
标题: 6月30上海,双飞FI,应该不算水过吧.... [打印本页]

作者: wu-intrepid    时间: 2011-6-30 11:22:59     标题: 6月30上海,双飞FI,应该不算水过吧....

今天签的好快啊,九点半左右就出来了,赶紧回来报个签经吧。先说说几个签证官吧,6号窗口的黑人大哥很nice,有个女生连着两个东西(包括study plan)都没有,黑人大哥也没为难,带着一种“真想让你过,可你怎么什么都没啊”的感觉在笑,而且,他老在笑...7号窗口的金发姐姐很漂亮,但我家MM看到她据了一个PHD,TA,不过问的问题比较基本,哪毕业的,不知道为什么没答出来,建议大家多听听那个签证108问。11号窗口的白人大哥,严肃,头发梳的一丝不苟,前面有个人不知道是被他check还是拒了。

me: good morning, sir
VO: 客套下
VO: why go to US?
me: 我去年毕业,今年想去us pursue my MA degree.
VO: why do you want to pursue MA degree in philosophy?
me:I love philosophy. .... teach me how to think and act logically, and provides various theories.....allow me observe the world and myself from another dimension and depth,诸如此类(其实我study plan写得还不错,但是说的时候紧张,漏了好多)
VO:why xxxx university?
me: my advisor, who earned his PHD in US, recommended this school to me. and I found this school fits my interests very well.(到这里我开始说的混乱了,有点口吃),this is a very good school, especially in ethics.
VO: 打断我,tell me one philosopher you like.
me: may be you heard about him, it's Williard Quine.
VO: 一脸遗憾,没听说。
me: he is a great philosopher in US, he just passed away ten years ago. Harvard University.
VO: tell me about Kant's theory.
me: (有点崩溃,居然问我康德...)I’m surprised that you ask me this question.(VO笑,说明有时候和VO开个小玩笑,做些日常沟通还是有效果的,我想至少可以证明沟通能力吧)blabla,说的也不好....
VO:(听了半分钟,笑着做无聊状),you passed~!!!!!!!

VO: hello,please wait ...(他在打电脑)
VO: .........
MM: 第一个问题,VO一边放资料一边问我,所以离得麦克风有点远,当时没有听清楚。没听清楚就干脆忽略他得问题...没办法,直接说了hello, It's my materiel. 将材料给他。
VO:it seams you will get the MS degree in xxxx?
MM: yes, I am going to pursue the master's degree in U.S
VO: How many universities did you apply?
MM: seven, eight universities.
VO: What universities admitted you?
MM: xxxx,xxx,xxx,
VO: what university did you get the Bachelor degree?
MM: Last year, I graduated from XXX university.
VO: rank(问什么rank,没听清)
MM:before 100 (蒙的)
VO: Did you have the GMAT scores
MM: No, (一开始没听出来是什么GMAT意思)
VO: no?(他很惊讶,所以我想这个应该是必须的材料吧)他又重复了一遍
VO: so you did not take the GMAT exam?
MM: yes, I take the gre (我终于才明白他的意思)
VO: What did you do in last year?
MM: I did some internship and prepared the application for the university.
VO: where did you do the internship?
MM: XXXcompany in my hometown.
VO: why don't you apply MBA, since you have enough fund?
MM: My major was economics in previous university, and if I apply MBA, I have to study more courses. But I have no time to wait. so I apply my old major economics.
VO: (用中文)你通过了(老外也爱秀啊)

总结下:应该不算水过,问了这么多问题.....所以不要盲目相信水过的形势,除非你英语很好,那么VO可能确实不会多为难你,也为难不了你。一般人咱还是老老实实把自己的简历,study plan,为什么要回国等问题好好准备准备,参考108问多过几遍,当天把材料都准备好,应该就能过了。
作者: killtoefl0    时间: 2011-6-30 11:32:33

恭喜恭喜啊  沾喜气啊~
作者: job77    时间: 2011-6-30 15:55:59

作者: jerryda    时间: 2011-6-30 21:50:35

job77 发表于 2011-6-30 15:55


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