
标题: zhengxiao作文 [打印本页]

作者: zhengxiao0312    时间: 2011-6-10 19:00:07     标题: zhengxiao作文

Students who keep their rooms neat and organized are more successful than those who do not

Talking about students who have neat personal habits and organized arrangements, people always assume that they possess more self- control and command more will-power in their further studies than those who put all their personal belongings randomly and carelessly. Those organized ones are often thought to have a promising future and can gather more motivation and vitality is their study. It may be true in some case, but, in many cases things always quiet different. From my point of view, the personal hygiene can not determine a student's ability in study and many representative examples proved that the opposite is often true.

Some students let their bedrooms in a mess simply because they are too focusing on their studies. They are fascinated by the knowledge in the books and indulged themselves in the ocean of mysteries and wonder and can hardly spare any time to take care of themselves: They are studying days and nights, forgetting the time to eat and sleep; they eat biscuits and breads when they are hungry, saving the time to contemplate on one more question; they slept without washing face and brushing teeth because they are too tire to remember these things. It is those students who put their heart more on the well- beings of the mankind than on the satisfaction of them selves. Maybe later, we will suddenly found one of them on the TV, who is confident and energetic, fighting for the unfairness of the society.

In another case, some people live in a small, dim and dirty place because they cannot afford to live in a better state. Education is very expensive to many rural families in my nation. These families even cannot afford all their children to go to school and have to choose to give only one of their kids the opportunity to get the formal education. And these lucky one have to come through every difficulties in their journeys of education. They need to save every piece of money for their families as possible as they can because they know them far luckier than their brothers and sisters who have to stay in the country for the whole life. Those students may give others bad impression at the first glance, but with a bit more contact people will find out they are sensitive to the suffering of other, always willing to help, and generous to others' faults. With more willing to consider the feeling of others and the ceaselessly searching for knowledge, they are always more easily to succeed.

Besides, sometimes disorder represents some individual’s nature of challenging the orders and rules. This nature may not be good for politicians or managers, but it is the vital source of creativity to some scientists. It is this habit which claims the unconformity of their personality, which encourage them to jump out of the conventional box of thinking, and which support them to challenge the authority carelessly. Here comes the example of Albeit Einstein, who never allows anyone to clean up his disordered study. With such a unique disposition, Albeit Einstein, wearing his chaotic hair, printed his unbending spirit deeply in our heart. From this case, we can see that the organization is not the most important factor in world of creativity and imagination.

In conclusion, we can judge the inner part, the key qualities to succeed, of a person only through his or her appearance, living conditions, and the personal habits.
作者: zhengxiao0312    时间: 2011-6-10 19:02:58

Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important?

With the fast development of the modern science and technology, the amount of knowledge in today's society has reached it zenith. It is obviously that people today could not be experts at every field and get every information directly from experience. Granted that the information people get from participation may be more credible and incisive than the information gained from books, we cannot deny that only through book can we see the different sides of an issue and consider the issue more objectively and comprehensively. Personally, I prefer acquiring knowledge from books. Among the countless factors which influence my choice, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.

The main reason for my propensity is that the knowledge we can find in book, either e-book or magazines, will expand much further in any subjects than our experience can get. For instance, people cannot imagine the unraveling beauty of outer space by themselves unless they turn to the science magazines or astronomers manual for help. What’s more, without the help of the textbooks in school, we would never have understood the mechanism of our bodies, the principle of math, the essence of the universe, and moreover, the wisdom of the sages. Only to understand this wonderful ideas will take us lots of times and efforts, let alone to experience them. Books are like a kind of time machines which can make us travel through time and space to experience the happiness and sorrow of our great ancestors, the brightness and darkness of our amazing history, and the mysteries and danger of our wonderful universe. Just as Socrates, the famous Greek philosophy, once said "all the splendor in the world is not worth a single book."

Another reason can be seen by everyone is that the wisdom in the books can deepen our understanding of the world, which is nowadays full of superficialness and fatuity. Modern society put too much emphasis on practical issues, as a result, ignoring the theoretical guidance and generating negative impacts, such as the treats on global peace and blasphemy on ethics. Examples of clone technology, which give rise to the loss of humanity, and atomic bomb, which put the whole world into the inferno of turbulence and agony have already told a lot. Books serving as a guidance and instructor of moral and conscience will disclose the darkness of the society, inspire more serious thinking of the science, and encourage the actions to protect our cherished traditional qualities. With our innocent eyes and common experience we would never see through the appearance to perceive the essence.

