
标题: 【daily writing 作业】Flyingfie2012作文贴 [打印本页]

作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-20 23:41:36     标题: 【daily writing 作业】Flyingfie2012作文贴

本帖最后由 FlyingFie 于 2012-3-22 18:22 编辑

319 101211 do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People think it is more enjoyable to work three days a week for long time than work five days a week for shorter time"

Nowadays more and morepeople begin to focus not only on how to earn more money, but also how toimprove their quality of lives. Some prefer to work overtime for 3 days andhave free the rest of the week, then they would have time for their family andfriends, as well as to do things that they probably could not catch, if theywere at work. Others rather work five days just like we do now. As far as I concerned,working 5 days for a shorter time is better.

5 working days gavepeople ability to make a better use of time. As people normally have 8 hours towork everyday, and still have enough time for their daily tasks. Take me as anexample. I have a easy access to go shopping after work. However, If I had alonger time at work, I would not be able to do my shopping at grocery storebefore it got closed. Moreover, a family with children would have a even hardertime to figure out, either they shall hire a baby-sitter to pick up theirchildren from kindergarten, if they would have 3 working days a week. Thus, 5working days can bring more relaxing and leisure time everyday to an individualas well as one's family.

Comparing with the ideaof working 3 days for longer time, people neither have any job related healthproblems. As the working hour is not extended too long, people will notexperience anxiety, tiredness and great pressure, which could lead to serioustroubles at work. In contrast, 3 days intensive working will navigate peopletowards having stress relationship with colleagues.
If one gets exhausted and runs out of patient, a carelesswording can do harm to his/her popularity among other co-workers. what ismore,
the tiredness can cause severeinjury at work due to the tiredness. It is obvious that 3 working days do nogood for people's health.

Only work 3 days a weeksounds very attractive, but people can not be better-off in terms of lackingtime for daily practice and health issues. Therefore 5 working day is moreenjoyable.

今天第一天开始练写作,咬烂了N个笔帽,才写成这个天怒人怨的样儿,求板儿砖!!! 要狠狠地。。 我会努力的,哎,下个月就要烤了。。
作者: Arthur2012    时间: 2012-3-21 00:59:17

1# FlyingFie 已修改,加油!
作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-21 02:27:55

作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-21 06:43:23

3.20 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? people now are easier to become educated than in the past.

Just a century ago thatonly the noble and the rich had access to education, while left the majority ofpeople in the society illiterated. It was nearly impossible for a peasant tosend his son to go to school and later on having a decent life. However, thishas been changed dramatically thanks to the global economy and information era.People now can readily get enrolled in any kind of courses to gain theknowledge.

The rapid growth ofglobal economic requires elite human resources, for which triggers the governmentsfrom all over the world to focus on develop an easy entry to learning in orderto meet the future challenge. To ensure the national economy would have sustainabledevelopment without running out human capacity, governments by all means modifytheir strategy to acquire as many as possible to get well- trained. Forinstance, building up schools in rural areas, so that students do not need totake any transportation and travel long distance to study. As a result, a greatincreasing number of students show up in the class.

Living in the informationera, high technology also plays an essential role in providing information andknowledge that are close to hand. People now can obtain knowledge anywhere atanytime. Recently I just assigned an online course, which enabled me to studywith a great flexibility. As a part of my job, I traveled a lot. This programmakes it possible for me to complete my training regardless my mobility.

There is no doubt that itis much easier to get educated now than ever. Along with governmentsreinforce their investment into education and the development of technology;people may absorb knowledge more easily in the future.


作者: Arthur2012    时间: 2012-3-21 09:46:47

4# FlyingFie 已改,加油!
作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-21 10:07:35

作者: Arthur2012    时间: 2012-3-21 10:16:33

本帖最后由 Arthur2012 于 2012-3-21 10:22 编辑

4# FlyingFie 已改,加油!Sorry,刚才网太差,没加上去
作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-21 23:13:01

2010.2.11-parentsshould allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their ownmistakes.

The whole evolution process of human development is full of explorationand adventure. Since nobody is born to be perfect, it is OK to make mistakes.Learning from errors, which, in essence, is the key to the cheerful success.Especially when it comes to children's own mistakes, which parents shall kindlytolerate.

