
标题: 作文专贴~kkmm130 [打印本页]

作者: kkmm130    时间: 2012-3-11 23:31:12     标题: 作文专贴~kkmm130

本帖最后由 kkmm130 于 2012-3-11 23:36 编辑

作者: kkmm130    时间: 2012-3-12 19:24:01

3.12 TPO7 综合
In the lecture, there are there points showed the opposite opinion to the specific points made in the reading passage.
Firstly,the American consumers will not treat all the advertisement the same.They distinguish the one made by companies and the others made by the international organization which provided the certification. Then they will know the truth of which is the new and improved products.
Second point, some research show that the American consumers just concern more about the price when they have large difference. If the ecocertified wood in a controlled price which is under the higher of 5%, more consumers will give up the local wood companies.
At last, being no ecocertification means lost power of compete in the market even though the local companies don't do business abroad.Because the foreign companies will come in.When the certificated companies go into the American market, the ecocertified wood will attract more and more consumers.
作者: kkmm130    时间: 2012-3-12 19:24:24

3.12 独立

which kinds of university do you prefer universities whose graduates can find good jobs or universities where there are famous professors?
Obviously, university play an important role in our life of study.choosing university will influence the life and the interesting in learning.
Of course the one which can help you find a good job can attract many people and provide a charming future to its students.But in my opinion, the universities which have famous professors are best choices for me.The reasons are followed:
First, I hold that successful student must be helped with a great teacher. As the famous word: teacher is the soul engineer. So if we study in a university with many famous professors, the chance that meeting a great teacher to oneself is larger than others. That do show more important in our life than a good job or something else. The teachers may not only help you find a good job but also get ready to be successful in the region which you study in.
What's more, no one can deny that interesting will upset one's work and be good to received a good result. Famous professors can lead the student to the colorful world of their major. When the students have got into their major ,they will do well in the future works.
Finally, getting a good job is not mean to hold the job stably. Best skills and being always in progress are the basis for holding a job. The teachers who are famous in their work can train you with these things in a right way.
In a conclusion,paying too much attention to the job will mislead your choice and result in missing many chances that you may meet the leader of your interesting.So it's no doubt that universities with many famous professors are the better choice.
作者: eileen73    时间: 2012-3-13 12:11:35

作者: 佐左927    时间: 2012-3-13 18:25:49

作者: 佐左927    时间: 2012-3-13 18:31:30

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... p;page=2&extra=
作者: kkmm130    时间: 2012-3-13 21:36:23

3.13 独立写作

do you agree or disagree with the following statement it is important to know about what is happening around the world, even if it doesn’t affect your personal lives.

Nowadays, thanks to the development of the media, we can know about what is happening around the world. At the same time we face the the dilemma to think whether knowing about the news is important to us.
Of course, some people will argue that if it doesn't affect themselves, the time they spend on it is a wasting. Although I admit that knowing about the things that is happening will need a lot of time, I
still think that it's impotant to care about what is happening around the world. Knowing these thins will influence the communicationthe impression and the work that you have been never
thinking of.
Further evidence of knowing the happening things is important comes from a survey of a magazine. The survey shows that 56% people choose a well-know people to be a friend, 32% will like to talk with the one know the things about the world, the rest are think that is not important. Obviously, if you know what's happening around the world, you can do well in the communicating with others and attract more focus.To be the center of your friends, you should always collect the information around the world and show that when you're talking with others.
What's more, leaving a outstanding impression is an important thing that at the time you first come to someone. So something happened around the world and looked like not affecting you can be use for example at sometime. When you illuminate some news as example to support your idea, that will present a deeply impression to you leader co-workers or companions. Good impression can offer many things good to your life.
Finally but not least, I hold the view that knowing about the happening things can help the works. Everything in the world have inner connection with each other, so collecting more information will give widerthinking to the work. Not only does the supporting by the above words but also comes from my experience. As I was doing a town planning in a team, we met a trouble with the traffic planning. A news that there
is a town in the northern of China that have been never involved in traffic jams point out a way that we could use in our planning. Then a remarkable traffic planning had been finished. Knowing the things happening around give an essential help to the work.
After ruminating over all above factors, I come to the notion that knowing about what is happening around the world is very important. Thinking over how important the role that communication impression and work paly
in one's life and knowing news can help to develop these things. So I think the importance of Knowing news is occurring to us.
作者: Frankie0616    时间: 2012-3-14 09:50:50

revised ~回改哟
作者: kkmm130    时间: 2012-3-14 19:51:39

作者: 猫屎咖啡加冰否    时间: 2012-3-14 22:21:04

作者: Frankie0616    时间: 2012-3-15 10:42:48

revised~ 回改啊~
作者: kkmm130    时间: 2012-3-15 20:48:40

作者: kkmm130    时间: 2012-3-16 20:45:54

作者: heetion    时间: 2012-3-17 13:56:23

Thanks to the development of technology, movies and television become a part of our daily life. It's generally that many unrealistic fantasy and crime scenes present in movies or program(s) of TV and some unpredictable even harmful actions of young people have occurred in the society which are influenced by the TV and movie. So some people make a conclusion that TV and movies will effect young people's behavior in a wrong way. On the compotatory, I hold the opposite view that movies and television are far more significant than their negative effection.There are countless evidences can strengthen my notion, here, I will just (presence){present} the most cogent evidences which are related to importance of collecting information , having a common pace with surrounding and enjoying a relaxing life.

