
标题: daily writing by 幕阳素素 [打印本页]

作者: 幕阳素素    时间: 2011-7-11 22:41:49     标题: daily writing by 幕阳素素

Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement:
People who go outside are more successfuland happier than people who stay in villages.
7月11 独立

On the contemporary society, an increasing numberof people become more and more concern about success and happy. Then, theargument that whether people go outside or those who stay in villages are moresuccessful and happier draws a lot of attention.
However, it's quite difficult to get a clearconclusion for the reason that different people have different views, whiledifferent places have different situation.
When it comes to China,however, it is obvious that those who live in the big cities are moresuccessful, but it does not simply mean that they are happier.

As we all know, big cities provide more chances forthe applicants in Chinain contrast with the villages. That means one would have more room to getpromoted and more opportunities for further development, that why a largenumber of people make their mind to go to Beijingand Shanghai tolook for a job. I can think of no better example than myself. My hometown is asmall fishing village where is undeveloped. Most of my peers in my hometownhave no formal jobs and no salaries, all they have to do all the year round isto prepare food, tend the children. By contrast, I made great effort to gooutside successfully. The job, the car, and the apartment that I have make memuch more successful than my peers.

However, it fails to imply that the people gooutside are happier. Apparently, those live in the big cities are sufferingfrom more challenges, more competitions or even greater solitude. That theyhave to work day and night to keeping others from catching up with them, andhave to learn to be tolerant with the solitude. Truly, the mind of running awayfrom all these things heats me all the way. And I am really unhappy in spitethe fact that I am more successful than my peers who are in villages.

What’s more, no body have successfully made a definitionof happy, thus, it is hard for us to judge which group of people are happier,those go outside or those live in villages. What we should do is to find outour destination and try out best to strive for it successfully and happily.

作者: theflyfish    时间: 2011-7-12 00:41:30

本帖最后由 theflyfish 于 2011-7-12 09:01 编辑


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