The ability of"learning-by-doing" is crucial for the psychological development ofchildren. Parents' reaction on their children's behavior have an huge impact onchildren's emotion. If a child receive a negative signal from his/her parents,he/she usually would relate this kind of behavior with a punishment. Thus, theywould refuse to try it later on or even create a hatred over for it. Just likemy nephew Mike did at age one. Over a period of time he acted strangely- beinganxious, while uninterested in things, so his mom took him to a shrink. After along conversation with the psychiatrist, the mom realized that she should notband the son from try to crawling on the floor, even though he might pick upthings and put strictly into his mouth or making other mistakes. What parentsneglected is that they interrupt the normal learning process of a child underthe name of protection, which led them to the extreme, namely over-protection.

Exercising on children's own failure plays also an important role inthe physical development of children. At toddler age, children begin to noticetheir own existence as well as their surroundings, they are so curious foreverything, yet do not know all about how to master it, hence mistake follows.However, this is not the end of the world. Children are talented, they noticewhat they did incorrectly and try it next time with a new method. In contrast,parents failed to give their children the opportunity to learn from mistakes,can fall into an unexpected situation. Recently I just read a news that due toSARS in 2003, many babies born that year in Hong Kong have problems with theirsense of balance. In some of the severe cases, children are unable to ridebikes. Because parents kept them indoors all the time to avoid infection. Withouttraining their bodies to cooperate one part to another at community facilities,they now result in functional disability.

Parents always wish all the best to their children. They do by allmeans prevent their beloved ones from danger, injury and unforeseeable suddenevents. However, parents may overlook the side effect of being over- protectedand unconsciously harm their children. Therefore, parents shall let their children learn from their ownmistakes.

(402 words)



作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-22 00:54:12

322 110815NA one of yourclassmates needs help with some schoolwork. Which solution would you recommendyour classmate should do: to ask you for help or to find a professional tutorfor help. Include reasons and details to in your response.

It is natural that students have questions regardingto their school assignment. When this kind of questions raised, they oftenwonder whom they shall turn to, another classmate or a professional tutor? Personally,I would say, it depends on the situation. I would first ask about what kind ofhelp he/she needed, and if it is something that I am definitely sure about, Ican do her a favor. However, if I am unfamiliar with or doubt about thespecific thing he/she asked, I would suggest him/her to go and talk to theprofessional tutor.

If I am absolutely sure that I can help my classmate,I will do it strict away. So he/she will not have to spend time and energy onfinding student counselor. Besides, we are classmates; we suppose to help eachother. In this case, I understand my fellow student better than student counselordo, as I only have about 60 classmates, we know each other better than one, whohas over 1000 students need to taking care of. Take me as an example, last semester;we had a group assignment, that required to be handed in within 3 weeks. Daniel,a classmate of mine asked that he was not assigned to any group due to hisabsence. He wanted to talk to the course secretary- Jane, who might help him tofind a group, which has less than 5 students. Knowing his problem, I welcomedhim into our group, as we only had 3 members. As a result, he did not book ameeting with the secretary, instead spent time with my group discussion.

However, when it comes to the point, where I am indoubt about I can help, professional tutor can be a better choice. Sinceunconsciously misleading my classmate to totally another direction made me feelguilty. Moreover, on certain issues such as documentation needed for requiringa scholarship laid a huge responsibility on me, which is too much to bear. Aminor error can result in my classmate could not get it because of theinformation I gave. One of my friends- Jane had just experienced that. Sheclaimed that her classmate Marry told her the wrong exam date, so she failed. Whatis more, she had to cancel her fight ticket to Paris for winter vacation andgot ready for the re-exam. Now they hold a cold war, and have not said a singleword to each other.

I like to help my fellow students, as long as I have acomplete control for what I can help him/her for. Else I will ask him/her toget help from a professional tutor .

