
标题: 【独立写作】252332618的作业贴 [打印本页]

作者: 喵呜~    时间: 2012-9-15 07:29:40     标题: 【独立写作】252332618的作业贴

本帖最后由 252132618 于 2012-12-7 12:10 编辑

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作者: 氢氟酸    时间: 2012-9-16 07:16:38

作者: 神探夏洛克    时间: 2012-9-16 16:19:27

作者: 喵呜~    时间: 2012-9-16 19:37:23

本帖最后由 252132618 于 2012-9-21 22:00 编辑

作者: moophis    时间: 2012-9-17 11:58:18

作者: wp3026557    时间: 2012-9-17 13:38:26

作者: 欣荷    时间: 2012-9-22 09:23:18

Do you agree or disagree with the following statementTwo people can still become friends if one of them has more money than the other one does.

Will you mind making friends with someone who gain much more fortune than you, and are you still willing to keep the relationship with an underclass friend? Don’t answer my question without hesitation and just think about it carefully. This is actually a question refers to every aspects of our life, our fortune, our reputation, our moral culture and so on. For my part, I still believe that it is possible for us to make friends with others despite the gap in our wealth levels.

With the increasingly rapid development of the economics and the heavier economic pressures aroused from buying a house or car, travelling, raising a child from kindergarten to college, money becomes a vital symbol to judge a person’s accomplishment. Thus whether you are rich or poor has become a subtle question among people who want to be friends. The rich might worry that if their wealth can make their friends uneasy, and even seriously, they might care about that if others make friends with them because of their fortune rather than the true feeling. On the other hand, the poor might be afraid that they would be look down upon by the rich. No one can deny the phenomenon that there might emerge obstacles and distrust between the poor and the rich.

Does that mean the fortune can really prohibit the friendship among two people? Is it impossible for two persons with different level of wealth to set up a friendship? Of course the answer is negative. In my opinion, the true friends built their friendship based on their mutual appreciation about their personality, moral culture or their common interest. Although, the more and more materialistic society sometimes disappoints us in some beliefs such as true friendship and love, we can still see some persons maintain their friendship quite well even the divergence of their fortune becomes larger. Besides, the person’s fortune is one of the most uncertain things in modern society, a person might plunged into debt or become a millionaire overnight, but the truly things between friend, for instance, their long-period dedication and loyalty, understanding, concerning and trust lasts much longer than the wealth itself. Thus in long run, a friendship can by all means be built up by mutual appealing and appreciation no matter the other one is poor or rich.

In conclusion, it is more risky than before to make friends with others who had different level of wealth, since the rich need to evaluate the poor’s initial purpose, and the poor have to get a certain feeling that they won’t be judged by climbing to high top positions for money or be degraded. However, we can also make friends with others based on our loyalty, trust, and common passion, after all, the fortune is subordinate than these cherished moral character.
作者: 欣荷    时间: 2012-9-22 10:43:46

9.21 欣荷修改的
First of all, the life styles of the richer and the poorer are totally different. These differences can be found in the food they eat, the clothes they wear, the means they use for transportation, and the houses they live. For example, my father told me that he once had a very good friend, Mr. Wang, who have many the same interests as my father and always play with my father 改为 (with whom they shared the same interest and always play together)会不会好一点. But when my father was 20 years old, Mr. Wang was sent to Hong Kong and when he came back 10 years later, he was very rich. He invented(invited) my father to go to his house. And latter(later 还是 at that time ) my father was deeply shaken(astonished) by his(spectacular) house and a car(删了比较好), which cost 100 billion Yuan. After that time(From then on), my father refused every his inventions(invitations) since he felt there was (graven)gaps between he his friend(them). So, with these differences in life styles playing as gaps between old friends, friendship would go.我不知道这个go用在这里合适不,是否可以用fade way 或者no longer exist之类的

Second, people will get envy or lose themselves(their) self-esteem after they saw their friends once at the same line with them gotten so successful. Since people tend to compare themselves with others, especially the people similar to them,(这句话是对了,但是如果这样写会不会好点,it is human nature to compare with others, especially with the one who is similar to them) and if the result is not very favorable, they will feel envy or lose their self-esteem. For example, in my dorm, there was a girl, Kay, who was very rich, and there was also a girl, Mary, who came from an outlying town. Looking at Kay's clothes, Mary felt very upset and she was just nothing. But she wanted to blend into Kay's life, so she tried her best to buy the same quality's cloths as Kay's. Undoubtedly these clothes were out of Mary's reach. Finally, she could not resist the economic pressure any more, and then she was far away from Kay. The same story could happen in old friends, if one gets richer than the other. So I think human beings could not sustain their friendship after one of their old friends got richer than them.


作者: 欣荷    时间: 2012-9-22 20:52:29

Hi, 我感觉你说的一边倒的观点很有道理,因为有时候让步确实会让人confused, 我重新改了一下昨天的文章,你看看有没有好点。谢谢啦。嘻嘻。
作者: 欣荷    时间: 2012-9-22 20:53:26

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Two people can still become friends if one of them has more money than the other one does.

