
标题: 2012 FALL FOOD SCIENCE 申请讨论楼 [打印本页]

作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-1-15 20:42:05     标题: 2012 FALL FOOD SCIENCE 申请讨论楼

本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-1-15 20:57 编辑

此处是 FOOD SCIENCE 食品科学 2012 FALL申请讨论楼




首先,总体观感是食品专业NO FUNDINGNO ADVISOR的情况很常见,要求陶瓷,自己找ADVISOR的学校有很多。

PS3. Purdue


Rutgers, UGA, OSU, Cornell

Cornell: 3



2011/2/04:Rej from IIT
2011/2/05:AD from Rutgers;
2011/2/07UFLPSUUMD 都开始审材料了;
                   Oregon state u
                   University of missouri-columbiaad了;
2011/2/09MS AD from UGA:
2011/2/12Rej from Oregon StateUniversity
                  AD from Rutgers;
2011/2/17:有人报SaintLouis UniversityMS, Nutrition AD;
                 MSU,Purdue, ISU, UMN,Oregon rej都有发过
2011/2/27:Purdue KSU Rej
2011/3/01:U of Minnesota以发过Rej
2011/3/02:Rej from Cornell;
2011/3/05:有中国农大的童鞋拿到PURDUE, OSU,UCD offer;
2011/3/09:Cornell Nutrition Phd offer;
2011/3/13:UGA开始发Phd Rej;
2011/3/14: Cornell 群发MS的拒信,建议MPS;
2011/3/16:Rej from TAMU, 但是是平邮,那么时间该是比这个早了;
2011/3/17: OSU msrej;
2011/3/18:Rej from UMass;
2011/3/19: 听闻Rutgers MS 拒信;
UC-Davis 貌似是本土学生的录取;
2011/3/25:Rutgers MS, PhD结果已出;
                ADNutrition from BU
2011/3/30:UMN AD
                Rej from NCSU
2011/4/09:  VT可在application summary里查录取状态了;
                   上周有人拿到内布拉斯林肯的MS RA
2011/4/10:MS小奖 from Drexel University, 这个MS有钱,哇;
2011/4/13:VT PHD offer,但是本科是VT的;
                 Phone interview, skype interview fromMaryland
                 AD from UF;
2011/4/17: AD from University of Maine;
                 AD from Ohio University;
                  UMD OFFER
2011/5/10:AD from UF;


UF:小蜜的邮件回复很失望,貌似这个有效"Sitren,Harry S" <sitren@ufl.edu>






Oregon state U:楼主申请PHD,由于这个学校PHD需要MS,因此没了解过;

U of Illionois—Urbana:这个学校貌似MS的ad发得比较水,另外,楼主申请PHD,由于这个学校PHD需要MS,因此没了解过;

U of Nebraska-Lincoln:听那边的在读MS说,这个比较喜欢2+4项目,取得MS也有钱一刚;



UGA: 貌似控GRE;



作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-1-15 20:44:10

本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-29 13:33 编辑

一楼占楼:统计 Offer/AD/Rej:




作者: lgyatfzyz    时间: 2012-1-15 21:25:24

作者: 396857815    时间: 2012-1-18 15:07:22

作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-2-2 00:19:52

本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-20 12:31 编辑

今天是2011.02.02-0:17  群里很多人收到了MSSU的拒信(Rej)
Your application to the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Michigan State University has been denied by our graduate faculty. The reason was that there was no academic advisor available in your area of interest with space in their group to take you as their student. Thank you for applying to our program. We wish you all the best in your academic pursuits.

(感谢群里的多多提供)2012-02-14 群里有童鞋再次收到了MSSU MS Rej,以下是邮件的能容:


Dear ***:

I regret to inform you that your application for the fall 2012 term to the Master's degree program in Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion/Food Science Technology at Mississippi State University was not approved.

This admission decision is based on a careful review by the academic department of your application, statement of purpose, past academic achievement, letters of recommendation, test scores, and any other information that may have been submitted.  If you have questions, please contact the graduate coordinator of the academic department to which you sought admission.

We appreciate your interest in Mississippi State University and wish you the best in your future endeavors.  We will mail you an official letter by regular mail.


Louis R. D'Abramo, Ph.D.
Dean of the Graduate School and
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-2-2 00:28:09

本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-20 12:32 编辑

补充:(感谢群里 长沙-F 的提供)2012-01-26 这个是UNL MS的问小蜜的回复的拒信,但是系统的状态没有改变还是Review complete, decision forwarded to Graduate Studies

Your application to the graduate program in Interdepartmental Nutrition at the University of Nebraska has been reviewed by the admissions committee. I am sorry that your application has been denied for the following reason:

-space/enrollment in our graduate program

We wish you luck in your academic endeavors.
作者: 乖乖hyl    时间: 2012-2-2 00:53:18

作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-2-3 23:52:49

本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-20 12:33 编辑

(感谢群里的 Nina)2012-02-03 23:49 恭喜Nina拿到rugters的PHD AD 这个是收到的邮件内容,这也是第一个群里报的好结果,希望大家的offer多多。

Dear Ms. Wang:

I am pleased to inform you that you have been recommended for admission to Rutgers University, Graduate School, for the Fall 2012. Regrettably, the program is unable to offer you any financial assistance. If you have applied to multiple programs please check your status online to see which program recommended your admission.

If you currently hold an H visa, you can pursue full- or part-time study without providing financial documentation or changing your visa. However, you cannot receive any financial support from Rutgers, if available, while on an H visa. Please notify me if you want to remain an H visa holder. If you want to change your visa type to F-1 (full-time student), you must document your finances as described below for an I-20 to be issued. To insure the accuracy of your I-20 please send a copy of your passport along with the required financial documentation. Your name on the I-20 and your passport must match exactly.