(443 words)

作者: Arthur2012    时间: 2012-3-22 11:17:29

8# FlyingFie 已改,写挺好的,加油,共勉!
作者: xydxuyidan    时间: 2012-3-22 20:11:13

It is natural that students have questions regarding to their school assignment. When this kind of questions raised, they often wonder whom they shall turn to, another classmate or a professional tutor? Personally,I would say, it depends on the situation. I would first ask about what kind of help he/she(我不确定这样斜杠的表达是不是规范哈,我一般直接就写he...因为觉得后面总是说两种情况有点麻烦) needed, and if it is something that I am definitely sure about, Ican do her (人称乱了哦)a favor. However, if I am unfamiliar with or doubt about the specific thing he/she asked, I would suggest him/her to go and talk to theprofessional tutor.8 p- H0 q/ r) t+ ^* i

If I am absolutely sure that I can help my classmate,I will do it strict away. So he/she will not have to spend time and energy onfinding student counselor. Besides, we are classmates; we suppose to help eachother. In this case, I understand my fellow student better than student counselordo, as I only have about 60 classmates, we know each other better than one, who has over 1000 students need to taking care of(to take care of ). Take me as an example, last semester;we had a group assignment, that required to be handed in within 3 weeks. Daniel,a classmate of mine asked that he was not assigned to any group due to his absence. He wanted to talk to the course secretary- Jane, who might help him to find a group, which has less than 5 students. Knowing his problem, I welcomed him into our group, as we only had 3 members. As a result, he did not book a meeting with the secretary, instead spent time with my group discussion.# o3 G& w&() R. Q4 j/ ~(jue)
However, when it comes to the point, where I am in doubt about I can help, professional tutor can be a better choice. Since unconsciously misleading my classmate to totally another direction made me feelguilty. Moreover, on certain issues such as documentation needed for requiring a scholarship laid a huge responsibility on me, which is too much to bear.(这句话有点看不懂意思。。LZ可以考虑改写一下。。) Aminor error can result in my classmate could not get it because of the information I gave. One of my friends- Jane(建议换个名字,上面出现过一次了,哈哈这是我英文名) had just experienced that. Sheclaimed that her classmate Marry told her the wrong exam date, so she failed. Whatis more, she had to cancel her fight(flight) ticket to Paris for winter vacation and got ready for the re-exam. Now they hold a cold war, and have not said a single word to each other.' @8 b5 }1 t4 z  T) N( E$ N
I like to help my fellow students, as long as I have acomplete control for what I can help him/her for. Else I will ask him/her to get help from a professional tutor .

题目是说with schoolwork,which的中文的翻译是“课堂作业,学校作业”(来自百度字典),所以楼主的论据有那么点小远。

1.开头:ask me for help
3.问我很方便,因为大家是同学,一起上课一起住学校,随时都能交流,而老师不一定随时都能见到(prefessional tutor是特指家庭教师还是学校老师呢?如果是家教的话,还能说家教贵浪费钱;如果是学校老师的话,就说他们一直在外面do research,很难见到)

另外thanks for 帮我批作文,我24号考试了,用的是材料是去年前年考过的题目,木有连接只有纸质版哇,这个网上多的是,如果考试不近的话,就跟着那个作文互改给的话题写好了~~

作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-23 04:41:35

323 101218NA
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Two peoplecan become good friends even if one of them has more money than the other

Everyone can readily call someone as theirfriend, but deeply in their heart, they do not mean it. They choose to do so,because under the name of friend, they can get benefit from each other, inother words, this derives by their own interest rather than having a purefriendship. In my mind, people with this thought, do not deserve to be calledfriend. A true friendship does not have any kind of money involved, as it isall about either they fit to each other or not.

The same interest is more important in afriendship than money. With shared interests friends can talk about theirhobbies for days and enjoy the same activity together. Moreover, theyunderstand each other better than outsiders. Just like Jim and Bob, my fellowstudents from college, they are really good friends. For people who do not knowthem, may think that they are brothers. Both of them are enthusiastic aboutplaying chess. They spend most of their time, by side of study, to talk aboutthe tactics for each step in the game as well as practice with each other.Unlike Jim, the son of a successful businessman, Bob comes from an ordinaryfamily, which barely can afford his study fee. The different background doesnot separate them apart, instead Jim shared his dormitory with Bob on his expenses.

The completely opposite personality can alsoshape a enjoyable accompany. The latest living standard survey conducted by EU(European Union) shows that 10% of the Europeans do have friends, who aretotally the opposite type of themselves. For that I had experienced in myuniversity. Jane and Marry were exchange students from Britain. They are inmany ways, just like fire to water, or hot to cold. Jane is very talkative andsocial, whereas Marry is very quiet and isolated. Despite their contradictorypersonalities, Marry neither has that much money as Jane does. But that doesnothing to their companionship, in my eyes, they are a good match. Jane is verygood at find a topic to talk about, while Marry is a perfect listener.