First and foremost, television an movies can spread some information about the world to us at once and make the world smaller and smaller【恕我愚见,持续的动作才能产生持续的变化,这里知否单用个small就够了呢?】. If you give them up for abandoning the negative effects, you will fall behind the pace of the world. The missing information can influence your work and life. What's more, it's brilliant things that the movies and TV programme(s) often contain much more than the bad things. To update your taste of art, you also (can't){can not}【正规,不缩写】 go away from movies and TV.

(what's){What} I rely on is the reason that having known some current affairs can improve your relation with acquaintance. Because of always (attracting){attracted}【主语是you吧?】 by the same movies and TV programme(s), your friends and co-workers will discuss {the} same thing or (sharing){share}【前面都是DO,后面咋要ING呢?】 opinions on it, so (wether){whether}【这个词很有趣的~不妨查查看~】 you can join that or not will hamper your communication with them.【后半句属于逻辑错误吧,whether就包含了 or not 的意思,而且是否加入都会 hamper 么?】 To enlarge the social cycle, knowing about fashionable movies and television is a wise way.

Last but not least, with the faster pace of life in the modern world, choosing a way to be relaxing play(s) a significant role in life. Obviously, watching a movie or television is a cheap and common method people always like. To avoid the negative emotions coming from hard work harm our emotion, we also can not live without movies and TV.【“为了避免来自艰苦工作的伤害或者其他什么的负面情绪,我们离了电影电视也不能活” 是不是逻辑错误?】

As ruminating all above, I can safely draw a reasonable conclusion that the movies and tele vision offer enormous positive influences on our life. Even something bad in movies and television had a bad effect on the young, but that just happen in a few immature groups . Not only can the movies and television relax you but also effect your life positively.


作者: kkmm130    时间: 2012-3-17 18:07:36

3.17 独立写作
作者: xydxuyidan    时间: 2012-3-19 18:39:07

作者: echo.f    时间: 2012-3-19 21:08:36

It's known to all that a school with many famous teachers may be highlighted by all. Excellent teachers play an essential role in teaching and helping students. On the other hand, thanks to the development of technology, facilities in school become much more widely used. So we will have a debate that which of them is more significant, the teacher or the facility? I do have supported that improve facilities can help more students and be in more helpful. I will presence (present)some evidence (to)strengthen my notion here.
First and foremost, famous teachers just some elites in the group of teachers, hence, they can be only a little part. With realizing the importance of knowledge eventually by people, our desire for studying are (is)urgently. By the growing numbers of students, teachers' requirement is more large(这一句换个说法比较好,more and more teachers are required). As a consequence, lacking of famous teacher is to be common in many places. On the compotatory(这个词是?), improving good facilities for required cost far less time than to train a famous teacher, so paying more attention to building technical facility will slove the lack (of teachers)well.
What I rely on is the reason that, nowadays, students shall develop their self-study ability. Teachers' function is not only to teach knowledge but also the skill in learning. Students need to test their harvest in somewhere. At this situation, facilities can offer good service. For instance, my experience extraordinarily proved that facility can help develop ability of self-study. My university built an high-technology library for students with high-speed Internet and admitting us to research for resource of all topic form all over the world. By the help with that, I finished my creative test and gain award in country's competition. Teachers help me with the way of research and then I do the work in the library myself. As a conclusion, maybe you can't be teached(taught) by a famous teacher, but the high-tech facility can also improve your work and study in the excellent way.
Last but not least, facilities can do good to students' comprehensive ability. In the modern facilities of school, computers and many technological equipments are open up to students. These things may be beyond a famous teacher's knowledge. So the students must use the equipments by themselves to further their skills of these tools. For the knowledge can really be use in life or work, good facilities is needed.
After ruminating all above, from the cogent evidence I can safely confirm my notion that facilities play a more important role in school than hiring famous teachers. To be helpful with more students, to be improving skillful comprehensive abilities and to be perfectly solving the lack of famous teachers. Facilities should be pay more attention(to)!

作者: kkmm130    时间: 2012-3-19 21:50:38

3.19 独立
作者: xydxuyidan    时间: 2012-3-19 23:36:20

作者: 佐左927    时间: 2012-3-20 14:23:26

3.19 独立已改
作者: kkmm130    时间: 2012-3-21 22:31:00

3.21 独立写作

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