RT。好像想不出什么比较礼貌又正式的适合书面的问句。直接问When will I be informed of the department's decision about my application?好像不够委婉,用I would like to ask about....开头又感觉太无力,不知道各位都是怎么写的啊。我承认这段等待的日子让我性格都变得优柔寡断起来了,等offer的日子真不是人过的啊。:(作者: hotwxn711 时间: 2012-3-3 03:56:12
你就直接问,还管什么措辞啊。作者: austinfan 时间: 2012-3-3 05:39:25
开门见山~作者: 雪梦无痕 时间: 2012-3-3 06:05:48
和小米客气什么作者: winsterli 时间: 2012-3-3 08:01:36
我直接写的是May I inquire the admission decision?然后前后再加上一两句客套话,很抱歉在此时打扰,但我非常关心。。。。非常感谢作者: vickyzhao_328 时间: 2012-3-3 09:50:39
我是直接给出自己的信息然后说如果他能帮助我查一下情况我会很感谢~我用的就是楼主觉得无力的I would like to know the status of my application...作者: vane19870428 时间: 2012-3-3 09:57:42
我用的是更弱的:I am wondering whether a decision has been made about my application or not. 估计小蜜直接忽略了。6#vickyzhao_328作者: songweaver 时间: 2012-3-3 23:54:48
I'm writing to check my application status, could you please be so nice to tell me is there anything new recently with my application? Thanks.作者: ruyitree 时间: 2012-3-4 13:30:37