If you plan to study at Rutgers as a full time F-1 student, you will need a Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20). To obtain this from Rutgers, you must document financial resources immediately available to meet your first full year of total expenses, as well as indicate the source(s) of support you will have in order to complete your degree program in subsequent years. If you have already sent certification of funds with your application, you must provide updated or supplemental information as specified at the bottom of this letter.

To document adequate resources for admission you must provide the following:
For your first year, send an original, current-dated bank statement, showing funds in US dollars. (See below for required dollar amounts). Photocopies or facsimiles (faxes) will not be accepted. If funds are being provided by a sponsor, that person(s) must provide an original signed and dated affidavit of support specifying the amounts committed annually to your study at Rutgers. Each person whose name appears on the bank statement must sign the affidavit. Unidentified account holders, including a spouse or other family member, will delay the issuance of admission documents. All funds must be certified within nine months of the intended date of enrollment. Financial documentation will not be returned.

For your second and subsequent years of study you do not need to provide a bank statement, unless you indicate personal funds as your means of support. You must identify your support in "Projected Funds." For each additional year required to complete your degree program, budget an annual increase of $2,000 over the amount for the previous year. Pledged support must be in these minimum amounts by signing an affidavit of support. Your sponsor(s) cannot be on F or J visas.

Satisfactory certified and projected funds must be provided in order to issue an I-20 and Certificate of Admission. Since these are time- sensitive documents, I urge you to send this information by express mail service. If you wish to receive your admission documents by express mail, enclose a check or money order in the amount of US$30, payable to Rutgers University.

If you plan to bring dependents, additional documentation is required: $5,000 for your spouse and $3,750 for each child. Please provide their full names, dates, and places of birth (city and country), country of citizenship, and country of legal permanent residence (if different from country of citizenship). Since University housing for married students is in short supply, plan to arrange for suitable housing off campus in a community near the University.

I look forward to having you join us for graduate study at Rutgers.
作者: myyum    时间: 2012-2-4 00:33:11

粘粘Nina的喜庆 希望早日结束三无%>_<%
作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-2-6 00:43:35

本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-20 12:33 编辑

(感谢群里的BNews提供)2011-02-06 0:38  BNews在02-04收到了IIT 的 MS 的 AD 首先恭喜BNews,同时BNews也告诉了自己的GR GPA等信息 大家可以参考参考

Congratulations! It is with great pleasure that I send this email to inform you
that you have been admitted to Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) to begin
your Professional Master's in Food Safety and Technology in the 2012 Fall term.

Your official admission letter and I-20 (or DS-2019) are being sent by express
mail. You will soon receive an email that provides your SEVIS number and
package tracking information.

I would like to direct you toward some preliminary information that will assist
you in applying for a visa and preparing for your arrival in the United States.
You will find this information and more on our International Center website at
www.iit.edu/~internat/index.php. For information about campus housing, please
visit  www.housing.iit.edu.

If you have questions, please feel free to email your admission specialist,
Dana Fogarty, at gradstu@iit.edu. We look forward to welcoming you to the IIT
community and we wish you success in your graduate studies.

Carlo U. Segre
Associate Dean for Graduate Admissions
作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-2-7 11:37:44

本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-20 12:34 编辑

(感谢群里的penny提供)2011-01-28 penny收到了Oregon State University的通过committee的PHD邮件,只要找到professor就可以录取的邮件。


This is to acknowledge that your application for graduate study in our department is complete and has passed the preliminary review of our graduate committee. The department has a policy of not admitting  a graduate student without prior commitment by a professor to serve as a major advisor. Therefore, you  must contact potential advisors whose research areas interest you in order to secure this commitment. This is best done on an individual basis as specific research projects, funding, and availability of lab space are constantly changing. Because qualified applicants far exceed available department resources, it is important that you take the initiative in this effort and not wait for advisors to contact you. Please review the “Faculty Research Interests” list provided on our web site (http://oregonstate.edu/dept/foodsci .

Your application will remain “open” until a faculty member has made a commitment to serve as your research advisor. “Open” means that your file is complete and your academic qualifications have been found acceptable by the department graduate committee, but that no faculty member has agreed to serve as your advisor. “Open” applications will be rejected if no advisor is secured at the start of the quarter in which you wish to enroll. Please let us know at any time if you wish to withdraw your application from further consideration.

Thank you for your interest in our graduate program. If you have further questions, please contact me by e-mail.

Best regards,

Linda Dunn

Academic Program Coordinator

Department of Food Science and Technology

100 Wiegand HallOregon State University


作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-2-13 19:18:40

本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-14 19:35 编辑

(此楼的内容来之Gter的一帖子,再次感谢楼主小飞TT) 2012-02-13 这个是FSU催人交财产证明的东西,如果有了就是MS AD


之前收到该校的录取通知,简单地说就是个AD,木有奖学金说明,让俺寄财产证明过去,才会给issue I-20什么的,两三天之后又收到一封邮件,也是催财产证明的,但是两封邮件都木有说明财产证明的deadline什么的,是不是仅仅AD的话,只要不耽误自己签证和入学,就木有截止啊?

心灰意冷了几天,决定垂死挣扎一下,去学校网站上看到了一句让我想撞墙的话:Application for financial awards and application for graduate school admission are two separate processes often with different deadlines.

呃,时间太久,记不起网申里面有木有申请financial aid的相关内容了。。。



P.S.自己这边有新消息会跟进更新这个帖子,矮油,貌似看到之前有帖子说这学校的奖学金弄起来很麻烦,囧-  -

经过与楼主的联系,现在对该楼的补充。再次也感谢楼主也是群里的多多同学。2012-02-03,收到的FSU MS AD  多多也在此提醒大家 FSU的邮件会被Gmail默认成了垃圾邮件,申请了的同学可以看看自己的垃圾邮件。


Congratulations! You have been admitted to Florida State University for   the Fall   Term, 2012.  Your   official acceptance letter will be sent with your I-20 or DS-2019. Please   visit the online status check at  https://admissions.fsu.edu/StatusCheck/ for   more information.   
In order to receive the I-20 or DS-2019, you must submit the   Certification of Financial Responsibility (CFR) to the Center for Global   Engagement. If you have already submitted the required documents to obtain the   I-20 or DS-2019, the Center for Global Engagement will send the acceptance   packet containing your official offer of acceptance, the I-20 or DS-2019, and   other information pertaining to your enrollment into Florida State University.   If you have not submitted the CFR to the Center for Global Engagement, you   must do so as soon as possible. The CFR can be found at  http://cge.fsu.edu/newstudents/cfr.cfm.