There is no doubt about two people can be goodfriend regardless of who is richer than the other. In fact, money is nothing,if people can find their soul mates.

(382 words)


作者: cxdyx    时间: 2012-3-23 11:15:44

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: xydxuyidan    时间: 2012-3-23 11:42:11

12# FlyingFie

Good luck to all my gt friends:victory:
作者: Arthur2012    时间: 2012-3-23 12:36:38

本帖最后由 Arthur2012 于 2012-3-23 15:09 编辑

9# FlyingFie 写的不错,恭喜已经在半小时内就写到400+
作者: iBT20120304    时间: 2012-3-23 17:47:06

作者: xydxuyidan    时间: 2012-3-23 20:27:27

作者: Arthur2012    时间: 2012-3-23 22:13:29

http://115.com/file/cls4bj1h 这个地址可以下PPT版的
作者: Arthur2012    时间: 2012-3-24 15:07:30

本帖最后由 Arthur2012 于 2012-3-24 15:10 编辑

12# FlyingFie 已改,恩,写的越来越好了。就是有一点不足,你睡觉睡得太晚了。
作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-24 21:30:16

324 100213NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who cannot acceptcriticism will not succeed in a team.

Living in a modernsociety, we can not avoid to have teamwork with others. Generally speaking, forpeople who are succeeded in their teams, they always share certain characters,such as generosity, kindness, intelligence and the list goes on. In contrast,people cannot accept criticism can not succeed in a group. Since a greatleadership associates with the ability to admit that one is not perfect.Therefore, group members can step in and help the individual throughsuggestions.

Rejecting criticaladvices from other team members can harm one's career. No one would like towork with a person, who easily gets offended by receiving unfavorable feedbackfrom others. Moreover, unwilling to receive negative comments, one isconsidered to be overconfident, in other words, self- centered, which isolatedhim/her from the rest of the team. In addition, from the supervisors' point ofview, people, that have a hard time on taking negative comments from peers, arenot mature enough to have a more important role in their unit, result inmissing the opportunity to get promoted. My friend Nancy just experienced that.There is no doubt about she was the excellent student in her university, andone of the most efficient employees at work, but she did not get the positionof department manager last year. Nancy was told, that she very often defendedpersistently for herself when other judged on her work. Gradually nearly no onewould bother to try it any longer, and left my friend alone in her own world.Taking this drawback into consideration, her boss, then, decided to chooseanother candidate even though Nancy was better on decision-making.

Without listening toothers evaluation towards oneself, can also lead to falling from beingsuccessful. As history shows us, no one can continuously having significantinfluence for the whole cooperation, as one loses his ability to appreciateothers' critique. Take Lee Zicheng, the leader of remarkable rebellion at theend of Ming dynasty as an example. Lee started to form his army force, when theMing emperor Chongzhen levied a heavy tax on his people. At the beginning ofthe movement, Lee successfully conquered more than half of Ming's territory bybeing generous and willing to hear different voices from his followers.However, this did not lasting very long. After Lee temporarily won the battleover for Beijing, he moved into The forbidden city, and acted as he were theemperor for a new era. Since then, he did not want to hear anything, but how tomake his life more enjoyable. If anybody dared to criticize on his behavior,the consequence was fatal. Ultimately, many of Lee's followers lost faith tohim and left him behind to face the enormous charges. One man alone, Lee couldnot defeat his enemy, and the revolution ended with failure.

It is clear that with notolerance to accepting criticism from others, no one can be succeeded in ateam. As it is an important social skill for an individual to be able tocommunicate and interact with other members, in order to achieve the overallgoal. However, the one that giving sharpen feedback should also keep it in arespectful and favorable manner, so it is easier for others to swallow.

(541 words)


作者: Arthur2012    时间: 2012-3-25 00:10:04

20# FlyingFie 已改,加油!
作者: Igoon    时间: 2012-3-25 20:12:42

20# FlyingFie 个人浅见,仅供参考!另外,下次最好能直接写在word里面,好修改。
作者: ilovevicky    时间: 2012-3-25 21:29:21

