qualify the author's agreement with scholars who argue for a major revision in the assessment of the impact of mechanization on society.作者: 为爱流泪 时间: 2011-8-22 13:45:52
1 a : to reduce from a general to a particular or restricted form : MODIFY b : to make less harsh or strict : MODERATE c : to alter the strength or flavor of d : to limit or modify the meaning of (as a noun)
2 : to characterize by naming an attribute : DESCRIBE <cannot qualify it as⋯either glad or sorry ― T. S. Eliot>
3 a : to fit by training, skill, or ability for a special purpose b (1) : to declare competent or adequate : CERTIFY (2) : to invest with legal capacity : LICENSE
intransitive verb
1 : to be or become fit (as for an office) : meet the required standard
2 : to acquire legal or competent power or capacity <has just qualified as a lawyer>
3 a : to exhibit a required degree of ability in a preliminary contest <qualified for the finals> b : to shoot well enough to earn a marksmanship badge作者: HeatherLL 时间: 2016-6-20 23:53:30