The Certification of Financial Responsibility form must be completed in   compliance with U.S. federal regulations, which require FSU to verify that you   have sufficient financial resources to support your studies here. The CFR must   show proof of funding for the first year of study and certify availability of   funds for the length of your academic program. For additional information   regarding the CFR or other immigration questions, please visit the Center for   Global Engagement's website at  http://cge.fsu.edu/ or contact their office via   email at CGE-NewStudents@admin.fsu.edu   or by phone at 850.645.1424.
作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-2-13 19:22:15

(感谢群里的Daisy提供以下内容) 2012-02-11 这是群里拿到的UGA的PHD AD 再次恭喜Daisy同学。

Congratulations! You have been recommended for admission to the Food Science program starting Fall 2012. Acceptance packets for Fall will be prepared in early February. Your packet will be sent to you at that time. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Best regards, Vickie Bridges
作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-2-14 21:17:21

(感谢群里的晕Z提供一下信息) 2012-02-09 收到了UTK PHD CSC的邀请函 2012-02-13收到了纸板的邀请函,在此恭喜晕Z同学。


Dear Ms. Zhang:

It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted as a Doctor of Philosophy student in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of Tennessee, with a concentration in Food Chemistry. Your are expected to enroll in Fall 2012 and the expected length of study is approximately 4 academic years from August 2012 to July 2016. If you need to change your enrollment date, please notify the Graduate School and the Department.

You have been assigned to work with XXXas your advisor. He will be glad to answer any questions about the Department and help you plan your degree program, including which courses to register  for upon enrollment. He will also serve as your dissertation advisor and will guide you through your dissertation project and be responsible for costs resulting from your dissertation research.

The Department is pleased to offer you a waiver of tuition during the length of your study. While tuition will be paid for you, you are required to pay the following University fees based upon latest figures: Programs and Services; Technology; Facilities; and Transportation (about $460/semester, maximum for 9 or more hours enrolled). Also, for the duration of your appointment, Graduate Student Employee Health Insurance will be provided at no cost to you (see http://gradschool.utk.edu/orientation/health.shtml).

Please sign below indicating your acceptance of admission and the assistantship and return this letter to the Department by March 1, 2012. If the Department does not receive your acceptance of the assistantship by March 1, 2012, it will be assumed that you do not want to accept the assistantship and it will be offered to another qualified candidate.

We hope that you find your studies enjoyable and moreover, that you greatly benefit from being a part of the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of Tennessee. Congratulations on your acceptance and please contact us if you have any questions.

P. Michael Davidson, Professor and Department Head
作者: lincyb    时间: 2012-2-15 23:52:05

作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-2-20 12:35:44

往年没有数据统计 具体的还是不知道的 但是我相信 今年后就会有具体的数据了
15# lincyb
作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-2-26 14:00:34

(感谢群里的流光提供以下信息) 再次恭喜流光同学,这个是LSU MS 的AD 然后在申请的状态中也可以查询到结果。


As a follow-up to your admission letter which can be accessed through your online application portal ( https://app.applyyourself.comid=gradlsu), these are the ONLY item(s) that are still needed to clear your graduate admissions record.
Your admission is provisional until you submit the following:
In order to clear your record, we must receive these item(s) within thirty days after the first day of class for the semester to which you are admitted.  Your admission to The Graduate School will be revoked if after receipt of these item(s) it is determined that you do not meet the academic requirements for admission into The Graduate School.

For financial aid assistance, please contact the Graduate Advisor in your department program. You can find a list of Graduate Advisors by clicking on the following link:  http://gradlsu.gs.lsu.edu/Depart ... ors/item11913.html.

If an International Student:
For additional information regarding visas and procedures for admitted international students, visit the IS Web site at  www.lsu.edu/iso and click on “Prospective Students.”


Madalina Cristina Robison, Ph.D.
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
114 David Boyd Hall
Email: mrobison@lsu.edu
Phone: 225-578-7461
作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-2-27 21:13:47

本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-27 21:32 编辑

(感谢群里的moon提供)2012-02-11 这个是乔治亚大学的MS的AD吧,同时也在催交财产证明。


Congratulations! You have been recommended by Food Science
and Technology for admission to the Graduate School of The
University of Georgia. The Office of Graduate Admissions cannot
proceed with the final acceptance, however, because your file is
incomplete.  Please send the following information to complete your
Certification of finances and supporting bank statements.  Please
contact the academic department if you require financial assistance.

Admission has been recommended for the PhD program in Food
Science for the Fall 2012 term.

All academic records must be official and issued by the institution.
Once we have received the materials or information listed above, we
will review your complete application to make an admissions
decision. If accepted by the Graduate School, an official letter and
appropriate visa documents will be issued. If you have questions
please contact Ms. Vickie Bridges at the email address:

Best Regards,
Vickie Bridges
作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-2-28 20:17:10

本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-28 20:24 编辑

(感谢群里QQ的提供) 2012-02-27 群里的QQ收到了ISU PHD 的Rej 希望你能够有好运 下一个来个offer  感谢你的share


The Graduate Admissions Committee of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition has completed its review of your application materials.  The Committee has found that you are not qualified for admission to the Ph.D. program in Food Science and Technology due to academically deficiency.  We will consider your application again once we have seen improvements.

