
标题: <Daily Writing >---xiaoniao123的作文贴 [打印本页]

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-10-8 11:18:24     标题: <Daily Writing >---xiaoniao123的作文贴

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-10-8 13:11:46

10月8日独立 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: If parents want their children to do well at school, they should limit the time their children spend on watching TV.
With the advent of the popularity of television,especially in contemporary society,watching TV has become the most crucial enjoyment style in the family.Not just the adults' like it,but also do the children.No one can deny that it helps children a lot when watching some programmes,but we have to admit that it is necessary for the parents to limit the time their children spending on watching TV,especially when they expect their children doing well at school.
To begin with,watching TV do harms in children's physical health.Consider,for instance,watching TV is bad for children's sight health.If they watch TV for a long time,they will become short-sighted,which would have extremely awful impact on their future life and study.Moreover,many children like eating when watching TV,as a result many children in little age get lazily,and then become overweight.Graually the health of the children will stop them studying at school normally.
In addition,watching TV will influence children's intelligence and their sense of issues,or etc.Television shapes our understanding of what is crucial and what is not crucial.The important things are always covered and discussed without gaps,but  the uncrucial things are always ignored,or not being told.Especially in prearranging public news,television makes decision for them.Slowly,children will lose the ability of critical thinking,which is pretty harm for their intellectual progress.And I have observed one general phenomenon,that is,the first thing for large groups of children to do when putting down their schoolbag after going home is to open the televison,then watch it all the time,and they have little time to communicate with the family members,which may make them lack the ability to communicate with their classmates smoothly in the class.
Thirdly,if children watch too much TV,it will cause the decline of the academic performance of children.Because children are in favor of watching catoons and tetepalys,and these programmes usually broadcasts during the golden times,that is between half past six to half past nine in the evening,whereas children need study during these periods.Otherwise children have to do homework after half past nine when they finish watching TV.In such cases,children's study and life will go into a vicious circle,for lacking of enough sleeping at night,the next day children would not concentrate on the teaching in the class,and they are more likely to imagine or recall the content what was  watched last night,which certainly cause the decline of the study for the children.
Thus,how to solve the problem of children's watching TV?In my perspective,it is indispensible for the parents to set restrictions of the time their children spend on watching TV.Of course,the parents should not forbid it,for watching TV do have some benifits,such as helping children broaden the vision and increase their knowledge,also stimulate children's imagination,and so on.So parents should help to select proper programmes for them to watch,and control the watching time and frequency,and gradually help them cultivate the good habits of watching TV independently,such as control watching TV themselves.
作者: jackieydan    时间: 2011-10-9 09:23:13

本帖最后由 jackieydan 于 2011-10-9 11:58 编辑

108独立 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: If parents want their children to do well at school, they should limit the time their children spend on watching TV.
With the advent of the popularity of television, especially in contemporary society, watching TV has become the most crucial enjoyment style in the
a family. Not just the adults like it, but also do the children. No one can deny that it helps children a lot when watching some programs, but we have to admit that it is necessary for the parents to limit the time their children spending on watching TV, especially when they expect their children doing well at school.9 \8 q4 M. T3 R( M6 U& x# x- j' K
To begin with, watching TV do harms in children's physical health. For instance, watching TV is bad for children's sight health. If they watch TV for a long time, they will become short-sighted, which would have extremely awful impact on their future life and study. Moreover, many children like eating when watching TV. As a result of

it, many children at little age get lazily, and then become overweight. Gradually, the ill health of the children will stop them from studying normally at school.
In addition, watching TV will influence children's intelligence and their sense of issues,or etc[
不要用缩写].Television shapes our understanding of what is[are] crucial and what is[are] not crucial[去掉] .The important things are always covered and discussed without gaps, but  the uncrucial【没有这个词】 things are always ignored,or not being told.【这句话的意思好奇怪,可否翻译一下。】Especially in prearranged public news, television makes decision for them. Step by step, children will lose the ability ofto不确定】 critical thinking, which is pretty harmful for their intellectual progress. And I have observed one common phenomenon that is the first thing for large groups of children to do after putting down their schoolbag is to open the television, then watch it all the time which leaves them little time to communicate with other family members and may make them lack the ability to communicate with their classmates smoothly in the class.; B/ P! E% h& a1 ^6 e
Thirdly, if children watch too much TV, it will cause the decline of the academic performance of children. Because children are in favor of watching catoons and tetepalys[
什么意思?],and these programmes usually broadcasts during the golden times, that is between half past six to half past nine in the evening, whereas children need study during these periods. 【我觉得这句话好奇怪,我改在了最后,你看可否。】Otherwise children have to do homework after half past nine when they finish watching TV. In these cases, children's study and life will go into a vicious circle, for lacking of enough sleeping at night[赞!]the next day children would not concentrate on the teaching in the class, and they are more likely to imagine or recall the content what was  watched last night, which certainly cause the decline of the children’s study.
Thus, how to solve this problem?[??] In my perspective, it is indispensible for the parents to set restrictions of the time their children spend on watching TV. Of course, the parents should not forbid it, for watching TV do have some benefits, such as helping children broaden the vision and increase their knowledge, also stimulate children's imagination, and so on. So parents should help to select proper programmes for them to watch, control the watching time and frequency, and gradually help them cultivate the good habits of watching TV independently, such as control watching TV themselves.[私以为最后一句文意有些不合适。。]【喜欢xiaoniao你最后的这几个动宾短语的排比哈!】
Because the cartoons and ?? which attract the children most are always broadcasted during the golden period in the evening when they ought to be seated in the study to do their homework.

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-10-9 09:49:07

3# jackieydan
作者: jackieydan    时间: 2011-10-9 12:10:49

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-1 08:10:25

10月31日 20100619NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If

you need to discuss upsetting orcontroversial problems with others, Using e-

mail/text messaging is better than using telephone/voice-messaging.
We have all moments in our lives when the pressure mounts beyond what we feel

we can handle,and we find ourselves thinking that we do not have the strength

to carry on.Sometimes we have just gotten some really huge obstacles or knotty

problems that we need someone to disscuss with us,to help us,then in such

cases what ways of messaging will you use?The Email/text messaging or the

telephone/voice messaging?Well,I consider it depends on circumstances.
    For most of the time,I will choose the latter one if I face some thorny

