
标题: 马甲之daily writting [打印本页]

作者: 逼我用马甲    时间: 2012-3-6 21:30:44     标题: 马甲之daily writting

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作者: idealibt    时间: 2012-3-7 20:58:36

作者: 逼我用马甲    时间: 2012-3-7 21:09:02

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作者: hipop1901    时间: 2012-3-7 21:25:47

作者: 猫屎咖啡加冰否    时间: 2012-3-8 15:31:36

Many people choose telephone or voicemessaging to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others. Of cause【course】 that is a good way of communication, since through voice, more information canbe transmitted and less misunderstanding will exist. However, I prefer      【to use】using e-mail or text message tocommunicate with others when discussing upset or controversial problems.
The most compelling thing【reason】people will chosetelephone or voice messaging in such a situation is for its convenience. Sure【undeniably/there is no denying that /indeed/ undoubtedly】 through voice communicating, you don’t need to type words or organizeparagraphs, you don’t need to rack your brain to make your wordsunderstandable, all you have to do is to speak it out. However, convenience isnot the goal we should pursue in this case. What we truly care in this situationis to solve the problem intelligently. Unfortunately, words do always skip outof our lips quicker than we consider the suitability of them in our minds. Andlots of meaningless quarrels just come out with these words. So, this “voice-typeof communication” might not be appropriate if really we want to solve thecontroversy.
Compared to direct talking, the bestadvantage an e-mail or a text message has in communication is that you canmodify the expression you would like others to understand through deepthinking. And that means we can solve the problem by our intelligence insteadof emotion. Besides, we can also try to moderate the tone of theletter/message, and by doing this, we can really avoid useless【unnecessary】 quarrels. Everyoneneeds time and space to acknowledge their mistakes, and e-mail/message justcreates such time and space. Even there are no mistakes in one’s viewpoint of aproblem, the e-mail/message just give【offer】 people enough time to calm down andre-consider their opinion and【also】 a chance to know another way in understanding theproblem【another side of the issue】. Without impulse, communication can be simple and effective.
So, as I mentioned before, “voice-type ofcommunication【communication by voice】” may have its advantage in discuss【ing】 upsetting or controversialproblems with others, like its convenience, while compared【ing】 it with an e-mail ora text message, I think the latter is better, given the reasons I provide inthe paragraph.
作者: caisdhappy    时间: 2012-3-8 16:51:26

作者: 逼我用马甲    时间: 2012-3-8 20:59:42

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作者: jojolovelife    时间: 2012-3-9 18:46:20

作者: 佐左927    时间: 2012-3-10 22:43:56

作者: 逼我用马甲    时间: 2012-3-12 22:23:35

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作者: ilovevicky    时间: 2012-3-13 14:55:56

10# 逼我用马甲

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should help children to do their work or encourage children to do their work independently.

These days people seem to come to the agreements that when their children are challenged by a hard work, all the parents should do is to stand aside and be a cheerleader. Indisputable这里用副词吧应该, it does have benefits, such as culturing their courage when facing difficulties, their 这里主语是谁?指代不明。capability of settle puzzlers. However, in some cases, just to encourage children is not enough, parents should help their children to do their works when the youngsters are not ready enough.

First of all, to encourage children on problems they are not able to settle is just going to frustrated (frustrate) them. As we all know, self-confidence is one of the most important characters in a person’s lifetime. If one is keep trying over and over again but the result just comes out the opposite way he/she wishes, he/she will probably feel awful and lose interest on the certain thing. Take me as an example, when I was 10 years old, as a four-grade elementary school student, my P.E. teacher taught us horse vaulting and asked us to practice. I was too nervous to finish that jumping and my teacher encouraged me of that. Finally, I screwed my courage and rush to the vault, and guess what? I just banged into the vault with a bump on my head. From then on, I have never tried to vaulting again, even I’ve got quite good resilience. In this case, the best thing of the parents or elders is to wait until the children are ready to handle.
Encourage help不是一个概念,至少你应当解释下关系吧,我承认鼓励是帮助的一个方面,但是你这里直接上来就说encourage 不好,又偏题之嫌哦。
Second, children learn from their parents through watching their movements, increasing feeling 这里用feel ,有点中式英语哦their confidence. How parents carrying out the work will always be a model to their children. Showing ways of solution would be a fantastic education method. We may find that children often copy their parents’ ways of talking, walking or eating, since learning from elders is an effective way of acquiring living skills. We may also find that a doctor’s child often grow up being a doctor, a teacher’s child being a teacher, a lawyer’s child being a jurist. So, when children are not able to come through a puzzle, just show it, displays the right way of settling the problem. Later, the child himself/herself will be able to do as good as you did before.
In sum, always to encourage a child to do his/her work on their own may sometimes be harmful in culture his/her self-confidence; on the contrary, to show the work can be done down correctly may sometimes set a good example to them and hence helping them do it much better. 额这句怎么有点别扭亚,像是中式英语哦。。。。