Thank you for applying to the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Iowa State University.  We wish you the best in your future plans.
作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-2-28 20:28:11

(再次感谢群里QQ的提供) 2012-02-10 群里的QQ收到了ORSU PHD 的Rej 你在这里攒RP 一定会有好运的


Your application was reviewed and not accepted at this time. There are many factors that enter into the recruitment of students. Even though you may meet the minimum score requirements, there is not enough funding and lab space for all who apply.

I wish you the best in your future endeavors and sorry this was not better news for you.

Best regards,
作者: 雯声文语    时间: 2012-3-1 10:28:33

1.28 oregon state 的open,必须要套老师,没套到等于REJ。
2.11 UGA的Ph.D.的录取,据说被nominated for a Graduate School Assistantship,但是几个星期后才能够知道结果,而且竞争激烈,所以不能guarantee。
2.23 UTK(田纳西大学,貌似群里申这所学校的TX不多)M.S的录取,AD
2.27 IIT的MS录取,AD
2.29 IOWA STATE的MS录取,初审通过,必须要套老师,没套到等于REJ。以下是IOWA STATE的来信:
The Graduate Admissions Committee of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition has completed its review of your application materials.  The Committee has found that you are qualified for admission to the M.S. program in food science and technology.  The Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition has a two-step admission process.  The first step is review of the application materials by the Graduate Admissions Committee.  If the applicant is found to be qualified for admission, the application materials are then made available for review by department faculty.  In order to be admitted to our program, a faculty member must offer the applicant a graduate research assistantship and provide funding for stipend and benefits. Your application materials have now been made available for review by our faculty.  If a faculty member has funding available, he or she will contact you regarding an assistantship.   You are also encouraged to contact individual members of our faculty http://www.fshn.hs.iastate.edu/faculty-staff/  regarding your interest in them as a potential mentor.  Please remember to inform the faculty member that your application materials were reviewed by the Graduate Admissions Committee and that you are approved for admission to our program.    Please let me know if I may provide additional information or assistance.    Sincerely, Brenda J. Emery
Student Services Specialist I
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
220 MacKay Hall
Iowa State University

3.1 UMN的Ph.D的初审通过,必须要套到老师,否则等于REJ。以下是官方的来信:
The Food Science Graduate Admissions Committee has determined you meet the requirements for admission to our PhD program at the University of Minnesota.  However, before we can formally offer you admission, you must be matched with an advisor.  The advisor process is described below.Your application will be circulated to the Food Science graduate faculty members who have student openings.  Faculty interested in the possibility of serving as your advisor will directly contact you to discuss the details, and any availability of financial support if you require it.Additionally, if you have one or two specific faculty members with whom you would like to work, you may contact them directly to discuss your background and goals.  However, please limit your contact to the few faculty whose work truly interests you.  Note that faculty are happy to hear from applicants who share their research interests, but they may not be in a position to accept new students at this time.The University of Minnesota Food Science graduate program generally offers financial support to doctoral students. The forms of funding include fellowships, scholarships, or research or teaching assistantships.  Most master’s students also receive financial support, but it is not guaranteed, and applicants may be admitted without it. If a faculty member offers to advise you without financial support, and you agree to work with them on those terms, you must not expect that funding will become available from the program at some later date.  Instead you should secure your own source of program financing for the duration of your graduate studies.Once you have found an advisor, please ask the faculty member to email me their decision and copy the graduate programs coordinator at fscngrad@umn.edu.  As soon as I hear from your advisor, I will have you formally admitted to the Food Science graduate program.If you have not been contacted by a graduate faculty member within three months of this email, please contact the graduate program coordinator at fscngrad@umn.edu to indicate if you wish to withdraw your application or keep it active for an advisor search.  If you choose to keep your application active, it will remain open for two semesters – the term for which you applied and the following one.  If an advisor is not found after two semesters, your application will be withdrawn from the program.Sincerely,  Dr. Dave Smith
Food Science Director of Graduate Studies
作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-3-1 20:18:48

(感谢群里的Moon提供) 2012-02-28 看看楼上的贴子 你会觉得MOON真是的个大牛  offer帝啊 总之还是恭喜了


Congratulations! You have been recommended for admission to the full-time Master of Science program in Food Safety and Technology at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) for the 2012 Fall semester.
The department cannot offer you any financial assistance at this time.
Please note the following with regard to registration for classes at IIT:
Your admission is contingent upon completion of a Baccalaureate degree and, if applicable, Master's degree. Upon arrival, you must present all original, final transcript(s) and diploma, with an English translation if necessary to the Office of Graduate Admission. The transcript(s) and diploma must show the degree(s) conferred with a minimum 'B' average based on a U.S. grading scale.
Before we can finalize your admission and issue you a SEVIS I-20 or a DS-2019 Certificate of Eligibility, you must submit a bank-certified financial support document for $34,342.00 USD. The financial support document must have an official bank stamp/seal in English. Notary stamps, photocopies or faxes will not be accepted. You can find the required form along with complete submission instructions at www.iit.edu/graduate_admission/p ... ts/checklist.shtml. You may fax (312.567.3138) or email your financial support documents to gradstu@iit.edu. Be sure to include your name and CWID in the email and on the documents. The subject should be 'Financial Support Documents'.
This recommendation for admission applies specifically to the 2012 Fall semester. If you wish to begin your graduate studies in a later semester, you must request readmission in writing to this office. You are eligible to request a deferral for up to one year from the semester to which you first were recommended for admission. Completed application files will be retained for the same period.
We look forward to welcoming you to the IIT community and wish you every success as you begin your graduate studies.
作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-3-1 21:06:41

本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-3-1 21:07 编辑

(感谢群里的朱样提供)2012-02-29 恭喜群里的朱扬 收到了OSU的MS AD 感谢他的供稿


Congratulations on your admission!  Attached, please find your admission letter attached.  Read over it, sign and return the last page by March 23.

