
标题: pwang09的作文 [打印本页]

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-24 12:25:17     标题: pwang09的作文

作者: 苏梳眠    时间: 2011-11-24 12:52:21

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-25 13:28:22

2# 苏梳眠
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-25 13:33:59

1123 100924NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? College or University should offer students more preparation before they start working.
After four years theory learning, the student possess a foundation knowledge for begin working, however, these student did not suffer the practical inspect and did not have a thorough understanding of the really working, that is meaning, they do not full prepare for the working. Thus, it is necessary that the university off them more opportunity prior to them first working.

First of all, it is benefits for college once all the graduate student found satisfaction job will take a great honor for their college. One of the standards to estimate a college whether bad or good is check out how many student get a high-income career when they finish their study. Our local college are famous for computer modeling, annually, the college will give the student a chance to take part in some important competition which is a good way to test the student ability of operate the computer. Before the last year, when the student will graduated, college will invite some high-level company like Microsoft, apple and so on, to the college hire the student.
Those actions that offer as many as possible chance for the student have brought the college great honor and got widely approve from the student.

In addition, it is good for student to drawn the career plan before they starting job. From senior to junior, the student have spend their whole year in the library and the classroom, consequently, they have a shortage of knowledge of working. Many proportion of student have a vague idea of what job they can competent, or what kinds job suit for them, or what the job they want to do. So, the college have responsibility to make the student have a clearly cognition of the career before they starting working.

Last but not the least, if the college offer more preparation before student starting the working, the student can easily adjust the working circumstance and the company will spend less money to training them. As a result, the company can save large amount cash and increase the profits.
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-25 13:34:41

TPO24 综合写作
In the lecture, the professor is skeptical the points that the author maintain in the passage and give some likely explain/interpretation to support his views.

First of all, the professor thought that the channel in the bone is the bacterial which living in the bone after the dinosaur died, the research tract the trace of soft materials that the bacterial living behind. However, the author believed that the channel reveal the blood vessel, special found some soft, flexible organic materials.

In addition, the professor pointed out that the red blood cell did not found in the nearly animal body when animal living. besides, the sphere cannot remain in the blood cell and perhaps have different tissue. In contrast, the author hold the view that the exist of the sphere reveal the red blood cells. Furthermore, the sphere have some dark red centers similar the size of the red blood cells.

Lastly, the professor said that it is impossible for the collagen last so long time once the animal have died. The collage maybe come from other nearby resource likely the human skin who handle it. Instead of, the author shown a deep believe that the collage which is a fibrous protein have a closely relationship with the bone tissue.
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-25 13:35:53

TPO24 综合写作
In the lecture, the professor is skeptical the points that the author maintain in the passage and give some likely explain/interpretation to support his views.
First of all, the professor thought that the channel in the bone is the bacterial which living in the bone after the dinosaur died, the research tract the trace of soft materials that the bacterial living behind. However, the author believed that the channel reveal the blood vessel, special found some soft, flexible organic materials.
In addition, the professor pointed out that the red blood cell did not found in the nearly animal body when animal living. besides, the sphere cannot remain in the blood cell and perhaps have different tissue. In contrast, the author hold the view that the exist of the sphere reveal the red blood cells. Furthermore, the sphere have some dark red centers similar the size of the red blood cells.
Lastly, the professor said that it is impossible for the collagen last so long time once the animal have died. The collage maybe come from other nearby resource likely the human skin who handle it. Instead of, the author shown a deep believe that the collage which is a fibrous protein have a closely relationship with the bone tissue.

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-25 21:01:53

TPO23综合In the lecture, the professor is disagree the points that the author hold in the passage the reason of the decline of the cedar tree and give some other explains to support his ideas.

First of all, the professor pointed out that the yellow cedar tree have a resistance than other tree of the beetle through release powerful chemical to toxic beetle and kill the beetle. The tree maybe died because of other ways. In contrast, the author thought the beetle eating the wood and killing the cedar, thus should be the reason for the decline.

In addition, the professor shown that the trees have ranged cover all the mainland and island where do not have the bear also found the tree have decline, so the bear should not be the reason for decline. However, the author said that bear eat the tree bark which have a high sugar content and bear's clawing destroy the tree.

Lastly, according to the climate change, it is expect that the low level place will be hot and died more trees than the high level place will be cool. In fact, the low and warm place have died more trees. Therefore, the sensitive of the root system for the warm temperature perhaps killing them. Instead of, the author insisted that the change of the climate have a significant impact the growing roots especially on the cold winter, finally, killing the whole tree.
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-25 21:02:24

In the lecture, the professor is disagree the points that the author hold in the passage the reason of the decline of the cedar tree and give some other explains to support his ideas.