22# Igoon 谢谢你详细的修改,一起加油哈,附件传不上只好直接贴了。。。。
Living in a modern society, we can not avoid to have (having) teamwork with others. Generally speaking, for people who are succeeded in their teams, they always share certain characters, such as generosity, kindness, intelligence and the list goes on.这个用法我学习了!
In contrast, people cannot accept criticism can not succeed in a group. Since a great leadership associates with the ability to admit that one is not perfect.我个人认为这里你强调了leadership,但是本文需要论述的是无论领导或成员的任何一个在团队中的人。Therefore,前面用了since表原因了,这里就不要用therefore group members can step in and help the individual each other 指代性可能更明确一些through suggestions.- ~) A4 k' O# h, q" }, X
8 l7 e. z( j3 E6 R

3 p' S! ^# Q; X3 u5 m7 g5 @
Rejecting critical advices from other team members can harm这里的harm用得有些抽象one's career. No one would like to work with a person, who easily gets offended by receiving unfavorable feedback from others. Moreover, unwilling to receive negative comments, one is considered to be overconfident, in other words, self- centered, which isolated him/her from the rest of the team. In addition, from the supervisors' point of view, people, thatwho have a hard time on taking negative comments from peers, are not mature enough to have a more important role in their unit, result in missing the opportunity to get promoted. My friend Nancy just experienced that. There is no doubt about she was the excellent student in her university, and one of the most efficient employees at work, but she did not get the position of department manager last year. Nancy was told, that she very often defended persistently for herself when other judged on her work. Gradually nearly no one would bother to try it any longer, and left my friend alone in her own world. Taking this drawback into consideration, her boss, then, decided to choose another candidate to be the manager even though Nancy was better on decision-making.) y5 e7 o! [6 v3 k6 o; d0 @' C
9 x: Z, E6 V. F4 g. I4 ?/ F& z
- {& O- N* f' O1 ~$ k
Without listening to others evaluation towards oneself,我不是很清楚这个介词短语是否可以作主语,感觉有点怪,特别是你还加了个逗号
can also lead to falling(fall) from being successful. As history shows us, no one can continuously having significant influence for the whole cooperation, as one loses his ability to appreciate others' critique.这个替换很棒! Take Lee Zi cheng, the leader of remarkable rebellion at the end of Ming dynasty as an example. Lee started to form his army force, when the Ming emperor Chongzhen levied a heavy tax on his people. At the beginning of the movement, Lee successfully conquered more than half of Ming's territory by being generous and willing to hear different voices from his followers. However, this did not lasting very long. After Lee temporarily won the battle over for Beijing, he moved into The forbidden city, and acted as he were the emperor for a new era. Since then, he did not want to hear anythingadvice
比较好,否则太绝对了, but how to make his life more enjoyable. If anybody dared to criticize on his behavior,the consequence was fatal. Ultimately, many of Lee's followers lost faith tohim and left him behind to face the enormous charges. One man alone, Lee couldnot defeat his enemy, and the revolution ended with failure.
. D1 s' h; C1 d$ Z
5 E) m. a* y* j9 ]/ {& j# m3 o9 V8 u  i. ]- K1 \
It is clear that with no tolerance to accepting criticism from others, no one can be succeeded in a team. As it is an important social skill for an individual to be able to communicate and interact with other members, in order to achieve the overall goal. However, the one that giving sharpen feedback should also keep it in a respectful and favorable manner, so it is easier for others to swallow.

作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-26 19:30:51

本帖最后由 FlyingFie 于 2012-3-26 19:32 编辑

3。26 独立写作看这里

584 words 咋就彪出这么多呢,不过写的时间也长,就是了.


作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-27 08:47:43

3。27 独立
作者: Igoon    时间: 2012-3-27 19:35:35

作者: Fionain    时间: 2012-3-27 19:56:56

作者: ilovevicky    时间: 2012-3-27 20:19:26

3月26日 101009NA Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People can take care of their family members better when they live in big cities than in the countryside.

When it comes to the question of place, where provides the best care for one's family, people have different choices. Some like to live in the countryside, for its unpolluted environment; others choose to live in the big city, for its convenience. Personally, I believe that it is better to take care of family in urban area, because it provides everything for the whole family members. A well-paid job for parent, a holistic education 很高级的词阿..system for a child and needed medical care for grandparents.

There are many opportunities that lead to success for people, who working in a metropolis. It is clear that most of the companies have their offices in the city, thus more job opportunities. People, then, can easily find their dream jobs and strengthen skills to reach the overall goal. In return, they got more money to make their family life more enjoyable, such as taking family for a travel in Europe, dining more frequently in restaurants, or paying for a better education for their children.