Your credentials for admission to the graduate program of The Ohio State University were
carefully reviewed by the Graduate Admission Committee of the Department of Food Science &
Technology and you have been admitted to our MS program, starting Autumn 2012 with no
financial support. Dr. Sheryl Barringer has offered to serve as your faculty advisor. You are
welcome in our graduate program if you have funds available from other sources. Please keep
in mind financial support from sources within The Ohio State University are not available at this
This is very exciting time to be an OSU food scientist. You can join an outstanding program
of award winning faculty, staff and students. It is our intent to maintain national prominence
in the field of food science and you can benefit directly from this effort. We have high
quality graduate students in our ranks and I hope OSU will be an integral part of your career
Please let us know your intent by March 23,2012 by returning a signed copy of this letter.
If you need more time, a different start date or have questions, please ask. We wish you
continued success in your career.
作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-3-1 21:12:49

本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-3-3 10:02 编辑

(感谢群里的童鞋提供)2012-02-08 童鞋收到了 TTU MS AD的拒信;但是还是感谢提供


This is to inform you that you were are not accepting you into our graduate program in the Department of Animal and Food Science at Texas Tech University. At this time the faculty in food sciences are not accepting new graduate students. Our faculty accept graduate students based on the research they are undertaking and whether there are assistantships for graduate students.

作者: nina_sayuki    时间: 2012-3-3 10:07:12

本帖最后由 nina_sayuki 于 2012-3-3 10:20 编辑

俺是群里的Nina,2012-03-02收到了Rutgers一个两年的Excellence Fellowship。

Dear Yan,
I am very pleased to offer you an Excellence Fellowship for doctoral study in Food Science commencing in September, 2012.  As a recipient of an Excellence Fellowship, you will receive an annual stipend of $26,500 plus remission of tuition equivalent to the course credit load for which you enroll.  You will also be awarded a Teaching or Graduate Assistantship (TA or GA) for the second year of your studies (F'13/S'14).  The second year stipend will be equivalent to your first year's stipend and you will receive full remission of tuition.   Your full support package is outlined in your official offer that you will receive in the mail.  As a Ph.D. candidate in good standing, continued support for the duration of your graduate studies is essentially assured.  Typically, this support is secured through a TA or a GA appointment from the department or graduate program, or from the laboratory where you are working on your Ph.D. research project.  As a recipient of an Excellence Fellowship, you must maintain satisfactory progress throughout the period of your matriculation.  We expect you to be engaged full-time in your program of study.

Because of the large number of applicants for a few awards, we kindly ask that you notify us of your decision as soon as possible by replying to this email.  An official letter and statement will follow via U.S. mail to your Beijing address.  It is our hope that you will accept and join the body of fine graduate students here at Rutgers University.

We congratulate you on having been selected to receive an Excellence Fellowship and look forward to hearing from you very soon!

Kristen Lester for
Dean Richard Ludescher

Kristen A. Lester
SPIN Coordinator
Office of the Dean of Academic Programs
School of Environmental & Biological Sciences

Student to Professional Internship Network (SPIN) Program Office
Martin Hall, Rm 211
88 Lipman Drive
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: (732)932-3000 x520
作者: nina_sayuki    时间: 2012-3-3 10:10:03

本帖最后由 nina_sayuki 于 2012-3-3 10:19 编辑


Dear Yan,

Congratulations on your receiving the Rutgers SEBS Excellence Fellowship!

Please be informed that this fellowship provides guaranteed financial support for only the first two years. Although the email below stated that financial support beyond the second year is “essentially assured”, this applies mostly to those departments in our college that have many teaching assistantships. Unfortunately, our department does not have many teaching assistantships and thus we cannot assure financial support for our Excellent Fellows beyond the second year.

However, most of our excellent fellows are able to obtain financial support through their advisors as research assistants or hourly-paid research assistants (although the compensation is less than that in the letter you received). Please be informed that these assistantships are also highly competitive.

We hope that you will join us. We are a strong department with many very good graduate students who enjoy their study at Rutgers. Historically, obtaining financial support is challenging for most of our graduate students including our Excellent Fellows, but most of them are eventually able to graduate, get good jobs, and do very well in their career.

Kit Keith L. Yam, Ph.D.
Graduate Program Director
Department of Food Science
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
65 Dudley Road
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8520
Email: yam@aesop.rutgers.edu
Voice: (732) 932 9611 x241
Fax: (732) 932 6776
作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-3-3 23:33:37

(感谢群里的L提供以下数据)2012-03-01 受到了prudue的MS的Rej


Thank you very much for your interest in the Food Science Program at Purdue University. The Admissions Committee received a large number of applications requesting admission to our program. This created a very competitive situation for the limited number of available openings. We are unable to grant you admission to our program.

Again, thank you for your interest in the Food Science Graduate Program at Purdue University. We wish luck in your future endeavors.

Thank you,

Mitzi Barnett
Graduate Admissions Coordinator
Interdisciplinary Food Science Graduate Program
745 Agriculture Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907
作者: myyum    时间: 2012-3-9 21:20:51

本帖最后由 myyum 于 2012-3-9 21:32 编辑

2012-03-05 收到MSU的rej  因为no academic advisior....当是申请的方向是safety吧...好像
Your application to the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Michigan State University has been denied by our graduate faculty.  The reason was that there was no academic advisor available in your area of interest with space in their group to take you as their student.  Thank you for applying to our program.  We wish you all the best in your academic pursuits.

