這段時間,加了一個UCSD Graduate的群,大家天天都在交流著,在這裡要謝謝大家的信息分享。我收到的UCSD的msgs裏面從來沒有提到什麽時候回覆我,所以自從被UCSD IRPS WL之後,就再也沒有任何音訊。從群裏面大家那裡瞭解到,IRPS會在the week of March 20公佈結果,因為UCSD要放春假了。所以我從中國時間20號就天天繼續刷郵箱,知道今早終於刷出兩條IRPS的信息。
Dear *****,
I have positive news to deliver and would like to let you know that our department will nominate you for admission to UC San Diego. This nomination will need to be approved by the campus and you will receive an email from the UC San Diego Office of Graduate Admissions if the nomination is confirmed. We have not yet evaluated files for scholarship so you will learn more about this in later emails.........
I apologize for the previous message, it was sent in error. You ARE going to be nominated for admission to IR/PS. You should hear from the Office of Graduate Studies soon with an official response. However, at this time we are requiring you to attend prep. So, you will not have to decide whether to come early or later.