Unlike the rural area, which has far few schools, urban area contains wide range of study institutions at much higher density. Students can readily get to school without traveling long distance. This is very crucial from a pupil's point of view, as shorter time spent on transportation not only enables him to be more energetic and proactive to participate in the school activities, but also gives him longer free time to play with friends. Mike, a friend of mine, once told me that it was terrible for him to take approximately two hours on each way to go to study, when he lived with his grandparents at rustic area. At the time he finally approached to school, he felt too tired to do everything his teacher required. What is more, he could not even finish all his homework after getting home so late. This became a bad circle for him until one day his parents took him to the city they lived, where it took only 20 minutes to the school. Mike felt released that he got time and energy both for his study and new friends. 这个例子很不错,而且语法几乎没错!

Living in a big city is also favored by many seniors, for its easy access to the well- established medical care system.就是这种主题句放在首段多养眼阿….哈哈… In contrast, few would like to live in suburbs, because it has only clinics. Despite the lack of facilities, in a matter of acute situation such as heart attack, medical assistants working in the clinic would have to transfer the patient about hundred mils away to a bigger hospital in a timely manner, life is on a risk. This would not be the case, if people live in a city. Due to the high efficient transportation, easy to reach location of health service, as well as skilled Surgeons, patients can get the accurate treatment in time. The latest questionnaire conducted by the ministry of health in China shows that in 2011 alone, more than 55% of people over 60 years old in cities satisfied with the health service, whereas only 23,5 % suburbians in the same age group agree with this statement.

To sum up, it become obvious that big cities provide better living condition, that suits for all family members than the countryside. Moreover, urbanite nowadays is also working hard on reducing the level of pollution to improve the living environment. For instance, the utilization of alternative energy resources for various purposes. So we can expect the even brighter future for living in big cities.
作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-28 16:12:51


作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-29 08:25:29

3。29 独立
作者: 秋雨荆州    时间: 2012-3-29 10:12:56

已改 30# FlyingFie
作者: eileen73    时间: 2012-3-29 11:50:30

作者: Igoon    时间: 2012-3-29 17:09:04

30# FlyingFie
作者: Igoon    时间: 2012-3-29 17:20:13

30# FlyingFie 有个文档叫《写作佳句300句》,我背了里面几个句子。论坛有的下,如果你要给我邮箱发给你。
作者: Arthur2012    时间: 2012-3-29 21:19:34

作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-30 03:57:17

3.30 独立
作者: yyyfor    时间: 2012-3-30 10:36:51

36# FlyingFie

作者: yyyfor    时间: 2012-3-30 13:06:37

Since the single child policy was introduced to China in 1980, the size of an ordinary family has been shrinking. Up till now, most of the families have one child, regarded as prince or princess, as they are the only one that under the spot light for the entire family. Parents (and) even grandparents wish all the best to their little beloved ones by fulfilling all their demands, including helping them to do their work, in order to be praised at school. A good (will) does not necessarily help children to grow up, in my eyes, this does far more damage than good.
1.        and是不是可以去掉?
2.        被称赞是父母还是孩子?..如果是孩子的话感觉主语有点问题
3.        Will是不是可以去掉?

Let children do their work independently will make them well prepared for the unforeseeable future. Children are talented; they have the ability to complete their own tasks without parents' interfering. Once parents stepped in, they consequently interrupt the normal development of the child; hence child will either react to it anxiously or simply give up to try anything, as mom and dad can take good care of everything. In addition, parents are unable to assist their children through their lives, thus it is better to make them ready for their future as early as possible.

Allowing children to finish their job alone can also free parents for other things, which they may ignore for a long time, such as enjoying time with each other, going out and visit some family friends or just sitting in front of television and relax. Take my cousin as an example, he recently turned to ten, and his parents, that is, my uncle and ante just went through a hard time, as they spent so much time on supporting my cousin doing excellent at school, they rarely had time to each other, eventually, as time draw them apart, the couple went to a pair therapist for some advices. They were told that giving child enough room for his own development is the best prescription for their relationship. Since then, my cousin was free from control, and surprisingly he did a even better job at school than those with his parents. Moreover, my uncle and ante also strengthen the link between each other.
1.        ante?..aunt?
2.        in 是不是好点?
3.        To accompany with会不会好点?
4.        就用 even better?
5.        Link改为relationship会不会好点?

