
标题: Daily Writing Camp-作文特训小组--wendy的作文贴,欢迎互改 [打印本页]

作者: wendy316    时间: 2011-7-21 12:39:27     标题: Daily Writing Camp-作文特训小组--wendy的作文贴,欢迎互改

本帖最后由 wendy316 于 2011-8-10 15:16 编辑

这是 本人的第2篇独立作文,用时2小时(好久啊,憋着出来的),8月27日考试,看了论坛上很多人写的之后,决定鼓足勇气交流下(总觉得自己只有高中水平),谢谢大家,欢迎互改。

Do you agree with the following statement?
It is only worth watchingmovies that can teach us something about real life?

Movies, presenting everything to youin a straightforward form, play a significant role that can provide us experiencesin our social life, reflect miscellaneous historical senes, tell a fairy tale andgive us sufficient fantasy about the furture. Thus, we can hardly choose which movie we deserve to watch, as they all offer disparate informations that we need.

Admittedly, integrant movies relateand reflect reality in our current socity, reminding us the qualities we shouldhave. Forrest Gump, a movie which descibes a man acted by famous star Tom Hanks only have IQ of 75 and deformed legs when he was young, is inspring us. Although he suffered from these unfair destiny, his optimistic and fortitude spiritcolored his life which include being a shining member of football team incampus, being a hero who saved people lives in Vietnam War, being an ambassador representing the USA to join in the Pingpong competition in China and so on. As all the things he get through, he has a cathching phrase that life is like a bottle of chocalate, and you never know what you are going to get.

However, some movies are delectable for the eyes and other sensations. At the first glance, you would impress by the magnificant scene in three-dimension, four-dimension and IMAX. That’s why you like the series of Transformers, isn’t it? Hot and Sexy Magan Fox, imposing “blownup” in the battle scenes, and the moment that the autobots tansform dazzle theeyes. We pay our tickets to appreciate these, and it bears watching.

Moreover, it ls absolutely true that people nowadays undergo great pressure that come from various directions, including work, school, economy and so forth. Investigation shows that we should release pressure in appropriate ways, such as watching comedy movies. Kungfu Panda teaches us no more than that the good will always defeat the evil or youcan success if you really do your best. Whereas, it is fun that Po, the panda do Kungfu, do some cute movements and say something entertaining. Funny movies provide a temporary escape for the views who may betired because of either high-pace jobs or heavy study tasks. When it comes to reliving stress, noting is better than big langhs.

In summary, there are multifarious movies which bring us experience in real life, visual impact and happiness are definitely worth to watch. Only through watching, can we enjoy all the taste of movies, not only about teaching us in the real life.
作者: jenniferso    时间: 2011-7-22 10:14:11

Movies, presenting everything to you in a straightforward form, play a significant role that can (in providing)provide us experiences in our social life, reflect miscellaneous historical senes, tell a fairy tale(改成复数对应前面MOVIES and give us sufficient fantasy about the furture(单词future). Thus, we can hardly choose which movie we deserve to watch, as they all offer disparate informations (information)that we need.8 x# Q+ T; G" `" ?2 M8 v& i) M2 I
& ]. X; X! j& `/ {  W+ l
Admittedly, integrant movies relate and reflect reality in our current socity(错误单词society), reminding (如果是与前面动词并列的话,用原形,如果是修饰movies,因为离主语太远,可能会引起语法上的歧义)us the qualities we should have. Forrest Gump, a movie which descibes a man acted by famous star Tom Hanks only have hasIQ of 75 and deformed legs when he was young, is inspring us.(和前面的问题一样,修饰离主语太远了,会引起歧义) Although he suffered from these unfair destiny, his optimistic and fortitude spirit colored his life which include being a shining member of football team in campus(这个句子太长了,太长就会引起歧义,让人找不到主谓宾,要学会分句), being a hero who saved people lives(注意时态统一以及单复数,people是复数) in Vietnam War, being an ambassador representing the of USA to join (joined)in the Pingpong competition in China and so on(这两句都不是完整的句子,只有主句,没有谓宾). As all the things he getgets or got through, he has a cathching phrase that life is like a bottle of chocalate, and (这个and后面的句子和前面什么分句平行?可以取消)you never know what you are going to get.(你引用阿甘这个例子是为了说明电影是可以反映真实生活的,但实际上,阿甘这个故事是真实的么?如果我没记错,应该是杜撰的吧)