problems,because this way can make the communication more instantaneously,and

solve my problem at a striking speed.For example,Looking back on my life of

the university,I feel that the telephone plays a crucial role during those

days.In the beginning,I had a homesick very seriously,and when I sat on the

bus alone,I always can not help with tears running down my face for I missed

my parents very much,especially when I saw the snow flowing down from the

sky,I stood alone in front of the window,I regard myself as rather helpness,so

I used the cellphone to make a call for my parents,when I heard their voice,my

depressed mood had just releived,then I talked with them about the

maladjustment of the new environment and the cold climate here(because I went

to university in the north and my home is in the central part of China),then

they comforted me that I could go home because the winter vacation was coming

before long.So thanks to the telephone,it is the telephone that make me not

feel alone,and when facing controversial problems,I always made the

disscussion with my parents,and they could give me proper advices in

time,contrast to the text messaging,it is more convinient and it can make

people communicate in an emotional way,because we can hear the other side's

voice which could give people the psychological comfort,like I speak to my

mother,when I heard her voice,I felt like that she was on my ear and she was

close to me though the distance from my home to the unniversity is more than

two thousand kilometers.Thus,I will not agree with the stament at this time.
  However,using e-mail/text messaging sometimes is very effective,especially

when the other side you want to discuss or seek help is abroad,for the fee of

the international telephone is more than that of the e-mail

messaging.Moreover,we all have the experiences that there is something  that

is not proper via the telephone,some words, only can we use the text that we

are able to express our feelings,such as the upsetting things,the emotinal

problems,which are very difficult to speak it out,so in those cases emial/

text messaging is a better choice.
  All in all,when we are overwhelmed,exhausted and stretched,we should find

the most appropriate way to solve the problem,no matter using the e-mial/text

or the telephone/voice messaging.We must memory that the final purpose is to

solve our problems and to make us live happier.
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-2 08:15:35

11月1日作业20090403NA Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement? The

best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teacher’s

Some may believe that money can solve all the prolems,such as improving the

quality of education,in their eyes,the best way to put the axe in the helve is

to raise teacher's salaries.Well,it is certain to work in some

circumstances,however,we should notice that factors that are able to influence

the quality of education are numerous,in such cases we can not say the best

way to solve the problem is to increase teacher's salaries.
Admittedly,we can not deny the fact that the way of improving teacher's

salaries indeed can enhance the level of education at times.As is known to all

that the quality of education in rural regions is extremely bad,one crucial

reason is that it lacks a lot of teachers,and especially good teachers,if the

government actualize some useful policies,such as increasing teacher's

salaries,it may attract some excellent talents whose purposes are to promote

the advancement of the rural education.Moreover,we can see a usual social

phenomenon that graduates,esecially those students who graduated from the

normal universities,are more likely to choose the more developed regions to

work as a teacher,one key reason,as I considered,is the money,the

salary,because it is undoubted that everyone wants to live a more comfortable

and richer life.Consequently,increasing teacher's salaries plays an effective

role for enhance the quality of education.
However,in some other cases,we can not ignore that money is not so important  

as some other factors dorminate the role of education quality.In fact,many

teachers are not employable,like some of them even have imposed corporal

punishments on students,and some are due to lack of experience that can not

act as good techers,which is very harmful for students' development.
As a result,we can not simply conclude that just increasing teachers' salaries

is the best way to improve the education quality,there are many other things

we need to do,such as enhancing the qualities of the teacher,we can send some

excellent teachers abroad to receive some advanced educational ideal and

methods,and also can offer studying opportunites for those unexperienced

teachers in order to improve their teaching.
作者: Heather890704    时间: 2011-11-2 09:49:06

作者: sd1053774    时间: 2011-11-2 18:43:50

作者: byebyehaku    时间: 2011-11-3 07:20:05

不好意思,我老年痴呆似乎是忘记贴上来了、、、、10.31 抱歉了
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-3 09:46:02

8# Heather890704
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-3 09:49:32

9# sd1053774
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-3 09:55:31

本帖最后由 xiaoniao123 于 2011-11-3 09:57 编辑

10# byebyehaku
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-3 10:01:58

2011.11.2作业 好像写得太长了,下次一定注意!
20100813NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? More and more people spend too much money on their pet (dogs, cats and others), although there are better uses for these money. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
How to spend money and what to spend on are always not problems for most of us.Some may spend money on material enjoyments,such as buying a big house for a more comfortable life or etc,while others may use such money as a spiritual enjoyments,like spending money on books in order to receive the comfort of mind,or spending money on their pets with the deveopment of social enconomy and technology nowadays.However,is it the fact that more and more people spend a large sum of money on the pet instead of other things?Well,I personally do not consider it right.
Admittedly,many people have a close relationship with their pets,and these people treat their birds,cats,or other animals as members of their family.Because animals can provide companionship for people,especially the old or the child.If the old people have no daughters or sons,and they have difficulty in making friends,they will spend all including money and time on
the cats in order to drive off the loneliness or emptiness.It is the same as a child.At present many children have no friendsto play with or someone to accompany with them for the reason that their parents are busy in the work and many families only own one child,so a clouds of children just stay at home alone,and they gradually just talk to their pets,and pets are everything for them,so parents will spend much money on the pets at the demand of their children.
However,the presence of the phenomena mentioned above is just a part of the society,we can not say people spend too much money on their pets instead of other better uses all the same.Firstly,many people will spend money on their basical living necessities or material enjoyments at first.It is true that many people all over the world now suuffer from the starvation,they even have no money to satisfy their basic needs,how can they have extra money to feed a cat or a dog? And people in China would like to buy a house rather than give an expenditure for pets,as is known to all that the price of houses,especially in big cities in China is so high that many young people can not afford it,as a result they will not spend too much money or energy on a cat or dog.Secondly,if people's basic needs are satisfied,they may try their best in seeking the mind happiness.To this point,I do not think that spending money and time on a cat or a dog is a normal state of spiritual enjoyments.Many people would prefer to spend more time and money on some other things,such as spending more money on the family members,the parents and the relatives,rather than focusing the emotion on pets.In fact,it is more important to pay attention to the relationship of people,for only people can bring you real emotional enjoyment,no matter it is the sorrow,disappointment or happiness that gives to you. Or people will spend money on travelling,I will choose to enjoy the sunshine, beatiful sea beach and the tranquil of stream if I am rich enough.In a word,there are many other things meaningful for us to spend money on rather than the pets.
All in all,as not all societies are developed like the America or some European countires,spending money on pets indeed becomes an ordinary phenomenon of a society,in fact,there exists many countries which are poor enough that they can not even support its people,much less that they have extra to raise pets,thus we can not admit the author's statement is true,for more people would prefer to spend money on better uses,such as supporting the old parents or buying books,travelling when people are a little rich,while people are rich enough,a large scale of them will choose to endow their money to the people who need help,like Bill Gates.
作者: byebyehaku    时间: 2011-11-3 19:17:28

作者: 舟随流    时间: 2011-11-3 22:24:11

10.31 独立
作者: sd1053774    时间: 2011-11-4 09:23:18

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-4 17:03:39

Thank you a lot!
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-4 17:08:58

本帖最后由 xiaoniao123 于 2011-11-4 17:19 编辑

113 20101210NA Do you prefer to finish a project completely then to another one or do two or several projects at a time?
Most of us would like to concentrate the attetntion to complete just one project for they believe that it will distract people's vim when they do two or several projects at the same time.However,I can hardly agree with such statement and I prefer trying two or several projects at a time.