The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because the knowledge taught in a book is always more systematic than the hearsay from experience very representative example comes from myself. When I was young, I was very fascinated about cumputer, I played the computer day and night, and trying to explore the every possibility I could do. This is very fun, I have to admit. But, soon enough, I found I cannot make any progress by myself. Maybe I could operate many programs, but the compound codes behind them were always a mystery to me. I was just stuck. Until one day, my father bought me a book which teaches the principal of computer. I explored the book like that I was exploring a new world; everything in it is coherent, complicit, and wonderful. I loved the learning the computer, since then. So I thing the book is one of my best teachers.

Although I agree that books may have many disadvantages, such as there may be many false messages in books, I feel that its benefits are more obvious.

In a word, it is the books that bring the variety of the world, leading human beings to the paradise of marvel.
作者: phoenix2011    时间: 2011-6-11 01:13:36

2# zhengxiao0312
作者: zahngxin    时间: 2011-6-12 21:26:25

作者: zhengxiao0312    时间: 2011-6-12 21:40:21

Students who keep their rooms neat and organized are more successful than those who do not

Talking about students who have neat personal habits and organized arrangements, people always assume that they possess more self- control and command more will-power in their further studies than those who put all their personal belongings randomly and carelessly. Those organized ones are often thought to have a promising future and can gather more motivation and vitality is their study. It may be true in some case, but, in many cases things always quiet different. From my point of view, the personal hygiene can not determine a student's ability in study and many representative examples proved that the opposite is often true.

Some students let their bedrooms in a mess simply because they are too focusing on their studies. They are fascinated by the knowledge in the books and indulged themselves in the ocean of mysteries and wonder and can hardly spare any time to take care of themselves: They are studying days and nights, forgetting the time to eat and sleep; they eat biscuits and breads when they are hungry, saving the time to contemplate on one more question; they slept without washing face and brushing teeth because they are too tire to remember these things. It is those students who put their heart more on the well- beings of the mankind than on the satisfaction of them selves. Maybe later, we will suddenly found one of them on the TV, who is confident and energetic, fighting for the unfairness of the society.

In another case, some people live in a small, dim and dirty place because they cannot afford to live in a better state. Education is very expensive to many rural families in my nation. These families even cannot afford all their children to go to school and have to choose to give only one of their kids the opportunity to get the formal education. And these lucky one have to come through every difficulties in their journeys of education. They need to save every piece of money for their families as possible as they can because they know them far luckier than their brothers and sisters who have to stay in the country for the whole life. Those students may give others bad impression at the first glance, but with a bit more contact people will find out they are sensitive to the suffering of other, always willing to help, and generous to others' faults. With more willing to consider the feeling of others and the ceaselessly searching for knowledge, they are always more easily to succeed.

Besides, sometimes disorder represents some individual’s nature of challenging the orders and rules. This nature may not be good for politicians or managers, but it is the vital source of creativity to some scientists. It is this habit which claims the unconformity of their personality, which encourage them to jump out of the conventional box of thinking, and which support them to challenge the authority carelessly. Here comes the example of Albeit Einstein, who never allows anyone to clean up his disordered study. With such a unique disposition, Albeit Einstein, wearing his chaotic hair, printed his unbending spirit deeply in our heart. From this case, we can see that the organization is not the most important factor in world of creativity and imagination.

In conclusion, we can judge the inner part, the key qualities to succeed, of a person only through his or her appearance, living conditions, and the personal habits.
作者: zhengxiao0312    时间: 2011-6-14 18:21:08

Play computer is a waste of time. Children should not allow playing them.

With the advent of the information explosive era, people have to deal with more and more unexpected things and situations. At this time, computer becomes an increasingly important role in people’s daily life. However people are inevitably faced with such a question: whether computer is beneficial for the education or not. Some believe that playing computer is not only a waste of time, but also a poison to children mind. Meanwhile, those who strongly disagree with it cite that instead of doing harm to the students, playing computer will actually help the students to learn more about the changing world and expand their horizon. From my own perspective, the former one is more favorable.

