87) Claim: Any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted, since it may well be proven false in the future.
Reason: Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
As the writer has stated in the claim and reason, much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate so that writer suggest that any piece of information should be mistrusted since it may well be proven false finally.As far as I am concerned, this claim is not fair because the information cannot be all false .Therefore, I partly agree with the writer's opinion.
In the history of human's civilization, there are a few cases which can demonstrate that we should mistrust the so-called fact which was proven false latter.Consider Copernicus,he didn't believe that the earth is the center of cosmos.After years of observations, he finally justify that our earth where we live on is travelling around the sun.This great found broke the stereotype which has bound people's mind for many years and make people to look the classic theory differently.This is the mistrustion's unbelievable effect ,it instruct intellegent people to find the real truth.
But not any piece of information refered to as a fact must be false.Such facts that earth is approximately round ,moon goes around earth periodically is undoubtable.Thus we can infer a conclusion like that any piece of information which have not be subtly scutinized but refered to as a fact should be mistrusted.Former example about the center of cosmos can be attribiuted into this kind of group since we have never justify earth is the center of cosmos but believe this is true with no doubt just because a primer famous philosopher had ever said .Once a fact has been prudently scrutinized and it is justified right ,we have no reason to mistrust it.
So we should propose sufficient evidences either when we are giving out a conclusion or when we are mistrusting a given conclusion.The mistrusting to a existed conclusion without evidences cannot be appropriate and convincing.All we need is to turn a fair and objective attitude to the existed information refered to as a fact.作者: rippersean 时间: 2012-6-3 13:24:43
本帖最后由 rippersean 于 2012-6-3 13:26 编辑
87) Claim:Any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted, since itmay well be proven false in the future.
Reason: Much of theinformation that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate.
Write a response inwhich you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim andthe reason on which that claim is based.
As the writer hasstated in the claim and reason, much of the information that people assume isfactual actually turns out to be inaccurate so that the writer suggests that any piece of information should be mistrusted since it may well be proven false finally.As far as I am concerned, this claim is not fair because theinformation cannot be all false .Therefore, I partly agree with the writer'sopinion.
In the history of human's civilization, there area few cases which can demonstrate that we should mistrust the so-called factwhich was proven false latter.Consider Copernicus,hedidn't believe that the earth is the center of cosmos.After years of observations,he finally justify that our earth where we live on is travelling around thesun.This great found broke the stereotype which has bound people'smind for many years and make people to look the classic theory differently.Thisis the mistrustion's unbelievable effect ,it instruct intellegent people tofind the real truth.
But not any piece of information refered to as afact must be false.Such facts that earth is approximately round,moon goes around earth periodically is undoubtable.Thus we caninfer a conclusion like that any piece of information which have not be subtlyscutinized but refered to as a fact should be mistrusted.Former exampleabout the center of cosmos can be attribiuted into this kind ofgroup since we have never justify earth is the center of cosmos butbelieve this is true with no doubt just because a primer famous philosopher hadever said .Once a fact has been prudently scrutinized and it is justified right,we have no reason to mistrust it.
So we should propose sufficient evidences eitherwhen we are giving out a conclusion or when we are mistrusting a givenconclusion.The mistrusting to a existed conclusion without evidences cannot beappropriate and convincing.All we need is to turn a fair and objective attitudeto the existed information refered to as a fact.
自己临时思考的,欢迎抨击补充。作者: niuniua 时间: 2012-6-7 12:39:03
87) Claim: Any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted, since it may well be proven false in the future.
Reason: Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
key:any fact mistrusted, may false . much fact inaccurate
1.we should mistrust as the writer said
2.many theories are due to certain reasons and circumstances flase.
3.most cases ,our purpose is to verify the fact
4.technical development need this kind of spirit
Along with human society's progress,people's critical thinking keeps growing uninterruptly that they are able to mistrust the information refered to as a fact since much turns out to be inaccurate.As far as I'm concerned ,this phenomenon is exhilarating .This thinking is seriously needed for human's progess.Therefore, in my point of view,I am on the side of the claim that we should mistrust information which we refered to as a fact,but it's not because it may be inaccurate, contrarily,our purpose is to certify it is veridical.
Admittedly,over the long history of human's civilization ,lots of examples expressed that these so-called facts were demonstrated as the truth at first,but proven false later.This may due to the certain circumstances and history limitation,then the fact cannot be penetratinigly studied.When the Geocentric Theory is firstly put forward,everyone regards it an indisputable fact exept Copernicus.Copernicus ,a famous astronomer,didn't believe in this recognized fact and proposed that our earth is just a normal planet in the cosmos rather than the center of it,it travels around the sun,after years of observation.This great found broke the steretype which has bound people'mind for many years and help people recognize the real world and true fact.Through this example ,we can see the mistrustion's useful power.
However ,in most cases ,we mistrust the fact not because it may be inaccurate,but want to certify it veridical.Many theories ,or facts are limited to the time when they are born that they have no chance to be fully justified.We modern people can now help verify the accuracy to make them more convincing with the help of modern technology.Such as the old fact that the earth is round,we now can use the satillite to take photoes of the earth,or even we can fly to the space and have a look ourselves.Then this fact will be more convincing,and we can use photoes to calculate the accurate size as well.In this way,we make a fact more understandable and accurate due to mistrust about facts.
In addition, human civilization's progress need this spirit of mistrust.Mistrust urges people to find a more appropriate way to explain the existed theory or
fact,along with this process is the development of our technology.In the process of justifying a fact ,we may come across a new conclusion occasionally. Such as people found the new contents in the process of proving the earth is round.All this lead to a significant development of human society,and it all attributes to mistrust about the existed fact.
To sum up,whatever the fact is ,mistrust should be encouraged that we donnot know what may be brought forward by it.Once a mistrust is proposed,we need to concentrate on it and devote enough power into it since the way to a clearly verified conclusion is not easy.In a word, we can mistrust facts,but we should pay much energy to justify it as well.