
标题: 【daily writing】oyyy’s [打印本页]

作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-7-25 14:56:24     标题: 【daily writing】oyyy’s

作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-7-25 14:57:38

本帖最后由 oyyy0702 于 2012-9-13 16:37 编辑

作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-7-26 06:33:08

作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-7-26 07:30:58

作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-7-26 07:33:49

作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-7-26 13:45:41

作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-7-26 15:28:17

作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-7-26 15:38:15

作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-7-26 15:39:30

作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-7-26 15:43:25

作者: igrowing    时间: 2012-7-26 22:56:09

作者: black_marble    时间: 2012-7-31 16:03:59

oyyy0702 发表于 2012-7-25 14:57

作者: lazysheep    时间: 2012-8-1 10:41:09

It's believed that honest is one of the most essential characters in modern world which is full of tricks and conspiracy. According to that, several people insist that individuals should always be totally honest to their friends. While considering the fact that not lying to friends for a lifetime is impossible and unnecessary, and even sometimes lying to friends is out of a helpful motive, my viewpoint is on the opposite side.

For the one thing, always telling the truth is not an easy thing, or we can say, it's impossible. There is a series of dates could perfectly prove it. The psychology department in University of California, Iwrine has done a research in 1989, in this research, over 30,000 people who are in different country, status, age, render took part in. They were asked if they have lied. The result turn out that only less than 0.1% people said they have never lied. The result seems incredible, but it did can be explained. It's common that we run into a situation that we have to lie. For instance, as the company's classified documents are involved with the friends' chatting topics which is to say, telling the truth may lose your fidelity at some times.

Another reason involves the necessity to be completely honest all the time. I think a number of people had the following experience. When chatting with friends, the theme of the conversation refers to privacy issues such as code of credit card, the ID number. Actually friends do not mean to acquire the information, but if we refuse to tell, it may hurt their feeling. Telling the authentic information would put our personal safety in a dangerous situation, because the important message could be heard by other person. So be entirely honest to friends is unneeded.

What's more, lying could be a tool to ev30353ade embarrassed and heart-broken in certain situation. The event that my best friend Jennifer had been through could directly prove that. Her grandma whom raised her up passed away right before her final test. I knew the bad news from my mom. (这里没交代Jennifer不知情)I thought I have to be honest to my best friend at that time. So I told her, she was really sad and obviously failed in the important test. The decision is a huge mistake, I pretty regret even (应该用although吧)it happened 5 years ago. In certain occasion, white lie is necessary.

In a nutshell, According to the reason mentioned above, that always being entirely honest to friends is a dispensable and unlikable, even hurtful. I endorsed the statement that it's impossible to tell truth to your friend forever.


作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-8-1 11:22:42

black_marble 发表于 2012-7-31 16:03

作者: ZoeX    时间: 2012-8-1 18:34:47

本帖最后由 ZoeX 于 2012-8-1 18:36 编辑

It's believed that honesty is one of the most essential characters in modern world which is full of tricks and conspiracy. According to that, several people insist that individuals should always be totally honest to their friends. While considering the fact that not lying to friends for a lifetime is impossible and unnecessary, and even sometimes lying to friends is out of a helpful motive, my viewpoint is on the opposite side.

For the one thing, always telling the truth is not an easy thing, or we can say, it's impossible. There is a series of dates could perfectly prove it. The psychology department in University of California, Iwrine has done a research in 1989, in this research, over 30,000 people who are in different country, status, age, render took part in. They were asked if they have lied. The result turned out that only less than 0.1% people said they have never lied. The result seemed incredible, but it did can be explained. It's common that we run into a situation that we have to lie. For instance, as the company's classified documents are involved with the friends' chatting topics which is to say, telling the truth to someone may lose your fidelity to others (这样表述会不会清楚一点?)at some times.(然后弱弱地问一句,这个实验是真的么?)

Another reason involves the necessity to be completely honest all the time. I think a number of people had the following experience. When chatting with friends, the theme of the conversation refers to privacy issues such as code of credit card, the ID number. Actually friends do not mean to acquire the information, but if we refuse to tell, it may hurt their feeling. Telling the authentic information would put our personal safety in a dangerous situation, because the important message could be heard by other person. So be entirely honest to friends is unneeded.我觉得这个例子更像是出于安全考虑,necessity 貌似是不说实话也不会伤害感情的感觉,个人意见哈~

What's more, lying could be a tool to ev30353ade embarrassed and heart-broken in certain situation. The event that my best friend Jennifer had been through could directly prove that. Her grandma who raised her up passed away right before her final test. I knew the bad news from my mom. I thought I have to be honest to my best friend at that time. So I told her, she was really sad and obviously failed in the important test. The decision is a huge mistake, I pretty regret even it happened 5 years ago. In certain occasion, white lie is necessary.

In a nutshell, according to the reason mentioned above, that always being entirely honest to friends is a dispensable and unlikable, even hurtful. I endorsed the statement that it's impossible to tell truth to your friend forever.

作者: tom_cybamic    时间: 2012-8-2 11:45:15

作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-8-2 14:38:07

ZoeX 发表于 2012-8-1 18:34
It's believed that honesty is one of the most essential characters in modern world which is full of  ...