First and foremost, playing computer is definitely an effective way for children to release the stress they get from studies. Computer is like a powerful magic box which can satisfy almost every need people may conceive, and this quality is why computer become so attractive to those imaginative, energetic, and curious young people. So, by its incomparable power, the computer creates an entirely different world for the students who are under the overwhelmingly oppressive burden both from their study and life. Students just hid into the fictional world for a short time, forgetting about the troubles and unhappiness they have temporarily and soaring in the experience of freedom and excitement. Consequently, they can then come out fresh and carefree, ready for the challenges of another day. A research, in which groups of students were investigated, suggests that the students who are not allow to play computer games have actually 5% more tendency to get mental problems that the students who can play them when they are upset.

Furthermore, only by computer can students keep touch with the trend of times. It is the internet that allows students all over the world to communicate with each other, to keep up with the most up-to-date information, and to get more comprehensive understanding of the society we live in. Therefore, rather than wasting time, playing computer, playing computer will enrich the students' knowledge, enhance their understanding of the society, and evoke their conscience of the well- beings of the whole generation. The example of my brother matches my point of view perfectly. Though my brother is a remarkably hard- working student, he likes to play the computer very much. He usually plays the computer every Saturday night. Through the internet, he makes friends with friends all over the world. And it is not only beneficial for his English ability, but also beneficial for his mind and vision. With his unique experiences online and incisive understanding of the world, he become very well-knowledge and is welcome的everywhere. All the students in his school admire my brother and I regard him as my life model. Finally, he become the president of the student union and has take part in many meaningful activities. Excellent in both study and practical skills, he is now admitted by the Harvard University. From the example of my brother, we can see that through the computer, we can gain some special ability that the study in school will never teach us.

Admittedly, playing computer, to some degree, has its undeniable detriments. For instance, the addiction to the computer games may lead the students to lose their interests in studies, to become the indifferent to their future, and to be unconscious about the reality and lie. However, with proper use, the valuable merits of computer considerably overshadow the drawbacks.

At last, we can conclude that if we use computer wisely and properly, we, rather than fettered by computer, will enjoy the marvelous world created by the efficiency of the computer. In a word, only via computer can we take the full use of today’s information and welcome a new era of information.
作者: yuchenz    时间: 2011-6-15 10:48:36

6# zhengxiao0312 第一段
Meanwhile,those who strongly disagree with it... 这里很明显转折,是不是该用转折词
playing computer will actually help the students to learn ... help sb. do sth.所以不要to吧
may conceive, and this quality is why computer ... 这里的quality使什么意思啊?
world for a short time, forgetting about the troubles and unhappiness... forget使及物动词
students keep touch the trend of times... 我们有keep in touch with sth. 但是没有keep touch with的,你大概想说keep up with吧,你下面用到
...he is now admitted by the Harvard University(哇!羡慕)

作者: zhengxiao0312    时间: 2011-6-15 15:22:04

Being creative, rather than planning carefully, will come up with best solution to a problem?

With the advent of the technologically advanced society, people have to deal with more and more sophisticated problems everyday. At this time, creativity become increasingly important in people’s daily life,and this is where the controversy arises. Some believe that the best way to overcome those challenges is to plan everything carefully, so they will not become panic in front of the formidable obstacles. Meanwhile, those who strongly disagree with it cite that the creativity of human beings' genius brains will be more valuable. From my own perspective, the latter one is more favorable.

First and the foremost, in some certain circumstance, creativity may be the only thing that will be actually helpful. Planning needs time and efforts, which means we should know about all information ahead of time and consider every element into our schedule. Admittedly, it could be more safely to start a challenging work by planning systematically if we have enough time and abundant energy, but, a lot of things come to our life unexpectedly, and we just do not have much time to consider them thoroughly and we have to prompt to react. Exactly in this time,does creativity of mankind show its power. The example of my friend, Allen, matches my point of view perfectly. One day he, taking in his father's car, was going to take an important exam, but, this car suddenly broke down in the halfway to school. So anxious was Allen because he was about to be late for the exam. Standing on one side of the rode, he wanted to call a taxi. Unfortunately, all the taxies that passed by were full, despite how hard he was wavering his hand. A flash of wit suddenly came into his mind and he called the police immediately. Telling the police the unexpected situation, he was sent to school quickly and caught up with the exam in time. Had the spark of creativity not come to Allen mind, he would have missed this crucial exam and have a problem to graduate.