Firstly,it will save time if I accomplish several tasks at the same time.For example,if there are two projects,when you have done some parts of one project,and the leaving parts have to be done in several weeks due to some inevitable factors,like as you have planned how to build a house,but it is always rainy during the whole month,then at this time you can start to do the second project which may need to make a drawing picture about the decoration of another house,rather than waiting to build the first house until the stop of the raining,if to do so,it is rather possible that you will waste a month's time.So doing two or even more subjects can reduce the possiblity of dawdling.

Moreover,doing two or several projects not only can save time but also can make us be productive and effective.I always believe that when you make good use of the time,it is probable for all of us to complete two or even more projects during the time-limited period.There is a sipmple example to illustrate this.Taking the process of making a cup of tea,if we just do one thing every time,then we may do as the following constructions:Firstly we may boil our kettle,then after the water is boiling,we start to wash the teapot and the cup,to take out of the tea,then after completing these steps,we just put the boiling water and tea into the teapot,then a cup of tea will be well done.In fact,if we can make a good plan of the process of making this cup of tea,we can do things better and more effectively.For instance,during the period of boiling our kettle,we can also wash the teapot and cup,and take out of the tea in advance,then what we just to do is to wait for the boiling water,or maybe at the time we have washed the teapot and cup,the water is only just begingning to boil.Note that how important it is to make a good plan of doing things effectively,especially when faced with two or more projects in the work.

All in all,I consider it is better to accomplish two or several projects at a time rather than only focusing your energy on one thing,because the society will not allow us to wait with the high speed of social development,so we need to try our best to learn how to plan all the things well and to organize a team to make them in an ordered state and we should also keep in mind that wasting time is rather bad.

作者: lizlee0420    时间: 2011-11-4 22:49:24

19# xiaoniao123
作者: lizlee0420    时间: 2011-11-4 22:52:33

不好意思我忘了说了,我写的题目是自己的,没按着作业的题目 麻烦你啦~~
作者: lizlee0420    时间: 2011-11-4 22:55:17

20# lizlee0420
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-7 17:33:19

22# lizlee0420
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-8 11:01:29

11月7日 20100313 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can learn more from watching television than reading books.
With the proliferation of television,especially in contemporay society,it is no wander that watching TV has become the most crucial enjoyment style for almost all the people,in contrast,it seems that people become reading less books.However then, will we can say that people can learn much more from watching TV than reading books?The answer is obviously no.I prefer to consider learning more from reading books rather than from watching TV.
Admittedly,watching TV can expand one's outlook to some extent,such as through watching TV news,we can know what happened in the country or even all over the world,maybe we have never been to India,but we can know they wear sari in the daily life and their computer industry is highly developed,etc.Yet few of us have ever stopped to think about what else it brings about except its positive effects.Consider,the so-called important things(which the TV station ragards) are always covered and discussed without gaps,and the uncrucial things are always ignored,or not being told.Especially in prearranging public news,television makes decision for them.Gradually,we lose our ability of critical thinking.
However,reading books will avoid this negative effect.For in books,the authors just expresses the viewpoints of his or her own,rather than considering its social effects which are always emphasized on the television shows.And through reading books,readers can learn how to think in a proper way,and reflect on why he or she say like that.We will be forced to think whether what he or she said is right or wrong.But when we are watching television,we just accept what they said in it complyingly without reflecting,then we can form our own viewpoints and gain a good sense of issues from reading rather than watching TV,because you should understand what the words' meaning is in the books at first,after then try to reflect on what you can acquire from the material,as you watch TV shows in a flash,you have no time to reflect in your brain.
Moreover,reading books can allow us to learn more about something which is not permitted in the television.As we know that authors can express his or her opinion freely as I said above,then sometimes we can obtain some more details of the event than televisions,such as a certain historical events,which will not be showed in the screen,but from one insider's narratation(always in a book),we can be more close to the true face of the history.It is rather interesting than watching TV.In addition,when I read books,I can always find some feelings special,like I can understand the authors' inner heart well as if we have the same experiences and sentiments at the same time,in the same world,and I am always moved with what the authors have expressed.Then from reading books we make our inner hearts world enrich.But in the televison screen,that chances of gaining
that feeling are pretty few.
All in all,I would like to prefer that people can learn more from reading books rather than watching television,and I always have the feeling that I will be not comfortable if I am not reading some books in a month,but I can put up with not watching television in a year,because I can gain a lot from reading books.
作者: Heather890704    时间: 2011-11-8 16:28:36     标题: RE: &lt;Daily Writing &gt;---xiaoniao123的作文贴


117 20100313 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can learn more from watching television than reading books.* d+ @# P6 d. }7 _4 N
With the proliferation of television, especially in [url=]contemporay[/url][U1] society, it is no [url=]wander[/url][U2] that watching TV has become the most crucial enjoyment style for almost all the people, in contrast, it seems that people [url=]become reading[/url][U3] less books. However[url=] then[/url][U4] , [url=]will we can[/url][U5] say that people can learn much more from watching TV than reading books? The answer is obviously no. I prefer to consider learning more from reading books rather than from watching TV.
# x. p2 F. h1 W1 c. z# E0 {Admittedly, watching TV can expand one's outlook to some extent,
[url=]such as[/url][U6] through watching TV news, [url=]we can know what happened in the country or even all over the world, maybe we have never been to India,[/url][U7] but we can know they wear sari in the daily life and their computer industry is highly developed, etc. Yet few of us have ever stopped to think about what else it brings about except its positive effects. Consider, the so-called important things(which the TV station[url=] ragards[/url][U8] ) are always covered and discussed without gaps, and the uncrucial things are always ignored, or not being told. Especially in prearranging public news, television makes decision for them. Gradually, we lose our ability of critical thinking.
% Y" l2 _: q6 E
However, reading books will avoid this negative effect. For in books, the authors just expresses the viewpoints of his or her own, rather than considering its social effects which are always emphasized on the television shows. And through reading books, readers can learn how to think in a proper way, and reflect on why he or she say like that. We will be forced to think whether what he or she said is right or wrong. But when we are watching television, we just accept what they said in it complyingly without reflecting, then we can form our own viewpoints and gain a good sense of issues from reading rather than watching TV, because you should understand what the words' meaning is in the books at first, after then try to reflect on what you can acquire from the material, as you watch TV shows in a flash, you have no time to reflect in your brain.
# V# W0 |  ]0 V1 z& jMoreover, reading books can allow us to learn more about something which is not permitted in the television. As we know that authors can express his or her opinion freely as I said above, then sometimes we can obtain some more details of the event than televisions, such as a certain historical events, which will not be showed in the screen, but from one insider's narratation
always in a book,we can be more close to the [url=]true face[/url][U9] of the history. It is rather interesting than watching TV. In addition, when I read books, I can always find some feelings special, like I can understand the authors' inner heart well as if we have the same experiences and sentiments at the same time, in the same world, and I am always moved with what the authors have expressed. Then from reading books we make our inner hearts world [url=]enrich[/url][U10] . But in the televison screen, that chances of gaining 9 `# F5 t& }+ B* V3 }that feeling are pretty few.
3 P* I8 N' C/ g- M( m' C: a& OAll in all, I would like to prefer that people can learn more from reading books rather than watching television, and I always have the feeling that I will be not comfortable if I am not reading some books in a month, but I can put up with not watching television in a year, because I can gain a lot from reading books.







