 另外此人好像是个taiwanese, 大家学英文还是看看美加的文章较好.
作者: Guessy    时间: 2011-6-9 09:40:07

我说的当然是税前 不能拿税后比 因为打多少税是有其他因素在里面的
我也并没有说牙医和医生赚得有多么多 我只是说牙医和医生差不多 这个同学放弃牙医去申医生说明了他的追求
lawyer就算了吧 一方面大部分人都不喜欢做lawyer 另外一方面现在lawyer找工作真的很惨很惨 我知道有人读law school读到一半退学了 因为觉得毕业找不到工作 找工作这方面还是牙医和医生好得多

另外 你这个是没事找事么 你觉得我贴这文章纯粹是为了给大家练英语的?你就这理解能力?
作者: chyabc1234    时间: 2011-6-9 09:41:47

作者: Guessy    时间: 2011-6-9 09:44:16

我发这个帖子的意图你能看出来吧?你也知道你前面回复的内容和我的意图没有什么关系吧?抓着off topic的内容使劲地争辩 有意思么
这帖子是鼓励大家用的 半路插上这么几个回帖我看着很不爽 我都有意思删贴了
作者: janet0104    时间: 2011-6-9 09:45:02

作者: Guessy    时间: 2011-6-9 09:47:15

楼上同学如果你重新读本科 而且还是在萨大读的 申pharmacy真的不太难
关键就是GPA 一定要非常非常努力 让自己的GPA保持在3.8以上 不是没有可能的
另外 就算你拿不到international student的名额 你完全可以先移民 然后拿了身份再申请
再另外 如果你想申professional school 我建议你不要转学分
作者: rfjorcak47    时间: 2011-6-9 09:56:36

作者: 305989424    时间: 2011-6-9 10:16:32

19# chyabc1234
好奇问一下 您是哪里人~
作者: joean    时间: 2011-6-9 10:59:46

作者: janet0104    时间: 2011-6-9 11:00:40


22# Guessy
作者: easonchanchh    时间: 2011-6-9 11:39:50

国内的也高 北师的心理学高了我们一本线100多分
305989424 发表于 2011-6-9 08:46

额 国内的确实也挺高 不过报个水一点的一本还是可以的...加国的是普遍高
不过就是各种前途 年龄 家庭因素,还是木有勇气踏出这一步,,
所以看到lz的文章 真的是由衷的敬佩啊....
作者: Guessy    时间: 2011-6-9 12:00:51

janet0104 发表于 2011-6-9 11:00

呃 你是打算直接从prepharm申pharm?这个其实挺难的 很多人都是读出了学位再申的
如果你真心想读pharm 我劝你去sask waterloo那个pharm就算你有身份也不见得能拼进去 ON这么多人 只有2间学校有pharm 难度和MD相当 但sask绝对容易多了 而且sask如果你申不到 可以先读个学位出来毕业移民再申 如果是在ON这种地方 你就没这个机会了
作者: bombuebue    时间: 2011-6-9 12:57:42

joean 发表于 2011-6-9 10:59


作者: 紫色绚烂    时间: 2011-6-9 20:37:58

作者: willbe12    时间: 2011-6-9 21:03:25

作者: Evam~    时间: 2011-6-9 21:26:54

就是说  趁着年轻 冲吧  否则 老了只会说 要是我当初……
作者: 艾惟    时间: 2011-6-9 21:36:11

305989424 发表于 2011-6-9 08:25

作者: Bugcan    时间: 2011-6-9 21:38:13

作者: H1BMatch2012    时间: 2011-6-9 22:35:13

作者: Guessy    时间: 2011-6-10 00:15:34

H1BMatch2012 发表于 2011-6-9 22:35

你加油就是了 谁都有高潮有低谷
尤其你这个 比他那个MD还难啊
作者: Julianlod    时间: 2011-6-10 00:16:50

哎 我也快大叔了。。我需要下一个梦想支持我。

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