First of all, the professor pointed out that the yellow cedar tree have a resistance than other tree of the beetle through release powerful chemical to toxic beetle and kill the beetle. The tree maybe died because of other ways. In contrast, the author thought the beetle eating the wood and killing the cedar, thus should be the reason for the decline.

In addition, the professor shown that the trees have ranged cover all the mainland and island where do not have the bear also found the tree have decline, so the bear should not be the reason for decline. However, the author said that bear eat the tree bark which have a high sugar content and bear's clawing destroy the tree.

Lastly, according to the climate change, it is expect that the low level place will be hot and died more trees than the high level place will be cool. In fact, the low and warm place have died more trees. Therefore, the sensitive of the root system for the warm temperature perhaps killing them. Instead of, the author insisted that the change of the climate have a significant impact the growing roots especially on the cold winter, finally, killing the whole tree.
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-25 21:03:01

In the lecture, the professor is disagree the points that the author hold in the passage the reason of the decline of the cedar tree and give some other explains to support his ideas.

First of all, the professor pointed out that the yellow cedar tree have a resistance than other tree of the beetle through release powerful chemical to toxic beetle and kill the beetle. The tree maybe died because of other ways. In contrast, the author thought the beetle eating the wood and killing the cedar, thus should be the reason for the decline.

In addition, the professor shown that the trees have ranged cover all the mainland and island where do not have the bear also found the tree have decline, so the bear should not be the reason for decline. However, the author said that bear eat the tree bark which have a high sugar content and bear's clawing destroy the tree.

Lastly, according to the climate change, it is expect that the low level place will be hot and died more trees than the high level place will be cool. In fact, the low and warm place have died more trees. Therefore, the sensitive of the root system for the warm temperature perhaps killing them. Instead of, the author insisted that the change of the climate have a significant impact the growing roots especially on the cold winter, finally, killing the whole tree.
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-25 21:03:30

In the lecture, the professor is disagree the points that the author hold in the passage the reason of the decline of the cedar tree and give some other explains to support his ideas.

First of all, the professor pointed out that the yellow cedar tree have a resistance than other tree of the beetle through release powerful chemical to toxic beetle and kill the beetle. The tree maybe died because of other ways. In contrast, the author thought the beetle eating the wood and killing the cedar, thus should be the reason for the decline.

In addition, the professor shown that the trees have ranged cover all the mainland and island where do not have the bear also found the tree have decline, so the bear should not be the reason for decline. However, the author said that bear eat the tree bark which have a high sugar content and bear's clawing destroy the tree.

Lastly, according to the climate change, it is expect that the low level place will be hot and died more trees than the high level place will be cool. In fact, the low and warm place have died more trees. Therefore, the sensitive of the root system for the warm temperature perhaps killing them. Instead of, the author insisted that the change of the climate have a significant impact the growing roots especially on the cold winter, finally, killing the whole tree.
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-25 21:03:51

In the lecture, the professor is disagree the points that the author hold in the passage the reason of the decline of the cedar tree and give some other explains to support his ideas.

First of all, the professor pointed out that the yellow cedar tree have a resistance than other tree of the beetle through release powerful chemical to toxic beetle and kill the beetle. The tree maybe died because of other ways. In contrast, the author thought the beetle eating the wood and killing the cedar, thus should be the reason for the decline.

In addition, the professor shown that the trees have ranged cover all the mainland and island where do not have the bear also found the tree have decline, so the bear should not be the reason for decline. However, the author said that bear eat the tree bark which have a high sugar content and bear's clawing destroy the tree.

Lastly, according to the climate change, it is expect that the low level place will be hot and died more trees than the high level place will be cool. In fact, the low and warm place have died more trees. Therefore, the sensitive of the root system for the warm temperature perhaps killing them. Instead of, the author insisted that the change of the climate have a significant impact the growing roots especially on the cold winter, finally, killing the whole tree.
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-25 21:05:10

11月25日 101009NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can take care of their family members better when they living big cities than in the countryside.
Living in the big cities, have better doctor and high level hospital that rural, nice traffic condition and beautiful environment that countryside, living together with the whole family members than apart from each other in the village. Therefore, people will take good care of their family members better than the remote and poverty rural.

First of all, living in the big cities, the whole family living together in an apartment rather than living apart from each other in the rural will be a great convenient to look after each other. My grandpa, who is older than 70 and have a poor eyesight, living with us in the same house which is directly the room nearly 10 meters away from my parents room so that once my grandpa have any uncomfortable, my parents immediately appear and attend my grandpa. In contrast, my best friend vector living in the different sides of the village which is far away from others family members. If vector got a heavy headache in the midnight, hardly anyone will know his situation, even to say take he to the nearby hospital.