2012-03-02 IIT Professional Master's in Food Safety and Technology AD
作者: 小飞TT    时间: 2012-3-9 23:25:12

本帖最后由 小飞TT 于 2012-7-10 11:35 编辑

2012-02-03 FSU的MS的AD,详细内容请看第二页12楼,LZ早些时候发布过一次,不详说了;
2012-02-04 Oregon State Univ 的MS的open,说材料已经通过研究生院招生委员会的审核,但是,要自己联系到导师才可以录取(因为导师会给资助),否则继续持续open状态,不会录取。原文邮件:
This is to acknowledge that your application for graduate study in our department is complete and has passed the preliminary review of our graduate committee. The department has a policy of not admitting  a graduate student without prior commitment by a professor to serve as a major advisor. Therefore, you  must contact potential advisors whose research areas interest you in order to secure this commitment. This is best done on an individual basis as specific research projects, funding, and availability of lab space are constantly changing. Because qualified applicants far exceed available department resources, it is important that you take the initiative in this effort and not wait for advisors to contact you. Please review the “Faculty Research Interests” list provided on our web site (http://oregonstate.edu/dept/foodsci .
Your application will remain “open” until a faculty member has made a commitment to serve as your research advisor. “Open” means that your file is complete and your academic qualifications have been found acceptable by the department graduate committee, but that no faculty member has agreed to serve as your advisor. “Open” applications will be rejected if no advisor is secured at the start of the quarter in which you wish to enroll. Please let us know at any time if you wish to withdraw your application from further consideration.
Thank you for your interest in our graduate program. If you have further questions, please contact me by e-mail.
Best regards,
2012-07-10 Oregon State Univ的正式rej。open之后联系了一下感兴趣的导师,一个不回复,一个回复说没钱,所以就再也没理过这个学校,刚刚学校发来正式拒信:
Thank you for your application for admission to Oregon State University.   We appreciate the interest you have shown in our Graduate School.

You should, however, consider this as your official notification that your application to Oregon State University has not been accepted.  You may have already been advised of your denial, and if this is the case, please excuse this duplication.

Many factors enter into acceptance or rejection of graduate applications, including evaluation of official records, test scores,  letters of recommendation, enrollment constraints, available instructional staff, and facilities.

Please address any questions you may have to the department to which you applied.  You may find contact information on our website:  http://oregonstate.edu/admissions/graduate/gradmajors.php

We regret the fact that we must forward such unfavorable information and do hope you will reach your goals for continued education.


Graduate Admissions Staff
Oregon State University
2012-02-13 Mississippi State Univ的MS的rej,木有说为毛拒了:
I regret to inform you that your application for the fall 2012 term to the Master's degree program in Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion/Food Science Technology at Mississippi State University was not approved.
This admission decision is based on a careful review by the academic department of your application, statement of purpose, past academic achievement, letters of recommendation, test scores, and any other information that may have been submitted.  If you have questions, please contact the graduate coordinator of the academic department to which you sought admission.
We appreciate your interest in Mississippi State University and wish you the best in your future endeavors.  We will mail you an official letter by regular mail.
2012-02-24 Louisiana State Univ的MS的rej,奇怪的是,校方没有发邮件给我,我是在网申上面查到的status:
After a careful evaluation of the materials submitted for your admission to graduate study, the graduate faculty of the program to which you have applied has declined to recommend your admission.

You may, of course, be considered for admission at a later date.

In addition, admission as a non-matriculating student may be available to United States citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. who hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution, and who meet the non-degree admission requirements. Non-matriculated students may not earn degrees, and there are limits to the number of hours of course work that they may take at advanced levels.
If you are interested in non-degree enrollment please contact the Graduate Admissions Office concerning admission requirements and procedures via e-mail at gradadm@lsu.edu. There is a separate application and fee for non-degree enrollment.
You should be aware that applicants must be admitted by both the Graduate School and the graduate faculty of the particular degree program to which they have applied. The minimum standard of the Graduate School for regular admission is a 3.00 overall GPA on the first bachelor's degree or on the last two years of that degree.
Additional information regarding the denial of your admission can be found on the status screen of your application.
Thank you for having allowed the faculty the opportunity to review your application. Best wishes for success in your future endeavors.

Office of Graduate Admissions
Louisiana State University
作者: xiangcaoshan    时间: 2012-3-9 23:35:38

本帖最后由 xiangcaoshan 于 2012-3-10 22:29 编辑

2012-01-06 MSU的rej 原因是感兴趣的方向(Physical Chemistry)没有老师招生(申请PHD)
Your application to the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Michigan State University has been denied by our graduate faculty.  The reason was that there was no academic advisor available in your area of interest with space in their group to take you as their student.  Thank you for applying to our program.  We wish you all the best in your academic pursuits.

2012-02-28 ISU的rej 原因是unqualified..桑心 未套磁成功(申请PHD)
The Graduate Admissions Committee of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition has completed its review of your application materials. The Committee has found that you are not qualified for admission to the Ph.D. program in Food Science and Technology due to academic deficiencies. The Committee recommends that you retake tests and reapply. We will then consider your application again.

2012-03-02 UMN 邮件 三个月内必须联系到导师 否则默拒(申请PHD)
The FoodScience GraduateAdmissions Committee has determined you meet the requirements foradmission to our PhD program at the Universityof Minnesota.  However, before we can formally offer youadmission, you must be matched with an advisor. The advisor process is described below.

作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-3-10 14:04:57

2012-03-09 UMASS PHD 的 TW+CSC 这个是找老师要的 老师scan给我的 但是信上的日期是2012-02-21

February 21, 2012
Dear Mr. Chen:
I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted for graduate study at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. This acceptance is in the Doctor of Philosophy program in the Department of Food Science valid only for the Fall 2012 semester; admission at any other time cannot be assured. If you do not enroll for the Fall 2012 semester, it will be necessary for you to reapply. Readmission is not automatic and would be in competition with all other current applicants.
This admission is further contingent upon completion of your baccalaureate degree. An official copy of your final undergraduate transcript indicating receipt of your degree must be sent to this Office as soon as your undergraduate work is completed. This transcript must be received at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester; otherwise, you will not be permitted to enroll.
We encourage you to log into SPIRE to confirm your acceptance into this program or withdraw your application. After entering SPIRE, click on the 'Admissions' item in the menu on the left side of the screen, then select the 'Student Center for New Graduate Students'. There is a confimation status section that will allow you to inform the Graduate School of your enrollment plans.
Questions concerning assistantships and other program related matters should be addressed to the Department of Food Science; other questions may be referred to Dr. Patrick Sullivan, Assistant Dean of the Graduate School and Graduate Registrar. For further information about the University of Massachusetts Amherst you can access it through the World Wide Web at www.umass.edu/gradschool.
作者: donggnh    时间: 2012-3-11 11:02:08

