
标题: hku 的med 有拿到 educational administration and management的offer的嘛? [打印本页]

作者: mypenelope    时间: 2012-3-15 11:11:26     标题: hku 的med 有拿到 educational administration and management的offer的嘛?

hku 的med 有拿到 educational administration and management的offer的嘛?等得好辛苦呀,是都还没开始发呢?还是我已经没戏了呢???求大虾
作者: mypenelope    时间: 2012-3-15 11:12:23

作者: marrazio    时间: 2012-3-23 21:36:23

我也申了HKU的MEd,是general education方向。不过收到一封这样的e-mail.
不知有戏没?还是被WL了?真心求offer啊>.< 等得伤不起。求解读!
Your application has been forwarded to Dr. Lykins (Course co-ordinator) for his consideration. Applicants who are short-listed may be invited to attend interview/phone interview from late March to April 2012. Successful applicants will be informed of their results by email after the interviews.

Faculty of Education

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