In addition, living in the big cities, there are the best doctors who is expert and experienced, the high level hospital with wide range of the equipment to cure all kinds of the different disease. Last summer, my grandpa suddenly suffer huge painful in the leg that sometimes cannot moving a pit. My parent and I were shocked because just before a minute my grandpa was still running in the playground. We drive the car and send grandpa to the best hospital in our city, which have lots of famous export in the bone field. After several cure under the demand of the expert, my grandpa gradually can move like before. Otherwise, in the rural, the condition of the hospital is low level just few implement and cannot deal with serious health problem.

Last but not least, living in the big cities, have abundant amusement programmers than the countryside, which was a good opportunity for the whole family to communicate each other meanwhile enhance the shipment between the family member. Take the cinema for example, my parent and I watching the latest film in the cinema in the Sunday afternoon and we talk about the story of the film as well as share something that happened recently in our private life. This action strong the emotion between my family member. However, in the poor countryside, there is little entertainment for the peasant.
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-25 21:05:24

11月25日 101009NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can take care of their family members better when they living big cities than in the countryside.
Living in the big cities, have better doctor and high level hospital that rural, nice traffic condition and beautiful environment that countryside, living together with the whole family members than apart from each other in the village. Therefore, people will take good care of their family members better than the remote and poverty rural.

First of all, living in the big cities, the whole family living together in an apartment rather than living apart from each other in the rural will be a great convenient to look after each other. My grandpa, who is older than 70 and have a poor eyesight, living with us in the same house which is directly the room nearly 10 meters away from my parents room so that once my grandpa have any uncomfortable, my parents immediately appear and attend my grandpa. In contrast, my best friend vector living in the different sides of the village which is far away from others family members. If vector got a heavy headache in the midnight, hardly anyone will know his situation, even to say take he to the nearby hospital.

In addition, living in the big cities, there are the best doctors who is expert and experienced, the high level hospital with wide range of the equipment to cure all kinds of the different disease. Last summer, my grandpa suddenly suffer huge painful in the leg that sometimes cannot moving a pit. My parent and I were shocked because just before a minute my grandpa was still running in the playground. We drive the car and send grandpa to the best hospital in our city, which have lots of famous export in the bone field. After several cure under the demand of the expert, my grandpa gradually can move like before. Otherwise, in the rural, the condition of the hospital is low level just few implement and cannot deal with serious health problem.

Last but not least, living in the big cities, have abundant amusement programmers than the countryside, which was a good opportunity for the whole family to communicate each other meanwhile enhance the shipment between the family member. Take the cinema for example, my parent and I watching the latest film in the cinema in the Sunday afternoon and we talk about the story of the film as well as share something that happened recently in our private life. This action strong the emotion between my family member. However, in the poor countryside, there is little entertainment for the peasant.
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-25 21:05:41

11月25日 101009NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can take care of their family members better when they living big cities than in the countryside.
Living in the big cities, have better doctor and high level hospital that rural, nice traffic condition and beautiful environment that countryside, living together with the whole family members than apart from each other in the village. Therefore, people will take good care of their family members better than the remote and poverty rural.

First of all, living in the big cities, the whole family living together in an apartment rather than living apart from each other in the rural will be a great convenient to look after each other. My grandpa, who is older than 70 and have a poor eyesight, living with us in the same house which is directly the room nearly 10 meters away from my parents room so that once my grandpa have any uncomfortable, my parents immediately appear and attend my grandpa. In contrast, my best friend vector living in the different sides of the village which is far away from others family members. If vector got a heavy headache in the midnight, hardly anyone will know his situation, even to say take he to the nearby hospital.

In addition, living in the big cities, there are the best doctors who is expert and experienced, the high level hospital with wide range of the equipment to cure all kinds of the different disease. Last summer, my grandpa suddenly suffer huge painful in the leg that sometimes cannot moving a pit. My parent and I were shocked because just before a minute my grandpa was still running in the playground. We drive the car and send grandpa to the best hospital in our city, which have lots of famous export in the bone field. After several cure under the demand of the expert, my grandpa gradually can move like before. Otherwise, in the rural, the condition of the hospital is low level just few implement and cannot deal with serious health problem.

