
标题: Daily Writing - xieqy0326 [打印本页]

作者: xieqy0326    时间: 2011-7-25 22:40:49     标题: Daily Writing - xieqy0326

作者: wilsonchen2011    时间: 2011-7-27 14:25:50

作者: 幕阳素素    时间: 2011-7-29 21:52:20

作者: xieqy0326    时间: 2011-7-30 02:36:26

4# 幕阳素素
作者: Fruit~    时间: 2011-8-3 05:01:37

2# xieqy0326

第2段, IN CONTRAST这句语法错.
作者: Fruit~    时间: 2011-8-3 05:02:50

2# xieqy0326

for the health of the trees in the long run instead of "for the longer time health of forest".
作者: Fruit~    时间: 2011-8-3 05:05:43

用词上还不是很地道, 不知道练了多久了.
作者: xieqy0326    时间: 2011-8-3 07:50:32

9# Fruit~
作者: lisq9989    时间: 2011-8-3 13:21:06


作者: after90sundae    时间: 2011-8-4 11:01:08

作者: fyxloveu    时间: 2011-8-4 14:01:52

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: xieqy0326    时间: 2011-8-4 20:29:43

非常感谢  after90sundae和fyxloveu(F君),你们给我的建议很好。
作者: bill5865    时间: 2011-8-4 21:12:48

20090807NA Parents should allow children to make their own choices rather than help determine children's future.

When it comes to the issue of whether (that) parents should determine the children’s future or not, there is no doubt that parents should not substitute their children to make choices. On the other hand, it is necessary for parents to help their children to make a good decision, because of children being lack of experience.

In the first place, only in the way (that )children’s own decisions (that) could make them the host of their life. that 放在这里减少歧义 Nowadays many parents would sent their children to different kinds of classes, such as painting, piano or others, and also (push) force? the kids to get a good result in (the) school. We can image that there are several possibilities: for instance, the first one is that the kids could not undertake so much work; the other is that he(they) would do a good job in class but lose their own time with other kids. Then the kids will not know how to communicate with each other effectively. It is crucial to make the kids recognize it is their own responsibility to make a decision. In this way, children could figure out what is the important thing in that moment.

Unfortunately, many parents put their own dreams which not come true on their offspring. It is very common that parents determine their children’s future in the modern life. This behavior should be criticized, even through parents may be unconscious. In this way, the kids will lose themselves, and children’s life will be the second life of parents. It is unfair to deprive (children of their) children’s opportunities to live their own life.

In my opinion, parents should assist their kids to make a suitable decision, but not determine their future. I claim that parents play an important part in children’s life. They could give kids crucial advice which could ensure kids make the right decision. To pay more attention to their children’s future is indispensable.
作者: byebyehaku    时间: 2011-8-6 22:20:28

开始写作不久  昨天的作文延误到现在真的很抱歉
byebye一会儿下下来 明早贴上改过的
这个是byebye的作文 欢迎批改~!
作者: wendychueng    时间: 2011-8-6 22:56:15

作者: byebyehaku    时间: 2011-8-7 12:20:13

8.5 独立的修改~~
作者: 米陌    时间: 2011-8-7 13:07:37

作者: happinessvivi    时间: 2011-8-7 20:11:55

作者: xieqy0326    时间: 2011-8-7 21:23:11

谢谢byebye,米陌 和 happinessvivi的修改,非常感谢。加油~~~
作者: foreverendless    时间: 2011-8-10 12:35:44

With the advancement of the society, more and more people who realizethe importance of team work would love to cooperate with each other. However,someone argues that people holding different views in a team cannot achievesuccess in the end. In my opinion, teams with variouskinds of views are more easily to succeed. My perspective will be discussed inthe following.

First and most, discussionin a team with different views may generate a better solution. As an oldChinese saying goes, three stupid shoemakers can take the place of a genius. Forexample, the famous scientists Watson and Crick once hold different views onthe structure of nucleic acid DNA. These different thought (thoughts) drew them toreconsideration and made a constructive conclusion. Different views stimulateone's potential intelligence, activate one's craving for a better solution andthen send us closer to success. So the power of discussion is enormous and everyopinion has its own virtues.