[U5]Can we say

[U6]一般后面不加句子的吧,用for example吧。

[U7]有些拖沓,建议前面半句删除,后面改成even though we have never been to India,



作者: Heather890704    时间: 2011-11-8 16:29:52

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-9 09:31:57

26# Heather890704 谢谢啦!加你为好友了,我们同一天考啊!不过你的作文我要到中午或晚上才有时间给你改啊!不好意思啦!
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-9 09:36:05

11月8日 20101009NA 住城市还是农村更好的照顾家人?
Living in a country or in a city is always a problem that existse for all the people,especially in contemporary countries.For living in those  two different places,each has its own's advantages,like if we choose to set home in the country,not only can we feel the clearer and more fresh air,listen to the bird's singing in the morning,but also we can see the shining star in the sky in the evening,which are all lack of insight in the city.Whereas living in the city,our children can receive better education and medical care rather than in the country.However,as it refers to which  is better to live in to take care of the family members,I prefer to choose living in the city.

The two most crucial things for the family members are health and education.Every family almost has children.Then they need receive good education.In the country,there are few excellent teachers that can offer the education your children want to obtain.For example,my cousin is living in the country,and now he is wanting to learn how to play the violin,but nobody can teach him,for there is no such teacher in the country,which will not happen in the city.Moreover,children from cities have more chances to go into excellent universities.As we know that city universities often offer large spaces for local residents
,while they have relatively fewer ones for students in the country.

In addition,health is another important factor to consider whether to live in cities or countries,especially for the child and the old.In the country,if children and the old people get sick,there are no good hospitals to take them to.I have been  experienced the poor medical condition some time ago.My father was taken to a country hospital for the high blood pressure,after living in the hospital for one week,his blood pressure is still high enough that we have to send him to a famous hospital in the capital city of our province,then after three days living in that hospital,my father's blood pressure
turns to the normal state.

All in all,hearlth care facilities and schools are of excellent quality.Children living in the cities can aquire the education they want and expand their outlooks which are all beneficial to their growing up and development in the future,at the same time,the old can obtain immediate and convinient medical care when they are in cities.Consequently,people should
choose living in cities instead of in countries.
作者: byebyehaku    时间: 2011-11-9 17:24:42

11.8改好了 这是我的作文,欢迎批改https://bbs.gter.net/viewthread.php?tid=1292096&extra=&highlight=&page=17
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-10 16:21:37

11月9日 20101029NA 你同意或不同意,那些成功的人的 character,communication skill  是最重要的:
Almost every people desired to achieve success,then how to become one member of the successful people's group need us to reflect.Obviously,learning the characters of those people is a good vehicle for gaining success.From those vast excellent qualities,which are some common characters leading to their successful ways?It is no denying that we should give priority to the communication skill that to bring about their succuss,no matter it is in the political,business or scientifical area.

In the realm of politics,it is crucial for a political leader to own the communication skill.Without the ability would Obama collected enough money from the common people who supported him to have access to the way of the America president.Moreover,if Premier zhou did not possess the excellent ability of deplomatical strategy and communication,the leaders from other nations will not approvel of the famous Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,and Zhou will not become well-known to the world.Thus,I think the view is realistic.

Accordingly,in the business realm,the communicating skill is indispensable,too,if you want to make a deal with other business man.Such as you want to promote a new product to the consumer,you need to present the merits of it,how well it works,and what benefits and conviences they will bring to them.Lacking such ability,the consumer must not be attracted to your products, much less to buy your products.Then you will gain the failure of the deal.

Maybe someone may argue that in the sciences,people would not need to be in possession of such quality,they may say some other qualities will dorminate the role of people's success,such as the intelligence,the working ability,whether can endure
the high pressure,etc.Indeed if a scientist lacks of the communication skill,he may have narrow visions of the field,even lose the opportunity to access to the way of success.An apt example to illustrate this is the relative theory of Einstein,if he did not keep in touch with the English Lord Eddington using the letters,his thoery will not be accepted so fast.

All in all,everyone is not a lonely island,each of us has to keep in touch with varieties of people,then if we want to be the successful people like Bill Gates,Obama,or Einstein or Eddington, the first thing you need to do is to own the character of communication skills.
作者: A大队LXD    时间: 2011-11-12 09:30:15