Last but not least, living in the big cities, have abundant amusement programmers than the countryside, which was a good opportunity for the whole family to communicate each other meanwhile enhance the shipment between the family member. Take the cinema for example, my parent and I watching the latest film in the cinema in the Sunday afternoon and we talk about the story of the film as well as share something that happened recently in our private life. This action strong the emotion between my family member. However, in the poor countryside, there is little entertainment for the peasant.
作者: liang0603    时间: 2011-11-26 17:53:30

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-26 23:03:21

15# liang0603
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-26 23:06:13

15# liang0603
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-26 23:37:38

TPO22综合In the lecture, the professor is disagree with the points that the author hold in the reading passage and give some evidence to support his views.

First of all, the professor admit that ethanol fuel true release carbon dioxide, but, the increase need of the ethanol fuel will require more and more plant which absorb the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, finally, cool the environment. However, the author thought that the release of the carbon dioxide will cause the global warming more seriously.

In addition to, the professor said that the ethanol fuel can produce from other plants which not eat by the livestock, like the mallant(没有听出来具体的树名,蒙的,嘿嘿) plant. Thus, the food for the cows and chicken will not reduce. Instead of, the author believed that the consumer of the ethanol fuel will influence the plant which is the food of the animals lead to disappear.

Lastly, the professor maintained if the user of the ethanol will increase 3 times and the cost will decrease 40%, eventually, the price of the ethanol will be competitive with the gasoline and do not need any government subsidies. On contrast, the author insisted that due to the subsidies from the government make the price at the same with the gasoline, once the America government stop the funding support to the producers, the price will be greatly higher than before.
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-26 23:39:03     标题: RE: pwang09的作文

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-27 09:09:45

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-28 18:08:55

作者: 闫颜    时间: 2011-11-29 19:59:57

本帖最后由 闫颜 于 2011-11-29 20:01 编辑

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-29 22:34:45

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-11-30 22:39:08

作者: 麦子kevin    时间: 2011-12-1 00:17:03

作者: elevator    时间: 2011-12-1 16:16:46

不好意思 改迟了。。。29号的作文

作者: jiangze2008    时间: 2011-12-1 17:29:30

30号修改的,因为我不能上传,所以只好贴在这里了。不好意思。Itis apparently that perseverance play a significant role than other factors likepersonalities, characters and communication skills for the successful people. Itis apparently that intelligence play a vital role than other factors for thesuccessful people. It is apparently that positive attitude from the life playan important role than other factors for the successful people. 排比很有气势,但是有一个小问题,你用比较than,前面应该是more important。。。
Therefore,I cannot completely approve the statement that the personalities, charactersand communication skills are the most important factors for the successfulpeople. 清晰表达观点很直接,很好。

Tobegin with, obviously, during the process that we attempt to achieve thetarget, we语气有些不对,我们不一定会遇到困难的,在confront之前+may 比较好。
confrontenormous difficulties and failures, 这边用分号或者句号比较好。

if we are frail, we will never arrivethe success. Thus, the firm perseverance is the pivotal factor to success. Forinstance, if M. Faraday give up investigate the relation between electronic andthe magnetic after suffer thousand times failures, he will never found out thelaw of electromagnetic. 如果改成与后面一样,我们会生活在没有发电机的时代等什么就更好了。 If T. A. Edison abandon the effort to invent theincandescent lamp after countless lose experiment, we will still enduring theendless dark in the night. If M. Curie does not insist to explore theradioactivity element radium after encounter myriad refine from the coal, wewill never the electronic power from the nuclear station. In a word, theperseverance is more important than other factors for success.

Morethan that, considering, 这个是介词或者连词,可以做插入语吗?我不是很确定。if one personal cannot distinguish the atom with the molecular, hardlyimagine that he/she can share a pleasant conversation with physicist evenhe/she possess communication skills. Hence, intelligence is moreimportant than other factors such as interpersonal skills. As we all know thatC. F. Gauss have discovered a proper method to solve a mathematic problem whichis about continue sum from one to hundred when he in eight years old. As we allknow that the I.Q. of B. Gates who established the Microsoft Company is higherthan average about 160 scores. As we all know that Newton is so wisely thatobtain Doctor Certificate of physical when he was 22 older.

Last butnot the least, the optimistic and positive attitude toward the life is resemblethe knot in the fabric structure, which play a crucial affect in every person,in particular, the success people. There is a well-know legend about H. Kellerwho is the celebrated female writer in the 19 century in the United States. Despite/inspite of Keller lost her eye sight when she suffered tough headache as welllistening,没有看懂? she realize that she still can learnadvanced knowledge, sing splendid musicand maintain optimistic manner ratherthan lose hopeless. Through her effort, she learned five foreign languages,published several books, and appealed theAmerican government to the感觉应该去掉 pay attention to thehandicapped.