To sum up, it is better for children to do their work independently, as it is not only the best for themselves, but also giving more time for their parents. So for children’s own sake, parents shall by all means let them to accomplish the work alone.

The best改为better是不是好点?


作者: yyyfor    时间: 2012-3-30 13:07:52


作者: Doristo    时间: 2012-3-30 15:45:24

作者: 秋雨荆州    时间: 2012-3-30 19:35:21

36# FlyingFie
作者: Arthur2012    时间: 2012-3-30 20:36:55

作者: Igoon    时间: 2012-3-31 00:07:44

36# FlyingFie 今天事情很多,比较忙,改的比较晚,非常抱歉!
作者: SJoyyy    时间: 2012-3-31 00:31:27

Since the single child policy was introduced to China in 1980, the size of an ordinary family has been shrinking. Up till now, most of the families have one child, (加being) regarded as prince or princess, as they are the only one that under the spot light for the entire family. Parents and even grandparents wish all the best to their little beloved ones by fulfilling all their demands, including helping them to do their work, in order to be praised at school.(此处指代不明,可改为thereby making child being praised at school.^ ^) A good will does not necessarily help children to grow up, in my eyes, this does far more damage than good.(in my eyes不是linker,我认为不能连接两个句子使得双动词)

Let children do their work independently will make them well prepared for the unforeseeable future. (这个句子有两个动词哦= =)Children are talented; they have the ability to complete their own tasks without parents' interfering(interfering没有名词词性). Once parents stepped in, they consequently interrupt the normal development of the child; hence child will either react to it anxiously or simply give up to try(删掉to,改为trying,即使不删to,to为介词也该接trying) anything, as mom and dad can take good care of everything. In addition, parents are unable to assist their children through their lives, thus it is better to make them ready for their future as early as possible.

Allowing children to finish their job alone can also free parents for other things, which they may ignore for a long time, such as enjoying time with each other, going out and visit(visiting) some family friends or just sitting in front of television and relax(relaxing). Take my cousin as an example, he recently turned to ten, and his parents, that is, my uncle and ante(可用my uncle and his spouse替换^ ^) just went through a hard time, as they spent so much time on supporting my cousin doing excellent(应该用doing excellently,或替换为well-behaved ) at school, they rarely had time to each other, eventually, as time draw them apart, the couple went to a pair therapist(一对治疗专家?) for some advices.(此句中draw和went的时态不符)They were told that giving child enough room for his own development is the best prescription for their relationship. Since then, my cousin was free from control, and surprisingly he did a even better job at school than those with his parents. Moreover, my uncle and ante also strengthen the link between each other.

To sum up, it is better for children to do their work independently, as it is not only the best for themselves, but also giving more time for their parents. So for children\s own sake, parents shall by all means let them to accomplish the work alone(此处不用加the较好吧,不是特指的work,或用their替换).

第一次帮人修改作文,不知改得如何^ ^ btw,我有个疑惑的地方,你的长句子里用很多逗号隔开,但是中间很多都不是Linker而只是noun,我的概念里这样等于一个句子有很多谓语。另外句法有些不够严谨。Whatever,你的时间比我控制得好多了T T,一起继续加油!
作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-31 04:45:49


写到今天,怎么感觉写这写着就把我自己都绕进去了,说的云里雾里的,到最后有点儿不知所云。 哎,还是放上来等拍吧。。
作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-3-31 04:48:36

41# 秋雨荆州

作者: Igoon    时间: 2012-3-31 14:18:12

作者: Igoon    时间: 2012-3-31 22:16:22

45# FlyingFie 个人浅见,仅供参考。
作者: 秋雨荆州    时间: 2012-4-1 00:17:40

46# FlyingFie
作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-4-2 06:26:19


作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-4-2 06:29:11

49# 秋雨荆州

作者: Igoon    时间: 2012-4-2 10:02:56

作者: Arthur2012    时间: 2012-4-2 13:56:25

45# FlyingFie 已改,4月了,继续加油!
作者: Arthur2012    时间: 2012-4-2 14:06:36

50# FlyingFie 已改,膜拜起那么早的
作者: 秋雨荆州    时间: 2012-4-2 18:29:03

哈哈,现在每天都要改你们的作文才睡得着觉~加油加油! 51# FlyingFie
作者: ilovevicky    时间: 2012-4-2 21:26:15

3月31日110422 which kinds of university do you prefer universities whose graduates can find good jobs or universities where there are famous professors?