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-15 09:11:25

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-15 09:12:23

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-15 09:13:18

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-15 09:24:24

2011.11.14100522NA A or D?Working at home by using telephone and computer is better than working in company's office.
With the highly development of the technology,especially the advent and popularity of the telephone and computers,the working style of people has changed dramatically from the past to today.In the past,people must go to work in a certain location,most of it is in the company.However,more and more people choose to work at home nowadays,because they can employ those advanced tools,like the two popular and effective ones referred to above.Then if someone asks me which I will choose to work,at home or in the company's office,I will have no hesitation to select the former---working at home.
Firstly,working at home,I can take care of my family more well rather than staying in a company,especially for a woman,if she wants to act well as a good wife or responsible mother.When getting up in the morning,firstly I can prepare the breakfast for my husband and children,after they leave home,one goes to work,the other goes to school,then I can begin my working.And when they go back to home,they can have delicious food for them.However, if you work in a company,after a whole day's hard work,do you have enough energy to prepare for a rich dinner?Or in the morning,you have to work in a hurry,will you prepare the porridge or baozi which will cost a large sum of time for your family?The answer is no most of the time.One of my earlier dream is to set up a small but warm family,I think it is happy to have someone in a family,especially when other family members go back home,they will feel  comfortable if they see their wife or mother at home.
Moreover,working at home can save time and avoid having much relationships with other people.If you need to work in a company which is far away from your home,then you had to spend a wealth of time on the way.In fact,many probems are easier to be solved in the telephone than in the company.Because we can use telephone to communicate with the boss or collegues to discuss the problems we faced,and use computers to collect data which the work  is desired, all of these can be done at home,which can also reduce the collision among collegues, which is what I appreciate,for I hate to keep relationships with everyone.Working at home will reduce the chaces to keep in touch with other one,if you have telephone and computers at home.
Lastly,you can do many things you really like in your inner heart if you have a good plan about the usage of time.Like maybe you need not work for a whole day,then after you finish your work,you can do the things of your own.If I can work at home,accomplishing the work,I will learn how to cook,how to picture a beautiful secenery,etc.
All in all,working at home can benefit you a lot,especially if you are a girl or a woman,because you can take good care of your family at the same time you will not lose your work.
作者: liang0603    时间: 2011-11-15 13:37:28

字数 相当的多啊。。。。但是长句 太长了.....
作者: chrisliang    时间: 2011-11-15 16:34:48

Working at home by using telephone and computer is better than working in company's office.
With the highly development of the technology,especially the advent and popularity of the telephone and computers,the working style of people has changed dramatically from the past to today.In the past,people must go to work in a certain location,most of it is in the company.However,more and more people choose to work at home nowadays,because they can employ(这个词用的不合适) those advanced tools,like the two popular and effective ones referred to above.Then if someone asks me which I will choose to work,at home or in the company's office,I will have no hesitation to select the former---working at home.5 [$ n' {  L9 ^) [
Firstly, working at home, I can take care of my family more well rather than staying in a company,especially for a woman,if she wants to act well as a good wife or responsible mother.When getting up in the morning,firstly I can prepare the breakfast for my husband and children,after they leave home,one goes to work,the other goes to school,then I can begin my working.And when they go back to home,they can have delicious food for them.However, if you work in a company,after a whole day's hard work,do you have enough energy to prepare for a rich dinner?Or in the morning,you have to work in a hurry,will you prepare the porridge or baozi which will cost a large sum of time for your family?The answer is no most of the time.One of my earlier dream is to set up a small but warm family,I think it is happy to have someone in a family,especially when other family members go back home,they will feel  comfortable if they see their wife or mother at home.
Moreover,working at home can save time and avoid having much relationships with other people(与别人的交流少做正面的好处似乎不妥).If you need to work in a company which is far away from your home,then you had to spend a wealth of time on the way.In fact,many problems are easier to be solved in the telephone than in the company.Because we can use telephone to communicate with the boss or colleagues to discuss the problems we faced,and use computers to collect data which the work  is desired, all of these can be done at home,which can also reduce the collision among collegues, which is what I appreciate,for I hate to keep relationships with everyone.Working at home will reduce the chaces to keep in touch with other one,if you have telephone and computers at home.
Lastly,you can do many things you really like in your inner heart if you have a good plan about the usage of time.Like maybe you need not work for a whole day,then after you finish your work,you can do the things of your own.If I can work at home,accomplishing the work,I will learn how to cook,how to picture a beautiful secenery,etc(外教说,托福作文里面其实还是不写表示”等等“的词比较好,不明确”.
All in all,working at home can benefit you a lot(from working at home),especially if you are a girl or a woman,because you can take good care of your family at the same time you will not lose your work.这。字数和长句都很多,是加分点
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-15 18:59:46

37# chrisliang
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-15 19:00:30

36# liang0603
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-16 04:01:23

本帖最后由 xiaoniao123 于 2011-11-16 11:09 编辑


In the lecture,the speaker considers the mearsures as the reading suggsests are probably unsuccussful or may result in an environmental damage.

Firstly,the national fence will not work in stopping the spread of the cane toads,because young toads and their eggs are living in steams,and this water way would carry them to the other side,which can help them to get through the fence in order to eatablish population,then the fence is unlikely to be effective.

Moreover,volunteers could have successfully trapping or destroying toads,but those untrained group may be likely to inadvertently destroy many of Australian native frogs,some of which are endangered,because it is difficult to differentiate toads from the native frogs especially when they are young.Thus,this measure is still not efeective.

Third,using virus is a worse idea,because it could terribly contaminate the original habitat of the cane toad,where it is in the central of the South America,as researchers and pat collectors often transport those Australian reptiles and amphibians,but if these aniamls infected by the virus reach the central South America,the virus will attack the native cane toads,then the number of this spiece will decrease dramatically,which will cause the whole ecosystem vulnerable to break down.Consequently,the third solution may solve the problem of elliminate the number of the cane toads in Australia,but at the same time it will bring about some disasters to the entire environment.

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-16 04:01:45

本帖最后由 xiaoniao123 于 2011-11-16 17:10 编辑

In the lecture,the speker refers to  the new rules in guidelines to improve  the whole field of archaeology in the  UK,and the new guideline could solve  the problems in all three areas  discussed in the passage.
First,the rules in the new guideline  can stop building companies dig  foudations on their own,which could  reduce the chances of the valuable  artifacts being lost or destroyed  during the process of the construction  projects,because the construction site  must be examined by archaeologists to  see whether the site is of  archaeological interest or value  before any construction can begin.
Moreover,an crucial part of the new  guidelines is that the construction  companies should pay for the fees when  any archaeological work done on the  construction site,instead of the  government,which can address the fund  problem.The funding offered by the  construction companies can allow  researchers to study more ranges of  sites than before.
Last but not the least,the new  guidelines can offer a lot of working  chances for archaeologists,whereas  work did not exist in the past.Because  expert archaeologists can be hired at  all stage,such as they can help the  construction company to examine the  site for archaeological value,to make  the preservation plan,or do research  in the professional scientifical  manner,then as a result,this policy  has increased the number of  professional archaeologists in  Britain.
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-16 04:02:11

