
标题: 【GRE作文互改小组】Cynthia Argue 作业贴 [打印本页]

作者: 草莓Cynthia    时间: 2012-8-31 23:43:12     标题: 【GRE作文互改小组】Cynthia Argue 作业贴

作者: 草莓Cynthia    时间: 2012-9-12 20:54:40

9.12 Argue 34 求拍
作者: charlesliye    时间: 2012-9-13 17:49:14

作者: 燕鱼小窝    时间: 2012-9-13 21:40:27

https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... xtra=#pid1776233972
作者: 草莓Cynthia    时间: 2012-9-18 21:05:49

9.17 Argue 60
作者: 殇沫    时间: 2012-9-19 13:16:20

草莓Cynthia 发表于 2012-9-18 21:05
9.17 Argue 60

theywill continue use the oil heating应是continue using
Whatif there are other alternative new systems are comparable enough to challengethe oil heating’s monopoly position. 应是new systems comparable或者that are comparable
makea lot profits应是a lot of profits
Finally,it seems that Consolidated Industries can make a lot profits from the retailsale of oil, they may absolutely expend production capacity by its own funds,without the investment help. 这句没有连词却写了两句话,需要加个连词或者分成两句。而且感觉这个理由有点站不住脚……题目是说推荐人投资,并没有强调公司需要投资。推荐人们投资的立场应该是人们将获得的预期收益,如果公司盈利状况好,不就证明了这点么……
Tostrengthen it, he must provide clear evidence that the weather will be frigidin the next few years, there will be many new houses built in this year and theentire region will continue adopt the oil-heating system . 我印象中宾语是句子并列时好像不能省略每个that,不知道是不是准确……

作者: 草莓Cynthia    时间: 2012-9-19 22:07:05

殇沫 发表于 2012-9-19 13:16
theywill continue use the oil heating应是continue using
Whatif there are other alternative new sy ...

谢谢~~~! 我回宿舍了 给你改~~~!
作者: 草莓Cynthia    时间: 2012-9-20 21:06:25

9.18 ~~~!!!!

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