Education is supposed to be a study in the methods of learning, and how humans learn. There is a tremendous amount of research going on in the study of human psychology and brain function as related to learning. This is what this major is supposed to be about.
In reality, (esp if you do a masters) it is mostly about social inequity and trying to help a minority student in nonpriveledged circumstances.
Also, your classes are not challenging. It's sociology with no science behind it. You have to do a PhD. in science education if you really want to get to the good stuff.
What is it used for?
My major is used mostly for writing curriculum for educational institutions. It is also useful in changing and implementing educational standards. Last but not least, this major is useful in assessing and improving teaching methodology.
Actually, it's used mostly as an excuse for foreign students to come to america and bark about social/political inequality/injustice in their home countries (While they drive BMW's and buy designer clothing).
What does the major actually entail — work-wise?
The major entails a lot of writing. THis semester alone I have written 20 papers for one class (4-5ppg average). Some of them have been upwards of 15ppg. However, these are not the most intellectually challenging papers to write. Since none of the research above has really been implemented yet, they mostly ask how you “feel” about something. (LAME)
What kind of jobs do you get with it?
High School teacher, pricipal, janitor (whoops - only for english teaching majors). Educational Consultants (this is where it's at, seriously) lead particularly interesting lives, becuase they are at the forefront of knowledge (where things are based on facts and not how someone “feels.”). You can also become part of the Education. board for any state/city. If you like $$, you are pretty much screwed by this major. On the plus side, it does leave time for running a business.
What are the fellow students like (personalitywise) in it?
They are emotionally needy. Mostly lame altruistic people doing this either:
1, because its really easy, or2, because they seek emotional gratification from altruistic acts. The students are mostly type 1. The ones that are type 2, STAY AWAY FROM. Once in awhile you run into someone smart like me, who actually knows A LOT about the subject they teach and really enjoys every moment of it.
It's not that they are bad people, just that they are not very bright. The bright people you do meet will be on another level of intelligence than 99.999999999999999999999% of the population. SO HAPPY SEARCHING!!!
Common Misconceptions
1. You can NOT TEACH IN AN URBAN SCHOOL IF YOU HAVE 'SELF' ISSUES. The students will wrap your little brain around your left toe. 'Teach for America', HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! no.
You must be confident in yourself and your knowledge, I can't stress this enough.
2. Teaching=class management. No. Teaching is not telling kids to be quiet and lecturing about standards of social behavior. IF your classroom ever gets to this point, QUIT.
3. Pricipals are smarter than teachers. WRONG. These are the 2nd dumbest collection of ignorts in education. In the heirarchy of smarts, the list goes something like this (dumb —> smart): the ed. board, principals, vice principals, department heads, teachers, researchers. As you can see, teachers are quite bright comparatively, because they are doing something valuable. Administrators are mostly clueless/worthless.
4. Teachers are dumb. NO. My MCAT scores would have landed me a place anywhere I wanted.
5. Teaching has no prestige. Don't do something because other think it is repectful.
6. The study of Education is not important. Also incorrect. How does a human being learn to think? Anything that can make the human race smarter, I am down for.作者: David龙 时间: 2013-2-20 22:37:40