过年一直烧香,今日终于有信了,告别三无。 收到University of New Hampshire 化工PHD的offer of admission。但是整封信里头没有怎么提钱啊,唯一有关的一段是这么写的:
Please note that this letter is an offer of admission only. If you are awarded any financial assistance from the University, you will
be so notified by the department.
Please contact your department directly regarding who will serve as your advisor, and to answer any questions you may have
concerning your academic program.
最后还有Graduate School 的dean签名。我想请教一下,这是AD吗,怎么没有提奖学金呢?是说奖学金从系里头出吗?
祝大家早日收到offer,新年好事多多!作者: Monocol 时间: 2012-1-28 10:35:46