Nowadays many students pursue their further education at university level. 中式化了吧Some choose to enroll in the colleges that ensure them a bright future for their career; others rather select the education institutes, where most well known professors in their own field teaching. As for me, I prefer to study in an university, where enables me to get a good job afterwards.

The universities, which guarantee a good job is more practical than a school provides many famous professors.给力的段首句 Because students, who concern about their future, would probably already have their future plan even before getting started at university, in other words, their goal. 还是建议慎用长句….As they have a clear direction on what they will be in about three or five years, they will by all means working hard to reach their overall target. Thus, they are likely to be succeeded in the future. Since the sense of honor and self-recognition is very crucial for a person, it is better to enter in an university, which gives a better chance for a dream job.

On the other hand, the excellency of a student has nothing to do with a professors' expertise, but the hard work they themselves accomplished at school. 不错!!! Even if there are many world class professor teaching there, an individual student who does not pay much attention on his study, would result in failure. Take my friend Mike as an example. Instead of choosing a college with strong brand in sociology, where he may get an internship in an international company after graduation, he picked up another one by keep emphasizing on the best professor within this field teaching there. But after one and half years with burning out passion for sociology, he began to enjoy his life living in campus, than working hard. Eventually, he had too many courses failed, that he was dropped out of the school. This determined that even the best professor may not be able to make a student's fate, if he himself is not well focused on study.

In conclusion, comparing with famous professors and unpredicted future, I prefer to choose the university, which give a bright career future.


(355 words)
作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-4-3 06:07:59

4。3 独立。。

啦啦啦,勤劳的小蜜蜂又来日更了<- - 这小盆友,肿么了,这么有自虐情结?
作者: 钱小贱    时间: 2012-4-3 11:11:27


精品佛珠 http://www.liudaofozhu.com
交流论坛 http://www.liudaofozhu.com/bbs
红木家具 http://jichimu.taobao.com
作者: Igoon    时间: 2012-4-3 13:08:33

作者: 可他媽學點習吧    时间: 2012-4-3 13:55:54

50# FlyingFie 已改,寫作是我弱項,提的建議可能不成熟,但也是經過認真思考的,歡迎多交流,爭取共同進步!謝謝![attach]176453[/attach]
作者: eileen73    时间: 2012-4-3 22:02:43

作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-4-4 06:54:00

鉴于今天的题之前已经写过了, 过会儿把修改版放上来吧。。
作者: 秋雨荆州    时间: 2012-4-4 12:32:14

57# FlyingFie
作者: 可他媽學點習吧    时间: 2012-4-4 13:55:44

57# FlyingFie 已改~[attach]176491[/attach]
作者: 青鱼    时间: 2012-4-4 19:54:36

作者: Igoon    时间: 2012-4-4 22:23:36

57# FlyingFie
作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-4-5 09:05:35

最近正在反扑单词,发现不及时复习就是容易忘。。写作恐怕要暂停一天了,大家的文我今明两天争取看哈。。不好意思了 。。
作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-4-5 09:07:04

65# 青鱼

你好,主要是看写作小组的帖子1,2 楼,题目和一般的程序都在上面,希望这个能帮到你。。
作者: 可他媽學點習吧    时间: 2012-4-5 10:33:41

67# FlyingFie 半小時的事,沒必要暫停一天~
作者: originalsin    时间: 2012-4-5 20:35:22

作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-4-6 06:46:09

4.6 独立

作者: yyyfor    时间: 2012-4-6 09:26:00

作者: Igoon    时间: 2012-4-6 22:00:31

作者: Arthur2012    时间: 2012-4-7 13:41:39

71# FlyingFie 恩恩,挺好的,加油!
作者: 可他媽學點習吧    时间: 2012-4-7 14:03:26

71# FlyingFie 已改~[attach]176610[/attach]
作者: 秋雨荆州    时间: 2012-4-7 14:23:08

71# FlyingFie
作者: FlyingFie    时间: 2012-4-9 05:37:58

76# 秋雨荆州

帅锅儿,你过奖了,我实不敢当阿。。。 汗一个。。飘过。。
作者: 猛龙过江    时间: 2012-4-15 23:29:36

请参考~ ^_^

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