
标题: Daily Writing Camp Writing [打印本页]

作者: yuchenz    时间: 2011-6-13 23:35:59     标题: Daily Writing Camp Writing

本帖最后由 yuchenz 于 2011-6-15 09:55 编辑


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for them to learn facts.
Learning by understanding and learning by memorizing are two basic ways of learning. During the process of study, both of them are quite important. Yet, I agree that understanding the ideas and concepts is even more important for the following reasons.
Firstly, one can learn the facts more efficiently through understanding ideas and concepts behind the fact(?). This is obvious when it come to science such as physics and mathematics. There are tons of theorems and formulas in the realm of science and most of them are so tedious and hard to remember. Thing become much easier when we know how these facts come from.
Secondly, understanding ideas and concepts is a kind of positive and creative learning. Newton said that his success came from the great physician on whose shoulders he was standing on. However, if Newtons knew only about what the precursors had done, he could be no more than an excellent scholar. In another words, Newton's success came from his understand of the law of motion. That illustrates why understanding is so important. That's because it is by understanding we think by ourselves. That's how we gain creativity.
Thirdly, facts are available on the internet or in the library whenever we need them, but understanding is gain through a long process. Some professor on campus may allow students to take cheat sheet in the exam. One of the main reason for that because in our real life, when we want to know something, we can always look it up. That's why facts become less important.
All in all, facts are the basic element of knowledge, but only through understanding the ideas and concepts can we truly obtain those knowledge.
作者: xiangtuo    时间: 2011-6-14 15:05:14

/ W7 X# a+ g7 o! 6 _' a. H2 x. `Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for them to learn facts.
Learning by understanding and learning by memorizing are two basic ways of learning. During the process of study, both of them are quite important. Yet, I agree that understanding the ideas and concepts is even more important for the following reasons.
Firstly, one can learn the facts more efficiently through understanding ideas and concepts behind the fact(在事实之后?). This is obvious when it come to science such as physics and mathematics. There are tons of theorems and formulas in the realm of science and most of them are so tedious and hard to remember. Things become much more easier(这个错误太不应该了) when we know how they(指代不明,是前半句的things吗?应该是定理什么的吧?)come from.
Secondly, understanding ideas and concepts is a kind of positive and creative learning. Newtons(没有s吧?) said that his success comescame from the great physician on whose shoulders he was standing on. However, if Newton knew only about what the precursors had done, he could be no more than an excellent scholar. In another words, Newton's success came from his understand of the law of motion. That illustrates why understanding is so important. That's because it is by understanding we think by ourself(ourselves). That's how we gain creativity. ( \2 H3 Z" @- l; {3 e
Thirdly, facts are available on the internet or in the library whenever we need them, but understanding is gain through a long process. Some professor on campus may allow students to take cheat sheet in the exam. One of the main reason for that because in our real life, when we want to know something, we can always look it up. That's why facts become less important.
All in all, facts are the basic element of knowledge, but only through understanding the ideas and concepts can we truly obtain those knowledge.



我觉得是不是你搞混了,理论什么的才是可以随时通过各种途径获得,而对实际的学习和了解,也就是实践才是不能替代的吧?还有例子中说有些高校已经允许学生考试作弊,但是你知道吗 现实是学生一般小抄上都是公式和概念。简直是自己扇自己耳光啊!

综上,我个人认为你题目理解得有点偏。从第四段开头的一句话就能看出来。Learning facts 也是包含在understanding中的。Understand learn其实在题目中应该是一样的意思,比的其实就是理论重要还是实践重要。
作者: yuchenz    时间: 2011-6-14 23:51:32

本帖最后由 yuchenz 于 2011-6-14 23:52 编辑

2# xiangtuo 呼呼,谢谢ls。看到自己的作文有人改真是了激励人的事儿。嗯,缺失,我也觉得自己写着写着就想不清楚了,还要多努力。
作者: yuchenz    时间: 2011-6-14 23:52:02

