
标题: 【Daily Writing作文特训小组】xiamentou作业帖 [打印本页]

作者: xiamentou    时间: 2011-7-18 12:12:37     标题: 【Daily Writing作文特训小组】xiamentou作业帖

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作者: xiamentou    时间: 2011-7-18 17:05:24

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作者: xiamentou    时间: 2011-7-18 17:11:30

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作者: lyn7981    时间: 2011-7-18 23:29:39

2/13/2010 Do youagree with the following statement? In a team, those who do not accept others'criticism cannot succeed.
In the modern society,everyone faces the dilemma of whether to accept others’ criticism or to argue against them, especially in a team. The idea(claim或者assertion会不会更好啊?) that those who do not listen toothers’ cannot be successful definitely goes to the wrong way under many circumstances.

Firstly, success will never be something that can be determined solely by one factor. It dependson energy, time, opportunity and also teamwork, as complicated as one kind ofchemical solvent which combines various chemical elements with proper proportions.(one kind of chemical solvent 是指一种溶剂吗,用a bottle of 可以吗?或者直接用chemical compound可以吗?个人意见而已)So denying other members’ criticism will not leads to failure.

Secondly, whetherthe criticism is worth to be accepted remains opening to question.(这个词组用的好,写的漂亮,好地道,学习了) In reallife, it is actually rather common to find someone who criticizes and judgeseverything they encounter with. He can ruin your day totally with only severalwords related to judgments on your clothes or hairstyles. While dealing withteam work, such individual could interrupt whole schedule with endless complaints and criticism on others. If we choose to listen to such criticism,then large amount of time and energy that should have put into problem solving will be uselessly consumed or even lead to wrong direction. (用了虚拟语态呢,厉害!)In consequence, before urgentlychoosing to accept someone’s idea, we should see through that person’s moralityand carefully examine work project to see whether it is the right time tochange our plan or maintain the established status.

Thirdly,experience can be acquired in various fields, for instance, paper books,newspapers, radio programs, and even e-books during E-generation. Never willanyone have the reason to cry for the difficulty in searching for information. Internetoffers us abundant information about different aspects of a successful person,from the moment he set the goal in career, to his precious experience in twistsand turns.(学习了,twistsand turns) Also in this way we can learn lessons from others without being a failure on our own(also in this way we can learn lessons from others, avoiding unnecessary self-attempt.. However, criticism from others in a team maybe quite subjective and it is usually one sort of imagination which deviates from practices in real life. (这句是表让步吗,说他人意见可能带有主观色彩但也来源于实践,具有一定可接纳性吗?后半句的imagination没理解。。如果是让步,后面接总结性的therefore,读起来有点突兀了,还是我没理解好,嘿嘿,说错了不要生气啊)Therefore, listening to others is not the only way towards success.

All we should doto approach success is to concentrate every member’s heart and innovation into (to)the same goal in work firmly. Admittedly, listening to others’ is crucial indealing with problems. It’s not the only choice.

作者: xiamentou    时间: 2011-7-18 23:42:12

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作者: xiamentou    时间: 2011-7-19 17:27:58

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作者: xiamentou    时间: 2011-7-19 17:30:07

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作者: fyxloveu    时间: 2011-7-19 22:37:20

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作者: xiamentou    时间: 2011-7-19 23:02:23

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作者: qqweer2007    时间: 2011-7-19 23:20:56

7# xiamentou
作者: xiamentou    时间: 2011-7-19 23:33:05

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作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-7-20 00:27:35

Nowadays people are heatedly talking about the assertion that government should support the scientific research even if such investigation is useless in practical field. From my point of view, I would like to insist that science, as a matter of fact, means endless searching for truth.(这个结构简单,舒服) Never should we blindly deny the significance of supporting such meaningful investigation with the reason that most of the scientific research will certainly leads to nothing. (功底不错呀~ 我都还没学过这种写法,偷走……)Firstly, there is no reason to deny the fact that when doing something new for the very first time in our life, for instance, competing for the winner in the mathematical competition or trying to use oranges and lemons to generate electricity, we have no idea of the results absolutely. (四行……真长啊……不过读的一点也不累~)Maybe victory is waiting for us ahead, or failure has set the trap along the road. Life is like a box of chocolate with the answer remains to be opened and so is science(阿甘这话引用的真赞~). Even at the exact beginning of the scientific examination, all the information we have obtained still cannot lead us towards the definite practical goal. Similar to the magic of life, science won’t tell us the ultimate function to human beings and society until the end.

Secondly, the definition of practical function changes quickly. Even though one piece of scientific research does little to be applied to the real life at the present time, it does not mean it can’t be used in practice forever. For example, the technology of nanometer seemed to be meaningless ten years ago, but scientists who insist in working on it for over a decade finally discover its essence and then advise NASA to adopt nanometer into US astronomy research.

Thirdly, if we give up the precious opportunity to examine our capability to explore the advanced development in science merely for the reason that it can’t be connected with practical use, then large numbers of scientists and innovationists will be afraid in front of creativity industry and stop constructing the brand-new 21st century equipped with up-to-date scientific theory and its practical function. (五行……都没绕乱,我服了~~)From the aspect of economy, the investor in high-tech area will be disappointed by the restriction of lacking in government‘s support to develop theoretical scientific research. Then, without huge sum of investments to continue scientists’ endeavor, it is certain that technology will be in stasis for quite a long time.

话说 我通篇都在学习啊,我能力有限,改的说不定比你原来写的差呢~ 你以前考过G哇,这水平很不错呢~我要努力向你看齐~

作者: xiamentou    时间: 2011-7-21 19:24:31

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作者: 幕阳素素    时间: 2011-7-22 13:39:43

作者: 应小呆    时间: 2011-7-27 13:49:16

作者: 应小呆    时间: 2011-7-27 13:50:44

作者: xiamentou    时间: 2011-7-27 15:43:06

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作者: xiamentou    时间: 2011-7-27 16:17:51

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作者: rlj021    时间: 2011-7-28 14:53:01

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作者: xiamentou    时间: 2011-7-28 15:44:33

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作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-28 18:55:19


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