
标题: 【Daily Writing】Julijone's TOEFL Writing Journal [打印本页]

作者: julijone    时间: 2011-7-29 23:14:14     标题: 【Daily Writing】Julijone's TOEFL Writing Journal

本帖最后由 julijone 于 2011-8-7 18:22 编辑

Independent writing:

作者: julijone    时间: 2011-7-30 21:47:07

本帖最后由 julijone 于 2011-8-7 18:19 编辑

Independent writing
Integrated writing
作者: 愤怒公爵    时间: 2011-7-31 12:53:25

本帖最后由 愤怒公爵 于 2011-7-31 12:55 编辑


A teacher who is serious and strict is more efficient than a teacher who uses humor and who is easygoing.

Who can be more efficient, a serious and strict teacher or a humorous and easygoing teacher? People may have different responses to this question and they all surely have good reasons. In my personal opinion, the former is less, not more, efficient than the later. I give this negative(观点是中立的,没有偏向性,不必用这个词) answer mainly based on the following considerations.

First, good mood helps improving a person’s performance. Although being serious and strict does not mean that this teacher must be in bad mood, the factual situation is, such teachers are easier to get in relatively bad emotional status because they are more possible to be affected by the troubles met in the work. From psychology angle, a person who harbors an easy attitude tends to be more tolerant and stable. Humorous teachers, as a result, can handle the problems excellently and consequently, have a higher working efficiency(efficiently).

Second, we have to recognize that, in the interrelationship, a humorous person could always be easier to be got along and(or) cooperate with. So, they could(can) get more help from the external. This advantage often saves a lot of time for those teachers who are easygoing and makes them efficient in their career, especially in team work.

Last but not least, teachers use humor frequently must be the kind of people who always keep optimistic. During the work time, a teacher ineluctably will suffer from temporary failure or setback. Under this situation, an easygoing teacher, since being optimistic, will underestimate the difficulty of a certain task.(这句逻辑比较好,+1) It sounds like they are cheating over themselves; however, it is indeed a good measure to strengthen their confidence.

To sum up, considered this or that kind of spiritual and social force, to be efficient, a teacher should at least try not being that serious and strict。


Integrated writing:.

TPO 18 About Torreya taxifoha

In the lecture, the woman speaker negated the three solutions of how to save Torreya taxifoha mentioned in the passage. The lecturer refuted the options for the following reasons.

Firstly, it is likely to fail to reestablish Torreya in the same region, even though the partial area, the northern Florida, is cooler and damper than the surrounding environments. Because that(后面没有接句子,不必要用) the local microclimate, to a large extent, is affected by the changes of the overall climate here(here没找到指代地点,是北Florida还是全球,有歧义). The climate at any place may not be suited for Torreya any longer, considered the global warming effect which contributes to the increase of the temperature.(还有一个drier呢,听露点了啊)

Secondly, relocating Torreya is also not a satisfactory option. To illustrate this point, the lecturer took the example of another tree which killed a lot of local(加上说清楚) plants and trees after being translated to a new place. A species could spread madly in the new environment, so relocating plan may produce an unpredictable outcome。

Lastly, as for the third option, the lecturer thinks that preserving Torreya in research center is not feasible at all. Because the population of the wild Torreya is quite large, the research center is not capable of protecting Torreya from being extinct in the long term.'

In one word, (according to the professor,可能时间不够?应该指出是教授说的,不然会有人理解为是文章中写的),none of these three solutions is effective to protect Torreya.

作者: julijone    时间: 2011-7-31 13:45:09

谢谢 不过这个地方应该是用名词而不是副词 have a higher working efficiency(efficiently).5 q'
作者: 冰雪蜂鸟    时间: 2011-7-31 18:13:03

作者: 年年年花    时间: 2011-8-1 03:51:59

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-1 21:19:58

本帖最后由 julijone 于 2011-8-7 18:22 编辑

Independent writing
Integrated writing
作者: qqweer2007    时间: 2011-8-2 16:39:50

作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-2 20:07:46

本帖最后由 julijone 于 2011-8-7 18:24 编辑

Independent writing
Integrated writing
作者: fyxloveu    时间: 2011-8-2 21:37:29

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作者: 米陌    时间: 2011-8-3 10:13:44

本帖最后由 米陌 于 2011-8-3 10:17 编辑

8.2 独立 revised by 米陌
There is a public debate on whether parents should interferewith children’s making (感觉making 去掉能更加简洁) determination about their future. Those who advocate it say 也可以用admit that it’s the parents’obligation to choose their children’s future. While the critics contend thisdeed is out of date, in the modern times, only children themselves could decidetheir future. I agree with the laterlatter opinion, although I do notcompletely deny the role parents play in this important decision.- g" P( x0 E6 q9 n, I% m
- t3 b: O% |- h9 E" C! j
Admittedly, since our parents have much moreexperiences than we have, tips from them may works
tips搭配work in many situations. Therefore, they are indeed helpful inmaking determination. If the children don’t have good ideas or they have notmade a decision yet, they might as well as well(是写重复了吗?) follow their parents. Because any parents, no matter whatinstructions they give to the children, their purpose is to provide thechildren with the best, and what’s more, they always consider problems in thelong run.
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But, the role the parents play should strictly berestrained in a proper scope. In another word, they are just advisors ratherthan decision maker

makers advisors相对). They cannot escalate theinstruction or the reference to orders.