In addition, working with people holding different views, you couldbroaden your eyesight and learn how to communicate with each other. Peopleholding different opinions can see what they do not pay enough attention to. Aswe all know, it is difficult for us to realize the mistake we take, but otherscan. Through talking with people holding various ideas, you can analyze thingsin a more thorough perspective. In this way, you can learn more from others. What’smore, you learn how to communicate with different people in a group. Dealingwith different people in a small group is a very useful practice and skills (skill) foryou to deal with kinds of people (前面出现过deal with people,最好同义改写下,比如keep companies with various personalities) in a society.

Actually, there are many conflicts in a team due to people from variouscountry (countries) have different cultural background. So the members of a team shouldlearn skills (+of?) how to communicate with each other and make a harmonious atmosphere.What’s more, they should learn how to deal with people holding differentopinions and learn from each other. (没有举例感觉这段空虚了)

From all the aspects and examples above, we can safely make aconclusion that different opinions in a team will help the team to success.

我觉得这个题目着重强调different view和success的关系,无论前者能带来什么,最后应该提一下不同的好处都是success为好,不知道是否过于刻薄了...

作者: smenxiao    时间: 2011-8-10 21:54:23

作者: foreverendless    时间: 2011-8-11 14:26:39

作者: happinessvivi    时间: 2011-8-11 22:20:43

作者: xieqy0326    时间: 2011-8-14 06:26:48

作者: season08    时间: 2011-8-14 17:19:07

作者: moonlightlane    时间: 2011-8-14 18:14:14     标题: RE: Daily Writing - xieqy0326

Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? All school teachers should be required to take courses every fiveyears to update their knowledge?

In this modern era, with the high rate ofupdating(前后两个update,这里可以考虑替换成renewing) information, it is undeniable that everyone should be required toupdate their knowledge for following the rapid development(in order to follow the rapid development。??). Especially for theteachers, who play an important role in the children’s growth up, are asked tolearn more and update their knowledge.(怎么感觉这句怪怪的,似乎没有主语耶....看这样写行不,和前一句合并:......rapid development, which is especially important for teachers who........)

First and foremost, taking courses is anexcellent method to update teachers’ knowledge and enhance their ability. Inother words, taking course could broaden their horizon and get(course不能get吧,人才能“get”。建议换成help teachers get) types ofteaching pattern by exchanging teaching experience with each other. On the onehand(这个好像一般是表示转折的,建议换成additionally, furthermore等), they should learn academic knowledge and exert the latest technology tomake their work more efficiently, like(应该是such as 吧) using computer to teach easier(低级错误哦,动词后面用副词,应该是 more easily). On theother hand(同样的问题哦), they should learn some experience from other teachers and maketheir students study without boring(being bored).

Second(secondly), the process of updating theirknowledge is necessary(用critical,vital这种词是不是更好呢) to improve(the improvement of;名词化,个人习惯~) students' academic interest. Teachers areobliged to impart knowledge to their students. If the teacher could talk(要加about) somenew ideas, or the latest technology, which is not available in the books, theycan attract their student's attention better(这句比较chinglish了,你应该是要说能更好的吸引学生注意力。这样改你看如何:students will be better involved in courses), since human beings always paymore attention and passion to new things in their life. Apart from that, thestudents can even get involved in the study of the most updating fields,(and) takesome projects with their teachers, which inevitably improve their academicability.

Third(thirdly), imparting the latest knowledge tostudents improves students' ability. There's no denying the fact that we shouldapply what we have learned in school into the real life. However, if the informationtaught by our teachers is out-date, we will meet some embarrassments in thefuture time and have to take time to learn new knowledge by ourselves. In thisway, our ability will not be trained.

In conclusion, I reinforce the opinion thatthe school teachers should be demanded to take courses to renew theirknowledge. Taking courses is not the best way to access the knowledge andimprove their students’ ability.

