
标题: 求助:TPO 20 第一篇阅读13题 [打印本页]

作者: mingxiaxiaming    时间: 2012-2-11 23:56:09     标题: 求助:TPO 20 第一篇阅读13题

13.Transportation was becoming less of a problem of those who wished to move
west and for those who wished to move west and for those who had far surpluses to
send to market. (1)■Prior to 1815, western farmers who did not live on navigable
waterways were connected to them only by dirt roads and mountain trails.(2) ■
Livestock could be driven across the mountains, but the cost of transporting bulky
grains in this fashion was several times greater than their value in eastern markets.
(3)■ The first step toward an improvement of western transportation was the
construction of turnpikes. (4)■ These roads made possible a reduction in
transportation costs and thus agriculture along their routes.

Click on a square ( ■ )to insert the sentence in the passage.
In fact, goods could be shipped more cheaply across the much greater
distance of the Atlantic Ocean than they could from western New York to
coastal cities.

作者: idealibt    时间: 2012-2-12 00:55:35


Livestock could be driven across the mountains, but the cost  was several times greater than their value.

In fact, goods could be shipped more cheaply.

前一句的cost was greater 和插入句的more cheaply对应衔接上了

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