12孩子们没有收到UF OFFER的么!
作者: xllz49    时间: 2012-3-12 14:44:02

32# donggnh 请问楼主是收到了吗?
作者: 小飞TT    时间: 2012-3-13 14:24:19

本帖最后由 小飞TT 于 2012-3-20 20:02 编辑

2012-03-09 收到 University of Missouri-Columbia 的MS的ADon probation的录取,因为俺英语太烂了。没有电子邮件形式的录取通知,网申上也声明了要自己联系系里面才会知道结果,这家的录取程序比较复杂,研究生院先是把材料收集好,然后给系里面,系里老师看好了会决定做哪个学生的advisor,然后推荐录取(所以必须要套磁么)我是没联系,也没套磁,就收到了平邮。信上内容是2月17号完成,寄出时间为2012-02-23,大概是半个月到国内的。正在纠结到底是不是正式录取的时候,学校发了电子邮件是催财产证明的= =|||。
已经证实是正式录取,哎,就是没钱啊- -
作者: 雯声文语    时间: 2012-3-15 15:54:34

本帖最后由 雯声文语 于 2012-3-20 20:17 编辑

2012-03-15 收到 Cornell 的phd的rej

Our Admissions Committee has reviewed your application for admission to the Graduate Field of Food Science and Technology at Cornell.  Decisions are based on all aspects of the application.  We also consider the fit of the student to the program in terms of their stated interests and the openings currently available in different faculty programs.
We received many applications from highly qualified students.  However, due to limited number of available openings, we are able to only admit a small percentage of applicants from the highly qualified applicant pool.  Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you admission.
Thank you for the interest in Food Science.  We wish you the best in your pursuit of a graduate program.
Martin Wiedmann
Director of Graduate Studies
Cornell University
Department of Food Science
412 Stocking Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-7201
作者: songkaijie5    时间: 2012-3-15 23:35:44

作者: lucyhongxue2002    时间: 2012-3-16 01:48:37

报个MSConditional AD from Umass 求赞rp

Conditional Admit You have been admitted to the Graduate School provided that you fulfill one or more conditions prior to your enrollment. These conditions will be specified on your admission letter. Typically, for a second semester senior, the condition is the completion of a baccalaureate degree and submission of a final transcript to the Graduate Admissions Office. In a few days, you will receive login credentials to our SPIRE student information system. When you do, please log into SPIRE and let us know if you plan to attend this program or not. If you do not receive this login information in the next 10 days, please contact our office at gradadm@grad.umass.edu or by phone at (413) 545-0722.
To get back to the Credential/Status Page click on the Back button of your browser.
作者: oyeon    时间: 2012-3-18 11:56:11

作者: olivia0220    时间: 2012-3-20 20:37:43

2012-03-19 收到Illinois Institute of Technology(IIT) 的Food Safety and TechnologyMS的AD攒rp~~
Dear Qian,

Congratulations! It is with great pleasure that I send this email to inform you
that you have been admitted to Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) to begin
your Master of Science in Food Safety and Technology in the 2012 Fall term.

Your official admission letter and I-20 (or DS-2019) are being sent by express
mail. You will soon receive an email that provides your SEVIS number and
package tracking information.

I would like to direct you toward some preliminary information that will assist
you in applying for a visa and preparing for your arrival in the United States.
You will find this information and more on our International Center website at
www.iit.edu/~internat/index.php. For information about campus housing, please
visit www.housing.iit.edu.

If you have questions, please feel free to email your admission specialist,
Dana Fogarty, at gradstu@iit.edu. We look forward to welcoming you to the IIT
community and we wish you success in your graduate studies.


Carlo U. Segre

Associate Dean for Graduate Admissions
作者: 雯声文语    时间: 2012-3-23 14:31:38

2012-03-23 收到UMASSrej:
As of March 22, 2012 your application and credentials have been reviewed by the academic program to which you applied. At this time, they were not able to offer you admission to the Graduate School. The University typically receives many more applications from qualified applicants than there are spaces available.
第二拒了。。攒rp 快爆发吧~~
作者: 外卖ET    时间: 2012-3-23 15:12:28

同LS,2012-03-23 收到UMASS的rej
作者: 小飞TT    时间: 2012-3-23 23:21:23

本帖最后由 小飞TT 于 2012-5-10 22:36 编辑

鉴于Virginia Tech的招生方式是:department推荐,然后研院再做最终结果。今天早些时候,同时发了邮件问Virginia Tech的研院和一个自己感兴趣的教授,结果得到如下回复:

I am sorry we will not be able to accept you this year.  We recently chose 6 students, out of the 87 applicants, who will be offered admission for the fall semester.   Typically, we only have the money and faculty availability to accept about 10% of our applicants each year.

A decision has not been made on your application.  Please continue to check your status through the guest account invitation that was sent to you when you applied.  We have asked that departments make their decision on fall international applications by May 15.


2012-05-10 今天是正式的decision letter,就是之前系里教授回复的rej。
decision内容,写得非常诚恳- -|||:

Dear ***,

Thank you for applying for graduate studies at Virginia Tech. We very much appreciate your
interest in our advanced degree programs. Faculty members responsible for graduate education
have carefully reviewed all applications for admission for the upcoming academic year and have
thoroughly discussed each one. We have now reached a decision about your application. We are
sorry to inform you that we cannot offer you admission to Virginia Tech at this time. The main
reason for this decision is that the Food Science and Technology program has already accepted the
maximum number of students its faculty can support.

We receive many applications for graduate study at Virginia Tech each year and unfortunately
are not able to admit all potential students. We understand you might be disappointed by this
decision, and wish you every success in your future pursuits.