Play computer is a waste of time. Children should not allow playing them.
That's one of the most complicated questions in education. Some people claims that children are easy to be addicted to  computer games while some others argue that playing computer game is a good way to relax and they can also help improving children's intelligence.
Emotionally, I am a opponent of computer games. My cousin, who was my closest playmate of childhood, got addicted to computer games and his life was almost ruined. Thing comes the same with one of my roommates in the university. He plays compute games till deep in night and skips a lot of classes in the morning. I did not have many chances to be exposed to computer games in childhood. But I do find it quite easy to be indulged in these games. Therefore, even though I am learning computer science in the collage, I swear to myself that I will never going to be a developer of compute games in the future.
However, computer games being one of the many entertainments in the contemporary world, there are no big differences between them and other games such as chess and cards. So if computer games are awaits of time, what about the others? On the other hand, I notice that some of the most talented students around us are also excellent computer game players. They play a lot whenever they have time. But at the meantime, they are doing great in class. I have no idea whether they are born with the talent or gain the passion and inspiration from the compute games.  
Playing computer games may do take a lot of time and entertainment and even more. Therefore I think the question depends. It depends on how well a child can control himself from being addictive.
作者: vent99    时间: 2011-6-16 13:43:07

话说 我是新手 。。。有几个问题请教 ,两篇作文 有字数要求么 。。还有 ibt总分是多少呢
作者: yuchenz    时间: 2011-6-17 16:25:51

5# vent99 总分是120,听力,写作,阅读,口语每个都是三十分,但是字数并没有很明确的要求,综合200以上,独立300以上我觉得是必须的。我也刚刚开始准备一周不到。共勉。
作者: yuchenz    时间: 2011-6-17 16:28:59

综合 TPO1:

According to the opinion of the professor, the four-day week will benefit neither the company nor the individual workers.

The professor points out that the author of the passage fails to take into consideration of the cost of the adding new employees due to the reduction of the working time of current workers. These cost may include the requirement of training fees, new computers and heath cares for new employees. Therefore the claim that a four-day workweek would increase company profits may not be correct.

Besides, the professor says that it is doubtful whether more job positions will be created because of the policy of four-day workweek because the costs of hiring new employees are high. The professor also argue that the employer may have a higher expectation to the employees thinking that they may finish the five-day work in four days. That will probably lead to the overload of the worker, which is just the opposite to the opinion of the author.

And finally, the life quality of the individual may not be increase because of the shorten workweek. Both the ability of work and the chances of getting promotion are reduced. Under these pressure, it is hard to say whether the employees will feel that happy stated by the author.

In sum, the assumption made by the author may not hold.
作者: yuchenz    时间: 2011-6-17 16:29:35

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: In order to become financially responsible adults, children should manage their own money at the young age.


There are many things a child has to learn before he can grow up as a man, the most important of which is how to manage his own money. In order cultivate the kids to be finically responsible adults in the future, I think provide them some chances to manage their own money is a must.

I am confident enough to say that I am a man with financial responsibility. I will not hesitate if I have to buy something I need and I will not be persuaded by the advertisement if goods is useless to me no matter how fancy the ad is. These should own to my experience in childhood. At home, I was the one to wash the dishes after diner and my mum would pay me weekly salary. I would save the money cent by cent and bought things I need. Besides, my mum would also encourage me to take responsibility for my own money. I remembered my mum and I went to the bank together once to pay my tuition fee. She gave me the money and asked me to do the transaction myself. She was standing behind me watching me silently during the whole process.  I cannot thank my mum enough for what she had done. Therefore the ability to manage money should be trained since young.

Some who argue that we should not let children to manage their money at the young age may claim that they are too young to resist the temptation of using money. Well, I admit that money is in some extent similar to computer games or drugs which can be highly addictive. However, I think the ability of resisting this kind of temptation should form since childhood. The main point is not simply giving money to the children, but guide them through the the process of growing and teach them the philosophy of property.

In sum, allow children to manage their own money since young age is important for the development of the children. But at the meanwhile, parents should be careful guides to prevent the kids from being corrupted.
作者: yuchenz    时间: 2011-6-19 09:41:31

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lose of old friends?
I am absolutely disagree with the idea that moving to a new city is bad because of the lose of old friends. Here are the reasons.

Firstly, I don't think that moving to new city will cause the lose of old friends. Many of my friends are hundreds of miles away from me. But I never feel that they have been away from me. Whenever I am in blue, they will always be there to listen to my complain. Whenever I am happy, they will always be there for me to share with. This is world of technology and information. Transportation between cities become extremely fast and communication over internet becomes amazingly convenient. I am confident enough to say that nowadays distance will not be an obstacle to connection between people any more.