作者: 逼我用马甲    时间: 2012-3-14 14:16:31

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作者: echo.f    时间: 2012-3-15 18:43:33

本帖最后由 echo.f 于 2012-3-15 18:53 编辑


Do you agree or disagree withthe following statement it is more enjoyable to buy a new technological devicewhen it becomes available than wait until many people have owned it.

These days, people become more and more craze应该是crazy aboutowning a new technological device as soon as it is available. However, for me in personal好像没见过这样的表达,可以用in my personal view, I prefer waitinguntil many people have owned it. I will explain the reason of choosing thatway.

First of all, a newtechnological device never means a best technological device. On the contrary,there always exist flaws ofcharacteristics of a new emerging device. Take the windowswindows大写) operatingsystem for an example, when it first come to us, the interface is lessfriendly, the operating speed is slower, and there is less personalized optionsfor users. Besides, the stability of technologies in a new invented device isnot as good as later versions of the device. For example, the first version oflingoes software (a word translation tool) self-closes more often than now这里用now感觉不对,是不是用 theversion of today更好. Andalso, there are always fewerfunctions in the earlier version of the device than the later ones. We all knowthat when cellphones are firstly been created, they can only be used to call others, but now, thefunctions of a cellphone varies from calling or texting someone to surfing theinternet or playing angry bird. So, in order to own a more perfecttechnological device, one has to waiting (这里不用ing)until the technology of thedevice is mature.

In addition, a new technological devicecost more money when it first comes into the market. To give an example, whenthe personal computer firstly caughtpeople's eye这个表达感觉不对, itcosts more than 10 thousand RMB in China. While now, after more than 20 yearsof being popular, the average price of a laptop decreases to less than 4thousand RMB. As students like me, we don't have leisure money to buy luxuries这个词好像不准确,是用来形容时间的吧,用spare会好些应该. Allwe have to do is to wait until the price of a necessary become acceptable.

To sum up, if one wants to buy a bettertechnological device with less money, one has to wait.

作者: 逼我用马甲    时间: 2012-3-15 19:54:50

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作者: 逼我用马甲    时间: 2012-3-16 14:22:44

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作者: echo.f    时间: 2012-3-17 13:07:13

As movies and television have become more and more popular among society, parents have blamed television more on affecting children negatively. They attribute children's weird dressing and dyed hair to movies and television. Yet I don't agree with this opinion, on the contrary, movies and television can have a positive effect on the young, depending on the way their parents tutor them.

Admittedly, there are plenty of unhealthy elements showing on movies and television, violence, drugs, robbery, as many as you can name it. And without appropriate guiding, children are probably to learn these evil(这里用名词evil的话要加s吧) from movies and television. However, it’s not the movies or television who have the ability to affect the youth. Rejection of the devil doesn't the devil is not exist.(这句话感觉有点怪,是本来就有这种说法么?) And even without movies and television, children can get their way to the dark side of the world if they want to. Furthermore, what movies and television can really affect children on the negative side is no more than dressing strangely or acting adultly. A movie will never be able to teach a child how to be evil.(这一段用evil蛮多,是不是可以换一些别的表达)

Besides, movies and television programs are graded, a film reflects too many evil or cruel aspect of the world will not be allowed to the youth. Like in America, a 14 years old girl will not have the chance to sit alone in the cinema watching "The graduate"(是不是简单的说一下有哪些不合适的情节会好一些). In this situation, not any movie can have a negative effect on any child.

Moreover, compared to their negative effects, movies or television can influence a child positively in many ways. The youngster can learn the skill of speaking through a talk show,分开的 ,the ability of cuisine through a cooking show, and the sentiment of protecting our homeland through watching a movie like the planet earth. Like sunny days will always appear more than the raining ones, a positive guide from the movies and television will definitely more than its bad influence.

In sum, although there may be a negative effect on the youngster of a movie or television, the positive ones will always be much more than that.

作者: 佐左927    时间: 2012-3-18 17:05:25

作者: 佐左927    时间: 2012-3-19 20:31:40


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