本帖最后由 xiaoniao123 于 2011-11-16 11:10 编辑

11月15日独立作业TPO16 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer
With the development of the society, more and more people chose to travel  when they are on vacation. Thus, which way will you like better, to go traveling alone or in a group led by a tour guide? Obviously, each of ways has its particular merits, however, I prefer to traveling on my own.
Firstly, traveling alone will help me find interesting things, because I am a person with strong curiosity ,then I enjoy exploring different places and discovering cultural customs which is special to me, likewise I may live in a local resident's home and observe what their living style and eating habits are, especially those delicious food that I have never eaten before, or some strange artifacts I have never seen before, which appeals me dramatically, for example, I feel very strange about how to cook ciba(one traditional food in north of China),then if I live in a local home,
then I can ask the local people what the process it is, and maybe I can see the real process how they cook this kind of food, which is absolutely more impressive than an detailed instruction of a tour guide.
Moreover, walking alone on the road can make me more relaxed and have more novel feelings than traveling in a group, still following a tour guide. What is the purpose of traveling? The crucial goal is to relax ourselves, if someone who is not related to you exists around you, you will not feel free. And I think they may destroy my good mood about enjoying the good scenery of the nature. While walking alone, I can do what I like and what I want to think, even though I desired to share something special, like the sudden feeling about the life, or the flashing moving about the beauty of the nature with someone, we need not the tour guide, the best way to keep such emotion is to stay alone, keep silent and just digest slowly about what you have felt, or you can record it in your diary, at this time, to keep far away from the noise and people is the most comfort state to collect your comprehension about life, then this can be called the real happy and satisfied traveling.
All in all, I prefer traveling alone, even though sometimes I desired to have someone accompany with me, to share with me about the feeling of the nature, the society and the life itself, I will not choose to travel in a group, because I can not concentrate my attention while there are a lot of people, and they might be likely to influence my good mood in the traveling.
作者: liang0603    时间: 2011-11-16 14:03:01

加油把 !共勉
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-16 15:04:40

43# liang0603
作者: liang0603    时间: 2011-11-16 16:47:01

作者: 闫颜    时间: 2011-11-16 17:53:45

作者: 小小消息    时间: 2011-11-16 21:25:19

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-17 03:25:03

46# 闫颜 谢谢修改啊!
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-17 03:25:57

47# 小小消息 谢谢修改啊!明天给你修改作文!
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-17 03:36:31

本帖最后由 xiaoniao123 于 2011-11-17 03:39 编辑

11.16独立作业TPO17Do youagree or disagree with the following statement?Most advertisements make products seem much better than they really are.Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.

With the development of the society, more and more companies are trying to promote their products by advertising on the television show, or along the roads' boards, etc. However, is it the fact that most advertisements allow products look like much better than they really are? I think the answer is yes.

As the society is filled with so much commercials, and the competition among different companies is so intense that every of them tries their best to attract the consumers. One way they often use is to improve the quality of their products, and the other is to employ advertisements to make consumers buy their products. Then how to attract them? Most of them would choose the latter mean, that is, to make products more focused on consumers' eyeballs, to make them seem much better than they really are. Like the pictures in the Taobao net(a shopping centre on the internet)is beautified by using appropriate lights or PS techniques, because only in this way can the producers save more time and money
to appeal to consumers.

In fact, many advertisers with rich experience will ask the company to supply better products to them in order to give a first good impression to consumers even if the product itself is not as good as it advertises. Then we can understand why those products' are always used by a film star or TV star when the advertisements are broadcast. Perhaps the star has never used the product before, or it is not of excellent quality, but in order to allow consumers believe what they have watched, advertisements have to make products seem much better than they really are. Then it is no strange to receive a worse quality of shoes in contrast to the advertisements from the store, for example.

All in all, it is a pretty common phenomenon that most advertisements make products seem much better than they really are. However, what we need to do is to appeal to more people not to buy the products which tell ties about their products. And the company itself, has to try their best in improving the inner quality of the products by learning from others or employing some advanced techniques rather than using those mess-up advertisements.
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-17 03:40:47

11.16综合作业(TPO17)In the lecture,the speaker cast douts on the claim that there will be fewer and fewer birds,she argues that the reasons in the passage to support that claim are unblievable.
First, she admits it is true that urban growth has been bad for some types of birds.But urban development actually provides better and larger habitats for other types.As a result,there are increased birds populations,which is different from the arguments referred in the reading passage.In addition,even birds like hawks can now be found in cities where they prey on the increasing populations of piegions and rottens.So it will not be an uniformed declined birds' population in the future.Some populations may decrease,but others will grow.
As for agriculture,the speaker says that it is true that the agricultural activities will increase,but not in a way assumed by the reading passage.The fact is that many incrased agriculture production have resulted from the introduction of new more productive varieties of crops,rather than using more and more land,thus the instance of the destruction of bird habitats will not happen.
Third,it is true that traditional pesticides have been destructed to birds as said in the reading passage,but the lecturer argues that it is wrong to project this history into the future.Because as people are aware of the harmful results of the traditional pestcides,two chages have occurred.One is that new and much less toxical pesticides are being developed.And more importantly,more pest-resistant crops which are genetically designed to be unappealing to pests are developed,then it will greatly reduce the need for chemical pesticides,and such kind of crop will do not harm birds at all.

作者: liang0603    时间: 2011-11-17 09:38:39

基本都听出来了,xiaoniao123 好厉害!加油共勉!
作者: 海风吹过    时间: 2011-11-17 19:38:46

50# xiaoniao123    11.16独立作文改好了,改得有点晚,不好意思啊~
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-18 17:09:17

基本都听出来了,xiaoniao123 好厉害!加油共勉!
liang0603 发表于 2011-11-17 09:38
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-18 17:09:46

本帖最后由 xiaoniao123 于 2011-11-18 17:17 编辑

53# 海风吹过 谢谢帮助修改!一起加油啊!我的水平也不高,不过我觉得作文通过练习是可以有很大提高的,改作文也是一种有效提高自己的方法!
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-18 17:11:28

The author of the reading passage proposes three options to address the decline of Torreya.The lecturer,however,points out that none of these thress options provides satisfactory solution.
The first option is to reestablish Torreya in the same location,that is the part of Florida,as the reading passsage refers to,but the lecturer argues that the coolest,dampest areas within Torreyaed microclimate are strongly being affected by changes in the climate of larger region.Because global warming has been resulted an increasing overall temperatures in the region or wetlands through Florida have been drained.Thus,many areas across the region are becoming drier,so it is unlikely for Torreya to survive in the regional Florida microclimate.
The second solution suggested by the reading materials is to relocate Torreya far from where it grows now,which is also rejected by the lecturer.She offers an example of the black local's tree to explain his conclusion.When humans moved this kind of tree to a new environment,they spread so quickly that they killed off many plants and trees,some of which were themselves endangered,so assisted migration will yield unproducted outcomes of the new environment.
Finally the lecturer objects to preserve Torreya in research centres.That is because even if the population of Torreya trees can be kept in centres,it would probably be unable to resist the diseases.For only tree populations in the wild can satisfy the criteria of relatively large and genetically diverse,but research centres have not enough capacity,thus trees in such centres will not be able to survive disease in the long run.
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-18 17:12:00