Karen P. DePauw, Ph.D.
Vice President and Dean for Graduate Education

作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-3-29 13:01:54

2012-03-29 PSU PHD 的 Rej 这两天比较疯狂,PSU小蜜一个一个的写邮件拒人,但是邮件的内容都是一样的,没有教授主动联系,基本就等于据了

The Department of Food Science’s Graduate Admission Committee has carefully reviewed your application and we regret we are unable to offer you admission into our graduate program.   We wish you success in finding another graduate program that meets your needs and thank you for considering The Pennsylvania State University for your graduate studies.

作者: hongkeli    时间: 2012-3-29 21:53:59

2012-02-21 IIT MS 的AD 感谢群里的 Iris 的提供

Dear xxx,

Congratulations! It is with great pleasure that I send this email to inform you
that you have been admitted to Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) to begin
your Professional Master's in Food Safety and Technology in the 2012 Fall term.

Your official admission letter and I-20 (or DS-2019) are being sent by express
mail. You will soon receive an email that provides your SEVIS number and
package tracking information.

I would like to direct you toward some preliminary information that will assist
you in applying for a visa and preparing for your arrival in the United States.
You will find this information and more on our International Center website at
www.iit.edu/~internat/index.php. For information about campus housing, please
visit www.housing.iit.edu.

If you have questions, please feel free to email your admission specialist,
Dana Fogarty, at gradstu@iit.edu. We look forward to welcoming you to the IIT
community and we wish you success in your graduate studies.


Carlo U. Segre
Associate Dean for Graduate Admissions

Campus Wide ID Number (CWID):
This email was sent to: xxxx@gmail.com
作者: lian_zhuxi    时间: 2012-4-1 03:52:32

顶一下 方便操作
作者: CherrySX    时间: 2012-4-2 20:35:37

总结一下现在的申请情况,申了9间学校的master,现在有UMass, OhioSU的admission, drexel 的provision admitted,OregonSU的open, PennSU,UGA的reject(UGA的平邮没有收到,但是后来也没有发邮件给我,那应该是被拒了)。最后决定还是OSU好了...UMass和OhioSU 的admission都是套词才来的。
UMass admission:
Dear Xun,

Congratulations on your admission to UMass Amherst!

We are providing you with information to activate your University computing account, also known as an "OIT Account".  Your OIT Account gives you access to SPIRE, the campus student information system.  From SPIRE you can confirm your admission, check your "to do" list, view your financial aid information, and verify personal information.

*** Please log into SPIRE right away to confirm your admission or withdraw your application. ***

**Activate your OIT Account Online**

To activate your account and begin using SPIRE:
    1. Go to https://www.spire.umass.edu
    2. Click on *Activate Your Account* on the right side of the page
    3. Fill in the required information

Your NetID (OIT account user name) is: ****
Your temporary password is: ******

Note: If you have difficulty differentiating between some of the characters in your password, the numbers and letters are paired. (2 letters, 2 numbers, or the reverse).

If you have any questions or problems with your OIT Account, contact the OIT Help Desk at 413-545-9400 and ask to speak with an Account Manager.  (Please do not reply to this email.)

Once again, congratulations and welcome to UMass Amherst!


OIT Help Desk

Ohio SU  admission:


Congratulations on being admitted to The Ohio State University in the Food Science and Technology program.  Attached is your admit letter.  Please sign, date and return to me at your earliest convenience.

Should you have further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate in calling or email.

We look forward to seeing you in Autumn 2012 as you start your new adventure at The Ohio State Univeristy.

Karen M. Moore
Academic Program Coordinator

PennSU 的reject:

The Department of Food Science’s Graduate Admission Committee has carefully reviewed your application and we regret we are unable to offer you admission into our graduate program.

We wish you success in finding another graduate program that meets your needs and thank you for considering The Pennsylvania State University for your graduate studies.

Svend Pedersen
Administrative Aide
Department of Food Science
The Pennsylvania State University
207 Food Science Building
University Park, PA 16802
Ph:  814.863.4827
作者: 傻傻的驴子    时间: 2012-4-3 22:24:12

46# CherrySX
作者: 傻傻的驴子    时间: 2012-4-3 22:25:03

46# CherrySX
我想问的是ohio state u
作者: CherrySX    时间: 2012-4-5 15:57:05

48# 傻傻的驴子 复制搜索


是MS,我是套Professor Barringer 才给的录取
作者: 傻傻的驴子    时间: 2012-4-5 21:29:33

49# CherrySX
作者: CherrySX    时间: 2012-4-5 22:41:19

50# 傻傻的驴子 复制搜索


作者: james198711    时间: 2012-4-6 07:33:38

04/05/2012 收到 UNL phd offer
作者: xllz49    时间: 2012-4-7 19:20:24

04/07/2012 收到PSU phd offer,一周前收到了拒信···好⊙﹏⊙b汗
作者: 小飞TT    时间: 2012-5-10 22:21:05

2012-05-02收到North Dakota State University的MS的REJ
网申上面的decision letter:
Dear ***:
Your application for admission into the graduate program in MS - Food Safety at North Dakota State University has been given careful consideration. Unfortunately, your application has not been accepted for admission. If you have questions about the decision, you are welcome to contact the department.

I wish you every success in pursuing your educational goals.

David A. Wittrock, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Graduate and Interdisciplinary Studies
作者: 小飞TT    时间: 2012-5-18 01:30:00

2012-05-17收到North Carolina State University的MS的rej
上个月初的时候问过学校研院什么时候出结果,当时回复说“within this month”,结果还是又拖了半个月,结果还是rej,不过早些时候问过系里的教授,教授的回复很不乐观,所以这个rej还是意料之中。
作者: catfield    时间: 2013-4-7 00:05:15

作者: sadaharu0718    时间: 2016-11-10 14:08:35

前人栽树后人乘凉 好贴!

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