NUS是说“Recommendations from 2 academic referees are to be submitted via the onlineadmission system. You should check with your referees and obtain theirinstitutional e-mail address. E-mail addresses from domains other than".edu" may be subject to additional screening and filtering. Onceyour online application is submitted, an automated e-mail will be sent to yourreferees.” 那是不是说只要教授发电子版到NUS就可以,我不用再自己邮件打印并签名的推荐信过去了?
HKU那边只说要求Referees' reports。那这个应该是几封呢?要不要都要找教授写来着?
感谢大家~~~作者: 阿泰 时间: 2012-5-28 10:58:18