Furthermore, it is the creativity, rather than following a plan, that bring us thousands of breakthrough in   science and technology. Without creativity, Galileo would have not challenge the theory of Aristotle whose ideas represented the authority. Without creativity, the Wright Brother would have not dream about soaring in the sky and thus create the first plane in the world. Without creativity, Darwin, the father of evolution, would have not doubt about the origin of the life and fearlessly put forward his idea, in spite of the threat of the church. Those great ancestors, instead of following the carefully planned theory of the authority, brought an entirely new world to us by using their own creativity.

Granted that we can not deny certain merits of planning carefully, such as it is a very efficient way to manage our time and money, however, the valuable advantages of creativity considerably overshadow that of planning.

In conclusion, the creativity is the strength, is the power, is the source of wisdom, and moreover is the beauty of mind.
作者: christmasht    时间: 2011-6-16 07:00:24     标题: RE: zhengxiao作文

本帖最后由 christmasht 于 2011-6-16 07:02 编辑

8# zhengxiao0312
Being creative, rather than planning carefully, will come up with best solution to a problem?" Z+ h/ A6 c6 p2 * a$ I
With the
[T1] of the technologically advanced society, people have to deal with [url=]more and more [/url][T2] sophisticated problems everyday. At this time, creativity become increasingly important in people’s daily lifeand[url=] this [/url][T3] is where the controversy arises. Some believe that the best way to overcome those challenges is to plan everything carefully, so they will not become panic in front of the formidable obstacles. Meanwhile, those who strongly disagree with it cite that the creativity of human beings' genius brains will be more valuable. From my own perspective, the latter one is more favorable.
@; [+ B7 q
First and the foremost, in some certain circumstance, creativity may be the only thing that will be actually helpful. Planning needs time and efforts, which means we should know about all information ahead of time and consider every element into our schedule. Admittedly, it could be
[url=]more safely [/url]
[T4] to start a challenging work by planning systematically if we have enough time and [url=]abundant[/url][T5] energy, but, [url=]a lot of things come to our life unexpectedly[/url][T6] , and we just do not have much time to consider [url=]them[/url][T7] thoroughly and we have to prompt to react. Exactly in this timedoes creativity of mankind show its power. The example of my friend, Allen, matches my point of view perfectly. One day he, taking in his father's car, was going to take an important exam, but, this car suddenly broke down [url=]in the [/url][T8] halfway to school. So anxious was Allen because he was about to be late for the exam. Standing on one side of the [url=]rode[/url][T9] , he wanted to [url=]call [/url][T10] a taxi. Unfortunately, all the taxies that passed by were full, despite how hard he was wavering his hand. A flash of wit suddenly came into his mind and he called the police immediately. Telling the police the unexpected situation, he was sent to school quickly and caught up with the exam in time. Had the spark of creativity not come to Allen mind, he would have missed this crucial exam and [url=]have[/url][T11] a problem to graduate.! }5 q( e3 A+ [
8 O5 D  N2 ^7 ~: @3 M. `5 C# {
Furthermore, it is the creativity, rather than following a plan, that bring us thousands of breakthrough in   science and technology. Without creativity, Galileo would have not
[T12] the theory of Aristotle whose ideas represented the authority. Without creativity, the Wright Brother would have not [url=]dream[/url][T13] about soaring in the sky and thus create the first plane in the world. Without creativity, Darwin, the father of evolution, would have not [url=]doubt[/url][T14] about the origin of the life and fearlessly put forward his idea, in spite of the threat [url=]of[/url][T15] the church. Those great ancestors, instead of following the carefully planned theory of the authority, brought an entirely new world to us by [url=]using[/url][T16] their own creativity.

Granted that we can not deny certain merits of planning carefully, such as it is a very efficient way to manage our time and money, however,[url=] the valuable advantages of creativity considerably overshadow that of planning.0 [/url][T17]
In conclusion, the creativity is the strength, is the power, is the source of wisdom, and moreover is the beauty of mind.






[T5]去掉,abundant 有多余的,过剩的意思

[T6]Life is unpredictable











[T17]The advantage over…
作者: zhengxiao0312    时间: 2011-6-16 15:29:42

Only movies that can teach us something about real life is worth watching

With the approaching of the technologically advanced society, people put more and more emphasis on the practical skills.
At this time, the
practicality of knowledge that we gain draws increasingly attention in our daily life. And people can not help wondering: whether only the reality can teach us something? As it comes to the movies, the same question still exists. Some people believe that the more real the movie is, the more nutrition we can gain from it. Mean while those who strongly disagree with it cite that the virtual world can also give us many meaningful inspiration. From my own perspective, the latter is more reasonable.