作者: moonlightlane    时间: 2011-8-14 18:15:13

作者: moonlightlane    时间: 2011-8-14 18:16:55

33# season08 嘿嘿有没有兴趣看看我的作文?我会回改的~~~
作者: happinessvivi    时间: 2011-8-15 01:10:05

作者: xieqy0326    时间: 2011-8-23 11:18:28

本帖最后由 xieqy0326 于 2011-8-24 01:54 编辑

作者: 宁夏zoe    时间: 2011-8-24 08:27:22

Do printed books bring greater influence to people's lives than television? In my view, there are many books lying in the bookshelf covered with dust; while, many people stay in the front of televisions and enjoy their lives. The answer is obvious since television has already been in people’s vision. Therefore, I claim that printed books have less effect on the society.

Actually, printed books are formerly used and regarded as the most traditional way for people to record information and acquire knowledge. Though printed books still have an undeniable position in people's lives, its influence is far less significant than television considering the current development of television industry. (这段我觉得可以放到倒数第二段去)

One reason is that the interesting television programs are more popular and convenient for people to gain information. As we all know, TV is a complex system composed of numerous channels and various kinds of programs, such as economic, politic, military, art, technology. Just moving one finger and clicking the remote-control, you can get your favorite channel. Immersing in the favorite TV shows, nobody would ask why people always forget to pick up a book. Consequently, this popularity of television is great effect on people’s lives.

Another strong factor is that the dramatic television change people’s behaviors and habits easier than books in modern time. Being aware of it or not, individual’s behaviors are effected by television. For example, when people go to the super market, it is more likely for them to choose the products which are frequently advertised in television. In addition, as television provides people the opportunity to share the event or experiences, it plays an important role in communicating process with each other. So many buzzwords will be popular in a short time. While, printed books has less effect on people’s life.(以上两个例子都是阐述电视对人的影响大于书,而题目是论证电视和书对社会的影响哪个大。所以,也许换个例子,或者把对人的影响与对社会的影响之间联系起来,会好一点)

In conclusion, owing to the popularity of television and kinds of television programs, television industry provide more information and change our living styles, while printed books gradually lost its former role in disseminating knowledge and information.
作者: cederica    时间: 2011-8-24 11:19:30

Books have more influence on society than television.

Do printed books bring greater influence to people's lives than television? In my view, there are many books lying in the bookshelf covered with dust; while, many people stay in the front of televisions and enjoy their lives. The answer is obvious since television has already been in people’s vision. 进入人们视线?Therefore, I claim that printed books have less effect on the society.

Actually, printed books are formerly used and regarded as the most traditional way for people to record information and acquire knowledge. Though printed books still have an undeniable position in people's lives, its influence is far less significant than television considering the current development of television industry. 这段写得好,既点到books的好处,也表明自己的观点!

One reason is that the interesting television programs are more popular and convenient for people to gain information. As we all know, TV is a complex system composed of numerous channels and various kinds of programs, such as economic, politic, military, art, technology. Just moving one finger and clicking the remote-control, you can get your favorite channel. Immersing in the favorite TV shows, nobody would ask why people always forget to pick up a book. Consequently, this popularity of television is great effect on people’s lives.

Another strong factor is that the dramatic television change people’s behaviors and habits easier than books in modern time. Being aware of it or not, individual’s behaviors are effected by television. For example, when people go to the super market, it is more likely for them to choose the products which are frequently advertised in television. In addition, as television provides people the opportunity to share the event or experiences, it plays an important role in communicating process with each other. So many buzzwords will be popular in a short time. While, printed books has less effect on people’s life.

In conclusion, owing to the popularity of television and kinds of television programs, television industry provide more information and change our living styles, while printed books gradually lost its former role in disseminating knowledge and information.
作者: cederica    时间: 2011-8-24 11:20:11

作者: DavidCharles    时间: 2011-8-24 12:12:46

8.22 作文修改补上
作者: alohasally    时间: 2011-8-24 23:22:38

挺不错  [attach]170681[/attach]
作者: xieqy0326    时间: 2011-8-25 06:55:50

作者: 超级猴子    时间: 2011-9-4 10:55:38


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