With a solid reputation among scholars and students, some faculty members’ researches there appeal to me greatly. I learnt some of their researches through their papers. I find researches like these fit for my interests well. For example, I learnt some of Professor AAA’s research on XXX.
2.申EE PhD,之前套磁,有个人说欢迎来读,但无funding,问我的最终决定,我当时惧怕无保底的,又看他是IEEE的fellow,就邮件上答应了,后来他说
At this time I do not have funding for you butI have applied for the necessary grants from sponsors. I also suggest you apply to your government for support. I will be happy to support such arequest by you. 不知究竟是何意?那个necessary grants from sponsors是指什么?我现在从网上得知他们实验室还有其他人有在研项目和funding,但是不敢去套磁了,据网上说同校同系同方向的同时套很可能被发现。该怎么办?
3.有必要在ps中阐述一下对学科研究发展的看法么?当然看法也是网上复制的。 作者: Fruit~ 时间: 2011-12-2 13:48:39