Secondly, moving to new city, we can make new friends. After the college entrance examination. One of my best friends came to me for advise. She went to a new city under my recommendation. However, I felt a little bit guilty months latter because I thought she might feel lonely. I gave her a call. "Will it be better if you stayed at City G where you could have more friends of high school." I asked. "Nope. It doesn't matter at all. I have new friends here." She's right. Moving to new city, we can make new friends and our number of friends can keep increasing.

Thirdly, I think this is a wonderful world and sticking to one place for the whole life is boring. That's also the reason why I am sitting here in the classroom taking TOFEL examination. I think by moving to new places, I will have more to share with my friends. Because of leaving, days together become more important and treasurable. That's life and that's where the meaning of life and happiness of life come from.

Therefore I would alway say to my friends, neither new or old, "if you have do have a chance, go and have a look around. I cannot wait to hear your new experience."
作者: 90后她爹    时间: 2011-6-19 16:34:23

9# yuchenz Do youagree or disagree with the following statement? It is often not a good thing tomove to a new city or a new country because of the lose of old friends?! f8 j7 G2 F$ d7 h5 J6 b+ v
; p3 q* X3h* z0 K  p
amabsolutely disagree withthe idea that moving to a new city is bad because of the lose of old friends.Here are the reasons应该是disagree with啊,disagree是动词哟,不能用be disagree with.个人觉得第一段内容还是应该再丰满些,比如再用不同的说法复述一下问题之类的,慢慢引到你的观点上来,这样会更加自然。嘿嘿~建议建议~
Firstly, Idon't think that moving to new city will cause the lose of old friends. Many ofmy friends are hundreds of miles away from me. ButI never feel that they have been away from me.(改成, but Whenever I am in blue, they will always bethere to listen to mycomplain.(listen my complain就好啦,不远处还有个to,有一点点啰嗦)Whenever I am happy, they will always be there for me to share with(这个share with就指代不明了。Share with后肯定要加名词啊,可是你前面是whenever I am happy,share就没有名词可share了。应该改成share with my happiness)This is world of
of technologyand information. Transportation between cities becomes extremely fast andcommunication over internet becomes amazingly convenient. I am confident enoughto say that nowadays distance will not be an obstacle to connection betweenpeople any more.

Secondly, moving to new city, we can make newfriends. After the college entrance examination
. One of my best friends came to me for advise.
She went to anew city under my recommendation.
(这两句可以合并成一句话更简洁oneof my best friends went to a new city under my recommendation.
However, I felta little bit guilty months latter (later)because I thought she might feellonely.SoI gave her a call.I开头的单句有点多,可以简洁一下:But thinking she might feel lonely, I called herwith a little bit guilt."Will it be better if you stayed atCity G where you could have more friends of high school." I asked."Nope. It doesn't matter at all. I have new friends here." She'sright. Moving to new city, we can make new friends and our number of friendscan keep increasing.

Thirdly, I think this is a wonderful world andsticking to one place for the whole life is boring.
That's also the reason why Iam sitting here in the classroom taking TOFEL examination. I think by moving to new places, I will have more to sharewith my friends.
(Moving to new places, I will have more to share with myfriends.)Because of leaving, days together become more important andtreasurable.(leave
是动词,后面没有leave的主语。Because of leaving, I will cherish more the daystogether with my friends,and the days with them become more meaningful andtreasurable to me.)That'slife and that's where the meaning of life and happiness of life come from.
That指代不明,指的是leaving?my friends?days?.....

Therefore I would alway say to my friends, neithernew or old, "if you have do have a chance, go and have a look around. Icannot wait to hear your new experience."

