
标题: 要不建个虎平36套讨论贴吧~~大家的问题都放在一起讨论怎么样? [打印本页]

作者: wyr0426    时间: 2011-10-20 16:44:18     标题: 要不建个虎平36套讨论贴吧~~大家的问题都放在一起讨论怎么样?

EX21 22
Like most other coastal towns in Norway, the town of Stavanger was quiet and peaceful until the early 1960's, when it became Norway's center for offshore oil exploration. Between then and now, violent crime and vandalism in Stavanger have greatly increased. Stavanager's social problems probably resulted from the oil boom, since violent crime and vandalism have remained low in coastal towns in Norway that have had no oil boom.
5. Which of the following most accurately describes the method of reasoning employed in the argument?
(A) Arguing that a circumstance is not a precondition for a phenomenon on the grounds that the phenomenon sometimes occurs where the circumstance is not present
(B) Arguing that a circumstance is a cause of a phenomenon on the grounds that the phenomenon has not occurred where the circumstance is not present

(C) Arguing that a particular thing cannot have caused a phenomenon because that thing was not present before the phenomenon occurred
(D) Attempting to establish a claim by arguing that the denial of the claim is inconsistent with the observed facts
(E) Attempting to establish that certain circumstances that would have had to occur for a particular explanation to be correct could not have occurred


Historically, a cornerstone of classical empiricism has been the notion that every true generalization must be confirmable by specific observations. In classical empiricism, the truth of ―All balls are red,‖ for example, is assessed by inspecting balls; any observation of a non red ball refutes unequivocally the proposed generalization.
For W.V.O. Quine, however, this constitutes an overly ―narrow‖ conception of empiricism. ―All balls are red,‖ he maintains, forms one strand within an entire web of statements (our knowledge); individual observations can be referred only to this web as a whole. As new observations are collected, he explains, they must be integrated into the web. Problems occur only if a contradiction develops between a new observation, say, ―That ball is blue,‖ and the preexisting statements. In that case, he argues, any statement or combination of statements (not merely the ―offending‖ generalization, as in classical empiricism) can be altered to achieve the fundamental requirement, a system free of contradictions, even if, in some cases, the alteration consists of labeling the new observation a ―hallucination.‖
(172 words)
1. According to Quine‘s conception of empiricism, if a
new observation were to contradict some statement
already within our system of knowledge, which of
the following would be true?
(A) The new observation would be rejected as
(B) Both the observation and the statement in our
system that it contradicted would be
(C) New observations would be added to our web
of statements in order to expand our system
of knowledge.
(D) The observation or some part of our web of
statements would need to be adjusted to
resolve the contradiction.
(E) An entirely new field of knowledge would be

作者: 萝卜须根多    时间: 2011-10-20 19:34:37

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