However, some movies are delectable for the eyes and other sensations. At the first glance, you would impressbe impressed
by the magnificant scene in three-dimension, four-dimension and IMAX. That’s why you like the series of Transformers, isn’t it? Hot and Sexy Magan Fox, imposing “blownup” in the battle scenes, and the moment that the autobots tansform dazzle theeyes. We pay our tickets to appreciate these, and it bears watching.(and
Moreover, it lsis absolutely true that people nowadays undergo great pressure that come from various directions including work, school, economy and so forth. Investigation shows that we should release pressure in appropriate ways, such as watching comedy movies. (Kungfu Panda teaches us no more than that the good will always defeat the evil or you can success if you really do your best. )这个列子的延伸跟前面喜剧的作用无关。应该强调的是喜剧给人们带来释放压力的作用。Whereas, it is fun that Po, the panda do Kungfu, do some cute movements and say something entertaining. Funny movies provide a temporary escape (还是单复数问题,前面是MOVIES)for the views who may be tired because of either high-pace jobs or heavy study tasks. When it comes to reliving stress, noting is better than big langhs., V0 v( n5 U! K5 S
In summary, there are multifarious movies which bring us experience in real life, visual impact and happiness are definitely worth to watch(离修饰的主语太远). Only through watching, can we enjoy all the taste of movies, not only about teaching us in the real life.besides watching movies that teach us about real life, we can enjoy other tastes by watching other kinds of movies

1.try to use shorter sentences. 长句过多,修饰不清晰,容易引起误解和歧义。
作者: theflyfish    时间: 2011-7-22 10:50:15

作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-22 23:47:49

Do you agree with the following statement?
It is only worth watching movies that canteach us something about real life?

Movies, presenting everything to you in astraightforward form, play a significant role that can provide us experiences inour social life (social life? 社会生活?还有其他life?), reflect miscellaneous historical senes (拼写), tell afairy tale and give us sufficient fantasy about the future (拼写). (这句话有很严重的问题,role可以provide,reflect, tell and give 吗?注意语言表达的意思。play a role in our live that can…) Thus, we can hardly choose whichmovie we deserve to watch, as they all offer disparate informations(信息没有复数形式)that we need.

Admittedly, integrant movies relate andreflect reality in our current socity (拼写), reminding us thequalities (characteristics) we should have. (movies, related and reflectedreality in our society, reminds us…) Forrest Gump, a movie which descibes (拼写) a manacted by famous star Tom Hanks only have(has) IQ of 75 and deformed legs whenhe was young, is inspring(拼写) us. Although he suffered from these(this) unfair destiny, hisoptimistic and fortitude spirit colored his life which include being a shiningmember of football team in campus(on campus), being a hero who saved peoplelives in Vietnam War, being an ambassador representing the USA to join in thePingpong competition in China and so on. As all the things he get through, hehas a cathching (拼写)phrase that life is like a bottle of chocalate(拼写), and younever know what you are going to get.

However, some movies are delectable for theeyes and other sensations. At the first glance, you would impress by themagnificant(拼写) scene in three-dimension, four-dimension and IMAX. That’s why youlike the series of Transformers, isn’t it? Hot and Sexy Magan Fox, imposing“blownup” in the battle scenes, and the moment that the autobots tansformdazzle the eyes. We pay our tickets to appreciate these, and it bears watching.

Moreover, it ls absolutely true that peoplenowadays undergo great pressure that come from various directions, includingwork, school, economy and so forth. Investigation shows that we should releasepressure in appropriate ways, such as watching comedy movies. Kungfu Pandateaches us no more than(应该是more than吧) that the good will always defeat the evil or you can success ifyou really do your best. Whereas, it is fun that Po, the panda do Kungfu, dosome cute movements and say something entertaining. Funny movies provide atemporary escape for the views who may be tired because of either high-pacejobs or heavy study tasks. When it comes to reliving stress, noting is betterthan big langhs(拼写).

In summary, there are multifarious movieswhich bring us experience in real life, visual impact and happiness aredefinitely worth to watch. Only through watching, can we enjoy all the taste ofmovies, not only about teaching us in the real life.
作者: wendy316    时间: 2011-7-23 12:13:46

恩,确实是有这些问题,感谢啊。 4# 冰雪蜂鸟
作者: wendy316    时间: 2011-7-26 23:29:30

本帖最后由 wendy316 于 2011-8-10 15:16 编辑

作者: jackchen823    时间: 2011-7-27 17:42:09

作者: wendy316    时间: 2011-7-27 17:45:32

谢谢哈,你作文写的很好啊,用词地道,有什么方法吗?介绍下,这是我得硬伤 7# jackchen823
作者: zhangzbupt    时间: 2011-7-27 22:57:17     标题: RE: Daily Writing Camp-作文特训小组--wendy的作文贴,欢迎互改