以上都是个人意见~ 酌情参考吧! 嘿嘿,加油加油!!
作者: yuchenz    时间: 2011-6-26 23:47:48

The passage claims that assembling a group of people into a team may be a best way to approach certain new projects. However, this may not necessarily be the cash according to the speaking of the professor.
First of all, the project may not be benefit from the wide range of knowledge of the group because most the the team members are justing getting free ride. They do not contribute much at all.
Secondly, the group spreads responsibility may not be so beneficial as the author says. The professor points out that some real contributor to the project, who have insights problems and solutions, may feel discouraged because of the group spreads responsibility. Therefore the chances to "shine" may not be true to the group members.
Thirdly, the group process may not be so rewarding for members of the team if the team is taken control by several influential people. Some excellent ideas posted by other team members may be ignored.
In sum, the idea to have a team responsible for a project instead of individual team members may not work.
作者: yuchenz    时间: 2011-6-30 10:17:51

Children should not have to work or help with household tasks; their only responsibility should be to study.


I concede that as students, the most important responsibility for them should be study. However, as a child, he is part of a family. Therefore, he should be also work or help with some household tasks.

Firstly, to help with household tasks, children can take some of the family burdens from their parents. We all knows that parents are in most cases the backbone of a family. They have to work 5 days a week, or even more, to earn money to support the family. When back home after a whole day's work, parents may be exhausted from the work pressure, but they still have to prepare diner for their kids. it would probably be of great help if kids can do some of the household tasks for their parents at this time.

Secondly, this kind of help is not only physically, but also mentally. A family is not a group of people that simply live together, they share memories, help each other and love each other. Offering help is a good way to express love. And through helping parents with some housework, children can learn the real meaning of love, which is not only gaining but only giving.

Thirdly, having some chances to help with the household task is good for the development of the children. By helping with household tasks, children can learn about their responsibility in the family and consequently gain the feeling of being part of a family. At least this was what I felt when I was a kid helping my mum with the cooking and cleaning.

Those who claim that children's only responsibility should be to study may be considering that helping with household tasks may influence their study. However, I think this is not the case. Even though the major responsibility for children is to study as I have already admitted in the first paragraph. But children cannot be sitting in front of the desk studying all the time, which is neither efficient not health. They need some time to rest. And helping with some household task is a good way besides playing computer game and watching TV.

In conclusion, I agree that children has the responsibilities to study but that's should not their only responsibility. As family members, children should more or less help with some of the household tasks.
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-1 14:23:46

本帖最后由 冰雪蜂鸟 于 2011-7-1 14:25 编辑

12# yuchenz
6月30日的题目应该是:6,30Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the loss of old friends?09,10,31
作者: yuchenz    时间: 2011-7-5 00:28:50

Life today is easier and more comfortable than it was when your grandparents were children.
I am from China. Life today is definitely much more easier than it was when my grandparents were children.

Decades ago, China encountered greater difficulties than ever. There were invaders from the outside as well as traitors from the inside. Since the Opium Wars in the mid 19th century, China had been confronted with great thread to politics, economy and culture. In early 20th century, China was in severe chaos. Many Chinese individuals were looking for way to save China at that time. And soon the Second Sino-Japanese War happened and then the Chinese Civil War between the Nationalists and the Communists. My grandparents were born during the war. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese died in the war. People were caring about their life every day and they would also suffer from famine occasionally. Life in China is so hard at that time.

Compare to my grandparents, I am so much luckier. China began implementing a series of political and economic reforms after the disastrous Cultural Revolution. In the late 1980s, the time when I was born, China was experiencing rapid economic development. I remembered that the only electric appliance in my home was a radio set when I was a little boy. But as I grew, we had TV, refrigerator, microwave oven, air-conditioner and finally computer.

However, the increase of household electric appliance is only one aspect of the improvement of life. Moreover, we have faster transportation system. We have more and more railways and the speed of trains is still keep increasing dramatically. And we a fair education system, in which everybody can have a chance to write their own destiny. And the rapid development of internet have made the long distance communication more and more convenient. And most importantly, we do not have to worry about war like before - it is a world of peace.

Some may still not satisfied with the life in China complaining the issue of housing, medicine, legislation and so on. But nothing is perfect. What I am sure is that life today is much better and it is still improving.
作者: yuchenz    时间: 2011-7-5 00:31:30

13# 冰雪蜂鸟 实在抱歉,我写作文以来都是自己写的,没有注意到有布置作业的事儿,谢谢你的提醒。我以后会根据首页的布置来写的。再次感谢。
作者: yuchenz    时间: 2011-9-17 12:12:17

作者: yuchenz    时间: 2011-9-17 12:12:52


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