作者: melaniew    时间: 2012-8-2 20:12:06

作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-8-3 13:11:46

melaniew 发表于 2012-8-2 20:12


关于scenario的用法,我是那天早上在看学术文献的时候看到的,特地去查了一下朗文,指的是a situation that could possibly happen。在文献里表达的意思也是在某种情况下。
作者: smsun823    时间: 2012-8-4 20:37:06

另外对tutor概念的理解,感觉楼主可能理解为british university or college 的辅导员了,在美式环境下,我们是不是还应该理解其为家庭教师之类的私人教师呢?多交流
作者: lazysheep    时间: 2012-8-5 09:55:29

作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-8-5 12:17:11

smsun823 发表于 2012-8-4 20:37
另外对tutor概念的理解,感觉楼主可能理解为british university or college 的辅导员了,在 ...

作者: oyyy0702    时间: 2012-8-5 12:40:34

smsun823 发表于 2012-8-4 20:37
另外对tutor概念的理解,感觉楼主可能理解为british university or college 的辅导员了,在 ...

作者: makeithappen    时间: 2012-8-8 12:45:24

0807--By makeithappen
作者: eileen73    时间: 2012-8-10 10:24:02

作者: sodapeng    时间: 2012-8-10 21:51:04

本帖最后由 sodapeng 于 2012-8-10 22:24 编辑


作者: henhen1011    时间: 2012-8-15 00:32:56

本来还想加好友  发现权限不够:L  
作者: 被婴儿殴打    时间: 2012-8-15 10:44:31

本帖最后由 被婴儿殴打 于 2012-8-15 10:46 编辑

With the development of the economics andsociety, education becomes a more and more important issue. Nowadays peoplebring up a heated discussion about the comparison of the likely to be educatedbefore and today. Some of them alleged that individuals in the past focusedmuch more on study than today's, due to less recreation utilities. Consideringthe following reasons in nowadays -- complete education systems, rich methodstoward knowledge and the increasing attention paid to education, however, myview point is on the opposite side.

First and foremost, there has been no timein history during which the education were more developed than today. Aresearch done by Education department in University of South California couldadd weight to my statement. It's reported that more than 43.8% of countriesover worlds (world) have basic educationpolicies including elementary school and middle school, for developedcountries, the percents is more than 98.9%, which is incredible(incredibly) high. Given the past, governments werepoor and had no ideas about the essential status of knowledge, there was nopublic educational organization. Expect wealth people, others still struggledwith making a living, let alone being educated. Thus, the complete educationsystems nowadays provide chances for us to become educated.

Another reason involves the various ways toacquired knowledge owing to the development of technology. As we all know,laptops, tablets are become more and more popular nowadays, which could countas portable learning tools during our daily life. Take my experience as asubstantial example. I bring my ipad to class every day. When teacher refers tosome new concept that I haven't heard, I could use ipad to seek for the properdefinition and explanation. And through the help of today's technology, I couldunderstand much faster and thorough during the class. Let alone 50 years along,even it was 10 years ago, I couldn't image that I could use the tools by handto acquire information so readily. Hence, the fantastic electrics tools andinternet could help us learn much more convenient and easier.
education 的新角度,不错)

The last but no the leastthe last but no the least记得这个老师说最好不用), the strong studying willingtoday among peers also inspires individuals, which stimulates them concentratedconcentratingto study along with makes learning easier.People are aware of the importance of education through millennia of events andfacts by the means of various media nowadays. Knowledge is a crucial tool inalmost every aspects of life, only equipped with knowledge could lead tosuccess and leisure life, while which is something that for the most part weignored before. As a result, the increase of the awareness of the education'simportance makes it easier to acquire knowledge today.

In a nutshell, according to the 3 reasonsmentioned above, considering the 3 characteristics of society at present--- thedeveloped education system, millennia of ways to acquire knowledge and theawareness of the importance of education, I still insist my opinion that peopleare now easier to become educated than in the past.

作者: henhen1011    时间: 2012-8-15 17:28:47

本帖最后由 henhen1011 于 2012-8-15 17:47 编辑

作者: zZ-IT    时间: 2012-8-15 18:18:35

已改,cheer up~~
作者: henhen1011    时间: 2012-8-15 21:20:09

zZ-IT 发表于 2012-8-15 18:18
已改,cheer up~~

你稍等  马上帮你改  下午抢考位去了  跑来跑去的   改了一半出去吃饭去了  到现在才回来。。。

lz的文档我再找找看能不能恢复回来- -  不能恢复的话我再改一遍吧。。。。我好悲催
作者: henhen1011    时间: 2012-8-15 23:05:16

作者: 张君临001    时间: 2012-9-6 12:42:26


https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... xtra=#pid1776202405
作者: rainzengling    时间: 2012-9-7 04:57:05

本帖最后由 rainzengling 于 2012-9-7 04:58 编辑

有幸分到一组互改作文  看了第一眼就发现不是一个级别的   


作者: rainzengling    时间: 2012-9-7 12:10:21

9月6日作文  已改   请阅  
作者: 和尚的梳子    时间: 2012-9-13 15:52:02

0912 你的独立作文已改好
下面是我的 求猛拍!
作者: wp3026557    时间: 2012-9-13 16:47:16

作者: 流弦    时间: 2012-9-14 22:13:03

作者: 氢氟酸    时间: 2012-9-15 06:59:11


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