作者: jiangze2008    时间: 2011-12-1 19:08:39

作者: jiangze2008    时间: 2011-12-1 19:09:51

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-1 22:54:50

作者: jiangze2008    时间: 2011-12-2 18:19:21

12月1号James修改 [attach]173429[/attach]
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-2 22:32:58

作者: 翎公子    时间: 2011-12-3 04:54:36

32# pwang09 我修改完了,但是不知道怎么上传附件来着,求告知。如果说起来太麻烦,只好让你给个邮箱,我直接发邮件。
作者: 闫颜    时间: 2011-12-3 13:40:27

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-3 23:12:15

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-3 23:12:44

33# 翎公子
作者: 海风吹过    时间: 2011-12-4 21:23:37

35# pwang09    你好,12.3 综合按照楼主的布置不应该是TPO13吗? 难道我弄错了?
作者: 海风吹过    时间: 2011-12-4 22:10:57

写得真好! 加油!
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-5 22:29:35

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-5 22:30:44

37# 海风吹过
作者: xiaoniao123    时间: 2011-12-6 11:27:17

作者: 逍遥游步0304    时间: 2011-12-6 17:40:21

作者: cox    时间: 2011-12-6 17:56:29

抱歉,上传不了WORD 说没有边界。不知道什么意思。

125100508NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to be more financially responsible when we are adults, we should learn how to manage money at young ages.

According to an older saying “Money is the key that open all doors”, therefore, the financially responsible plays significant role in the daily life. The earlier you administrate the money and the better you apply the financial acknowledge to the practical. The earlier you manage the money and the better you available utilize the money. The earlier you govern the money and the better job you maybe get in the future. Apparently, I approve that we should learn how the manage money at young ages in order to be more financially responsible.

First and foremost, we have learned
various kinds of financial acknowledge since (we) entered the primitive school as pupil. If we do not apply those acknowledge to the practical life, they are (would be
这应该是个虚拟语气吧) just some abstract, comprehensive and vague finance noun(s). Thereby, learn(ing how to)
administrate the money at young ages provide an opportunity to better perceive those knowledge.(
以前见过的都是Topic sentence+分析+example, 这块分析挺好的,是不是考虑前面加个TS,你这样写效果也发很好,这个都待讨论) Take my little brother Shield for instance,(. L) ast Friday afternoon, when he came home, he was confused what the economy teacher discussed about the financial budget, profit forecast and cost management in the lecture. Then, my parents decided that my little brother (could be) in charge of financial plan for the next month. Shield carefully calculated the expense about which objects ought to buy, attempted to obtain a balance between the cost and the income and saved money as possible. By this method, shield can grasp not only the essential of the knowledge but also bring the interest for the family.

In addition, through the way of letting the children manage the money will make the children enhance the conscious of the money, cherish the money and efficiency (efficiently) utilize the money. To make my point more profound and comprehensive, I will take myself to account for this. As for me, come from countryside and my parents only earn meager income, thus, I deeply felt that money is precious. When I possess amount (large amount of) deposit, I will purchase the textbook instead of the teddy bear. When I manage money, I will buy the pencil rather than the snacks. When I control the money, I will buy the cheap and beautiful present for my mother not luxury jewelry. (这段就是TS 需要加12句的分析就更好了。)

Last but not least, manage (managing) money is an advanced technique which requires
(the brilliant person
去掉吧) intellect analysis, dispassionate judgment and insight thought. All these abilities need to forage ( cultivate
更好点吧)since the young children. My best friend Vector who (is intelligent去掉吧)has a good sense to arrange his money and even given
(give) suggestions to other student(s)
on how to manage the money. When he is eleven own 3000 dollars after graduated, he bought the stocks at lower price and sold them in the high level, Not long after, he win(won)
his first million. Recently, a prestige invest company invent he to manage the funds. In a word, children manage the money at young ages not only develop their abilities but also offer a good chance to find a satisfied career.

开篇前后对应, 用词多样,结构不错,每段能多点分析就更好了。
稍微有点语法错误。 加油!

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-6 22:25:39

42# 逍遥游步0304 恩,好的,我的QQ237754178
作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-6 23:54:59

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-7 22:37:07

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-8 22:59:29

作者: cox    时间: 2011-12-9 22:35:32

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-9 22:44:16

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-11 08:27:40

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-11 23:43:12

作者: pwang09    时间: 2011-12-12 23:33:30

作者: 嗯、淡定努力    时间: 2011-12-13 16:42:09


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