你手上有ID995A表格了吗?上面有“预计在港生活开支”这一项,你的存款比这个数字多一些就可以了。 https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... ghlight=&page=1
6.6经济状况证明,也即存款证明,有的筒子说这个存款单复印件也可以,我为了保险起见还是冻结了三个月15W人民币,开了张存款证明,这个业务还是中国银行比较熟,不过我家存款在建设银行就在建设银行开了,据说工商银行只用冻结一天,大家可以去咨询下,然后存款是直接放在我的名下,存款证明也是我的名字。如果筒子们的存款证明是父母名下,后面还有张赞助声明,不要忘了要让父母填写签字。 https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... ghlight=&page=1
8.About the copy of financial proof, how long should I ask for the bank to issued the proof? 3 months? 6 months? 1 year? or else?
3 months of the copy of financial proof is good enough for the Immigration Department references.(另外一个小米的回复:There is no standard amount for financial proofs. You are required to produce an original financial resource statement issued by your bank which indicates that you have enough money to cover the tuition fees and living expenses for your first year of study in Hong Kong. If the financial proofs are not stated under your name, your sponsor are required to provide a written consent indicated that he/she will financially support your study in Hong Kong. Please also provide a copy of sponsor's passport (including signature page).)