
标题: Daily Writing homework. [打印本页]

作者: leiyuan    时间: 2011-8-13 15:34:43     标题: Daily Writing homework.

作者: leiyuan    时间: 2011-8-13 16:54:36

8月13独立 Do you agree or disagree: Improving school is the most important factor for developing of a country.

Obviously, the development of country depends on some crucial factors. When it comes to which is the most important factor, opinions vary from person to person as peoples’ distinctive backgrounds and experience. From the point of mine, education is the most crucial prerequisite of the development of a country beyond all questions.

We can not emphasize the importance of instruction too much for the simple reason that talents determine the future of a nation. For example, without the emergence of many scientists such as Newton, Copernicus, and Einstein, it is hard for human beings to develop so fast. And generally improving education is the only method to enhance the quality and quantity of talents. So it is necessary for every government to improve its instruction. At the beginning of last century, there were many educators in my country, such as Hu Shi and Cai Yuanpei. And with their effort, the quality of some universities, such as Peking University, were greatly improved. Many famous persons who determined the destiny of my country afterwards came from these universities.

In addition, the promotion of education will surely improve the civilian’s character. After all, we should want all students to know and to make their own: honesty, fairness, self-discipline, loyalty, personal responsibility, love of a country, and belief in the principles of liberty, equality. And, in my opinion, we can make children learn and practice thorough nationwide education. Besides, education can also give people hope. As it was said in the movie The Shawshank’s Redemption, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.

What is more, in my view, the development of a nation determined by many factors such as economic, quality of life, environment, culture and so on. However, education is the fundament of factors above, because education will have an effect on all the other factors. For example, biography and geography classes will enhance the students’ awareness of protecting environment. And businessmen will learn how to manage their companies thorough MBA classes.   

To sum it up, from the analysis above, even though economic condition signifies the prosperity of a nation, environment means the potential development, and culture stands for a country’s history, I still believe that education is the most basic and crucial. Thus the improving of school will not only have an effect on education but also affect every aspect of a nation.
作者: callmec    时间: 2011-8-14 00:06:22

本帖最后由 callmec 于 2011-8-14 00:47 编辑

Obviously, the development of countrydepends on some crucial factors. When it comes to (thequestion that) which is the most important factor, opinions vary(varies) from person to person as(due to) peoples’ distinctive(distinct?)backgrounds and experience. From the point of mine,(可以这样用么,好别扭……from/in my point of view是不是好点) education is the most crucial(重复,用一个即可,此处用了三个高等级词汇,建议删掉MOST CRUCIAL) prerequisite of thedevelopment of a country beyond all questions.
We can not emphasize the importance ofinstruction too much for the simple reason that talents determine the future ofa nation. For example, without the emergence of many scientists such as Newton, Copernicus, andEinstein, it is hard for human beings to develop so fast. And generallyimproving education is the only method to enhance the quality and quantity oftalents. So it is necessary for every government to improve its instruction. Atthe beginning of last century, there were many educators in my country, such asHu Shi and Cai Yuanpei. And with their effort, the quality of someuniversities, such as Peking University, were greatly improved(时态是不是改用完成时 had been ,或者has been更好). Many famous persons who determined thedestiny of my country afterwards came from these universities.

In addition, the promotion of educationwill surely improve the civilian’s character. After all, we should wantwant不好。。改为encourage吧) all students to knowand to(去掉)make their own: honesty, fairness, self-discipline, loyalty, personalresponsibility, love of a country, and belief in the principles of liberty,equality. And, in my opinion, we can make children learn and practice thoroughnationwide education. Besides, education can also give people hope. As it wassaid in the movie The Shawshank’s Redemption, hope is a good thing, maybe thebest of things, and no good thing ever dies.
+ o7 l1 J3 U/ ?$ |. ~
What is more, in my view, the developmentof a nation determined by many factors such as economic(额 economy 是名词,economic是形容词), quality of life, environment, cultureand so on. However, education is the fundament of factors above, becauseeducation will have an effect on all the other factors. For example, biographyand geography classes will enhance the students’ awareness of protectingenvironment. And businessmen will learn how to manage their companies thoroughMBA classes.

To sum it up, from the analysis above, eventhough economic condition signifies the prosperity of a nation, environmentmeans the potential development, and culture stands for a country’s history, Istill believe that education is the most basic and crucial. Thus the improvingof school will not only have an effect on education but also affect everyaspect of a nation.

总结,比我写得好……,第一次改,没有经验,有的比较琐碎,见谅。Economy这个问题其实很小,主要是学这个的……所以敏感了……有的可能是本来语法没有错,但是只是觉得有些不自然 。。。。推荐个自己觉得更自然的方式……欢迎回改……https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1295532-1-1.html
作者: wyy469    时间: 2011-8-14 09:27:32

作者: qnwh2011    时间: 2011-8-14 12:11:45

作者: leiyuan    时间: 2011-8-15 00:02:49

谢谢你 你的今天有点事情 不过是周日嘛 明个一早一定改好。 4# wyy469
作者: leiyuan    时间: 2011-8-15 00:05:50

谢谢你拉 我回去改的大家加油!!! 3# callmec
作者: leiyuan    时间: 2011-8-15 00:06:47

时间超了不少, 大家加油一起灭t哈。。。 5# qnwh2011
作者: leiyuan    时间: 2011-8-16 14:58:37

8.16独立 第一次辩证写
y20101017NA Do you agree or disagree, it is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than by doing physical exercise.1 R/


Nowadays, because of the high working and study pressure, employees and students are likely to choose some methods which can help them relax. Watching a movie, reading a book or doing physical exercise sound pretty great. But when it comes to which one is the best, opinions vary from person to person as their distinctive backgrounds and experience. As far as I am concerned, I prefer to watch a movie and read a book rather than do physical exercise.

Admittedly, physical exercise is a good choice for us to relax for the reason that we can transfer our concentration from the busy and boring work to physical sports. Some exercises such as yoga and swimming can help our muscles and minds feel completely easy and relaxing. In addition, doing exercise can help us built a connection to other people. For example, while doing exercise with our classmates or workmates, we may choose some team sports such as basketball and football which will generally promote our relationship.

However, despite the benefits and advantages of exercise mentioned above, to say that doing physical exercise is better than watching movie and reading a book does not hold water for the following two reasons.

First, watching movie and reading have a better effect than doing exercise. After all, when we get off work and research, we do need relaxation rather than some recreations which may consume our energy. For instance, after a basketball game or some other exercise, I always feel more tired. And when I get up the next day, I don’t have a good state to work and study. But watching movie and reading a book don’t have this problem completely. Frequently, while reading, I prefer to sit in a cozy sofa or lie on the bend freely. Thus, if the book is interesting, our minds and bodies will both feel relaxing and that is true relaxation, isn’t it?

Second, we can gain a lot thorough watching movie and reading a book while relaxing. And that is the fundamental reason for my choice of movie and reading. The novels and movies can make a great contribution to our characters such as honesty, fairness, self-discipline, loyalty to task, friends, and family, personal responsibility, love of a country, and belief in the principles of liberty, equality and the freedom to practice one’s faith. For example, after watching the movie The Forrest Gump, I learn that we should be loyal to what we have promise our friend. In addition, I also learn the culture and history of a nation thorough movie and reading. Such as the Watergate scandal, star wars project, and Apollo project.

To sum it up, from the analysis mentioned above, even though physical is a good choice for relaxing, I still prefer watching a movie and reading a book.
作者: xu8431    时间: 2011-8-17 11:07:45

作者: alohasally    时间: 2011-8-17 21:46:35

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