签证流程 第二天是周一,早上去领事馆认个路,早上才9点半,我靠~~~people mountain people sea~~~沈阳领事馆没有等待大厅,领事馆门口的十四纬路已供领事馆专用,领事馆在路北,而申请者只能等在楼南的栅栏外,全部是露天,路边有N多旅行社,提供座位服务和存包服务,租一个板凳¥2,所以童鞋们去沈阳签,头天一定得睡好了,体力才是王道呀~~~
第三天早上7点起床(我约的是早上9点的),8点半到领事馆,跟昨天一样people mountain people sea,刚开始还挺顺利,一群中学生进去签证,到10点多出来了,结果门口10点以后门口的武警小哥就不喊人了,原来是指纹机坏了,这太TM有才了吧,签证能签到把指纹机都给累趴下了~~好事多磨吧,等到12点,终于到我了,速度飞奔进去,这就是“第一道门”
以下是面谈内容的回忆: ME:Nice to meet you!
VO: 把你的I20给我
ME: Wait for a minute(靠,你不能说英语呀,我有点紧张,想把I20从文件夹里面抽出来给他)
VO: 不要抽出来,整个都给我,nice to meet you too(这延时大的). Are you transfer student?(为什么会是这个问题,有木有呀,有木有,完全不按规矩出牌,还有我长得像transfer student吗?)
ME: This is my first time to apply for a visa……(这是什么狗屁回答,答非所问呀)
VO: What is your grauate school? (有木有呀,有木有,我听到graduate school, 但没反应过来这句话神马意思,遂祭出了最牛逼的一句面试英语)
ME: I beg you pardon.
VO: What is your grauate school?
ME: (愣了2秒钟,还是有点懵,但终于反应过来了) North-western Poly-technical Uni-versity(几乎是一字一顿地说出来的)
VO: Where did you get your Bachelor?(大概是这个意思)
ME:From the same university(看VO的表情,估计没听懂) North-western Poly-technical Uni-versity, the same university
VO: Both your Master and Bachelor majors are Electrical Engineering?
ME: (她说话的时候不对着Mic说而且声音很轻……) Sorry, the microphone has no sound, would you please……
VO: (VO明白了,对着Mic重复了一遍问题)
ME: Yes, but my bachelor major is Electronics and Information Engineering and my Master major is Signal and Information processing, the two majors are both related to Electrical Engineering(原谅我卑微的英语口语,想说这是EE的分支,不知道怎么就这么说了,但从VO的表情来看,VO听懂了)
VO: Do you receive the scholarship from CSC(国家留学基金委)?
ME: No, I received scholarship, I mean RA, from University of XXX
VO: (敲键盘,录入信息),Give me your Offer letter, Study Plan, Your CV, and your supersivor's CV.
ME: (这就是Check的标志呀)Wait for a minute,my Offer letter, Study Plan, CV, and my supersivor's CV(我边说边给她拿,尽量装得比较从容) Here you are.
VO: (查看我的文件)
ME: The first two pages are my CV, then my Study Plan, three pages, my admisstion letter and offer letter, my supervisor's CV……
VO: (掏白条, 小弟我狂喜,结果白条下还有张蓝色的A4纸,上边赫然写着221g,了解了,被check) We have an administrative process……(然后解释下那个蓝色的A4纸)
ME: I understand but how long will it take?
VO: (很官腔的) Usually, it will take 4 to 5 weeks
ME: Thank you very much! Have a good day.
VO: You too