11月17日独立11月17日独立作业101105NA  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Spending money on traveling or vacation is better than saving money forfuture.
With the development of the society,more and more people are inclined to spend money on travelling and vacation,rather than saving money for futhure.I appreacite this activity very much.
As the experience of myself,a human being is not easy to live in the society,most of us have to work to support ourselves,sometimes even have to support the whole family,everyday you have your responsibility,then from the day as you realized that you are a grown-up,you have so many sorts of things to do,thus you may have no time to enjoy everyday life in the world.As a result,spending money on traveling and vacation is meaningful,because you can use this period to stop to reflect on what the meaning of your life is,and how you can live a better or more happier life.Moreover,as you have the experience of a close contact with the nature,you may feel that you are different from yourselves in the past when standing in front of the beautiful senery.After those traveling or vacation,or after seeing the strong force of the power of nature,you may have a novel feeling about the life,and you may treasure your current life more.Take the example of an experience of myself,when I was in top of the mountain,I felt the tiny of myself in front of the nature,and I also refelcet on my life,and I have a strong eagerness to live in such peaceful life and to make my parents live live in such life,too,when I put my feet in the lake and sat there staring blankly on the bank of the lake quietly.Ater I have spent one day in that mountain and been feeling the peace of the lake in the mountain,I form my goal of the future life.
Comparing spending money on traveling and vacation,saving for future is of no value.I am sure you will feel pityful if you just save money for future,because it is filled with varieties of uncertainties in the future,especially for life.Like Forrest Gump's mother said,"Life is like a box of choclate,and you will never know what will happen in your life."Thinking that a rich man spared all his life in accumulating the wealth with great efforts,but in the end he suffered from the cancer,waht can he have achieved in all his life?Nothing!I suppose.Of course,except for money,but what is the use of these large sum of money for a dying person ?I can not imagine,neither can he eat it,nor bring it to the tomb with him.Some may argue he can leave it to his offspring,but I think it will bring about a disaster for his sons or daughters,as we may watch so many news on the TV show.Thus sparing the money in a proper way is rather important in your life,and saving for future is not a wise choice.
All in all, we should bear in mind that money is not so important for an individual,we should make ourselves happy at every interval of our life,no matter we are rich or poor,only if you  can do this,you can lead a meaningful life,and it is worthy for you to live in a life as a humankind.
作者: liang0603    时间: 2011-11-18 18:45:55

57# xiaoniao123 晚上有点事,尽量明天之前给你改出来吧!PS:你交的好晚哦。
作者: liang0603    时间: 2011-11-18 21:07:49

听力,我的单词都不会写。。。包括global  :mad: 和 capacity
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-18 21:42:59

本帖最后由 xiaoniao123 于 2011-11-18 22:00 编辑

11月18日独立 20101218NA Can two people be good friends if one people has more money than the other?(这个题目好难写!)
In our everyday life we are surrounded by a variety of people.Some of the people we deal with on a daily basis are a joy to be with,and their loving presence nurtures and encourages us.Then these people can be considered as friends.In fact,it is difficult to define what is friendship.I think true friendship should not be conected with money,thus I prefer to believe that two individuals can be good friends even if one person is rich and the other is poor.
True friends should help each other.In such cases,two people,one has more money than the other are more likely to be good friends than others.Take one of  my classmates as an example,Jonh is rich and Henry is poor,but they are very good firends from rather earlier times.When Henry is lack of money,then John will borrow money to him.Whereas John is unhappy about his family,because his parents are alway qurreling with each other at home,then John will console Henry and sometimes takes him to his own home,or they play football together to forget the sorrow things,and they always do homework together,and solve fifficult problems for each other.At last,they become better and better friends.See,the friendship is no related to the money.
Moreover,good friends can not be measured by money.A good friend is someone who can share with common interests,and can be appreciated with each other by the souls,and good friends can paly togethor,and one can tell personal secrets to the other,they can trust each other so much.And in life there will always be times when we feel badly by ourselves.If a friend is around,he or she will try and cheer you up,and attempt to take your mind off whatever negative things happened.For example,my father suffered from serious sick,and I felt helpless,without the aid and console from the friends,I may not stand up to face with the misfortune.All of those are no relationships with money,and if one makes friends with you just for your money,I do not think it is the pure friendship.
Last,the rich person should not bully others just for having more money,at the same time,poor friend dhould not lose strength of character,in such cases,they are good friends,and this the great relationship.And this is much greater than the friendship with similar economical conditionsThus,the friendships between different class of people are more moving and valuable.
To sum up,two people can be good friends if one people has more money than the other,and this kind of friendship must last a longer time and be worthy of being treasured than those with identical economical conditions.
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-18 21:44:18

The author of the reading passage proposes three options to address the decline of Torreya.The lecturer,however,points out that none of these thress options provides satisfactory solution.
The first option is to reestablish Torreya in the same location,that is the part of Florida,as the reading passsage refers to,but the lecturer argues that the coolest,dampest areas within Torreyaed microclimate are strongly being affected by changes in the climate of larger region.Because global warming has been resulted an increasing overall temperatures in the region or wetlands through Florida have been drained.Thus,many areas across the region are becoming drier,so it is unlikely for Torreya to survive in the regional Florida microclimate.
The second solution suggested by the reading materials is to relocate Torreya far from where it grows now,which is also rejected by the lecturer.She offers an example of the black local's tree to explain his conclusion.When humans moved this kind of tree to a new environment,they spread so quickly that they killed off many plants and trees,some of which were themselves endangered,so assisted migration will yield unproducted outcomes of the new environment.
Finally the lecturer objects to preserve Torreya in research centres.That is because even if the population of Torreya trees can be kept in centres,it would probably be unable to resist the diseases.For only tree populations in the wild can satisfy the criteria of relatively large and genetically diverse,but research centres have not enough capacity,thus trees in such centres will not be able to survive disease in the long run.
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-18 21:55:31

59# liang0603
作者: lwrsmiling    时间: 2011-11-18 22:47:08

改好了~!:) 不好意思有些晚
作者: Fenjuan.Hu    时间: 2011-11-19 17:50:02

作者: Heather890704    时间: 2011-11-20 00:03:37

作者: elevator    时间: 2011-11-20 15:26:27

不好意思改的迟了  11.16号的独立


欢迎你去我那批改一下~ 麻烦你了
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-22 17:52:23

