
标题: 1.14机经 [打印本页]

作者: CDer1    时间: 2012-1-14 16:37:12     标题: 1.14机经

阅读:vocabulary questions

critical=very important

to be sure= certainly



1. Who is the person that you like to enjoy spendingtime with?

2. Should the students study in the quiet environment?

3.The forth-year students are required to write athesis.

Male student: It is a good ideal. In the past, theyonly write the short essays. So it is a great chance to improve their academicskills. In the second place, 中间有一段谈到图书馆的没听清,只记得there are lots of resources in the library,lost. In the third place, they can have experiencedtutors, whom they can have nice contact with, and talk with.

4. Passage: the introduction of bidirectionality

The professortalked about the concept of bidirectionality. He gave one example of

a six-monthold boy he named Max. When Max smile to his parents, his parents will smileback. When he barbles(
拼错了)hisparents will talk to him more. This interaction has great influence in hisfuture. For example ,the child will be encouraged to seek more physicalcontact, and communication.

5. The male students was going organize a poetryevent. In the past, only six people signed up for it. However, this time, thereare 20 people sign for it. The time is limited and does not allow all thestudents read the poems in one hour. The female students gave him twosuggestions. The first is that he only allows the first ten people who signedup for the event to read the poems, and tell the rest people they still haveopportunities in the future. The second suggestion is that they change theplace from the cafeteria(maybe) to a lecture hall. Then they will have longertime. But in the evening, it is hard to find one lecture, and there is nodrinking staff(maybe).

6. How do insects use pheromones to communicate?

There are twoways and the professor makes two examples. The first is that the

insects usepheromones to locate. Take the bees for example, some bees go far

away fromtheir hive to find food. The bees stay at hive release the pheromone into

the air to let the bees working outside tofind the way to go home. Another function

of thepheromone is some insects use them to tell other insects they want to mate.

Take the mothfor example, the female moths by releasing the pheromones into the

air tellsmales they want to mate. So the male moths find them to mate by following

the pheromone.

Integrated writing: iron fertilization: By putting theiron into the ocean to increase the phytoplankton, so the absorption of carbondioxide will be increased. The writer opposes it and has three opinions. Theprofessor supports the iron fertilization and refutes the writer.

First writer says that after using iron fertilization,the according to the experiments, absorption of is carbon dioxide does notincrease. However the professor says that the majority of experiments just wereperformed in one month. The phytoplankton can live for three month, and theobvious increase of absorption will occur in the second and third months.

Second, the writer says that....... However, theprofessor says that the iron fertilization is in some area. They can call ahalt to it. If no nutrients are in the ocean, the phytoplankton will die out.

In the third place, the writer says...... However, theprofessor says although it is risky to fertilize the ocean with iron, therewill be a bigger risk, if they do not do in this way. In conclusion, it is thebest way.

Independent writing: Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement?

All the teachers should be required to take coursesevery five years in order to update their knowledge.

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