这两天进LSAC自己的账号,老是反应的很慢不说,动不动就突然被弹出来到一开始登录的界面,重新登录后,又会弹出以下页面An error has occurred processing your request.
It appears that you have attempted to open a second law school application in a new browser window or tab. Please close the second window or tab. You may only have one law school application open in a window or tab at a time.
Note: Use of your browser's navigational buttons may cause errors. Please use the navigational buttons provided within LSAC.org Account Access.
然后就再也登录不了,等第二天,完全无法弄啊啊 !! 我试过log out 也不行啊 大家有没有遇到相似的情况?怎么解决啊