作者: jackchen823    时间: 2011-7-28 07:35:51

8# wendy316
作者: wendy316    时间: 2011-8-8 16:23:57

本帖最后由 wendy316 于 2011-8-10 15:17 编辑

作者: wendy316    时间: 2011-8-8 16:26:41

作者: lyn7981    时间: 2011-8-8 23:44:37

8.8 独立 Annie修改稿
作者: sunboyqq16    时间: 2011-8-9 09:11:07

综合&独立 revised by sunboy
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-8-9 11:14:15

作者: wendy316    时间: 2011-8-9 22:37:43

作者: qnwh2011    时间: 2011-8-10 02:24:53

16# wendy316

In the lecture and the reading passage, the speaker focuses on whether the dinosaurs are the endotherms, which keep their bodies temperature constant.( the first sentence is kind of confusing for me because I don’t know how to correct it, hehe)The professor
gives three evidences to prove that dinosaurs are not the endotherms, which contradicts to the points (that) in the lecture.

To begin with, only endotherms can keep their body temperate in the normal range even surrounded by cold atmosphere like the polar regions where the dinosaurs’ fossils have been found. This directly contracts what the speaker says there are two possibilities that dinosaurs are not endotherms. Firstly, the weather that the fossil created was much warmer than today in polar region. Secondly, the dinosaurs may migrate to warmer region during the hash climate.

Moreover, the issue of leg position and movement being used as a reason to classify that the dinosaurs are not endotherms does not please the professor either. It is said that the legs of dinosaurs which are in the position of underneath body can support the enormous body weights, but not to sustain the physical movement, for instance running.

Furthermore, the professor points out that the presence of haversian canals but also implies the growth rings which appear in fossils. These rings due to the thickening that indicates the dinosaurs weren’t actually growing continuously, but to stop growing or grow slowly in the chilly climate. This pattern perfectly fit the character of endotherms(I think we should cut off this sentence, how do you think?).

To sum up, all the evidences of the lecture indicate that the speaker disagreed with the points that mentioned in the reading passage.

Thank you very much for revising my articles. As far as I can see, there are only several minor mistakes in yours. Let’s work together to crack Toefl writing.

作者: qnwh2011    时间: 2011-8-10 02:50:25

17# qnwh2011
A team, containing plentiful members in the same field, has numerous and various opinions may have negative influence to success. How can they deal with one thing with manifold methods? How can they spend lots of time just to discuss whose(which one’s )idea is better (perfect)? How can they have different principles to make an excellent team? The answer is definitely no, thus, they demand just one significant way to solve the problem and get to a victory as a team (in their occupationis ( I would rather to get rid of this part).

To begin with, team members have their own thoughts reflect that they have different principles in their particular ways. In China, an old proverb said by Confucius “There is no point on people taking counsel together who follow different ways”, which is really convinced that different people who have their own thoughts can not get together as an ally. For instance, one of my classmats and I were doing the same experiment as a team to get 355nm laser, however, we modeled the different structures of laser resonator to obtain the output laser at 355nm. I just insisted my method has more efficiency and energy than his. After a long discussion, we can not come to an agreement. So we decided to do experiment separately that we can prove which structure is the best. Thus a team holding different can hardly success as a team.

Moreover, team members who have their own views may cause the project don’t move quickly. Why? Because it took so long to reach consensus; it took numbers of meetings to reach an agreement among the team members. On the other hand, there were other instances where one or two people play the key role to make the final decision of a team (managed to become very influential over what their group did). Following their thoughts, when influencers said “It will never work” that the idea would be dropped instead of being further discussed. And even though some of views were really brilliant, they would never shine in this team. Can you guess the ending to this project? It failed since the moment they held various view about one project and could not get the solution.

To sum up, It is too hard for a team that gets many members, having their own different opinions, to achieve success. (I think the end can write a little bit more, then it will be very perfect.)

作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-8-10 21:11:34

本帖最后由 carol0607 于 2011-8-10 21:21 编辑

sorry  来迟了
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-8-11 00:16:34

本帖最后由 carol0607 于 2011-8-11 00:19 编辑

作者: wendy316    时间: 2011-8-11 00:24:49

肿么了? 20# carol0607
作者: carol0607    时间: 2011-8-11 00:57:17

21# wendy316

刚过来瞅瞅 发现之前发的批改不见鸟 把我吓得

我就又发了一遍  等发完了 页面又显示之前的了……郁闷……
作者: wendy316    时间: 2011-8-11 01:18:47

呵呵,莫惊慌,要淡定。 22# carol0607
作者: april0515    时间: 2011-8-11 01:20:47

23# wendy316 改好啦~不好意思 迟了些[attach]169550[/attach]

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