Will you mind making friends with someone who gain much more fortune than you, and are you still willing to keep the relationship with an underclass friend? This is actually a complicated question that refers to every aspect of our life, our fortune, our reputation, our moral culture and so on. For my part, I still believe that it is possible for us to make friends with others despite the gap in our wealth levels.

I always hold the viewpoint that we can built up true friendship no matter we are rich or poor, since the true relationship between friends is based on their mutual appreciation about their personality, moral culture or their common interest. For instance, Nanlanrongruo, a famous Chinese poet in Qing Dynasty, is extremely wealthy because his father was one of the most crucial ministers of the court. One of his friends named Zhengguan Gu was only a poor scholar at that time. But their widely praised friendship impressed me most since their common passion for poem and the hope for contributing to country laid a firm and long lasting foundation for their precious friendship.
You might deny that that the fierce competition and heavy pressure nowadays might prohibit the establishment of the friendship. Although, the more and more materialistic society sometimes disappoints us in some beliefs such as true friendship and love, we can still see some persons maintain their friendship quite well despite of the divergence of their fortune becomes larger. This is mainly because that the collaboration becomes much more essential than before. A wealth manager may need to make friends with a poor college graduate because he need the fresh thoughts from the poor man to achieve the profound development of his company, and the poor student might need to realize his dream by taking advantage of the great economic resource. Besides, the fortune is one of the most uncertain things in modern society, a person might plunge into debt or become a millionaire overnight, but the truly things between friend, for instance, their long-period dedication and loyalty, understanding, concerning and trust last much longer than the wealth itself. Thus in the long run, a friendship can by all means be built up by mutual appealing and appreciation no matter the other one is poor or rich.

In conclusion, we can still make friends with others based on our loyalty, trust, and common passion, and mutual interest, after all, the fortune is subordinate when compared to these cherished moral character.

作者: 氢氟酸    时间: 2012-9-24 05:06:09

作者: Noah_Mo    时间: 2012-9-24 11:00:09

作者: 行者天下    时间: 2012-9-25 10:17:04

作者: ZoeX    时间: 2012-9-25 11:51:09

作者: 坏绿的眼睛    时间: 2012-9-25 22:48:29

作者: Sinbo_Chan    时间: 2012-10-3 12:40:24

作者: fd笑笑    时间: 2012-10-3 22:50:42

作者: 蒜酸    时间: 2012-10-5 00:25:45

亲,没找到你10.3 独立写作的作业啊~~

作者: lain0119    时间: 2012-10-5 10:50:45

作者: xiaobanI    时间: 2012-10-7 12:36:27

作者: caiqing90    时间: 2012-10-7 22:43:47

作者: lain0119    时间: 2012-10-8 08:21:49

You are such a person of perseverance!
作者: taniax    时间: 2012-10-9 02:22:22

10.8 已改

作者: xiaobanI    时间: 2012-10-9 13:16:15

本帖最后由 xiaobanI 于 2012-10-9 14:33 编辑

求修改:) 10.8
https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... xtra=#pid1776263543
作者: lain0119    时间: 2012-10-11 12:40:29

We are in a group again!
作者: kyotei    时间: 2012-10-11 15:17:34

本帖最后由 kyotei 于 2012-10-11 18:06 编辑

作者: kyotei    时间: 2012-10-11 18:00:14

本帖最后由 kyotei 于 2012-10-11 18:27 编辑

作者: kyotei    时间: 2012-10-11 18:11:49


本帖最后由 kyotei 于 2012-10-11 15:03 编辑

作者: kyotei    时间: 2012-10-11 18:26:43

作者: April181    时间: 2012-10-14 00:24:00

作者: April181    时间: 2012-10-14 20:47:28


作者: B因子大片段    时间: 2012-10-15 19:14:17

本帖最后由 B因子大片段 于 2012-10-15 21:02 编辑

作者: 欣荷    时间: 2012-10-16 00:17:13

作者: SYNCIA    时间: 2012-11-5 13:32:03

Hi~ 楼主,分组我帮你调整,你看一下https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mo ... xtra=#pid1776236073 帖子三楼哈。
作者: 龙泽皮皮    时间: 2012-11-25 20:59:40

作者: 凯子啊哦    时间: 2012-11-26 09:52:19

作者: themaxme    时间: 2012-11-26 14:17:20

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作者: line126    时间: 2012-12-3 17:30:04

作者: 喵呜~    时间: 2012-12-3 21:25:43

line126 发表于 2012-12-3 17:30

作者: themaxme    时间: 2012-12-4 19:59:54

作者: wangkaiha1    时间: 2012-12-8 15:56:53

作者: 皮哥大脚    时间: 2012-12-9 20:24:41

作者: shanche    时间: 2012-12-10 17:56:08

[attach]195711[/attach]  已改
作者: blessling    时间: 2012-12-10 20:24:25

我的中午能发出来了  https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1484036-1-1.html

作者: blessling    时间: 2012-12-11 21:16:27


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