First an d foremost, it is the movies of fictional theme that can inspire our imagination, teach us noble values, and evoke the pity for the suffering of the mankind. Movie, as a combination of reality and imagination, will not only teach us practical skills, but also mold the character deep inside our hearts. For instance, the movie of Harry Potter teaches us the courage to fight the devil; the movie of Robinson Crusoe teaches us how to use our wisdom and fortitude to outfit the power o future; the movie of the beautiful mind show us how a lonely genius overcome the illusions created my his own mind; and the movie pride and prejudice show us a independent willpower of a young woman. Those personality in the movies are all worth our admiring and pursuit and it is rather safe to say that those movies worth our watching.

Furthermore, moviesserving as a kind of entertainment, can help us ease our body and relax our mind. It is obvious that many people watch movie just for fun. Some watches the movies with their families and friends to enjoy the best time of the day. During the movies, they can talk to their family members and friends about the stress of the work or study, the happy memories in the day, and their opinion of an idea life, which will greatly strengthen the bonds and connections between themselves and the people they love. And the example my uncle matches my point of view perfectly. My uncle works as a highly paid technician for a computer company and thus he get lots of pressure and stress from his work. But he used to deal with it in a wrong way several years before. The more nervous he felt, the more hardly he worked. It was not surprising that he finally gets ill and could not work for several weeks. However, later on, he learnt to watch movies to relax. Everyday, he watches a movie with his entire family member and laughs with them freely. Not only the pressure he gets from work is released, he also set up a very healthy relationship with his family members. From this case, Had my uncle not learn the recreational aspect of the movie, he would have never stroke the balance between his work and leisure and could never both enjoy the success of work and the love of the family members. No matter whether the movie is about real life or not, it is other aspect of the movie that worth our watching.

Admittedly, we cannot deny that the movies about our daily life have a lot of shinning spots. For example, those movies can make us focus on the current issues of our society and give us more practical advice about how to deal with them. However, the virtual movies could make us aware of the all sorts of weakness of our personality throughout history and even warn us about the disastrous consequences of our behaviors, which is undoubtedly
worth our watching

In a word, the imaginary movies open a magic door for us, leading us to millions of fantastical worlds we have never experienced.

作者: hyliu1-08    时间: 2011-6-16 22:25:44

独立  忘了多少号了、、、、、
10# zhengxiao0312
作者: caochezhi    时间: 2011-6-17 22:42:14

作者: zhengxiao0312    时间: 2011-6-20 15:35:49     标题: TPO 10

本帖最后由 zhengxiao0312 于 2011-6-20 22:04 编辑

TPO 10
The lecture entirely rebuts the reading passage, arguing that it is the predation, instead of environmental pollution, contributes to the decline of the population of the sea otters.

First, the reading passage claims that sources of environmental pollution have already found along the Alaskan coast, which indicates that pollution is more likely the cause of the decrease of sea otters. However, the statement is greatly questioned by the lecture which argues that the pollution theory is weakened by the fact that there is no finding of died otters washed up on the Alaskan coast. And because predators eat preys immediately and leaving noting to be washed up on beach, this phenomenon matches the predation hypothesis perfectly.

Second, contrary to the assertion in the reading passage that the only the acceptable explanation of the decrease of the numbers of sea mammals is the pollution, in the lecture the professor contends that the attacks of the orca can account for the decline more reasonably. The professor maintains that since whale, the favorable prey of the orca, disappeared during the recent centuries, the orcas have to turn to eat small sea mammals.

Third, the professor maintains that the orca theory also can demonstrate the uneven pattern of otter decline by the fact that in the board area where orcas easily access, the number of otters declines rapidly, while in the shallow and rocky location where can hardly find any orca, the population of the orcas remains stable. According to the reading passage, however, the uneven pattern is the result of uneven concentration of pollution created by environmental factors. Therefore, the lecture goes against what is presented in the reading passage.
作者: xiangtuo    时间: 2011-6-22 23:08:57

第一个是第二段里面第一句 the only the ... only后面的the是多余的吧?
还有就是第三个观点里面the number of otters’ declines rapidly,应该s后有'的~

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