On the one hand, by merely accepting parents’determination, the children may not make any great achievements. As we allknow, there is often a relation gap between the parents and their children. Insuch a case, the parents can’t communicate efficiently with the children and asa consequence, they will misunderstand what their children really want. Even ifthis gap does not exist, a person could not be understood one hundred percentby anyone else but himself. One can hardly imagine what the future will be likeif he or she is enforced to carry on a certain business which he or she doesnot like at all.
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On the other hand, the most serious consequencemay be that the relationship between parents and children will be broken off.For example, once I had a good friend. His parents forced him to go to a cadetcollege he does not
(加个动词如admire/want to go/dream of是不是更好?). Because of the financial dependence, he compromised at last.However, after entering the college, he found himself not interested in themilitary courses at all. After that, he began to be addicted into some reallybad habits such as smoking and using drugs. His life has been ruined by hisparents’ determination against his wills.
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Thus, children

parents should allow children tomake their own choice. If they want to give a hand, they
(两个they指代的对象不一,这个根据前文their的指代孩子,这个可用parents替代) can give advices, but nevergo beyond the line.


作者: happinessvivi    时间: 2011-8-3 14:29:54


作者: fyxloveu    时间: 2011-8-3 15:02:37

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作者: chair020928    时间: 2011-8-3 21:01:04

作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-4 15:13:18

本帖最后由 julijone 于 2011-8-7 18:26 编辑

Independent writing
Integrated writing
作者: lisq9989    时间: 2011-8-4 17:30:46


作者: little_caty    时间: 2011-8-4 19:48:22

g2011.08.03- u5 }: x% t; A2 J# e3 X! o
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Independent writing

2010.01.15NA In order to become financially responsible adults, children should manage their own money at a young age.

In recent years, children’s financial management is valued very much. In spite of disputes, some people including me still hold the opinion that children should manage their own money at a young age in order to become financially responsible adults. I will defend my opinion in the following paragraphs.(没有查到defend my opinion这种用法,一般是defend myself against other people's opinions)

First of all, many people, especially those parents, worrying about whether the young children could handle this well.(this在这里指代不清,而且觉得这句话不适合做本段的主旨句) In my opinion, this kind of worry is completely unnecessary. How can a nestling fly if it is limited in the nest forever? Experiences will be accumulated by the children in the process of managing their money. So as parents, they should encourage their children to put it into practice. After all, children have much to learn to get them prepared for the financial response in the future. For example, they should learn how to use different methods of paying and how to transfer credit. It will be late to start these fairs after they grow up to adults.

Another advantage of this education from early age would be that the children will establish good financial and consuming habits. For instance, when I was young, my father sent me a deposit box as a birthday present and set up me an account. From then on, I gradually know how to make a budget of my own money to avoid financial deficit. If sometimes I use up my deposit in my account, I have to apply a “loan” from my father. Besides, I realized the importance of reasonable consuming, and I rarely bought new tools any more.

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Last but not least, it will be a little troublesome if the children are not in charge of their own money. There are so many occasions that the children need money. For example, a middle school teenager may want to buy a bouquet for his girl friend. If he must apply to his parents first, then perhaps he does not know how to make an excuse. It is inconvenient to ask the parents for money every time.+ C' @3 c: T, T6 p% |

To sum up, the parents should allow their children to manage their own money, so that the children will become responsible financially, either for themselves or for others.(改成benifiting themselves as well as others)

作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-4 20:07:54

本帖最后由 julijone 于 2011-8-7 18:27 编辑

Independent writing
Integrated writing
作者: 愤怒公爵    时间: 2011-8-4 21:07:14

作者: 佳佳LOVE舞    时间: 2011-8-5 14:58:23

作者: happinessvivi    时间: 2011-8-5 17:54:47

作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-5 18:20:02

本帖最后由 julijone 于 2011-8-7 18:29 编辑

Independent writing
Integrated writing
作者: 幕阳素素    时间: 2011-8-5 22:31:58

作者: zhangbao0607    时间: 2011-8-5 23:19:04

作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-6 15:04:45

本帖最后由 julijone 于 2011-8-7 18:31 编辑

Independent writing
Integrated writing
作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-6 15:06:08

作者: happinessvivi    时间: 2011-8-6 17:36:17

授予你综合写作小能手的称号..... :D
作者: sunboyqq16    时间: 2011-8-6 18:09:08

作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-6 22:22:34

28# sunboyqq16
作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-6 22:23:36

27# happinessvivi
哈哈, 谢谢 你也写得很好
作者: sunboyqq16    时间: 2011-8-7 00:52:31

29# julijone
作者: paooozhixia163    时间: 2011-8-7 11:36:33

作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-7 18:06:25

32# paooozhixia163
亲,你这么热情的,有点受不了 你还没给我改作文呢 另外谢谢你的建议
作者: zhangbao0607    时间: 2011-8-7 23:18:08

作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-8 23:00:47

Independent writing
Integrated writing
作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-9 19:23:49

Independent writing
Integrated writing
作者: 米陌    时间: 2011-8-10 13:32:33

作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-10 15:15:38

37# 米陌
作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-10 15:47:40

Independent writing
Integrated writing
作者: 草莓刨冰    时间: 2011-8-10 17:01:34

作者: 愤怒公爵    时间: 2011-8-10 21:16:51

作者: happinessvivi    时间: 2011-8-10 22:16:24

作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-12 21:42:15

Independent writing
Integrated writing
作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-14 19:16:54

Independent writing
Integrated writing
作者: julijone    时间: 2011-8-14 20:19:50

补交一个 对自己负责
Independent writing
Integrated writing

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