1 以往这学校中国学生申请的情况(当然具体到你所在的学校的学生申请的情况更好,大家也都懂,某些美帝学校对某些国内学校十分友好),比如大约什么条件的人申到了这么一所学校。除了USNEWS专业排名外,我再推荐几个网站 http://www.giantleap.us/,可以查2011Fall之前几年的offer的情况,不知道为啥今年不更新了。 http://www.gradschoolshopper.com/ American Institute of Physics办的一个关于Physics Graduate Program的网站,大部分的Program介绍的还是比较详细的(不过也有少数学校的Program是查不到的),包括学校的概况,录取的基本条件,经费的情况,科研的情况啊。另外还有一本书,跟网站内容是一样的,好处是你可以可以慢慢翻着看那些“野鸡”大学(就是USNEWS可能都没上榜的学校了)的项目…… http://www.phds.org/ 也是一个搜项目的网站,还可以自定义专业各项分数的权重来排行各学校 http://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php 也是查offer,不同的是主要是美国人报
Dear Prof. XXX,
I am a student who want to apply Physics Ph.D. Program of [university name]. I am writing to sincerely seek an opportunity in your group as a Research assistant in Fall 2011. I am very interested in the research area of [name of a main research area] in your group.
I graduated from Department of Physics at Fudan University, China with the B.S. degree in [year]. I was a student of top performance in my department, with [list your shining points here]. My research experience include [list your experience here which you think can attract his/her attention]. And my research interest involve [try to list interests close to his research group, better more than one].
I believe I am distinguished from other undergraduate students based on the following factors: 1) Research Experience
XXXXXXXX 2) Industrial Experience
XXXXXXXX 3) Top Performance in Major Courses and English
My resume is enclosed for detailed information. Please feel free to ask any questions you have. I would like to thank you for your consideration and time in advance. I am looking forward to your reply.
Quantum information and quantum computing.
主要t(<90)和sub(<900)两个硬伤,那些qiqc做得好的牛校自知没戏,感觉upitts是除了那些大牛校外这个做得比较好的了,所以非常想去。作者: littlemeow 时间: 2012-3-29 22:27:37