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-22 17:52:53

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-22 17:53:04

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-22 17:54:41

11月21 日占座
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-22 17:54:52

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-11-23 08:30:47

11月22日 100821NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We should never be impolite to another person. 0 ]* Z1 L) E5
With the development of society, it seems that people care less about the morals now than before, and many people think it is reasonable to be impolite to some others. However, to be polite is a necessary quality if you are a real human being.
In fact, to be impolite will make a rather bad impression for others and it will damage your personal image. Like when you are going across the university campus, then you meet one of your classmates in coindence, he tries to say "hello" to you, but you turn your head over and pretend that you have never seen him before or you have not known him before, it is very impolite to do so, as you will give the other people an impression that you are difficult to get along with.
Thus, if you are polite to others, you will benefit a lot from such a good characteristic. Firstly, if you are polite to others, when you face with some difficulties, and you need help from them, they are willing to help you. There is an apt example to illustrate this, about my own experience. Sometimes I need to do experiments late until the lab's gate is closed. I have never extended greets to the gatekeeper before, then the gatekeeper always show me a black face to me every time when I do the experiment late and ask him to open the door for me. Later on my elder brother told me to say hello to the gatekeeper every time I meet with him. Then I do follow his suggestion. Gradually, I make a big smile and say hello to him every time I meet with him, then now I also make experiments late in the evening and when I ask him to open door for me, he is happy to do so and sometimes even asks me to be careful when going back to the dormitory. At that time, even my experiment is not going smoothly, I felt unfrustrated a little and bear the courage to continue my research. See, when you are polite to others, others will not only be polite to you, but also give you some warmth which may encourage you when you face some difficulties in your life, especially some others can not understand you. This is the power that can lead you to go forward to your dream. Comparing to being polite, you can imagine how it will go if you are impolite? You will probably have a bad mood and a terrible mentation which may bring disaster to your life.
All in all, if you want to give a favorable impression to others, and make your life go smoothly, try to be polite to others, no matter the people you contact is familiar or unfamiliar with you, because you never know what will happen in the future.
作者: liang0603    时间: 2011-11-23 12:39:37

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-12-5 11:22:20

73# liang0603
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-12-5 11:25:41

123 110402NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When you choose a university,是prefer毕业生就业好的,还是有famous professor的。
When it comes to the university,I will prefer to choose the one with famous professors,instead of good jobs.
Firstly,we must forget the education received from our parents or some teachers that all we have done is to get a good job,no matter you attend a primary school,or a high school.Of coure,getting a good job is important,but that is not your center part of your life goal,I think everyone wants to be happy, and
this is the crucial part we should pursue.Just getting a good job is not enough,then if we meet some famous professors,even,if we can hear the edification from them,it is rather a good luck.I have had two experiences when listen to a lecture from a well-known professor,at that time I felt very excited.That is an professor of ancient art history,and he talked about the poem of ancient China,and he not only made a detailed analysis of how that poem are made,but also taught us how we can learn from it as a modern people nowadays.At last,he even sang the poem as a song to express his love for the poem.Then at that time,I just fell in love with that poem,too,and I think studying such a subject may be not a bad choice even if I will face the problem of finding a job to make a living for myself.But I am willing to study such a subject if I can meet a profeesor like that if I have an opportunity to attend that university,because I know it is so precious to meet a person that you love and the things that he studied is just what you love during your whole life.

Moreover,it is possible that it is difficult for you to select a job when you graduate from
the university even if
it is of a
high rate of employment at the beginning of you attending that university,for the society
and the demand for graduates may have changed a lot during four years with the high speed of economical developments.Like my brother's experience,at the year of attending that university,it has very high rates of emplyment in the school,but when he graduated,the society is facing a strong financial crisis,and the market for talents of that university is saturated,then he did not find a job at the end of the graduation.In such cases,seeking a university with good jobs blindly is not right.Instead,you should learn well at first,no matter the university can give you a good major or opportunity to have a good job.

For me,I like to hear from the edification of the famous professors,like another experience that impressed me a lot though I am not attend the lecture in person.That is the baccalaureate address to class of 2008,made by Drew G.Faust,the president of Havard university."Be prepared to change routes"and "Go where you want to be and circle back to where you have to be"are my favarite.I felt very ecited when I read her lecture talk from a website,and it is a pity I can not hear this in person,and if I were there,I would feel my heart beating so fast,because she have spoke out what I have always puzzled about life,and how I can lead a meaningful and happy life.Her speech inspired me a lot.This is no related with job and money,but it is rather important for me as a human being,even important than getting a job.Because,when you have understood all this,job is not your first consideration.
All in all,I will choose to attend a university filled with famous professor,maybe I will not want to leave when I graduate.

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-5 23:18:19

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-12-6 10:56:47

76# pwang09
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-12-6 10:57:14

作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-12-6 10:57:38

12月5日独立100508NA  In order to be more financially responsible when we are adults, we should learn how to manage money at young ages.
Is it necessary for us to learn how to spend or save money when we are children,when it comes to the financial responsibility as we are growing up to adults?The answer is irrefutably "yes".
First of all,it is a good habit for the children to cultivate the sense of managing money.As my own experience as an example,my mum used to tell me:"You can only spend money once."What she meant is that if you spent money without limits,you might really need it later and regret your earlier careless spending.After some years of managing a small sum of money of my own money,I have got the experience that my mom was right,saving is better than spending.Like my father was ill not long ago,and he need money to do the operation seriously,but I had no more money saved so that I had to borrow money from my friends,and it was lucky that I have borrowed enough money for his operation,but at that time I have sensed that I had to make much more moey and save it for the future after my father's recovery,because no one knows what will happen tomrrow,the only thing we can do is to try to be prepared,and borrowing money from others is not an easy thing,so from my experience,I should say it is rather important for the parents to educate their children how to manage money.
Moreover,it has many benefits if we have learnt how to manage money when were at young ages.For example, we were told that we should do some housework,like washing the plates and sweeping the floor,then we can get the allowence at the very young age,gradually we will be cultivated the sense that if we want something,we need to do something to pay for it,and if we want more,and we need to do more to pay,likewise if we want to make more money,then we need to work hard or invest more,and save more,spend less in our adults' life.
Last,if we have learnt how to manage money properly at young ages,we would live happier because we can know when and how we should be financially responsible as we are adults.Like if our parents educate us at the early age that the idea that we must always be consuming to enjoy ourselves is a lie,and they tell us that each person detrmines the satndard  of his or her own happiness,and money is not everything,and we should live comfortable,just like every family member is healthy,the family has a decent pay,that is enough,then we will learn from pur parents that we need not spend too much money or save a lot and even become a miser man.
All in all,to know how to manage money is an art of life,so we should learn it at young ages in order to live a financially responsible and happier life.
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-6 22:24:07

作者: 逍遥游步0304    时间: 2011-12-7 20:28:46

作者: 逍遥游步0304    时间: 2011-12-8 12:27:52


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